Wrong Side of the Tracks by Ashley Zakrzewski


Sissy stood under the hot spray, in the small but efficient bathroom, letting it beat down on her head and wash down over her face. Exhaustion from the last three days settled over her, weighing her down like a blanket.

She’d done her best to keep her thoughts and emotions hidden. No man wanted to deal with an emotional woman especially when their moods had gone from one extreme to another like hers had over the last few days. There had been moments during the drive when it had been all she could do not to let the helplessness and despair filling her spill down her cheeks, but she’d stared out the window so Bubba wouldn’t see and blinked back the tears.

Now though, she let them go. She stopped holding back and let the tears that she had been fighting, run down her face. Oddly, they didn’t last as long as she thought they would. Her body, mind and soul felt bruised and worn but by the time her tears had exhausted themselves she was ready to get out of the shower. She turned off the water and reached for one of the towels she’d found on a shelf when she’d first come into the room.

She toweled off most of the moisture, then wrapped the towel around her head and pulled on the oversized gray t-shirt and sweats that almost fell off her hips. With a shake of her head, she tied the string around her waist wondering who the sweats belonged to. They smelled like clean laundry and sunshine, so she had no doubt they were clean, still she wondered who had given them up for her.

With a deep breath, Sissy braced herself and put on her happy face as she opened the bathroom door, preparing herself to see the three she’d left in the room.

Relief washed through her when Sissy realized the only person in the room was Cole. He sat on the far edge of the bed, his back to her as he let his elbows rest on his knees and his head hang. She went to the edge of the bed and stopped.

What she really wanted to do was to get on the bed, move across to him, and run her hands over his back and across his shoulders. Once she would have done it. But that was a long time ago.

Now she stood beside the bed wishing she could just crawl across it and curl into him. He lifted his head as if realizing she was standing there.

“Oh. There you are. I was just waiting for you. I finished making the bed. Climb in and enjoy.

Sissy shook her head. “I said I would take the chair. You have the bed.”

Bubba let out a single bark of laughter. “That is so not going to happen. There is no way I’m going to let you sleep in a chair while I take the bed. Not ever. Not even if you weren’t hurt.” He moved around the foot of the bed and stood in front of her. “I made a big mistake all those years ago, and I’m going to do my best to make up for it. I can’t do that all tonight, but I can start. You take the bed. I’ll find somewhere else to sleep.”

Sissy hated the idea of Cole sleeping in a chair, or worse somewhere else. She hated the idea that she was putting him out of his room. Without thinking, her hand reached out and grabbed the waistband of his jeans.

“Don’t go.”

He frowned. “Where would I go?”

“I don’t know, but I don’t want you to go anywhere. We’re both adults. We can share the bed. We did it last night, or part of it anyway.”

His frown grew a little deeper. “You’re going to have to spell it out for me. I’d love to share your bed, Celia, but I have a lot more in mind than sleep and I don’t think you’re ready for that.” He ran a feather light touch along her jaw as his gaze dropped to her mouth.

Sissy bit her lip. “I don’t know that I am either. But I can’t stand the idea that I’m putting you out of your bed. We can share the bed without being all over each other.”

“Sweetheart, that’s the problem. You have no control over what you do in your sleep, and I still want you bad enough I won’t have the will power to stop you.”

That couldn’t be true. He had walked away ten years ago without looking back. There was no way he wanted her now like he had then, and if he had wanted her so bad, then why had he left her like that? Without even a goodbye.

Sissy turned away, shaking her head. “Either we share the bed or you take it. I’m not going to let you sleep in the chair, or somewhere worse.”

He scowled.

Sissy didn’t care. She’d made up her mind and no amount of his being stubborn would change it for her. “Besides. I don’t know if I can sleep if you go somewhere else.”

“You don’t have to worry. You’re safe here. None of the men below would let any danger up those stairs, much less through any of the doors.”

“I don’t know them. I don’t trust them. I trust you, Cole. I called you for a reason. You are the only one I feel safe with.”

Cole quirked one brow. “You let Corey take you to the motel. Obviously, you trust him, at least to some extent.”

“Yeah, I did. I guess I do trust Corey, but not the same way I trust you. Besides, he has a family.” She turned away took a few steps then turned back to look at him. “Did you know he offered to let me stay with them? I couldn’t do it because they have to stay in Mobile. If Daddy found out they were hiding me, he would make things hard for them. I couldn’t make things worse for Corey or his family. I did let him take me to the motel, and he’s the one who gave me your number. But that was all I could let him do.” She turned away again, not wanting him to see how badly she wanted him to stay.

“All right. You win.” Cole sounded resigned. Sissy couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face, but she sobered quickly and turned back to face him.

“Good. Thank you.” She wrapped her arms around his waist and gave him a quick hug before stepping back.

“Thanks for what?”

“For everything. For being you.” Her chest ached. She wanted to say more but didn’t know what to say. What wouldn’t make him feel even weirder.

“If you say so.” Cole shook his head. “If you’re through in there, I’d like to take a shower before we get in bed.” He glanced toward the bathroom then at her.

Sissy nodded, meaning she was done but the awkward weight on top of her head reminded her of the towel she’d wound there.

“I was going to ask if you have a brush, or even a comb. If I don’t do something with my hair it will be a real mess in the morning.”

“Sure.” He glanced around as if looking for something then rolled his eyes. “I’ve got to run down and get my bag. Will you be okay alone for a few minutes?”

Sissy nodded. “I’m not sleeping yet. I’ll be fine as long as I know you’re coming back.”

“I am.” He turned to leave then turned back. “Here’s a key to the room. I’ve got one of my own.” He held out a key ring to her and dangled a ring with a single key on it from his other hand. “If anyone else tries to come through the door, it won’t be me. Ask if anyone knocks. There shouldn’t be anyone else up tonight.”

Sissy nodded, took the key he offered and watched as he left, closing the door behind him. She stared at the closed door wondering if he’d really watched her mouth like he was dying to kiss her or if seeing it had been wishful thinking on her part.