Safeword: Mayday by Candace Blevins

Chapter 34

Heather’s clit throbbed with need when she pulled Marcus’s SUV into his garage that night. Kyle was beside her, his dick out and hard while he stroked himself, and Marcus was in the backseat, playing with Ruby as much as possible with their seatbelts on.

According to Kyle, the three of them had gotten along great while Heather was flying, and Ruby had helped Kyle with his anxiety while Heather and Marcus were in the air.

Afterwards, the four had found a nice energy with each other. Also, they didn’t look odd to the others, since Marcus was obviously with Ruby and Kyle was obviously with Heather. Now, she just had to wonder how it was going to work in the playroom. She and Marcus had mapped things out while they were alone, with Marcus pointing out that in a successful foursome, Kyle and the fourth would need to be together sexually as well, though there could be rules against them touching each other without permission.

She agreed with Marcus’s logic, that if a relationship was to flourish it wouldn’t work long-term for her to have access to both men but the new slave to only have access to one. Heather wasn’t sure how she felt about it, though, and had told Marcus as much. She’d also reminded him that slaves didn’t get a say in such things, and that she wasn’t going to put Kyle and Ruby together in any way unless it felt right.

She turned the ignition off and hit the button to close the garage door. “Out of the car and strip, Kyle.”

Marcus released Ruby’s seatbelt. “You too, Ruby. Fold your clothes in a neat stack on the back seat. You won’t need them in the house.”

Heather reached back to hand Marcus’s keys to him, and walked around the SUV to watch Kyle disrobe while observing Ruby out of the corner of her eye.

She never tired of watching Kyle undress, even when he was doing it methodically, as he was now. When Kyle had his clothes off, she looked at Marcus. “I shouldn’t have given your keys back yet. We need to unlock the door into the house, please.”

He nodded and got out. “Since Ruby finally managed to get her clothes off, let’s all go in together.” He looked at Ruby. “You’ll walk beside Kyle, and the two of you will follow Heather and me. Arms behind your back. Copy Kyle’s position.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Heather looked at Kyle and nodded her approval, and he gave her a shy smile back. Heather met his eyes a few moments, practically falling into them from five feet away. Marcus reached for Heather’s hand, smiling at her when she looked at him. She squeezed his hand and smiled back, and they both went into the house, their submissives following behind. Marcus let go of her hand and paused inside the door so he could close it behind the submissives. Once he’d locked up and set the alarm, he joined Heather and they led their little parade upstairs to the playroom.

Heather walked into the playroom and went straight to the cuffs, with Marcus close on her heels. She put wrist cuffs on Kyle while Marcus did the same to Ruby. Heather put a thick rubber mat down a few feet in front of the bondage chair, and held Kyle’s upper arm and then Ruby’s to help them kneel on the mat while Marcus went into the other room to bring a straight-backed chair.

Marcus placed the chair in front of Ruby. “I’ll play with Ruby a moment while you get undressed.”

He went right for Ruby’s nipples, alternating soft and firm, gentle and cruel.

Kyle watched and then looked down, then watched again, as if he weren’t sure what he should be doing.

“Do you like watching Marcus hurt Ruby, Kyle?” Heather asked.

“It turns me on, M’Lady, because I can see Ruby is enjoying the pain.”

Heather watched Ruby a moment and asked, “Is that true, Ruby? Are you enjoying the pain?”

Ruby looked at Marcus as if asking permission to speak, and he nodded.

“It isn’t so much that I’m enjoying the pain, Ma’am, as it is that, with my arms restrained behind my back, I can’t stop it. He can hurt me if he wants, and I have to take it.”

So, it was being bound and helpless that was the turn-on, and the pain was proof she was helpless? It made sense.

Heather was undressed at that point, so she maneuvered onto the bondage chair, treating it more like a throne than a place of pain.

Marcus gave Ruby a peck on the forehead before turning his attention to Heather. He pulled her legs apart and positioned her feet at the outer edges of the chair.

He pulled her knees back with bungee cords, and moved her feet to demonstrate that she still had some range of motion. This also tilted her up, so her sacrum was on the seat of the chair, her pussy pointing up into the air, spread open for all to see.

