Paid to the Pirate by Una Rohr

Chapter 2


My heart stopped and my blood ran cold. No mistake could be made about whom Colton spoke. Everyone turned in my direction.

But… he can’t mean me.

“The girl?” Mrs. Penningham asked, voice quaking in a manner I’d never before heard from her throat.

“Her. Miss Charlotte,” Colton said, narrowing his eyes. “Unless she calls herself something else now.”

He knows my name. A tremor ran down my spine to hear it spoken on the pirate captain’s cruel lips. How does he know?

“Are you saying you want Miss Charlotte instead of our bumper crop?” Mr. Clayton asked, incredulous. “That if we give her to you, your men won’t attack tomorrow?”

Colton’s severe expression remained unchanged as he replied, “I’m saying that if you hand her over right now, my men won’t slaughter all of you this instant and burn this fledgling village to the ground.”

Mrs. Penningham, bless her, stood in front of me, blocking me from the pirates. “We will do no such thing,” she swore. “What could you possibly want with our Charlotte? Nothing good, I’m sure. Do you think we’d hand her over to you to be… to be… mistreated?”

My cheeks grew hot as I knew exactly what she implied -- and so did the crowd present. I was positive everyone, patron or pirate, now pictured somethingunspeakably indecent -- be it my naked flesh or worse, Colton’s touch despoiling me back in his captain’s quarters.

My hand flew to my décolleté again, rubbing, and I noticed my skin had turned as pink as my gown. Far too fine for work at the inn, I couldn’t refuse wearing the dress at Daniel’s request. It was a gift, after all, and the iridescent blush-and-coral silk busk was like nothing else this side of the Atlantic.

Serves me right, I thought, cursing myself. I’d paraded around in the eye-catching gown all day. Suddenly, I couldn’t shake from my mind that its color resembled the pinks of… other parts. I should have worn that brown, smocked dress.

As if he could read my mind, Colton’s mouth quirked upwards. I gulped.

Had Mrs. Penningham noticed?

“Charlotte,” she said carefully. “I want you to go to your room and prepare your things. You’re in my employ and this is my inn. I’ll be the one discussing your staying or leaving with Captain Pearce. Alone.”

I couldn’t tell if Mr. Clayton looked relieved or affronted. It seemed he couldn’t decide himself, either.

Shifting only his eyes, Captain Pearce considered Mrs. Penningham for a moment, then gave one curt nod.

“Everyone out,” shouted the tall, eloquent emissary who’d done most of the speaking on behalf of the pirates. Eager to depart, some people jumped from their chairs and scurried through the door. Others looked around, reluctant to abandon me, God bless them. Only Mrs. Penningham’s gentle encouragement helped them move out into the balmy night.

One more nod by Colt and his men shuffled outside as well, until only Mr. and Mrs. Penningham remained. Mrs. Penningham whispered something to her husband, and he too departed.

“Daniel, please escort Charlotte to her room.”

I blinked. I hadn’t realized I’d been rooted to the ground, wide-eyed, until Mrs. Penningham commanded Daniel to help me move. I felt his arm around my shoulder and allowed myself to be guided.

That I could feel his touch meant this wasn’t a nightmare. It was truly happening.

I didn’t think I could make my shaky legs move without his assistance. I trusted Mrs. Penningham with my life, but I was too shocked to walk on my own.

What on God’s good Earth could a criminal like Colt want with me?