Savage Prince by Alison Aimes


The next morning, they were still breathing hard from yet another bout of rutting, his knot just shrinking enough for him to pull out, when a knock sounded at the door.

“We need to talk.” She recognized the voice as Damien’s. “We need to go over some new plan ideas.”

Maxheim was up and lifting her off his cock in the next heartbeat, the tension back in his shoulders and eyes.

He smacked her ass. “Go shower. I’ll join you in a moment.”

“Alpha, please.” She shadowed him instead, moving with him as he rushed to the sink to wash his hands and face. As appealing as a shower sounded, she knew a dismissal when she heard one, and, after yesterday, she was more determined than ever to get him to open up.

Perhaps she was greedy, but she’d seen how extraordinary it could be to gain his council, and she wanted more.

She knew if she didn’t try, he’d disappear for another full rotation and she’d never get her chance to talk to him. And she was tired of dancing around the main issue and the real way she could be of service to him and his family.

“Don’t send me off. I know you’re just trying to protect me, but I can sense your strain.” Standing in front of him to check his forward motion, she raised herself on tiptoes and cupped his jaw. “Let me help, please.”

His gaze heated. “You do help.” He turned and nipped at the flesh of her palm. “The help you just provided was amazing—and I’ll be back for more as soon as I can.”

Frustration pulse through her. “I want to do more than just provide sexual release.”

His gaze narrowed.

She tried again, with a different tone. “Maxheim, please. Don’t go yet.”

He blew out a breath. “I know it’s not an easy time, omega. I know I’m having to spend more time away than we’d both like, but it will get better.”

Did he think she was upset at something as selfish and stupid as not getting his time?

“Maxheim, please. I understand exactly why you’re working so hard, and I don’t begrudge you that time for an instant. I’m grateful for all your effort and can certainly see to myself. I only wish to help lighten your burden. Not make it worse.”

Expression softening, he pulled her close, resting his chin on top of her head. “Knowing you’re here makes all the difference.”

She was glad. But she wanted to do more. Especially since she knew she could. “You do so much for me. Let me support you too. We both know I can be of use.”

He stiffened, then pulled back, his arms closing around the tops of her arms. “This is not your concern.”

“But it is. The Brotherhood wants whoever killed their associates at the auction almost as much as they want Rav and his employer. We both know I’m going to be the only one who might be able to reach Rav. Let’s at least discuss the possibility of—”


“Yes. You have to let me—”

He cut her off again, yanking her close. “I don’t have to let you do anything, and if you say one word about trading yourself, I will turn you over my knee and ensure that all you can think about is how much you want to make sure I stay very happy from here on out.”

A slight shiver pulsed through her.

His sudden fury was dark and deep and a little frightening.

Plus, she wasn’t trying to anger him. Or defy him.

She just wanted to help. To make him realize he didn’t need to shield her from every ugly possibility or hardship. He’d already given her so much. She wanted to do the same for him. She wanted him to let her in.

But so far, there’d been only one way to reach him.

Bowing her head, she sank to her knees. “Forgive me.”

Above her, she sensed him go still.

“It was not my intention to upset you. I choose you. I accepted your claim. It was the best choice I ever made.”

“Tess.” Her name was a soft, growled whisper, all his regret and concern mixed within.

She knew then that he wasn’t really angry with her. Only with the situation.

His hand gripped her chin, tugged it upward. Golden eyes streaked with red met hers. Eyes wild with shadows and need. “I can’t have us be at odds, omega. Not now.”

It was the last thing she wanted too.

She met his gaze head-on. “I love you, Alpha.”

“Tess.” his grip tightened. “Love doesn’t even begin to cover what I feel for you. It’s relentless. Savage. Primitive. It’s breath and blood and life.”

Her heart trembled in her chest.

His grip tightened, scowl deepening. “So, don’t fucking ask me to give you up. I won’t.”

She didn’t want anger between them.

“It makes me feel savage too,” she confessed. “And primitive.” Sliding forward, she pressed her cheek to his thigh, rubbed her jaw up and down the thick bulge beneath his trousers. “Needy.”

He growled low. His fingers tangled in her hair.

She peered up at him from beneath half-sunken eyes and waited.

“Take it out.” His hand stroked her hair, the gentleness of his touch an erotic contrast to his rough command.

“Maxheim!” The growl came from outside. “I thought you said you wanted to talk plans.”

“I’ll find you after. Now, fuck off.” He shouted at the door, but his gaze remained locked with hers. “I’m busy.”

She fumbled with the laces of his trousers. Pulled out his cock.

The heat and weight of it pulsed in her palm, making her ache.

She pressed her thighs together and marveled once more that it could fit inside her. The thick red head was swollen, almost angry looking, the root thick and hard with a pulsing vein that ran its length.

She tongued it first, licking up the length until she reached the top. The flat of her tongue worshiped the slit before moving down to suck the swelling bulge at the base of his cock.

“Fuck, yes.” He tugged at her scalp as his fingers burrowed into her hair, locking her to him. Not so gentle now.

Pleasure surged through her. Triumph too. If sexual release was all he’d let her provide right now, so be it. They could lose themselves together in the savagery and the need.