He placed her hands on the hooks holding the bungee cords in place. She could easily remove them, if she needed to. The cords were elastic, so she could move her knees a few inches — they were just there so she could relax her legs and not have to hold them open. She knew what he was doing, restraining her without restraining her.

Her eyes followed his hand as it went to his pants pocket and came out with two sets of clover clamps. He put both clamps from one set on her right pussy lip, one at the top and one near the bottom, and one set on her left pussy lip in the same manner.

And then he pulled the chains to the outer edges of the chair and clipped them to an attachment. She was so spread open, her clit and pussy totally exposed, and the sensation on her pussy lips was... delicious. It didn’t exactly hurt, but she could certainly feel it. Marcus sat in front of Ruby again, and twisted both nipples while he told her, “I have another set of clamps in my pocket. Ask me to put them on your nipples, Ruby.”

“Please Sir, clamp my nipples so you can take pleasure in my pain.”

Without ceremony, he retrieved the torture devices from his pocket, clamped one nipple and then the other, stood and walked to a chest on the other side of the room.

He took a few moments to remove his clothing, and returned to them nude. He moved the chair he’d been using so he sat beside Heather.

“Both of you are going to pleasure us with your mouths,” Heather told the kneeling submissives with a grin she couldn’t help. “And only your mouths, since your hands are a little tied up at the moment. Marcus will set a timer for fifteen minutes. You aren’t to take us to the point of orgasm. This exercise is about keeping us on the edge and happy about it. Marcus’s words are, ‘delicious torment’, which means we should enjoy it, and we shouldn’t feel as if you’re teasing us.”

“If either Heather or I have an orgasm,” Marcus told them, “you’ll both be punished. Also, neither of you are allowed an orgasm during this phase, so don’t bother asking permission.” Marcus reached for his watch and said, “Time starts now. Knee-walk forward and get busy.”

Kyle knew better than to start at Heather’s clit, so he began with one long, slow, lick, from her perineum to just below her clit. He did that a half a dozen times and then allowed his tongue to circle her clit in a nice, slow, lazy, circle. She would’ve hated him doing that when power exchange wasn’t involved — but with the clamps holding her open and his arms bound behind his back, the sensations were exquisite. And then several minutes later, when he got more insistent with her, sucked on her clit, and even nibbled on it a little, she wanted to come unglued — but he didn’t give her quite enough to orgasm. It was perfect.

Heather rested her right palm on Kyle’s head, not restricting or controlling his movements, just giving him the gentle weight of her hand. She reached her left hand out to Marcus and he reached to hold it, and she could tell from the tension in his grip he was enjoying himself immensely.

Several minutes later Heather asked Marcus, “Remind me again, why did we think we should do this part without having an orgasm?”

Marcus chuckled. “I’m sure there was a good reason. I’ll think of it later and remind you then.” He groaned. “Ruby is quite good at this.”

When the timer finally went off, Heather released the chains from the chair but left the clamps on her lips, and then removed the bungee cord. Kyle had righted himself back to vertical again, and was resting his ass on his feet, with his knees spread and his cock standing up all pretty.

Heather sat forward and kissed him, tasting herself on his lips.

She finally sat all the way up, and realized Marcus had moved Ruby into the same position as Kyle, and had removed her nipple clamps. He was massaging her reddened nipples while Ruby winced in pain — and the visual made Heather’s pulse quicken, and her clit throbbed in time to it.

Did this mean she was going to enjoy watching? Interesting. She filed it away to talk to the guys about later.

She stood, grasped Kyle’s arms just below his shoulders to help him up, and then walked him to the bed.

“Sit.” She spoke softly, not wanting to disrupt Marcus and Ruby’s little mini-scene.

Kyle sat on the edge of the bed, and Heather stepped between his legs to kiss him, her hand at the back of his head, controlling the kiss while he completely submitted. His mouth opened so she could plunder it with her tongue, his hands still bound behind his back. She’d long since discovered she loved kissing him when he was bound, his erection standing proud. He made the best little sounds, and every one was like a guitar pick, plucking at her arousal.

