Safeword: Mayday by Candace Blevins

Chapter 16

Kyle watched the love of his life knot one of his ties around each of the posts at the top right and bottom left corners of the bed, and his cock filled with the thoughts of being at her mercy.

However, she placed the other three ties on the side table and told him, “You can begin, now.”

Right, because he’d wanted to get her horny before she tied him up. This was why he shouldn’t be allowed to direct scenes.

He’d put everything Marcus said he might need in the top drawer — just in case — so he only needed to open it and pull out the Hitachi. He’d left it in the packaging so she’d know it was new, and it took a few minutes to get it out and plug it in.

He put the Hitachi on the nightstand and showed her the massage oil. “If you could lie back, please, and put one foot in my lap.”

Kyle’s cock stayed hard while he worked, but it relaxed enough it wasn’t painful. He focused on her pleasure, and started with the muscles around her heel before methodically working his way to her toes, digging in deep with his fingers so he was sure she felt it. Her groans sent blood rushing back into his cock, and he did everything he could to pull those delicious sounds from her. He spent twenty minutes on each foot, and completely fed his foot fetish, but this was about her pleasure, not his, so he ignored his granite hard cock and moved to her calves.

Massaging Heather was a treat — perfect muscle tone and gorgeous skin. It was hard to keep his hands off her, and this let him touch and rub to his heart’s content. By the time he reached her upper thighs, he was convinced he was torturing them both. Her hips moved, practically begging him to focus on the fun places, but he was determined to give her a proper foot and leg massage.

Finally, he leaned to the nightstand to get the medical gloves and ginger oil.

“There’s a practice called figging, where a piece of ginger root is put in your ass. It causes burning pain in most people, but it’s completely safe and causes no harm to the tissues. Marcus thought it might be good if we used ginger oil instead of an actual piece of ginger tonight. This isn’t straight ginger oil, it’s weakened with coconut oil. We’ll start out with this tonight, and if you want something stronger we’ll do that another night, probably with Marcus present. If it hurts, you’ll tell me, my Lady. With your permission, I’m going to use this on your clit, in your pussy, and in your ass.”

“You need my permission?”

“Yes, my Lady. I do.”

She was quiet a minute, long enough it worried him, but she finally smiled and said, “Permission granted.”

Kyle’s heart soared at her words. Permission. He wanted her permission to do so many things.

He coated his gloved fingers with the oil, used his left hand to part her pussy lips near the top, and ever so gently ran his right pointer finger up the left side of her clit and down the right side. She didn’t react, though, and he worried the ginger might not be strong enough.

Using two fingers, one on either side of her clit, he moved them up towards her pelvic bone and then back down towards her pussy, up and down, up and down, remembering this time to use a firm hand as Marcus had instructed, but still not actually touching her clit. He looked up and scanned her face — her eyes were closed but she didn’t look bored. That was better than past experiments.

He retrieved the Hitachi with his left hand, turned it on low, settled it on her clit, and his cock throbbed back to life when her eyes flew open and her mouth formed an O.

* * * *

Every muscle in Heather’s body tensed, went limp, tensed, and froze. She was paralyzed with pleasure in every nerve ending in her body, though the vibrator was only on her clit.

Had she told Marcus she could feel burns? She didn’t remember, but she felt everywhere Kyle had put the ginger oil. Hot. Alive. Tingling. Throbbing.

Kyle teased around her opening with his gloved hand, while the other held the vibrator, and Heather’s hips moved up, begging him to press his fingers in. She spread her legs wide, pushed up higher, and a deep moan vibrated through her chest, throat, and out her mouth.

His slick, gloved fingers finally pressed into her, and her eyes flew open again. She hadn’t realized she’d closed them.

“Ohhhhh, Kyle. That’s... that’s...”

He looked up and met her gaze. “Good, my Lady?”

She let her head fall back. Her eyes drifted closed again. “Better than good.” Fucking amazing.

His hand pulled out and didn’t go back in, and she moaned in protest. However, when it came back, he circled her bottom-hole. She shook her head no, but he didn’t back off.

“You’ll need to say your safeword to get me to stop back here, Heather. I need to know you really mean it.”

He sounded almost apologetic, but he was right. She might not want him to play with her bottom, but she didn’t exactly want him to stop, either.

She’d tensed when he started touching her there, and she tried to relax, to show him she was okay. He must’ve understood, because a few seconds later he slid a single finger in.

It felt wrong, and yet…. ahhh fuck. She felt the heat from the ginger. Her hips moved involuntarily, and her moan was long and low. She sounded like a damned porn star again.

He turned the vibrator off but kept his finger moving oh-so-slowly in her bottom. In and out.

“You’re horny now, my Lady. Tell me what you’d have me do.”

At Kyle’s words, Heather knew exactly what she wanted. She wanted to take charge and get herself off — and Kyle. She wanted to see his face when she made him come.

“On your back Kyle. Diagonal on the bed. Hands up to the tie.”