Because no matter what came next, she was his. She always would be.

“More,” he commanded.

Her lips closed around his staff, cheeks hollowing as she took him deep.

Groaning, he tightened his hold on her hair, guiding her, dominating her, working her wet mouth up and down his shaft at just the speed he liked. “Hells, that’s good.”

She loved it too.

She took him deeper. Sucked harder.

Until, with a pop, he pulled her off. His gaze locked on her swollen lips, and he lifted her from her knees.

Then, wordlessly, he spun her around and bent her over. His hand swept outward. Uneaten, leftover cake and dirty plates clattered to the floor.

He used his thigh to nudge her wide. “Good girl. You sucked my cock so well. Now, I need inside another wet, sweet hole.”

“Yes.” There was no purr. No beautiful intimacy and blending, but there was this: the ache, the need, the clawing yearning for one another that never ended.

He slammed inside her. “Nothing is going to take you from me. I get to be selfish, just this fucking once.”

His hand slipped beneath her belly and down to her core, his fingers working the tight bundle of nerves as he drove deep. “You are mine, Tess. You will always be mine.”

He thrust so hard he lifted her toes from the floor so that her legs dangled and she was unable to do anything but take as he fucked her over and over again, the table edge banging into her hips.

All the power, all the control, his.

She screamed in pleasure. In need. In frustration.

“Tell me,” he demanded.

And she knew this was more than intimacy—it was also another lesson.

“I’m yours.”

“That’s right, baby. Mine.” He worked her faster. Pumped harder. “And I’m going to keep you safe. I’m going to do what I have to do. And you’re going to let me…because you know I’ll always give you what you need.”

Crack. The flat of his hand against her ass sent her over the edge. Crack. Crack.

There was no pain, only a delicious heat that was exactly what she craved.

Their connection as bright and strong as it had ever been.

She screamed, her body splintering apart as he roared above her, slamming home as his cum filled her and they toppled over the edge of white-hot pleasure together. Into mindless oblivion where there was no duty or choices or fear of what the future might hold. Only pure ecstasy and a bond so powerful it held them together even now.

Then, all too soon, it was over.

The sweat at her spine cooled her skin as her breathing slowed and his knot disappeared once more.

Then, big hands lifted her from the table, gentle where they’d once been so rough, and scooping her into his arms, he carried her back to their bed.

“Sleep, beautiful. I’ll be back before you know it.” He planted a kiss on her forehead. “We can talk then.”

But she knew they wouldn’t.

And they didn’t.

Because what she had to say was exactly what he refused to hear.

* * *

“You want some company?”Dahlia’s head peeked into the room. “I come bearing an adorable baby.”

“Of course.” Despite her turmoil, Tess couldn’t help but smile.

“I’m here too.” Anya glided in behind, holding up a bag. “Dahlia made me bring thread and needles.”

Tess laughed, a genuine reaction.

She really did like these two females. They’d been beyond welcoming to her—and determined to help her with her most recent project, which was why Anya had come bearing thread.

Within a few short hours of being at the Skolov compound, it had become painfully clear to Tess that she had no idea how to handle her new way of life or the waiting that came with being a hunted female.

As a slave, she’d been focused on survival and escape. She’d spent her time supporting the other omegas or identifying escape codes and weak exit points or recovering from the violence of her auction nights. There’d been no real downtime. No time for indulgences or the pursuit of passions.

She had no clue what she liked to do.

Dahlia was busy with Jaxson, and when she wasn’t, she was gardening or, even more often, napping. Anya, whose gift no one discussed, worked for the Skolov company as the family’s behind-the-scenes publicist. Like the rest of the Skolovs, she worked a lot. Like them, she also kept her secrets, dodging most attempts to discuss what she did during her free time, though Tess knew that skulking around and crawling through the air ducts was definitely a part of Anya’s activities.

Tess had no similar passions—and, frankly, with Lottie, Betta, and Flora still out there, and so many of her friends so recently dead, the whole idea of hobbies sat a little heavy on her shoulders. But Maxheim had pulled no punches. He’d pointed out that the best way to honor Mauve and the others who died was to make sure she didn’t waste the chance she’d been given to seize more from life.

So far, she’d tried gardening, puzzles, dance, and drawing, and while she’d enjoyed them all, she hadn’t found her hobby yet.

But maybe this rotation would be different.

They were seated at the table for all of two heartbeats, their materials spread out in a haphazard mess, when Anya asked, “How are you?”

Tess sat straighter, her grip on her needle tight. “I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?” Dahlia, who’d parked a sleeping Jaxson in some sort of rolling carriage contraception, picked up a needle, thread, and some fabric, and began stitching.


They both stared.

Tess’s shoulders sank. “I am a little worried about Maxheim.” She kept her voice low since the male who was the topic of conversation was in the next room, separated from her only by the now closed connecting door, searching for clue that might lead to Rav’s whereabouts. She knew from experience Maxheim was too absorb in his investigative efforts to pay much attention to what she was doing in this room, but she still didn’t want to hurt his feelings, or distract him.

