Wrong Side of the Tracks by Ashley Zakrzewski


Jason drags me through the dive bar, my heels scraping across the grimy floor as he pulls me into a dingy room adjacent to the bar. It’s not a bathroom, just a dark room with a desk covered with papers. He slams the door and shoves me roughly against the pitted wood, clamping his hand over my mouth. His hands are clean as a biker’s hands can be, I guess, but I can still smell a hint of engine oil and nicotine.

“Do you remember me telling you that one of these days your motormouth is gonna land you in trouble?” he growls, and his words hold so much vehemence I’m not sure if it’s a warning or a personal threat.

I nod my head, tears pricking behind my eyes.

“Congratulations, you succeeded in pissing me off. What the fuck were you thinking, coming to a biker bar and throwing around wild accusations like that? I can’t let you walk out of here without a reprimand; you’ll be fucked seven ways from Sunday before you make it to the parking lot. And then what? Who do you think will save your ass after you’ve discredited me? Tex? Hustle? Rooster?” He huffs a doubtful laugh. “You’ll be lucky if they recover your body after the shit you just pulled. If I don’t smack some manners into you, people will think I’ve gone soft, bending the rules for a loudmouth chick just because I’m sweet on her.”

The slight admission drains from my mind, making me doubt whether he said it at all. There’s no way in hell Jason Knight has any feelings for me. Just guilt for what he did. That’s all there is to it.

“It’ll make me look weak in front of the club. Do you know how many guys are waiting in the wings to fucking challenge me? Do you?” He huffs, his eyes wild with outrage. “You’re a walking liability, coming here, thinking you know shit when you don’t know jack. You’re not gonna like what happens next, but tough. I gave Bodie my word that I’d look out for you, which leaves me no choice but to stake my claim on you before any of those fuckers out there do it first. And you better believe it, they will. I would if I were on the other side of that door. I’d beat the fucker down to get my hands on you.”

I can scarcely breathe, thinking these are my last moments on Earth. Jason’s intense glare bores through my eyes, making me realize how much shit I’m in. Claim me. I’m not sure what the fuck that means, but I get the feeling I’m about to find out.

“Nod, if you understand me,” he orders, and I obey, nodding quickly. “Good, now I’m gonna remove my hand, and you’re gonna keep that motormouth of yours shut until I say you can speak.”

Jason moves his hand away, and my fingertips feel around blindly for the doorknob. I seize the opportunity to yank the door open, but I’m not fast enough. An inch is all I manage before the fucker is on me in a millisecond, slamming it shut again. This time, shoving my face against the wood. Jason’s hard body is flush against my back, sandwiching me between the cold, painted wood and his hard, masculine heat. With a little effort, he pins both my wrists high above my head with one hand, squeezing a little harder than necessary.

“You’re either brave or just plain stupid, but you’re damn well gonna learn how things work around here. This isn’t a day at Disney World, Kiera. Out there, you’ll find a bar full of the nastiest fuckers you’ll ever meet, just waiting to tear into a peach like you. Now, do yourself a favor and listen to me because I won’t repeat it. Do as I say, and I will protect you. Disobey me, and you will be severely punished,” he rasps against my ear, the gruff rumble of his voice tickling my spine, his hot breath and cologne drowning my senses.

“Let me go,” I utter meekly, trembling from head to toe.

“Not so confident now, are you?” he taunts me. “A word to the wise, Princess. If you can’t handle a little heat, quit playing with fire, or else you’re gonna get burned.” Jason nips my ear with his teeth. “Leave what you think you know at the door. It’ll do no good carrying the weight of it around with you. Bodie died doing club business. It’s my job to avenge him. Not yours. Your cute peach belongs indoors, either beneath the hood of a car or sprawled under me. Pick one, because I prefer both. You’re mine, Keira. I’ve had my eye on you for a long, long time.”

I swallow hard, unable to pull free or avoid the solid lump he keeps pressing against my ass. All the back and forth. Every snarky exchange. Jason kept coming back for more like he couldn’t get enough. And all this time, it’s because he likes me.

“Look,” I start, dragging my tongue across my bottom lip. “I just want answers, that’s all. If you have any respect for me at all, you’ll tell me what really happened.”

“Respect?” Jason mutters, releasing a breathy chuckle. “That works both ways. I’ll respect you if you respect me.”

Jason releases my wrists, sliding his hands around my hips, squeezing almost intimately like a lover. Then he feels around the swell of my breasts, cupping one in his palm, his thumb grazing across the puckered nub of my nipple.