Eventually, Marcus walked Ruby to the bed and leaned her over the edge.

Heather reluctantly ended the kiss, had Kyle stand, and she released his wrist cuffs from each other.

“Heather, you should have Kyle take the clamps off your pussy lips before we get started.”

When Marcus mentioned them, she remembered she hadn’t taken them off. Marcus was probably right, so she lifted one foot up to the bed and told Kyle, “Gently.”

She’d found out during other play that sometimes clamps hurt when they’re removed, even if they aren’t terribly painful while on.

But today, there was no pain when they came off. Heather wasn’t sure if she was relieved or disappointed.

“Submissives — onto the bed, hands and knees, facing each other so you’re in position to kiss,” Marcus told them. “However, you do not have permission to kiss. We want your lips less than an inch from each other, but no touching.”

Heather gave Kyle a quick peck on the lips and motioned towards the bed. He crawled up and maneuvered in front of Ruby, and Heather saw when the two submissives realized this was going to be a lot of eye contact between them.

Marcus and Heather walked to the chest, and Marcus opened the drawer with the butt plugs. Heather chose one Kyle could take, albeit with some difficulty, and she assumed Marcus chose with similar parameters. They both filled a lube applicator, and then the two returned to the bed and climbed onto it behind their respective submissive.

Heather inserted the lube applicator into Kyle’s ass and pushed the plunger as she removed it. “You’re getting a great big plug up your ass, my darling Kyle. I’m using the lube applicator because you aren’t getting the luxury of being stretched before I open you up with it. I intend for this to hurt, but you’ll take the pain for me. Won’t you?”

“Yes, my Lady.”

Marcus only said, “Ditto, except I’m not asking you to accept the pain. If you move out of position, I’ll tie you up and give you something even bigger. You came to me trained? Show me.”

Marcus had explained this would help the two submissives bond with each other, so Heather said, “Kyle, you may hold Ruby’s hands, and you may touch her from the elbows down. No kissing, but you can use your hands to soothe each other.”

Heather put the lube launcher on the plastic tray, lifted the plug, and met Marcus’s gaze. He nodded, and she said, “The two of you are to look into each other’s eyes as you each get a plug stuffed up your ass. Marcus and I are going to go slow, and we’re going to stop at the widest part and hold it there.”

Marcus added, “You’re both going to hurt, and you’ll allow everything you feel to show in your face as you look into the pain of the other.”

“If either of us think you’re being stoic,” Heather told them, “you’ll both get a bigger plug.”

She and Marcus began inserting at the same time and, as discussed, pushed rapidly to more than halfway up the apex, and held it. Kyle and Ruby both had their mouths open and were breathing in short rapid bursts. She nodded, and she and Marcus pulled them all the way out, and then went in with them again, just a bit farther in than before. They counted off a count of ten silently with their lips, and then pressed them in a little more. Heather watched Kyle’s ass carefully, and pushed in as far as possible without allowing it to go all the way in.

Kyle let out a bellow of pain at the same time Ruby squealed.

Marcus nodded at Heather, and she slowly let the plug come all the way out, and then pressed it home, allowing it to seat itself in his ass this time.

She looked up to see that Marcus was no longer touching Ruby, which meant her plug was in as well, so she said, “Kiss each other now. Put all your pain into the kiss. Share it with each other.”

Whether to order the kiss or not was entirely Heather’s decision. She’d been hesitant, before the scene started, but now that they were in the midst of it, it seemed natural to give the order.

The two subs kissed as if their lives depended on it, and Heather grinned at Marcus. He smiled back and then popped Ruby on the ass with his hand. “Good job. Up on your knees now, slave. That’s good. Ass on your feet, knees spread.”

Heather touched Kyle’s back. “You too, Kyle. Kneel with those knees spread, so I can put a condom on that pretty cock of yours.”

Marcus ripped a condom package open, handed the rolled up condom to Ruby, and motioned for her to put it on him. She quickly did so, and Marcus gave her a quick kiss. “Go to the center of the bed and lie on your back, please.”

