All Your Life by Lily Foster

A Note from Lily

The end of a book is always emotional for me, and writing the end of a series? Let’s just say the struggle is real.

The Blackbird series was something else, though. I’ve been so invested in these characters, and every one of them have held me captive at some point during the six-year journey they’ve taken me on. Yes, four books in six years. To some people that’s a snail’s pace, but it’s my pace and I’m good with that. It took me over two years to write the first book in the series, When the Night is Over, and I fell so deeply in love with Charlotte, Simon, Ethan, and the rest of the characters from their story. The next two books, Skylar’s story and then Grace’s story, came out of me like a torrent, but All Your Life was a long labor of love. Let’s just say that I will never publicize a book that’s not one hundred percent finished ever again, because I’ve held back on releasing All Your Life three separate times.

I’m dating myself, but when I was a kid there was a commercial where Orson Welles is sitting in a big, comfy chair, looking very regal as he gently swirls the wine in his glass and declares, We will sell no wine before its time. That’s exactly how I felt about this story. Grace Dawson has appeared in every book of the Blackbird series, and I simply owed it to her to get it right. I believe that I did, and I sincerely hope you feel that way, too.

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With Gratitude,