“Is that really fucking necessary?” I utter, my breath skittering through my lips. “This is not the way to earn my respect, just so we’re clear.”

“You’re mine now,” Jason mentions, trailing his fingers down my stomach, plucking the button of my jeans open, and sweeping his fingertips across the hem of my panty line, my knees wobbling unsteadily. “It’s up to me whether to keep you safe or to toss you out there to the wolves.”

I gulp hard as he runs one finger down my lace-covered mound and strokes close enough for him to feel my heat. I don’t move a muscle. Frozen to the core. He’s a millimeter away from my clenching pussy, no doubt feeling the slickness he’s conjuring as he strokes me.

“Why are you doing this?” I ask, my voice straining.

Jason’s hot breath gusts against my ear, teeth grazing my earlobe. “To find out for sure that the feelings between us are mutual.”

Biting my lip, I stifle a moan as the pad of his finger teases the edge of the lace, wishing he would delve inside. It’s too damned hot and cramped in here to be fooling around like this. A trickle of sweat rolls from my hairline and down the side of my temple.

“You wish,” I reply, pushing his buttons.

“If they weren’t, you’d be telling me to stop,” Jason mentions, raising a fair point. “Is that what you want, Peaches? Do you want me to stop?”

I snatch a ragged breath. “No,” I admit, my cheeks blazing with heat.

“Didn’t think so. But you doubted me,” Jason gruffs, his tone lethal as he slides his finger and thumb beneath the elastic of my thong, stroking at first, teasing his way inside, and then plunging between my folds, taking my clit hostage with a light pinch. “You still doubt me even though you’re dripping wet.”

“Screw you, asshole,” I reply without thinking, my sharp tongue getting me deeper into trouble. I like his dominance more than I should, my traitorous pussy creaming at the contact. “If you’re gonna spank me, just spank me already.”

Jason chuckles, and it’s the dark kind that hints at brutal savagery. “Careful, Peaches. Your caustic mouth is making my dick twitch. If you’re lucky, you’ll get to leave here with a limp and a smile. Keep pissing me off and you’ll have difficulty sitting for the next week.” He screws his finger deep inside my wet heat and wriggles it around. The gentle stretch feels amazing, not that I’ll tell him that. I fight the urge to moan, chewing my bottom lip as he works, but then he starts thumbing my clit with slick dexterity, and I’m done. My eyes roll into the back of my skull, electricity crackling through the bundle of nerves. I try to stop the moans from tumbling from my mouth, but it’s no use. I’m not in control here. Jason is, and I rest my head back against his shoulder and enjoy it.

“That’s it,” Jason coos into my ear. “Let me take care of all that stress.”

“It’s gonna take more than that,” I say, meeting his gaze.

Jason exhales with a breathy chuckle. “Oh, don’t you worry about that, sweetheart. You’ll be taking a lot more from me by the end of tonight. And if you insist on running that mouth of yours, I know the best way to plug it.”

“And you can go fuck yourself,” I say defiantly, seeing stars as his skilled fingers dance around my pussy like he’s playing an instrument.

I shudder through my climax, my palms pressing flat against the door, feeling the warm trickle of juices running down my thighs. Jason adds another finger, swirling those dexterous digits around the creamy puddle he’s created, then he pulls them out and presents them at my lips for me to suck clean.

“Taste yourself,” he encourages, his tone dripping with sin. I part my lips, and he stuffs his fingers inside, and I taste my sweet, tangy juices on Jason’s warm, salty skin.

“Juicer than a peach,” he says, turning me around to hold my jaw, angling my face to his. “How about you give me some of that sugar and see if you really do taste like peaches?” Jason dips down to capture my lips in a searing kiss, controlling the movements, and determining the speed and pressure. It’s perfect. Enough to melt my insides and leave me gasping. His fervent tongue boasts the tricks he’s learned when eating pussy, and the contrast of his cashmere lips versus his rough stubble stamps its branding mark on me, leaving me flushed and desperate for more.

“You’re perfect just as you are, Kiera. I wouldn’t change a single thing about you, for what it’s worth,” Havoc tells me, and it sounds like he means it. “But the wolves are out there hungering for your blood, and I’m not one to share. So, here’s how it’s gonna be. You’re gonna take your punishment like a good girl, and then we’re gonna parade your spanked ass around the club for all to see.”