He pulled the glove off so it was inside out, tossed it on the floor, and stretched out on the bed as instructed. Heather grabbed one of the ties on the table, straddled Kyle, and sat herself down on his cock. He was thick and rock-hard inside her, and she squeezed around him so she’d feel him more.

“Give me your hands.”

He offered them to her, she bound them together in seconds, and then had to come off his cock to lean up and attach them to the tie she’d bound to the bed post earlier. She double-checked to be sure his circulation would be fine, and scooted backwards so she could sit on his oh-so-fine cock again.

She didn’t take her time, didn’t finesse it — just aimed it at her entrance and sat. As soon as she was full of him, she lifted herself and sat again. And again. And again. Within seconds she was riding him like a wild woman. Her body took over, determined to find its own pleasure.

Her first orgasm went off like a small detonation inside her, soaking every cell in her body with pleasure, but she rode him through it and never slowed. Her second took longer to reach, and it wasn’t as intense but it lasted forever. The heat from the friction added to the spicy heat of the ginger, and she slowed when the second orgasm finally waned.

She hadn’t even realized she’d been working her clit during her orgasm, but now she moved her hand away from it and met Kyle’s gaze.

Heather could tell that Kyle wanted to come, and marveled that he didn’t. Suddenly, she wanted to test his self-control and see how far she could push him. His supposed ability to keep from orgasming until given permission fascinated her.

She went slow, she went fast, she went back and forth a while, then up and down. She leaned so she was horizontal over him, and she licked his chest and bit at his nipples while she went up and down on his cock. Then she sat up and rode him some more.

She came three more times over the next hour, and watched a myriad of emotions fly over his face while she got herself off on his cock again and again. She’d read about submissives wanting to be used for their Master or Mistress’s pleasure, but now, seeing it in Kyle’s face brought everything to life and lit a fire inside her she wasn’t sure she could put out with mere orgasms.

She’d been horny when she started, but now she was flying. This was a completely different experience than she’d had with Marcus — it was more than the sensations in her pussy. The power of it all was an unbelievably stimulating turn on. She made herself stop analyzing so she could just enjoy, and then she saw the vibrator.

Without even thinking, she lifted it, turned it all the way on, and touched it to her clit.

Without warning, this orgasm came at her like a freight train. She instinctively knew this one would finally sate her, and she found enough breath to order, “Now Kyle! Come with me. Now!”

Kyle gave a deep roar, his entire body went stiff, and she felt his cock jerking inside her. Meanwhile, her own body was practically convulsing over him, the orgasm tearing through every nerve ending, overwhelming her with pleasure until her screams filled the room and reverberated back again.

When it was over, she found herself laying on him, her head on his chest, gasping for air. She was in excellent shape; she didn’t gasp for breath like this, what was up with that? She thought about releasing Kyle’s hands, but she didn’t want to get off of his cock just yet, so she just laid her head back on his chest and tried to get her heart to stop racing.


She considered lifting her head, but stayed put. “Yeah?”

“Can you let me up, please? I really need to get the ginger off.”

He sounded a little distraught, but that didn’t make sense. He’d put the ginger on her, not on him.

Oh, but then she’d rode him, and they didn’t bother with condoms because they were both clean. She went to her knees and released his hands, thankful Marcus had warned her to use knots she could release fast. Kyle rolled to the side, off the bed and onto his feet, and headed toward the bathroom. He wasn’t running, but he wasn’t exactly taking his time, either.

She felt awful. She hadn’t even thought about the ginger affecting him. He’d had gloves on for his hands when he put it on her. She should have thought. She heard the shower turn on, and she followed him into the bathroom to check on him.

“I’m so sorry! I didn’t even think of it hurting you. You should’ve said something! Isn’t that what we have safewords for? To let the other know when something hurts?”

“It was perfect. If I’d wanted you to stop, I’d have let you know.” He’d soaped himself so his cock and balls were buried in a heavy lather, and now he used the handheld sprayer to rinse it away. “Here’s a good litmus test — if I have a hard on, it’s a good hurt and you shouldn’t stop.” He turned the water off and touched the tip of her nose with his wet finger. “There are a lot of hurts that make my hard-on go away that are okay, and you’ll learn those, if you’re interested — but if you see a hard-on, you don’t have to wonder. Ever.”

“But you had to run in here to wash it off!”

“While it was happening, it was good for me. Really, really, really good. But once I’d gotten off and it was obvious you seemed to be done, it was too much. As soon as I couldn’t handle it, I let you know, you released me, and I fixed it. You have absolutely no need to apologize. Really. That was... it was perfect, Heather. It was even better than I’d fantasized.”

He’d stepped out and dried himself while he talked, and now he pulled her into his arms. “I love you so much.”

“You promise you’ll tell me if anything hurts in a bad way?”

“If you ever hear me say mayday, you’ll know there’s a problem and the power exchange is over. I take responsibility for saying it when I need to. It’s my job to let you know if there’s a problem.”

“I am so out of my league here. What if I hurt you and I don’t mean to?”