Heather told Kyle, “Once I’m on the bed, lube me up and put the small plug in me. It’s on the nightstand.”

Heather followed Ruby and, knowing what would happen next, went to all fours above Ruby, so she was looking down at the other woman’s stomach, and Ruby was looking up at hers.

Heather’s insides tightened when Marcus walked towards them with the double tweezer clamps. He’d made them by shortening the chain on two sets of tweezer clamps down to three inches, instead of the normal foot or so of chain between them. Tonight the plan was to attach Ruby and Heather together by their nipples, and with Heather on top, she could pull up and hurt Ruby while giving herself more sensations.

Heather tilted down, so her weight was on her elbows and forearms, and her nipples were just over Ruby’s.

Kyle’s finger lubed Heather’s ass while Marcus attached the clamps to Ruby’s already tender nipples, and the other woman’s gasps and moans filled the room.

When the clamps were on Ruby, Heather’s were next, and she loved the way they felt, loved the way her nipples seemed to have a direct line to her clit that set everything on fire, and having Kyle insert the plug at the same time, feeling the weight in her ass and the fat neck holding her open — she moaned in pleasure while Ruby whimpered in pain. Marcus chuckled and then turned the vibrating plugs on, which lit Heather up so much more, and she assumed did the same to Ruby.

Marcus lifted Ruby’s legs. “Put your knees up by your shoulders Ruby. Heather’s going to hold them in place. If you try to pull them down, she’ll have to hold them harder, and that’ll probably make her have to pull away from your nipples.”

Ruby raised her knees up with them straight, so her feet stuck up into the air, and Heather shifted so her arms were blocking the other woman’s knees so they couldn’t move down again.

Ruby bent her knees, so her feet aimed back down towards Marcus, and Heather could practically hear Marcus’s grin when he asked, “Comfy?”

Heather turned her head to glare at him. “I’ll be a lot more comfy once I get Kyle’s cock inside me. Stop teasing and hurry your ass up. Please.”

Marcus reached for the wedge and slid it under Ruby’s butt, positioning her ass at a better angle for him to fuck.

Heather couldn’t shift to look at Kyle, so she looked at Marcus while she said, “Kyle, you get to fuck my pussy while that plug vibrates away inside my ass. You do not have permission to come. In fact, I haven’t decided if you’ll be allowed to come tonight at all. I may make you wait until tomorrow morning, or maybe even tomorrow night. This isn’t about your pleasure tonight, it’s about mine.”

“I understand, my Lady.”

He pressed into her as Marcus pulled the plug from Ruby’s ass, and then it was all Heather could do to try to remain on elbows and knees and not collapse on Ruby.

The plug vibrating in her ass, Kyle fucking her pussy, her nipples attached to Ruby’s nipples, and the eagle eye view Heather had of Marcus’s cock going in and out of Ruby’s ass. At some point, Marcus released the clamps from Ruby’s nipples, but left them on Heather’s. He would explain later that he realized Heather was moving more than he’d intended, and it was getting to be too much for Ruby, but at the time all Heather knew was that she could move more, and she raised up and kissed Marcus full on the mouth after one of her orgasms.

Marcus kissed her for all he was worth while Heather held Ruby’s legs, restraining the woman Marcus was ass fucking. The idea of it sent her into another orgasm, and while she had her mouth pulled away she heard Marcus say, “Ruby, permission to come” in a strained voice, and realized he was waiting for Ruby’s orgasm to finish before he came.

By the time Heather finished her orgasm, Marcus had shot and was gently removing her hands from Ruby’s legs, beginning the process of un-entwining everyone. Marcus pulled Ruby out from under her, and Heather collapsed forward, pulling herself off Kyle’s cock, which was still rock hard. He’d gone in and held during the final bit of her orgasm, and had been waiting for orders before he started moving again.

She rolled away from the wedge, looked at Kyle’s raging hard-on, and met his gaze. “That was most excellent. Ready for a bigger plug?”

