Wrong Side of the Tracks by Ashley Zakrzewski


The overwhelming panic and worry that had been foremost in his mind in the last four hours since he’d quietly gone with the officers at the house, sending Celia to the clubhouse for help. Well that was only part of why he’d sent her here. The other part was he knew she would be safe here. His brothers would protect her if that shithead hadn’t come alone.

Bubba hadn’t known how long he would be in police custody, but they had nothing on him so he had been confident it wouldn’t be too long. And with Celia letting Gizmo know where he was, the tech sgt. would reach out to their contacts and get him released faster than if Bubba had just gone through the system. And he had.

Once Gizmo had shown or once Bubba had seen Gizmo, it had taken them less than an hour to walk out of the building, no charges filed, as a free man. Now he had to deal with what was going on.

He ran his gaze down Celia, making sure she was okay, resting for a moment on her face, making sure she was all right before turning back to the end of the table where Ruger and Krissi sat.

“What’s the word on the fuckwad?”

“He’s still in the emergency room. He’s regained consciousness and they planning to keep him overnight for observation. They’ll get him in a room as soon as one opens up.”

“Can I get in to see him or is he under guard?”

“He’s under guard, no charges pending, but they haven’t pulled the guard yet, so there’s hope.”

“Even if charges are filed, they won’t last.” Celia’s voice was soft, but sure. “Daddy will figure out how to get them dropped, one way or another, even if he has to find someone to pay off.”

“So if I want to question him, while he’s at the hospital is likely my only chance.”

“Why would you want to question him?” Celia’s voice made him turn back to her. She was frowning, confusion clear in her face.

“Maybe question isn’t the right word.” He couldn’t help the smile that curved his mouth, knowing it was more predatory than friendly.

Her eyes went wide but she didn’t say anything, not even to ask him not to hurt the asswipe. Was this progress? He hoped so. She reached a hand in his direction, he took it in his and squeezed as he turned back to Ruger, Celia’s hand still in his, waiting for a response.

“Can we set it up so I can go into see him?”

“You can’t beat the shit out of him, Bubba,” Ruger said with a grin.

Bubba shot the Treasurer a deadpan look. “No shit sherlock. I know better than to start something, especially with an injured man in police custody. I didn’t even start it in my own front yard.”

“He didn’t. Troy threw the first swing,” Celia spoke from beside him.

“That was his saving grace,” Gizmo put in. “That it was in his own front yard and when they arrived, Sissy was still in the truck. The officer, Hernandez I think, said he called her out of the car and when questioned, she told them that Mr. Easterwood had attacked Bubba and that Bubba was only defending himself and her. When I was able to back up the claim with video from his security system, it was enough that I could get him released instead of in lock up until they could get him in front of a judge.”

“I’m not stupid,” Bubba said with a shrug. “Even I know that if I wait for them to swing first, it’s self-defense. And on my property before he started it, I can file charges for trespassing as well as assault.” Bubba had a hard time suppressing the self-satisfied grin that wanted to break free. “I just need a few minutes with the shithead to tell him how deep of trouble he’s in, so he won’t come back.”

“I have an easier way to make sure he doesn’t come back.” Celia’s voice was soft but determined.

Ruger stared at her with a lifted brow.

“What is it?” Krissi asked after a moment.

“I call Daddy, plan a sit down and have it out with him.”

“You are not meeting with your father alone,” Bubba growled. There was no way she’d be going without him. Her father had run him off once, but it wouldn’t be happening again. Bubba wanted a chance to tell him he wouldn’t be scared away again.

“Do you think he is here? In Tucson?”

“I don’t know. Probably not but he won’t give up without trying to bring me back under his control. I’m not going to him so he can come here to see me or back the hell off without it.” She looked up and met his gaze, “He’s not going to back off without some kind of face to face.” The steel in Celia’s voice made Bubba smile.

“As much as I love the idea, and I will definitely be there to witness it, before you make the call, we need to figure out where you’ll have your confrontation. I don’t think he’ll agree to meet at my place, not after I dealt with Troy so easily.”

“He’ll want somewhere public. He will think that fear of making a scene will keep me from telling him what I want to,” Celia said.

“Use Drifters,” Ruger said with a smile.

Bubba felt his lips curl into a wry smile. “That will satisfy his desire for a public place, but since it’s ours, it will give us control of the situation.” He turned to Celia with a grin. “How do you think your father will feel about meeting in a bar?”