My legs shake and wobble unsteadily as Jason drags my jeans and panties down my damp thighs, then steps on them, bunching them around my ankles. He growls with annoyance as he’s forced to remove my shoes, and then finishes yanking off my jeans, leaving me standing here bare-assed.

“Bend over the desk and angle that fine peach up for me,” he commands me, his voice stern and full of authority. “If you try to use your hands to cover yourself, I’ll be forced to tie them down.”

I do as he says, too aroused to refuse, and shaking all over. I should feel humiliated and violated, but I don’t. It feels good to relinquish control and hand it to someone who’s making me feel this good. I trust that he’ll keep his word. If not to me, then to Bodie. Obey Jason, and he’ll help me. Refuse him, and I don’t want to think about the consequences. Maybe he’ll throw me to the wolves as he mentioned. But somehow, I doubt it. Something tells me that beneath his tough exterior, there’s a decent guy buried deep down in there somewhere. I bend over the desk, move aside a stack of papers, and rest my elbows against the scuffed woodwork. Jason slaps my ass lightly as if to watch how it wobbles. He does this several times on either side. The first couple of slaps feels good, but then he applies more force, and it soon starts to sting. As the swats get harder, the impact sparks fire across my skin. I hear Jason spitting into his palm, and then another five-fingered blaze scorches the opposite cheek. Again, and again, it burns. The tears fall from my glazed eyes, and the sobs skitter through my lips until all I see is a thick white misty fog. All the pain, the tension, the helplessness, and the sheer frustration that I’ve been feeling all start to melt away with the final few smacks. It leaves me feeling cleansed and revitalized. The veil lifts, and the hot tears feel like they’ve purified my soul.

“Had enough?” Jason asks, his tone firm, but I detect some underlying remorse there too.

“Yes,” I sob, unable to take another swat.

He grabs both sides of my glowing ass. “Do you accept my claim on you?”

“I guess,” I reply with a sniff.

Jason presses his fingers harder, dragging a painful squeal from my lips. “Not good enough. Try again. Do. You. Accept. My. Claim. On. You?”

“Yes, yes,” I reply, both because it’s what I’ve always wanted, and fuck, because my butt stings like a son of a bitch. “I’ll be good, I promise.”

“You better,” he replies, letting go and stepping back. “In that case, put your panties back on but not the jeans. We’re leaving, and I’m afraid you’ve got to do the walk of atonement to prove you took your punishment.”

I’m slightly disappointed by this as I was hoping it would lead to a happy ending.

Guess not.

I turn in time to see him scrubbing the contrite look off his face, and our eyes meet. Sadness versus guilt. I need answers, and he has them. He’s looking for redemption, and I’m pretty sure I’m it. If he saves me, he’s fulfilling a brotherly oath to Bodie. But that must mean I’m in deeper shit than he’s letting on, and by coming here, I’ve knocked down the first domino. There’s no way to stop each one from falling. Not now the floodgates are open. After pulling on my shoes, I snatch up my jeans and purse, wiping my snotty nose on the back of my hand. I’m a sniveling mess, and it pains me to walk through the dingy dive bar with all those beady eyes watching me. Jason claims he must prove I've taken my punishment, but the way some of the guys are looking at me as I walk out of the room holding Jason’s arm, I’d say it’s more than that. It’s like I’m fresh meat. But thanks to Jason, parading me around like a show horse, it means my pussy is off the menu. I’m his. And now everyone here knows it.

“You can thank me properly when we get home,” Jason utters into my ear suggestively.

Mohawk Man topples his chair over as he stands, and all his goons follow. They don’t seem happy with how things have worked out. But I get the feeling they came here looking for a fight no matter the outcome.

“Gonna need my arm back for a sec,” Jason says, shoving me at his pal, Rooster. “Hold on to my girl while I take out the trash.”

Mohawk Man pulls out a flick knife.

“Jason!” I gasp with horror.

Jason moves fast, grabbing Mohawk Man’s arm, twisting his wrist, then headbutts him smack in the face. Rooster drags me out of the way as Tex and Hustle jump into the fight, throwing punches at the unwelcome guests. Jason shakes the blood from his knuckles, then swoops me up onto his shoulder like a caveman. The unexpected, speedy motion makes me dizzy, the floor bouncing in and out of focus.

“Scream my name all you want when we’re fucking. But in front of everyone else, the name’s Havoc,” Jason remarks, landing another stinging slap on my butt.