Wrong Side of the Tracks by Ashley Zakrzewski


The last thing Julia wanted to do tonight was to attend the black-tie fundraiser for one of Susan and Wilson Hayes’ pet projects. She had turned down her parents’ offer to ride with them and drove to Founders Marina by herself. Not relying on anyone for a ride offered the best possibility of escape later.

Being anywhere in the company of her drunk mother and overbearing father and pasting a smile on her face and playing the doting daughter was simply draining. Then there were her twin cousins, aunt, and uncle. A real clusterfuck of a family. Miserable Aunt January’s head was buried deep in quicksand when she wasn’t fucking some guy young enough to be her son, unable to deal with her husband’s activities. Uncle Randolph was just as overbearing as his older brother, her father, and predatory.

Pressed into attending the affair, Julia decided to upstage her parents in an act of rebellion. The backless dress with its crisscrossing spaghetti straps and apron neckline was long, its hem an inch above the floor. Its intricately embroidered floral pattern on sheer mesh, lined in champagne-colored fabric hugged every curve of her toned body. Matching stilettos added three inches to her five-foot-eight-inch height. The mermaid silhouette allowed her to move easily, even more so with the adjustment she had made in the thigh-high slit, opening and reinforcing it to just below her thong strap. Anyone who looked—and people would—offered a glimpse of hip with every movement, every step. No bra, the girls were tucked in nice and snug, although her nipples might be prominent.

She glanced in the full-length bedroom mirror before leaving. As predicted, it was cooler and drier after the storm blew through, so she wore her hair down and messy. Diamond studs sparkled in her ears and a stack of gold bangles played over her right wrist. Julia smirked. She looked like someone’s wet dream. Fuck them all.

* * *

“Julia.” Wilson Hayes grasped her elbow, practically wrenching it, when she entered the grand hall, but not before she saw her mother’s shocked expression.


“What the hell?” Her father growled in her ear. “The dress it’s practically … It’s indecent.”

She pulled away from her him. “I happen to love my dress, Father,” she sneered. “You and Mother demanded I show. Well, here I am.”

“If you were younger—”

“Well, I’m not. I’m thirty. Your days of controlling me are long over.” She shook off his grip, smiled at the waitstaff who was frowning at them, and swiped a flute of bubbly from his tray. “Thank you.”

Her mother’s eyes widened but she remained silent.

Julia sighed dramatically and stepped away from her parents, smack into her lecherous uncle.

His eyes lit up as he slowly traveled her form, his tongue practically hanging out of his wet lips. She shuddered, almost having become a victim to his proclivities firsthand after she turned thirteen. She wasn’t revisiting that tonight.

Uncle Randolph.”

Her gaze moved to her aunt, in a number that was not doing her any favors. However, the dress’s green color did match the level of envy blasting out of her overdone eye lift. Her second or third?

“Aunt January, how are you tonight?”

“I’m fine, Julia. How nice you could finally bless the family with an appearance after moving back, granted what you’re wearing is very suggestive.”

“Well, we’re all suggesting something aren’t we?” Julia raised her brows for effect.

“You insolent brat.” Her aunt hissed. “Nothing ever changes with you.”

Julia was about to retort when Wilson’s arm circled her shoulders, weighting her in place, and maneuvering back to him. He gently guided her to pivot. His touch almost felt … fatherly. What now?

“I’d like to introduce you to my daughter Julia. Julia, this is Tarik Stone. He’s new to Torch River. A very accomplished man and someone you should take the time to know.”

Her eyes riveted on the man she had fucked with total abandon weeks earlier. What in the hell was he doing here?

He looked spectacular in his tux. No surprise there. He had looked appetizing in the worn jeans and tee and good enough to eat when he was naked.

This was one of the few times she was grateful someone was holding onto her, even if it was her horrible father. She was dazed and speechless.

Tarik Stone was more breathtaking than she remembered. While still on the longer side, the wavy, silver-streaked hair and facial hair had been recently trimmed. His eyes, dear God, those eyes—chestnut brown with swirls of honey-gold and green, twinkling with amusement and mystery. This was the first time she was truly seeing them, and she was mesmerized.

“I’m Susan Hayes, Julia’s mother.”

Julie blinked; her stupor broken. The fact that her mother butted in and could put a sentence together without slurring the words was surprising. But then, a man who looked like Tarik Stone could probably sober anyone up. She already knew he could suggest a sexual tryst without any fallout.

He was polite, murmuring, “Susan.”

“Julia.” Wilson’s tone held a warning.

Tarik extended his free hand. “Julia.” He purred, his smile lazy and sure, just for her. “Nice to meet you.”

She froze, unable to meet his hand. Pretending his touch wouldn’t affect her was unthinkable. She would melt.

“I commend you, Tarik. You seem to have rendered my daughter immobile and speechless, something very few can do.”

Anger flashed in Tarik, so quickly it was as if Julia imagined it. But no, his eyes had darkened under the furrowed brow and bounced between her father and herself.

