Safeword: Mayday by Candace Blevins

Chapter 8

Kyle realized Heather wanted some time with just the two of them outside of any D/s role, and that was fine with him. As a service submissive, he saw it as his job to make his lover happy in whatever way was needed. If she needed him to be the Kyle she was used to having around, that was perfectly okay with him. He was amazed she’d understood what he needed during their meal — the wonderful, warm feeling of belonging he got by being treated like treasured property. However, he didn’t need that all the time. He didn’t really even want it all the time, but it’d fulfilled a need he’d been doing his best to ignore.

Kyle led Heather to the shower and adjusted the water to the uber-hot temperature she preferred. He’d have been happy to undress her, but he knew her well enough to understand she’d want to disrobe herself.

He retrieved one of the plastic spongy things Marcus kept in his frou-frou bath closet. He had no idea what to call it, but loved the way it made the soap all frothy. He also chose some lavender soap he thought Heather might enjoy. He’d had a conversation with her mom about the sensory stuff after Heather had told him about it, and her mother told him Heather had always been able to smell things no one else could, and a doctor had explained the parts of her brain normally relegated to other sensory duties were doing double duty to help her smell. Heather’s mom had stressed the need for natural scents though, and not manufactured ones. He didn’t know if this lavender was natural or not — he’d need to talk to Marcus to make sure the lotions and soaps were natural. He’d told him about the massage oil, but hadn’t thought about everything else. Kyle had long ago cleared his house of anything with an artificial scent.

When he walked back to her, Heather was already in and was playing with the various streams. Marcus had the best shower ever, with two shower heads and three jets each on three of the walls, and three more shower heads coming down from the ceiling. She looked up at him and asked, “Is this awesome or what?”

Kyle started to point out the attachments on the walls where submissives could be anchored, but decided it could wait. “Yes, I love his shower.” He ran the spongy thing under the water and lathered it. “C’mere Babe, let me get you all soaped up, then you can do the same to me. I know Marcus is going to also, but I want to check you over, see how your skin structure handled the clothespins.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m sure the structure of my skin is just fine, doctor, but if you want to take a look, feel free.”

He smiled and kissed her nose. “Go ahead, make fun of me, but if we’re going to start in with this kind of play then we need to know how far we can safely go, and a big part of it has to do with how your body accepts trauma. If you ever have to take aspirin, we’ll need to know before we start playing — especially if we’re going to get into some of the extreme stuff, and I think that may be where we’re headed. I loved that you enjoyed yourself so much, but the idea that you felt no pain from all those clothespins and the clamps…” He shrugged. “We’re going to have to really concentrate on the safety aspects to make sure we don’t injure you, especially since you likely won’t know if we do. I love you, and I’m so glad we’ve managed to awaken this part of you. I want to make sure we can keep doing it safely, that’s all.”

Kyle went onto one knee and lifted her foot up on his other knee so he could easily wash her foot and ankle. He washed one leg in short order before switching to the other, as Marcus had warned him she’d get easily bored with slow, sensual activities. He stood to wash the rest of her, used one of the handheld showerheads to rinse her, and took his time looking over the aftereffects of the clothespins. Every clothespin had left an angry red mark, but he thought she’d only have a handful of actual bruises. He’d need to talk to Marcus about it, but for now it looked like they could probably stick with the same clothespins. No need to back off to the weak ones, but the stronger ones would likely cause too much damage to be acceptable.

When he finished, she rinsed the poofy thing, loaded it with different soap, and told him to turn around. She began with his shoulders and worked her way down his back until she was playing with his ass. He had a raging hard on, but he was happy with it, loving the anticipation of however he was going to be able to get off later. He hoped he’d be able to fuck her and feel her orgasm around his cock, but even if he just jacked off while she was coming at Marcus’s hand, it’d be fine with him.