The look on his face told her he didn’t like that idea at all, and she laughed, “You serviced me well, so I’ll give you a choice. If you want to come tonight then you’ll do it wearing a larger plug, several sizes bigger than the one inside you now. You put a condom on, and Marcus will loan the use of his slave’s mouth to get you off — and don’t look at her to see her reaction, because she agreed on the way home that as his property, he’ll have the option of loaning her out. Her only restriction is that condoms are used, even for oral.”

He stared at her and looked a little lost, so she told him, “Kneel. Ass on your knees, hands clasped to the back of your head.”

Kyle went right into position, his knees spread wide because he knew that was Heather’s preference. She ran her finger up the length of his cock, back down, and cradled his balls. “So what will it be? Do you want an orgasm tonight?”

“I do, my Lady.”

His answer arrowed more fire through her veins and straight to her clit. She climbed off the bed and made her way back to the highboy with the plugs.

“Hands and knees on the bed, then, so we can trade out that plug for a larger one.”

Heather lubed the larger plug before she returned to him. She intended to pull one out and immediately insert the next.

“Ruby,” Marcus said. “Take the bowl with the used implements to the kitchenette and put it in the sink. You may use the restroom in the playroom if needed, and then kneel on the floor. I’ll place the smaller mat where I want you. Hurry back.”

Heather didn’t have too much trouble getting the plug in, but it took Kyle a good four minutes to adjust to the size enough he could breathe normally. She held him and soothed him through it, and marveled a little at the dichotomy of helping him handle the pain she’d dealt him.

Marcus settled another large bowl on a side table while Heather was busy with Kyle, and she made a mental note to explore every drawer and shelf in the playroom at some point.

Ruby had returned by then, and was kneeling in the center of the room, where Marcus had placed the mat. Heather walked Kyle so he was standing with his feet on the edge of the mat, and Marcus said, “Kneel up, Ruby.”

Heather looked at the kneeling woman and did another check in with her own gut — was she going to be okay watching this woman’s mouth on Kyle’s cock? Marcus had been clear that if Heather changed her mind after giving the okay, but before the action started, she could claim she was giving them a mindfuck, and have Kyle jack himself off and cum on Ruby’s face, rather than be allowed the warmth of the other submissive’s mouth.

But she was still okay with it — mostly because she was ordering it to happen. The power of ordering it was truly a trip.

The look on Ruby’s face told Heather that Ruby would much rather give Marcus a blowjob, but she obeyed without argument, so Heather stepped in and connected Kyle and Ruby’s wrist restraints with a single carabiner. She ran a bungee cord around the back of Kyle’s neck, and connected the ends to the same ’biner. This stretched Ruby’s arms straight over her head, and put Kyle’s hands in front of his chest.

She realized she should’ve put the condom on Kyle before she situated them, but she managed to make it work. Once it was on, she held Kyle’s dick steady so Ruby could get it in her mouth without chasing it, and told her, “No blowjob yet. Bury him in your throat, your face plastered against his torso, and hold until Marcus gives you further instructions.”

Marcus settled his hand on Ruby’s shoulder. “Pull out just enough so you can breathe through your nose.” Ruby backed off him a few inches, and Marcus told her, “Very good. Come off him a second.”

She did, and Marcus slid a donut-shaped piece onto his cock, so it settled against his torso. “Back on him, and press in hard. If you can breathe okay, give me the okay sign with your right hand.”

She pushed in, Heather saw her chest move when she took a breath in and back out, and then Ruby gave the sign.

Marcus smiled, and Heather recognized it as the smile of a sadist. The safety shit was taken care of, and now the pain part could begin in earnest.

“While I thrash you with a rubber flogger, Heather will spank Kyle with a wooden paddle. When we see tears from one of you, doesn’t matter which, but when one of you cries, the blowjob can begin. The person who cries will sleep in a large plug lubed with ginger oil tonight.”

Heather had already retrieved the paddle and flogger, so she handed the flogger to Marcus, and stepped behind Kyle.

She touched the paddle to his ass and held it there. “Do you have permission to come, Kyle?”

“Not until or unless you give it, my Lady.”