Tarik’s tone held the whisper of a wrong, but it was light as he winked at her. “I think your daughter might feel overwhelmed, Wilson.”

That wink.

Memories of being with him among the trees between the river and the Wake rushed forth, along with how safe and protected she had felt. Her fight or flight system eased.

“I think you might have something there,” Julia said softly and smiled at Tarik.

“Wilson, do you mind if I borrow your lovely daughter? Convince her I’m nothing to fear?”

“Why not? She’s single by the way. Rebellious as hell, though, and I apologize in advance for that.”

Tarik glanced at Julia, then narrowed his eyes on her father, cocking his head slightly, as if to understand what Wilson Hayes meant by that.

“Don’t forget the silent auction at nine-thirty. Our goal is to surpass last year’s contributions. I know you’re good for a generous contribution.” Wilson patted Tarik soundly on his broad back.

Julia sipped the champagne to wash the bitter tang from her mouth. Her father was the rudest asshole.

Tarik nodded and turned his attention to her, his hand extending toward the bank of french doors. “Julia? Shall we?”

* * *

Outside, Tarik took her hand and stepped back, his eyes slowly roving over her, from head-to-toe, several times. He whistled softly.

“Love what you do for that dress, woman.”

Unlike her uncle, Tarik’s appraisal didn’t make her feel dirty. She felt appreciated and when she checked out his fly, sure enough, he was hard. Her sex clenched painfully as heady desire roared to life in her blood and pulsed through her.

Her giggle held a husky edge. “I noticed.” Her eyes dropped to his straining arousal and back up to his face.

They were quiet for a few minutes, absorbing the tensions zinging between them.

“I could bust just looking at you.”

“Mm.” She rolled her lips, thinking. She might as well be open. There was little to lose with him this early in the relationship, if that’s what it could be. Out with it. “I have to apologize for my father. For my family.”

“Not necessary and in case you were worried, I won’t lump you in with them.”

A laugh sputtered out of her as she exhaled. “Thank God for that.”

“Let’s catch up. I have questions and I have to believe you do, too. And I want you again.”

“Yes.” The need for intimacy burned in her, spurring her forward as she hung onto his hand, jogging on her tiptoes, struggling to keep up with his long brisk strides.

He stopped abruptly and turned. “Shit. I’m not thinking. I’ll slow down. I’ve no idea how women function in those things.” He looked at her feet. “I appreciate them. They certainly have their place,” he said, suggestively.

“Can you lend me a forearm?”


She held on, slipping off the high heels. “Okay. I can keep up with you now. Where do you want to catch up? What are you doing here, Tarik?”

He slowed to a stop, bringing her about to face him.

Desire shuddered through her, again, and he noticed, giving her a wolfish smile.

“I’ll explain in the time we have. Why do we always seem to be on some else’s clock? I can barely think with you in that dress.”

“Would you think better if it was off?”

“Totally, and after we’ve taken care of each other.”

“Sex.” She confirmed.


“How well do you know the building?”

“Not well at all.”

“Well, you’re in luck. I know it like the back of my hand. I’d prefer a couch this time.”

“Come with me. I’ve another idea.” He changed direction, leading her toward the illuminated docks.

* * *

Tarik helped her onto a houseboat. The craft was huge, unlike any she had been on, and nice. Really, really nice. So were his tux, shoes, and the Rolex on his left wrist.

The man was an enigma. He worked at a known dive bar in the Narrows, reputed to be frequented by bikers and a rough clientele, and seemed to fit in. Yet, he was a member of the Founders Marina, which was by invitation only, after a lengthy vetting process, and was equally at ease around money and power.


“Now. I had her refurbished.” His hand patted the rail.

“Lights or candles?”

She clapped her hands together. “Oooh, candles please.”

“Anything to drink?”


He pulled his phone from a hip pocket, activated the flashlight, and took her hand, leading her toward the stairs. “Let’s go below. You alright if I give you a tour later? I’m itching to peel that dress off you.”

* * *

“Make yourself comfortable,” he said, lighting candles and placing them around the bedroom.

She sat, scooting back so she was fully on it and watched him undress. It was so deliberate and slow, his eyes never left hers as he kicked off his shoes and dispensed with the tux jacket, tie, and pulled his shirt from the pants. His hands lifted to deal with the studs.

Julia came up on her knees and moved so that she was directly in front of him. “Please. Let me.”

A crooked sexy smile lit his face and his eyes darkened.

His respiration picked up as she worked, slowly, enjoying the intimacy of undressing him, her fingertips grazing his warm skin. Once his shirt was open and displaying his magnificent torso, she addressed the cufflinks.

Tarik’s hands closed around her wrists as she reached for his pants. “You’re done for now. My turn. Stand up.” He demanded quietly.

Julia faced him, her heart threatening to jump out of her chest, it was pounding so hard. Her breath quickened as he brushed his knuckles over her cheek, then trailed to her mouth where he pressed the pad of his thumb to her bottom lip and stroked it. She was flooded with warmth and her sex clenched in response.

