Protector Daddy by Taryn Quinn


He tastedlike butterscotch candy mixed with coffee. I didn’t realize that until we broke apart, panting, and I was processing what had just happened as I tried to prepare myself for a semi-lucid conversation with Vanessa while I tucked away my breast.

Van had turned away and was muttering to herself about not starting her marriage—say what—with secrets. But I couldn’t stop replaying how right his kisses tasted as I fought to get my brain back online and my clothes back into place. “What marriage?”

“This is payback.” Van was still talking to herself under her breath. “Just because I got pregnant up at the Lookout, now I have to be scarred by seeing breasts I shouldn’t be seeing, at least not until we’re at a sleepover. Which is probably what my bachelorette party will be since I no longer stay up past nine p.m.”

“Pregnant?” I screeched, Christian’s jacket falling from around my shoulders as I grabbed her from behind in a tackle hug. “Really? Are you sure? Oh my God, did Mav faint? He had to faint. Why didn’t he tell me, the jerk? We just went to lunch yesterday.”

“Pretty sure you’re keeping some things from him too,” she said pointedly, turning around to hug me properly.

“No, I wouldn’t.” I squeezed my eyes closed and prayed I could just be beamed out of this situation entirely to somewhere else, preferably with a bathroom.

Let’s just say I’d been far too revved up to just…stop. At this point I was concerned a stiff breeze once I stepped outside would finish me off.

“Um, hello?” My soon-to-be sister-in-law was now looking over my shoulder, most likely at Christian. At least he hadn’t undone his pants.

Which was kind of sad, now that I thought about it. I hadn’t even gotten to see what he was working with. When I told this story to Mickey, I wouldn’t have many good details—and freaking Mickey was the reason I was in this mess. She’d put bad ideas into my head.

What else was new there? At least I hadn’t taken her up on the streaking invitation.

Rather than dwelling, I patted Vanessa’s belly where she was now harboring my next niece or nephew. “You’re still a pancake. Are you sure? It’s so soon.”

“Yes, I’m sure. We went to the doctor already.”

I squealed. “You mentioned a bachelorette party. Did he propose? I’m going to kill him for leaving me out of everything, I swear. I’m supposed to be his best friend.” I peered down at Van, my mouth tugging downward. “Well, I guess not anymore, now that you’re here.”

“Aww, you’re still his best friend. We’re so new.”

“And getting married? And having a baby?”

“Why wait?” She nudged me aside as Christian decided to grab his jacket from the floor and vacate the premises without even so much as looking at me.

Why would he? No need for conversation, he could just tell me he watches me feed the ducks every day, then kiss me, suck on my breast and split.

Seemed like most of the guys I’d known in college, with the addition of a badge. And a cock that couldn’t belong to anyone but a fully grown man.

Hoo boy.

But Vanessa wasn’t about to let Christian ignore us. “Um, hey there. What were you doing with Honey?”

He ignored her and went back to his desk while I poked Vanessa’s side about two hundred times. Did she have to make this awkwardness worse?

Of course she did, because that was one of Van’s superpowers.

She trailed after Christian so I had little choice but to trail after her. “I asked you a question, jerk,” she said loudly.

“I’d say it was obvious. Now if you don’t mind, I have work.”

“Oh, do you now? You have work.” Van whirled around and leaned up to grip my shoulders. “Didn’t you just interview here?”


“Just today?” Vanessa gasped and shook me surprisingly forcefully considering her small stature.

“No, yesterday.” I bit my lip and lowered my voice. “But we know each other. We’ve been…around.”

“You’ve been around? Is that a euphemism for fucking?”

“Knock it off,” Christian snapped from his desk. “Not all of us do that immediately.”

“Oh, right. She had an interview yesterday. Reasonable wait time. And what if she gets the job? What then? You know the Chief will never go for fraternization when it’s so important to keep clear heads—and hands.” She covered her face with her hands, and I winced, just imagining what she must be envisioning behind her eyes.

Damn Mickey and her extremely bad ideas. I didn’t even get a damn orgasm out of the deal.

“You can’t tell Mav. Or Brady. Or anyone. Please,” I begged, disgusted by myself yet unable to stop the plea.

So much for proving no one could control me. That was all well and good when Christian with his massive hands and intense eyes was pressed against me.

Now I was standing on my own two feet and retreating to my old safe Honey-like ways.