“No one’s going to get hurt with the little bit we’re doing now. Ginger doesn’t actually burn, it just makes the nerves think they’re burning. It’s safe. When we get to the more extreme stuff, Marcus will make sure we both know how to do things safely, and how to watch for danger, but this, tonight, it was good, wasn’t it? Just us?”

She relaxed a little more in his arms. Good was an understatement. “Yes, it was great with just the two of us, but we need Marcus to help us learn. And...” She considered how to word what she was feeling and thinking. “Marcus is starting to grow on me. Plus, I think he gives me something you...” Crap. She didn’t want to hurt Kyle’s feelings, but he kept insisting they had to talk about everything if it was going to work with three people. “I don’t know, maybe it’s something you’ll be able to do later, but the orgasms I got from Marcus were different than the ones I just had with you. Don’t get me wrong, I loved being in control, but maybe having Marcus kind-of in control isn’t so bad?”

He kissed the top of her head and pulled her in a little tighter, but quickly relaxed his arms so she didn’t feel trapped. “I think that’s information Marcus should have, don’t you?”

“Probably, but I’m not sure it makes me submissive. I mean, I don’t feel at all like the submissives felt in the books he had me read — none of those emotions, none of their thoughts. I couldn’t relate at all. I don’t think I’m wired that way, but…” She sighed because she realized she wasn’t making sense, but went ahead and finished her sentence. “But letting him dictate what happens, and having him give instructions — I think that may work for me.”

“We’ll figure it out. I promise.” He kissed the top of her head again. “Do you want to shower before going to bed, or are you ready to go to sleep?”

“I can do a quick shower now, so I won’t need to bother with it in the morning.”

Kyle must’ve realized she needed a few minutes to herself. He hung a towel outside the shower door, reached in to turn the water back on, and silently returned to the bedroom. Heather took a quick shower and dried off, then put on an oversized shirt and crawled into bed, happy to snuggle into Kyle’s embrace — something about his arms was like coming home. She’d never believed in soul mates, but when they settled in like this, it was as if everything was right with the world.

“What time did you set your alarm?” she asked.

“Five fifteen. What time do you need up?”

“Not until six. When will you leave?”

“Around five thirty. I have a tummy tuck and a face lift scheduled first thing, then two patients still in the hospital I need to touch base with, and I’m seeing patients in my office all afternoon.”

“You’re on call this weekend, right?” Major surgeries were usually early in the week, with the more minor procedures on Thursday and Friday. He usually scheduled more surgeries and procedures just before he was on call, so he’d be the one making decisions if there was a problem over the weekend. Heather knew more about plastic surgery than she ever expected to.

“Yes, and I’m scheduled for nine procedures Friday, plus another face lift. Several of our group have them packed in back-to-back all day, so I’ll likely be fielding phone calls most of the weekend.”

The doctors in his practice took turns being on call over the weekend, and they handled everyone’s patients, which sometimes was a huge deal that meant constant phone calls, and sometimes was only a few phone calls plus a couple hours of rounds each day.

“Wake me up to give me a goodbye kiss before you go. My alarm is set, so it’s okay if I fall back to sleep, but I want my kiss. I’m spending the morning at the ranch, so if I wake up early, it’s an extra thirty minutes I can work with Phantom. The ground has dried from the rain earlier in the week, and I’d like to get some jumping practice in.” She rubbed his chest, stroked over his ribs. “If Marcus is free this weekend, would it be okay for us to spend time with him? It might mean he and I are alone when you leave to do rounds. Or, if you decide to stay home and sleep after surgery tomorrow, it may mean he and I have an evening to ourselves. I feel kind of weird about that, but I think I’m ready to talk to him.”

“Let me see if I can make this simple for you: you can talk to him, you can blow him, you can let him fuck you. The only thing I have a problem with is you not being totally honest with me. As long as you and I are talking, and we’re being honest when we talk, it’ll be fine. Okay?”

Was it okay? It shouldn’t be, but it felt okay. “This is kind of fucked up. You aren’t supposed to want me to fuck other people.”

“That’s not what I said, my Lady. I said you can let him fuck you. No one fucks Marcus.”

She took a few seconds to absorb the difference, and asked, “So, you’d have a problem with me topping Marcus?”

His turn to take a few seconds to think, and he finally said, “I’ve never considered it because I don’t think it’ll ever happen, but yeah — I’d be jealous of you topping anyone.” He pulled her closer and bent his legs behind hers. “I’m fine with him topping you, and I’m comfortable with the two of you being partners without power exchange, but it would bother me if you topped him.” He blew out a breath. “I’m not okay with you being intimate with any man besides me and Marcus, whether you’re on top or bottom.”

The fist she hadn’t known was around her heart, loosened. Kyle would tell her if something bothered him. He was really okay with whatever was happening with Marcus. “It’s screwed up, but you telling me what I can’t do makes me feel better. Thanks.”

She could hear the grin in his voice. “Glad I could help. Goodnight, my Lady.”

“G’night Kyle. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”