He desperately wanted to orgasm as she was coming, but if it didn’t happen tonight, it would happen eventually, and he could wait. They’d come so far with one session, he shouldn’t get his hopes up too much that they’d go that far again in a second scene. After months of zero sexual reaction out of her, he’d have been pleased to just see her turned on — he hadn’t dared hope for a screaming orgasm on the first try.

Heather moved to his front and began washing his chest, and he saw Marcus come into the bathroom out of the corner of his eye. He stayed still, letting Marcus decide how to alert Heather to his presence, but much to his surprise, Marcus began to quietly undress without saying anything. Kyle wasn’t sure what kind of balance of power he saw happening between Marcus and Heather, but it didn’t look like Heather was going to be very submissive. That probably meant a long-term ménage relationship between the three of them wasn’t possible, but Kyle wasn’t ready to rule it out. Marcus knew how to make a masochist happy, and Kyle wasn’t sure he’d be able to do it without help. Sure, he could copy what Marcus did, but could he come up with fresh, new, inventive things? That was Marcus’s forte.

Marcus sat on the other end of the shower on the stone bench, quietly sudsing himself. No one spoke as Heather rinsed Kyle and pulled him out of the shower. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but he felt as if he needed to fill the silence.

He didn’t, though. Every conversation he ran through his head seemed stilted.

He wanted to dry Heather, but let her handle her own towel. She’d been good with him washing her, but he didn’t want to push it.

Marcus stepped out of the shower, casually wrapped a towel around his waist, secured it, and told Heather, “I’d like to look you over in here, where the lighting’s better. We have a few spotlights in the playroom, but this seems simpler.”

She reached for Kyle’s hand, and he squeezed it and assured her, “It’s all good, but he needs to see. I’ll show him what I found, and you can tell us how things feel.”

“Nothing feels,” she said with a sigh. “I can see the red marks, but I can’t feel them.”

Kyle considered how best to make her feel comfortable, and he stepped behind her and pulled her to his front, with his arms around her stomach. She’d put a towel around her chest, and he reached up, pulled it to the base of her ribcage, and re-secured it.

He gently touched a bruise forming on her arm. “She has a matching bruise starting on the other side. We should avoid this particular spot in the future.”

“Her breasts handled it mostly okay,” Marcus said. “A little redness which will likely turn into some light bruising. Everything’s fine right around her nipples. I may order the stronger clothespins and see how she does if we circle her nipples with them. Also, my guess is she’ll appreciate those more on her labia. How was her clit?”

“I haven’t checked yet.”

He lifted his brows, and Kyle rolled his eyes. “Okay, so I should’ve done it in the shower. I’ll check when we get her stretched out.”

Marcus poked around one of the areas near her armpit, where some tiny capillaries had broken. “It looks good so far, but we’ll need to see how quickly her body heals over the next few days.”

“Ya’ll know I mountain climb, kayak, and skydive, right? I have more bruises than this just from getting ready for a trip, and Kyle’s seen me when I come home and I’m beat to hell and back! This is nothing!”

“Yes,” said Marcus, “but if I’m going to inflict trauma, I need to know how your body will handle it, so have some patience with us, please.” He gave her a mischievous grin. “You ready for the second act?”

Heather leaned backwards into Kyle and told Marcus, “I guess, but it feels kind of weird to just stand here talking about it. Doesn’t it?”

Kyle put his left arm around her shoulder, leaned to reach his right arm behind her knees, and lifted her like an infant. “Well then, let’s not stand here and talk about it.” He grinned at Marcus. “Where do you want her?”

Marcus laughed. “Let’s go to the big bed. Have you ever played with her ass?”

“No, and I don’t believe she’s had any experience with it. I headed that way once and she told me not to, so I haven’t gone back.”

Marcus scowled. “Of course you didn’t. Okay, when we get there, I’ll get the good light for you, and I want you to look her clit over to see if there’s any trauma. I’ll trust you to let me know if there’s something I need to be alerted to. When you’re done, we’ll situate her on hands and knees, with your face under her just right, so you can kiss it and make it all better.”