“You know what it’s like,” I continued urgently, dropping my voice to a harsh whisper. “You make an impetuous mistake and next thing you know—”

“Next thing you know, he’s going to be your colleague. You’re just finally getting out of your mom’s house,” Vanessa reminded me, as if I could ever forget. It had been all I wanted for so long. “Don’t fuck it all up before you even start your new life.”

She turned back to Christian and raised her fist, shaking some piece of paper. “And what was that Happy Halloween bullshit about?”

Christian’s face was an unreadable mask as he shifted to face us. Michael Myers’ face mask held more expression than Christian’s right now. “What are you blathering about?”

“The ticket you left on my bus.”

“I didn’t leave a ticket. Mav stopped by earlier for a few minutes. He probably did.” Christian smirked. “Problems already in your happy home?”

Vanessa opened up her fist and smoothed the ticket against the wall. Carefully, she rubbed out the creases before shoving it into the zippered pocket of her purse.

I sniffed, surprisingly moved. “Aww, that’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen. Saving Mav’s note.”

She scowled at me over her shoulder. “I’m not keeping your secret.”

Panic seized me, and instantly in my head, I was back standing in front of Christian as his big fingers clamped around my throat. Between my legs, I started to throb. “But you have to.”

“I’ll tell them,” Christian announced, his jaw locked as if he was in physical pain.

“Absolutely not. They’re my brothers, and you aren’t to breathe a word of this. All we did is kiss.” I rubbed my mouth, probably smearing my lipstick all to hell. “I mean, basically.”

Vanessa snorted. “Kissing traditionally involves just the mouth. That was clearly second base.”

“Second base? What are you, twelve?” Christian’s voice slashed out like a whip.

“And what are you, abusing your position?”

I hissed out a breath. “I’m not talking to either of you.” On shaky legs, I walked back into the break room to get my cardigan and my purse then I headed out without giving either of them a backward glance.

Then I just kept walking, dodging the pedestrians—in costume and not—filling the sidewalk. I didn’t have a destination. Didn’t have a plan.

What I should do was go to the bakery to help out for the afternoon. But I walked right by it.

Somehow, some way, I felt irrevocably changed from the Honey I’d been when I went to that interview.

I’d always played by the rules. I’d never so much as cheated on a test. In junior high, my History teacher had forgotten the answer key for our pop quiz on her desk during lunch break and even though I knew it was sitting right there, I never so much as peeked.

Today I’d barely peeked. Christian had done the peeking—and I’d invited him to. My only regret was that he hadn’t seen more of me and vice versa.

I just didn’t know why I’d reacted so strongly to him today. Maybe because it was the first time we’d been all alone? Or that I’d seen such…desolation in his eyes?

Or perhaps it had to do with that flask.

With someone else in his position, I would’ve thought he was riding a line that he shouldn’t cross. But combined with his pained expression, it seemed as if it was a temporary crutch. Something to get him through the day.

Besides, let’s be real—a guy his ginormous size would need to drink the contents of a hell of a lot of flasks to even feel the effects. And I’d never heard so much of a whisper that Christian had an issue with drinking.

Something big had happened. I didn’t know what. But I wanted to help ease his pain, even for an hour. I wanted him to smile just for a little while.

Because of me.

I kept walking until I’d crossed through downtown and was now on the way out of town. These particular streets held only the occasional business and sidewalks weren’t a certainty. When the properties grew farther apart and the sidewalks ended, I made sure to stay close to the expansive lawns. The scent of freshly cut grass and hay from the bales stacked as decorations near front doors filled my nose, and in the distance, children’s excited laughter mixed with the occasional spooky sound from an animated creature.

It was Halloween and dusk wasn’t far off. This wasn’t the best day to go wandering. My toes were seriously starting to hurt. And I was pretty sure I had a blister. Or two.

At least I’d worn wedge heels rather than spiked, but still, ouch.

I stopped to catch my breath as the scattered street lights flickered on, just the slightest bit of unease curling in my belly. On a whim, I tugged out my phone. I could’ve called my best friend or my sister-in-law or my brothers. Or heck, any of my other friends.

Instead, I called the station. Christian answered on the second ring.

“Hi,” I said softly.

“Honey?” Immediately, his tone was commanding concern. How he could sound like both at the same time, I wasn’t sure.

“Yeah. Can you do me a favor?”


So quick to help. True, he was a cop, but had anyone offered me assistance so fast before? I didn’t think so.

“Honey, what do you need?” His tone sharpened.

“A ride.”

“Where are you?”

I looked over my head at the street sign partially obscured by a particularly leafy tree. “Um, Elm Lane?”

“Elm Lane? That’s almost into Turnbull. Why are you out there?”