Marcus had warned Heather against giving Kyle a warmup for this, since the aim was tears, so she hit him with almost full force right away, and didn’t give him time to recover between strikes. Marcus was doing the same with Ruby, tearing into her with the flogger, and in less than three minutes, she saw a tear spill out of Ruby’s eye.

Heather stopped and held her hand up for Marcus. He walked around Ruby, ran his finger down her cheek and through the tear, looked at the liquid on his finger, and then looked back to Ruby, on her knees with Kyle’s cock in her mouth.

“You lasted three minutes and eleven seconds, so that’s how long you’ll blow him. His Mistress hasn’t given him permission to come. If you can pull an orgasm out of him, he’ll sleep in the plug tonight instead of you.”

Heather took the donut-spacer off Kyle’s cock, and Marcus pressed a button on his watch and said, “Begin.”

Ruby went to work on Kyle’s cock, and Heather watched her technique, slow at first, and it looked like her tongue was working him while she rode her lips up and down on his length. About a minute into it, she sped up, slamming her mouth onto him over and over, faster than Heather thought she could manage, since she knew Kyle had to be going in and out of Ruby’s throat, but the other woman never gagged the first time.

“Ahhh, too bad,” Marcus told her when her time was up, and he relaxed his arm, no longer looking at his watch. “Looks like you’ll be sleeping in the plug. Get a breath and deep throat him. You’ll be holding for at least thirty seconds, so make sure you have plenty of air. If you come off his cock before I give permission, you’ll take ten punishment strokes of the cane without a safeword.”

Ruby took a breath and then slowly went down on him, taking him into her throat until her lips were wrapped around the very base. Heather counted to ten in her head and said, “Now Kyle, come now.”

Kyle let out a bellow and pushed his pelvis forward three times, and then froze as he came into the condom deep down Ruby’s throat. Heather could tell it was all Ruby could do to stay on his cock, and she finally saw Ruby’s gag response kick in, but Ruby kept her mouth forced onto his cock. Ruby and Kyle’s hands held onto each other, their only contact Ruby’s mouth on his cock, and their hands.

When Kyle’s reaction slowed, Marcus touched Ruby’s head and said, “Good girl, you can pull off now.”

Heather took care of the condom while Marcus went to work releasing their captives. Once Kyle was free of his restraints, Heather had him remove the plug from her ass and put it in the bowl, then she pulled the plug from his ass, and handed it to him to put into the bowl.

“Take this bowl to the kitchenette,” Marcus told Ruby. “Wash everything we’ve used with the Dawn soap and then the chlorhexidine soap, both times in water as hot as you can stand it, and then load it all, bowls included, into the dishwasher. Put a soap packet in, and run it on the sanitizer cycle with an extra rinse setting.”

He turned his phone on and watched her to make sure she followed his instructions, and left with a stainless steel plug already lubed with ginger oil as she was turning the dishwasher on.

Heather hadn’t known he had a video camera aimed to see someone working at the sink. From the angle of view, the camera must be part of the lighting fixture. She made a mental note to ask him where every camera in the house was located. He’d already explained everything went to a hard drive on the premises, and nothing went out onto the net. It was broadcast through his internal Wi-Fi, but it was encrypted, so if someone stood outside the house and tried to pick up the signal, it would just be static.

She watched on his phone as he stepped into the kitchen and ordered Ruby to spread her legs, bend over, and grasp the edge of the kitchenette’s counter. As soon as she was in place, he inserted it into her ass without ceremony, and Heather learned something new — doing it in the little kitchenette as if it were a task depersonalized the act. This wasn’t a punishment, rather a penalty given for not reaching a benchmark, but it was clearly not part of any romantic bed play.

She turned his screen off and put the phone back into the headboard compartment before they returned, and a few minutes later, the four were all piled into bed, with Kyle on his back with Heather on one side of him, her head on his shoulder and one leg thrown over his hip. Ruby was on his other side curled up to his other arm, with Marcus spooned behind her, reaching around and possessively holding onto one of her breasts.

Inserting the plug had been handled as a task, but Marcus was holding her while she wore it.