His eyes pinned hers, heavy with desire. “Your skin is soft. Turn around.”

She swallowed and turned. With very little touching, Tarik had managed to turn her into a hypersensitive and craving. She wasn’t sure how much more of this she could take before begging him to fuck her.

His breath was warm on her shoulder as he lifted her hair and kissed her neck, then leisurely licked and sucked. With the other hand, he unhooked the straps of her dress. The top folded over in front, exposing her breasts to the air.

Tarik’s groan was guttural as explored and played with them, pinching the pebbled nipples. “So sweet. Perfect for me.” He nipped her shoulder, then unzipped her. The dress pooled at her feet.

She stepped out of it and pushed toward the wall, out of the way. Goosebumps raced over her skin as his fingers whispered leisurely over her shoulders and back, driving her mad with want, her body arching toward him with every touch and kiss.

Tarik continued moving lower, palming her exposed globes, his breath deep, but even. “Another thong,” he murmured in her ear, licking the shell, and pressing his thick shaft against the small of her back.

“Yes,” she said in a breathy sigh.

“On the bed, Julia. Face up.”

She lay down, her chest heaving, trusting this man she didn’t know but needed, now.

He hooked the sides of her thong and slipped them off, then lifted them to his face and scented them, emitting a groan of pleasure.

Her sex pulsed in response, so turned on was she by his actions.

“You smell so good, like ambrosia. I want a taste.” Tarik’s eyes had turned malachite. He placed the small packet from the drawer on the nightstand. “You’re fuckin' soaked. Spread for me, sweetheart,” he said, undoing his pants, encouraging her to open her legs. “No coming. I want you on edge when I fuck you.”

Her entire body vibrated; he moved between her legs, thighs aching to accommodate his wide shoulders. Julia’s hands slid into the thick mane. It was silky, soft. She moaned and held on tight as his mouth sealed over her.

He raised his head. “Uh-uh. Fight it.”

The things he did with his tongue and fingers. She gritted her teeth and fought the pleasure, but it was right there. The urge grew stronger.

“I can’t.”

He lifted his head and curled a brow. “No more?”

“No. Please, Tarik. I need you. I can’t last.”

He watched her as he reached over, grabbed the packet, and ripped it open with his teeth. He lifted his hips, covered himself, and flipped onto his back, next to her.

“Take me deep.”

Shaking, Julia straddled him. Believing she controlled the pacing, began to ease him in.

Tarik grabbed her hips and slammed into her.

Delirious, she shattered as he thrust home over and over. Her moans and shouts matched his as she broke again, more intensely, this time with him.

He kissed her slowly, then pulled her onto his heaving chest, still inside. His heart pounded against her temple and cheek, and in her ear. “You’re mine now. Wilson all but gave me his blessing.” Tarik kissed the top of head. “You know it here” —he rested his large hand in the space between her breasts— “and here.”

She passed out.

* * *

Tarik was on his side, naked, and head propped by his hand, when she opened her eyes. Watching her, a pleased expression on his face. “Good morning.”

“Morning?” Oh shit, they were no-shows at dinner and the auction. People were going to talk. Her family … Shit.

“It’s four. Did you know you puff-snore?”

She ignored his question. “We missed the rest of the evening.”

“Seriously? That’s your first thought? Not how you totally came apart with me?”

“I have a lot of thoughts. I broke a Hayes rule. I’m going to have hell to pay with my family.”

“Here’s what I think, Julia. We left the Marina with your dad’s blessing. We got lost in each other. There’s nothing to be done about it at four in the morning.” He sat up, crossed his legs, giving her a birds-eye view of his waking cock, and shrugged. “Bend the rules, break the rules. Do you want to worry or …” He raised his brows, his meaning very clear.

“Don’t you have a limit? I’m sure I hit mine. I’ve never—”

“I want you again. Your naked, enticing body is in my bed. Sated earlier, but I expect we can achieve similar results.”

Julia nodded, then studied him. “Who are you? Are you the man that works at the Wake, the biker bar, or the man who is at ease among the rich and powerful?”

“It’s not a question of ‘or.’ It’s ‘and.’ I need time with my brothers, with my roots. And I have obligations to fill.”

“That’s not an answer, so I’m going to ask again. Who are you. Tarik Stone?”

“I’m the man who’s going to rock your world, beautiful.”

* * *


Sutton Bishop has always believed in happily ever after. Despite beginning her writing career while penning nonfiction essays and articles for magazines, Sutton’s heart belonged to romance long before she wrote her first book. After marrying her teenage heartthrob and starting her own family, she finally plunged into romance writing and is still yet to come up for air. Sutton’s deeply layered and flawed characters are forced to contend with challenging plot twists that reveal their hidden motives and passions, in settings that range from America’s heartland to the heat of Guatemala, Morocco, Italy, and Spain.

Julia and Tarik’s story is only getting started.

Stay abreast of when their book releases, as well as other updates, including bookish news, culinary adventures, and gardening escapades: www.suttonbishop.com (www.suttonbishop.com)