“I went walking. Had a buzz of adrenaline I needed to work off.”

There was an understatement.

“In that dress and those heels?”

So he’d paid attention to what I had on. Score one for not being an oblivious male.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I tugged my cardigan from where I’d tucked it around the strap of my purse and shrugged it on.

“You know how you look in that dress.”

I didn’t respond. I wanted to ask him since when did he care what I looked like, but I’d suffered a similar bolt of awareness today so I didn’t have room to talk.

“Yeah, well, my footwear is a bigger problem. Wish I’d worn sneakers.”

“I’ll come pick you up.” His tone brooked no arguments. “I can be there in ten. Wait for me, Honey.”

There was absolutely no reason for a lump to form in my throat. Was I really that hard up that the smallest crumb of kindness from a guy who’d had his tongue down my throat an hour ago was enough to make me misty?

Apparently so.

“I’ll wait.”

I could tell he was already moving around. The jingle of keys, the snap of his mug on his desk, his low curse when he banged into something. I smiled, clutching my phone just a little tighter.

“I can stay on the phone,” he said into the silence.

“While you drive out here?” I couldn’t keep the surprise from my voice.

“Yeah. It’s getting dark, you know.”

I did know but Crescent Cove-slash-Turnbull was hardly a bustling metropolis. Our crime rate wasn’t zero but it wasn’t far from it. Still, I was touched this big, strong cop was hurrying to come pick me up as if I was this fragile flower who hadn’t grown up with cops for older brothers and a mom in the FBI who’d insisted I take self-defense classes as a teen.

“I’ll be okay.”

“I’ll feel better.” A door closed in the background, silencing the sound of chimes. I figured he’d gotten into a vehicle, probably his police cruiser.

“Okay.” I bit my lip to hold back a smile. “So, how was your day?”


My smile grew. “Every time you say my name, it’s with different inflection.”

He fell silent as the engine purred to life.

I dropped down on the grass, sitting cross-legged as the breeze kicked up. A row of giggling kids in costumes trooped up the street toward me, their joy contagious.

Maybe I wouldn’t have to spend Halloween alone, after all.

Not that I knew that for sure, since Christian was currently…being Christian. Silent and protective and an entire puzzle.

“Are we going to reschedule the interview?” I asked, merely to get a reaction from him.

“Not necessary.” His tone was clipped.

I’d already surmised as much. “I’ll put in an application at Every Line A Story. Maybe I can take an evening shift—”

“Also not necessary.”

“I need another part time position. I have to pay my rent.”

“Tabitha isn’t giving you enough hours at the bakery?”

“She’d give me more if I asked but she has expenses too. I don’t want to be a burden.” I snapped off a blade of grass. “I hope you didn’t get too detailed in your report regarding today’s interview. Just say I got unexpectedly sick.” Horny was closer to it.

“You’re sitting too close to the road.”

I lifted my head as a police cruiser with lights blazing swerved to the right and came to a halt in front of me. At least he hadn’t used the sirens. Jeez.

As he climbed out and stalked over to me, I spoke into the phone. “Speed much? Guess you think that badge makes you all powerful, huh?”

He simply cocked a brow as I rose unsteadily and brushed the leaves off my dress. Dear Lord, he was tall. Standing in front of him brought his sheer size back into unavoidable focus. Not just height. His shoulders were impossibly broad and his thighs flexing in his uniform pants made my mouth go dry.

“You’re very big.”

Nice one, Honey. Very astute.

Saying nothing, he moved to the cruiser and opened the passenger door, indicating I should get in with a jerk of his chin. I clamped down on more of my nervous babble and slipped inside. He shut the door and circled the hood to get back in on the driver’s side while the kids I’d noticed a few minutes ago clustered together on the grass and watched us as if I was a fugitive from justice Christian had just apprehended.

“Maybe next time skip the cruiser?” I muttered, resisting the urge to hide my face with my purse. Amazing how just being in a cop car made me feel furtive.

“I was at work. I didn’t have my truck with me.”

Yeah, try to be grateful, huh? Even if he felt that coming to collect you was worth the use of the flashers, which was kind of sweet.

“Was it okay you left?”

“Yeah, my shift was almost over. The Chief was coming on duty.”

“Oh. I’m sorry to bother you before your shift was over. I should’ve—”

“You should’ve done exactly what you did, Honey. If you ever need me, don’t hesitate. Understand me?”

I nodded mutely as he started the car.

This man was not like anyone I’d ever known. I wasn’t sure yet if that was a good thing or bad.

