Wrong Side of the Tracks by Ashley Zakrzewski


Bodie is left shaking with anger as they leave. It feels weird to be at the top of a biker thug’s hit list. I should be scared shitless. There isn’t a funny side. So why does it amuse me? I can’t help but chuckle at the irony. After all, Jason claimed me to save me. So far, his plan has fallen flat on its ass. I’m in danger now more than ever. Marcus thinks he can hurt Jason by hurting me. So, by claiming me, Jason put a bigger target on my head.

“The Jackal shot Jason, and now he’s threatening to kill you,” Bodie utters disdainfully. “As our queen, what are your orders?”

I double-take, scrunching my face with incredulity. “Are you serious? Now you want my input?”

“Hey, I did what I thought was right.” Bodie holds his hands up defensively. “I’m not saying it was the right move. But I thought it was at the time. Now I’m admitting I was wrong. We all were. I can spend the rest of my life on my knees begging for forgiveness, but that won’t change what’s happening now. I’m on your side, Kiera. Whatever you want to do, I’ll back you up one hundred percent. In fact, I’ll prove it to you.”

Bodie pulls me by the arm, and I go with him into Jason’s recovery room where we find him fully dressed and ready to walk out of there without telling anybody. I have no room to talk, having done the exact same thing tonight, but Jason was shot. My injuries are mild compared to his.

“Hey, what the hell are you doing?” I say reflexively. “You should be resting. Get back in bed.”

Jason is shocked to see me, and his expression melts with relief. “Keira. You didn’t leave. What made you come back?”

I throw Bodie the stink-eye and fold my arms across my chest. “It seems you idiots can’t cope without me, so . . .” I bounce my shoulders, pretending not to give a fuck. But that’s not true. I do care. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here.

Jason clears the space between us, then pulls me against him, wincing gingerly from the pain. “It wasn’t all lies, Peaches. When I told you I loved you, I meant it.” Jason holds my face between his warm hands and looks down into my eyes. “I love you so much I’d die for you.”

I can feel Bodie shrinking away with awkwardness, not wanting to witness a tender moment between his best friend and his sister. And as much as I’ve longed to hear Jason say this, because it never gets old, I’m still angry. I’m upset they didn’t trust me enough to include me in their plans in the first place. Now it’s my turn to lay down the rules. No more secrets and lies. If they want my forgiveness, we wipe the slate clean and start again. This time, with rules that respect everyone. The brotherhood and the sisterhood included. We’re not just brainless accessories they can dangle from their arms and ride pillion around town, bang whenever they want, however they choose, never to complain, talk back, or have an opinion. I’ll tell the girls the same thing next time I see them. It’s time to make a stand.

“Jason, Havoc, or whatever you prefer me to call you in front of witnesses. I love you too. But you’re still an asshole. You broke my trust, and I think you should be punished before you’re forgiven. Bodie too, but I’ll let Ivy deal with him.” I smile maliciously, catching the flicker of approval in Jason’s eyes.

“Kiera ought to have a say in how we handle both Marcus and Booker,” Bodie says, sticking up for me. “None of this would have happened if we had told her everything from the start.”

“You’re right,” Jason replies, flicking his gaze from Bodie and back at me. “It’s my fault for making the wrong call. When all this is done, I’ll get on my knees and kiss your ass. Anywhere you want.”

“Well, that’s a nauseating thought,” Bodie mutters behind me. “I’ll send word to Rooster and tell him to bring the truck.” Bodie steps outside to make the call, leaving Jason and me alone.

“I thought I lost you twice tonight,” Jason mentions, stroking the sides of my face with his thumbs. “First when Marcus aimed that gun at your head, then when you tried to dump me just now.”

I huff a sigh and blink. “Yeah, well, I’m still considering things,” I reply. “You’ve got a lot of making up to do. You both have.”

“How about right now?” Jason suggests, dipping down for a kiss. It’s one I avoid, and he catches my cheek instead.

“Not so fast, Romeo. We’ve got unfinished business to do. I want to help.” I meet Jason’s gaze, and a moment of understanding settles between us.

“What do you have in mind?” Jason asks.

“Well, since I fucked up Dan’s plan, I’m volunteering to offer myself up as bait,” I mention, and Jason splutters.

“Fuck no,” he blurts out, reacting exactly how I expect him to.

“Your dad wants me dead to break you, and Marcus resents you because you’re better than him. I get there’s sibling rivalry going on. Marcus seems jealous of you. It got me thinking that if I can prey on Marcus’s ego and convince him I want payback for being used, he’ll fall for it out of wanting to spite you. Then I can seduce him and get him to spill all his secrets about Booker,” I explain, thinking I have a solid plan. However, Jason’s outraged expression tells me otherwise.

Jason holds my lips together to stop me from talking, his unsettled frown deepening. “Firstly, Booker is not my dad and never will be. Dan is my dad in my heart.” He taps his chest. “Secondly, Marcus is no brother of mine. And if you think for one second I’m just gonna stand back and let that bastard touch you, you’re gravely mistaken, sweetheart.”

I fling my hands up and step back. “Well, it’s not as if we can break into Town Hall and scope out Booker’s office, is it? If you want to nail Booker, we’ve got to get Marcus to spill his guts. He does all the donkey work. I bet it won’t be too difficult to get him to talk. He looks like the type to brag.”

This gives Jason something to think about. But the pregnant silence is broken when Jason’s phone rings. He’s quick to answer it.

“Dan, is everything okay?” He pauses to listen, his eyes widening with shock. “What? How do you know that?” His terrified eyes dart to me, and I know in my gut that something is wrong. “I’m on my way.”

“What’s going on?” I ask.

Jason shoves his arms through his leather jacket and puts away his phone. “Dan went home and found the front door had been kicked in. My mom is gone, but her car, purse, and phone are still there. Someone has taken her. It must have literally happened right before he got home because one of the neighbors heard screaming and saw a truck and several bikes speeding away. They were just about to call the cops when Dan arrived. It seems like Marcus doesn’t trust Booker either. He’s a loose cannon. He must get that from our sociopath father. I’ve got to find him and stop him before it’s too late.”

“Okay, so, where’s their hideout?” I shrug.

Jason scrubs a hand over his face, frustratedly. “I don’t know. It could be anywhere.”

“It’s a good thing you have me as bait then. Marcus is going to come for me, and you’re going to let him. I’ll do my best to gain his trust, then you can track his ass back to his hideout,” I say, putting it out there for him to consider.

A dark shadow crosses Jason’s face, and he moves closer to stroke my face. “Okay. This one time, do what you gotta do, and we’ll draw a line in the sand and forget about it. If he hurts you, I’ll kill him.”

He’s just given me the green light to use my pussy as a decoy, which for any man is a hard pill to swallow.

“Marcus is the target. I’m yours,” I remind him. “Only yours. Forever and always.”