“Yes.” Anya pounced as if that was the opening for which she was waiting. “He’s on edge. We all see it.”

Tess shifted in her chair, an uncomfortable sense of disloyalty rippling through her. “Actually, he’s been nothing but wonderful with me, even though he is under tremendous pressure.”

“Yes, yes, he’s all that and more.” Anya waved her hand dismissively.

Dahlia, after shooting a chiding glance in the other omega’s direction, placed her palm over Tess’s. “We just want to help, not pry. This is a hard time. Maxheim has his brothers. We just want you to know you have us if you need it.”

Those stupid tears welled in Tess’s eyes once more. With her younger omega friends, she’d always been the one to serve as their rock. It was strange, and nice, to think of sharing her concerns.

“I just worry I am not doing enough to help him,” she admitted.

“There is no one my brother is harder on than himself. Nothing he dislikes more than being out of control—or failing those he cares for.” Anya grabbed a needle from the bag and jabbed it into a piece of fabric. Tess got the distinct sense this was not one of Anya’s hobbies, either.

“He’s been our rock for so long,” she continued, stabbing her fabric once more. “I’m not sure if he knows how to handle things when he’s the one floundering.”

Tess’s heart hurt. “But I don’t want him to flounder. Especially when it’s my fault.”

“Yours? No.” Dahlia took the needle from the other omega and threaded it, proving she clearly had more experience in this area. “You can’t blame yourself.”

“How can I not? He saved me and now he thinks he has to keep on rescuing me. He sees me as weak, but I’m better now. More in control of my gift. I could help.”

“I don’t think that’s exactly right. I think his refusal to ask for your help is more about him than you.” Anya’s expression was full of pity. She deliberately ignored the threaded needle and picked up an unfettered one, lancing the fabric once more. “I love my brother, but life has not been easy on him, and right now, the twins’ fate rests heavy on his shoulders, as does safeguarding you and the family. And for some reason, he thinks he has to control it all, and shield us, from these recent dangers.”

The vise around Tess’s chest tightened.

Anya was right.

Just last night she’d woke to discover there was no hard, hot male at her back once again.

He’d fucked her and left her. A common pattern after six rotations at his compound.

He was working himself to exhaustion—and as adamant as ever that she not mention Byrel’s name.

“You have all been so nice to me, but we all know it’s my being here and Maxheim’s refusal to hand me over to the Brotherhood or Byrel that has brought these dangers to your door and prevented you from finding out more about the twins.”

Anya frowned. “Of course, we want to find the twins, especially now that we know they’re alive, but they’re not the only family we’re concerned about. Maxheim has given up everything to keep us safe. He deserves to be happy too.” She smiled and, following Dahlia’s example, awkwardly patted Tess’s hand. “You make him happy.”

Tess blinked back more foolish tears. “You are kind for saying that.”

“It’s not kindness. It’s the selfish truth.” Anya threw down her needle and fabric. “Maxheim is our rock, but he can’t be an island. No one can. Trying to be that for us had taken its toll. It made him so hard. It was as if he’d shoved down all his own needs and feelings for so long to deal with ours, he forgot he had them. I think we became an obligation. But your arrival has burst those locks wide open. You’ve made him feel. You’ve made him loosen his rigid control. You’ve given him back joy and passion, right alongside anger and emotion. Maybe that isn’t always easy, but it is wonderful. You’re giving us back the brother I thought might be lost for good.”

“But at what cost?” Tess appreciated Anya’s beautiful words, but she could not let him lose his refuge and family in the process of trying to give her one.

It wasn’t just his job to care for her.

As his omega and fated mate, it was her job to safeguard him as well.

Her gaze shifted to the closet where her cloak hung—with the secret comms nestled in her pocket, untouched.

Even now, she remained unsure of what to do.

She only knew she was scared.

Of the Brotherhood Council, the death squad, Rav—but mostly, of what was going to happen to her and Maxheim.

“You worry needlessly.” Dahlia finished a lovely line of thread work and set it down. “Of course, it would be better if this wasn’t happening at the same time we were under threat from the Council and this mysterious employer, but we omegas know better than any Alpha; there are some things that simply can’t be controlled. Fate is one of them. Life another.”

“Never doubt your importance in this family, Tess,” Anya added her support to Dahlia’s. “Or worry too much about Maxheim. He will come around. He’s panicking right now because he doesn’t have the control he wants, and his response is to work too hard and shut everyone else out.” She shook her head. “He’ll pull his idiotic self together, or we’ll make sure he does. You’re one of us now.”

Tess found it hard to swallow. They were both so kind. She forced the words out anyway. “I . . . have never had family before.”

“You do now.”

It was another beautiful gift, filling more of the tiny cracks inside her that a lifetime of enslavement and betrayal had wrought. Truth be told, thanks to Maxheim and his family, she felt more whole than she had in a long while.

She just wasn’t sure how to keep hold of it and save them all without losing everything in the process.

“Now,” the crash of Anya’s chair sliding back pulled Tess from her dark thoughts. The other omega stood, hands planted firmly on the table. “That’s enough of this hobby. Let me show you lock-picking. It’s way more fun.”