“Where to?” he asked evenly as he rested his wide wrist over the top of the wheel.

All these thoughts about his size were not helping to douse the flames of my libido, that was for damn sure.

“Do you have plans tonight?”

“Like what?”

I fingered the strap of my purse. Good thing it was leather because any other material I would’ve already rubbed off the strap. “I don’t know. Anything.” I put on my seat belt. “It’s Halloween.”

He turned on his signal and pulled into the street. “Are we dating now?”

Feeling instantly foolish, I shifted to look out the window. “I live in Tabitha’s old apartment near the police station. You can just drop me off.”

He blew out a breath. “Look, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t sweat it. I just needed a ride.”

“Why did you call me?”

I pursed my lips. “You were the first one I thought of.”

“Fuck,” he muttered, signaling again to turn off on a side street.

He didn’t circle back to return toward town. Instead, he drove on along the road deeper into the wooded area between Turnbull and Crescent Cove. Houses grew farther apart on this side of Crescent Lake. The Chief lived somewhere around here, with a house that faced the water.

Christian kept going on along the maze of curved roads that climbed higher into the hills, the twilight revealing a few glimpses of the jewel-toned fall leaves that were at their brightest just before the rains came and brought them down.

For as long as I’d lived here, I’d never been up in these hills. The houses changed from large to almost ostentatiously big, with private roads and attached tennis courts and fancy water features. All sorts of amenities that were a far cry from my parents’ cozy place in Turnbull.

“Are you one of those cops who gain people’s trust in order to secretly murder half the town and no one ever suspects? May I remind you my brothers are cops and will hunt you down?”

I was kidding. Mostly. It was dark now and I was on the verge of shivering in the front seat of his cruiser. When I tightened my cardigan around me, he cursed again and flipped on the heat before turning on a podcast. Asher Wainwright’s voice flowed out of the speaker, making me giggle.

Death and Dismemberment in a small town.

“Not easing my fears here.”

“I bet you listen to this podcast too. Most everyone in town does.”

“I will not confirm or deny.”

“Do you want my coat?”

“I’m okay. Where exactly are you going?”

He swerved into a driveway on a steep incline that seemed to go on forever. Finally he stopped the car at the end of a wraparound driveway in front of a house nestled into a copse of trees. The windows seemed to reflect moonlight from all sides, mainly because there were a hell of a lot of them.

“Here.” He turned off the ignition.

My shivers increased. “Murder lair?”

“Yeah, all those windows would sure be handy for disguising misdeeds.” I almost thought I glimpsed a smile but it was gone before I could be sure. “C’mon inside and get warm.”

Suddenly the gravity of what I was doing—what we were doing—set in. I hadn’t been thinking earlier, obviously. “Are you single?” The question seemed kind of too little too late after I’d let him suck on my breasts, but better now than never.

His laughter was a harsh gust of breath. “I haven’t been with anyone in over a decade.”

If my eyes had widened any more, I would’ve resembled a cartoon character. “Define been with.”

“Sex, Honey. I haven’t had sex with a woman in over a decade.”

“Holy crap. No wonder you almost had me naked in a minute.” At his sharp look, I coughed. “I mean, the speed worked for me. I had no problems with it at all. It’s been a while for me too.”

“How long?”

“A few months.”

He laughed again. “Right.”

“Maybe four,” I said defensively, wrapping my arms around myself. Without the heat on, the car was positively frigid. Or else my nerves were making me into an ice block.

“I have socks older than you.” He rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands.

“I’m twenty-four. Fully legal.”

“There’s a relief. I’m thirty-six. Thirty-seven in a couple months.”

My breath was fogging up the windows on my side of the car and we were just talking about having sex, never mind actually…doing it. My throbbing clit had no issues with an older man. “So? We get to decide the rules, no one else.”

“I told your...Vanessa that I wouldn’t touch you.”

“She’s not my chastity belt. Besides, she’s already pregnant so she has no room to worry about what’s between my legs.”

He dropped his head back against the head rest. “God, what am I doing?”

“Nothing yet. I could…you know, take the edge off. For you, I mean. I already take care of my edge quite regularly.” My face was on fire, but it was dark so he couldn’t see it.

I hoped.

“Jeez, Honey.” He laughed again, shaking his head. “Your brothers will dismember me. Being with you will be my last act and then I’ll be the newest topic on Asher’s podcast.”

“But what a way to go?”

Christian glanced my way and rimmed his lips with his tongue. “It’d be worth it,” he murmured.