Wrong Side of the Tracks by Ashley Zakrzewski


Sissy stood beside the truck where she’d spent most of the last forty-eight hours and stared at the huge building in front of her with more than a little trepidation. Her whole body ached, her face throbbed and she couldn’t help but wonder what these people would think. Would they think she was using Cole?

She kind of was but she didn’t know if she’d had any other choice. Well, other than to stick around and wait for Troy to kill her. Was that really a choice? Sissy wasn’t sure.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, bracing herself for whatever was to come. Might as well get it over with. The waiting wouldn’t make it any easier.

“All right. I could use something other than fast food to eat.” She looked down at herself, still wearing the clothes she’d put on to go find Corey two days before. Yes, she’d been out of them to sleep, but she hadn’t had anything else to put on, and Cole had seemed to be in a hurry to get back here so she hadn’t pushed to get something else, now she wished Cole had let her get something.

He walked with her to the door, then opened it, and motioned for her to go in first.

She stepped inside and paused, overwhelmed for a moment by the light and chatter. There were probably thirty or more people in the room. It was laid out like a bar except for the stairs on one wall, and what looked like a stripper pole in another corner. Cole’s hand on her lower back reminded her she stood in the doorway, blocking him from coming in.

“Oh, sorry.” Sissy stepped to one side so he could get past her, but he didn’t. Cole kept the hand on her back and eased her farther into the room.

“Come on, have a seat, we’ll get something to eat, and I’ll see about getting us rooms.”

Sissy frowned, not sure what he meant, but let him guide her to an empty table.

“Here, have a seat, let me talk to a couple people, what do you want to eat?”

“What is there?” She glanced around, noticing no one had menus.

“I’m not sure. Let me find out, I’ll be back.” Cole left her sitting at the table as he went to the bar, she watched as he spoke to the guy behind the bar, nodded in her direction then went to another table where a man and a woman sat. Cole talked to them for a few minutes. She was still watching him when a voice made her realize she wasn’t alone anymore.

“Excuse me. I was asked to let you know what’s available to eat tonight.”

Sissy shook her head and turned to look at the man standing beside her table. It was the guy from behind the bar.

“I’m sorry, I missed part of that. You said something about food?”

“Yes. Tonight we have enchiladas, spaghetti, burgers, burritos, and the usual stuff, fries and other things that can be put in the fryer.”

Sissy blinked at him then her brain registered what he’d said. “What kind of enchiladas?”

“Beef, with red sauce.”

“I’ll have some of those, if you don’t mind.”

“No problem. You know if he wants anything?”

“I’m sure he does, but I have no idea what.”

“I’ll ask him. Want something to drink?”

“What do you have?” She glanced around the room, people had all kinds of things, beer mostly, but some mixed drinks and a couple bottles of water.

“Beer, whiskey, water, some mixers but nothing frozen.”

She glanced toward the bar again then decided who cared about appearances? She was sitting here in clothes she’d first put on three days before. “You have Jack Daniels Fire?”

“We do.”

“I’ll take that. On the rocks. Make it a double,” she added that last part as an afterthought.

“Right away.” He turned and left.

She realized after he was gone, she should have asked his name. Would he have given it to her?

Sissy scanned the room, looking for Cole, but didn’t find him. Where had he gone? She hadn’t been distracted for more than a couple of minutes. She kept looking and saw as he stepped out of a door she hadn’t noticed on the far wall. Some of the tension that had been building when she couldn’t find him faded, leaving her feeling even more tired.

She noticed him spot her and head her way, as if she wasn’t exactly where he’d left her.

“Hey, sweetheart, small problem with the rooms.”

“You couldn’t get one?” She tried to remember if she’d seen any motels since they’d gotten off the interstate but didn’t recall any. How far would they have to go to find somewhere they could sleep tonight? Sissy dreaded getting back in the truck. Not that the truck was uncomfortable, she’d just spent so much time in it already.

“No, I got a room, but only one. That’s all there was left. I was hoping to get one for each of us but no go.”

“No problem. We’ll do like we did last night, and each take a bed.” Sissy shrugged. She’d done it once. She could do it again. She really didn’t mind sharing a room with Cole, in fact, in a strange place like this, she would probably feel safer with him in the room. She just hoped he’d been able to find clean clothes.

Cole winced. “Sweetheart, none of the rooms here have two beds. They’re all one king. They’re not designed as a temporary one-night thing for people traveling and saving money like a motel is. Some of the brothers live here. When you have a room it’s a permanent or semi-permanent assignment.”

Sissy felt her shoulders slump. “I guess I’ll just sleep in the chair then. There is a chair right?”

“Usually, yes.”

“And what about the clothes, were you able to find clean clothes?”

“We were in luck there. There’s been a change in management since I was here last, but part of that is that we have emergency clothes on hand. They’re nothing fancy but they’re clean. I’m also told clean bedding and towels.”

“While it doesn’t entirely make up for not enough beds, I’ll be so glad to get clean clothes, I’ll be thrilled.”

Cole looked like he was about to say something when the kid who’d asked what she wanted to eat appeared with a plate and set it down front of her. Beside it, he placed a rolled napkin with silverware.

“I’ll have your drink in just a moment.” The man turned to Cole. “She didn’t know what you wanted. Can I bring you something too?”

The plate in front of her smelled heavenly, she picked up the napkin, unrolled the silverware and took a bite, not paying any attention to Cole and the other man as she dug into her meal. Flavor burst in her mouth, and she couldn’t help closing her eyes as she enjoyed the best meal she’d had in longer than she cared to think about.