Savage Prince by Alison Aimes


Thank you all for reading SAVAGE PRINCE. I hope you know how much I appreciate all your support. It means so much!!!

I can’t miss the chance to say a special shout out to some extraordinary readers who have been such an incredible source of support and inspiration and who make me smile every day. Thank you so much Holly Greys, Tricia Len, Lauren Kelly, Jean Stillman, Janey Dyson, Rose Files, Persephone Black, Holly Hill Mangin, Raymona Hendricks, Christen Roxo, EJ Frost, Carol Hanlon, Lori Rattay, Katrin Ähmsry, Janet Seavey, Jenny Sliger, Laural Langill, Karen Wilkes, Margo Bonds, Dolly Guttmann, Anthony Abignale, Kelly Grice-Bargman, Rita Valkenborg, and Ema Cristina—you guys are the BEST!!!

Thanks too to my entire incredible ARC team. You are rock stars! I am so grateful for your time and energy, and I hope you know how much your reviews mean to me.

I’d also like to thank Natasha Snow, cover designer extraordinaire. Once again, your cover for Savage Prince blew me away.

I’d like to give a HUGE thank you to three amazing women who beta read this book for me. First, Lynn Winchester, who was once again beta reader extraordinaire and helped me to whip this book into shape—and made me laugh with her snarky side comments. Second, Hannah Grace, whose insights were terrific and helped me make the entire book, but especially the ending, a far better experience. I owe you big time. Third, Hannah Haze, whose push for a deeper emotional connection helped me fall in love with these characters even more.

I also want to thank Holly Hill Mangin from Fresh as a Daisy Editing for her terrific proofreading. You save me time and again!!!

A special thank you is also owed to my terrific PA, Danielle Rairigh, of Danielle Leigh Author Services. I am so grateful to have you in my corner and to count you as a friend. Your graphics, posts, tech support (we know how much I need that, lol), and all-around brilliant guidance and support are so incredible, and so appreciated.

I also need to thank some very close friends whose support makes all the difference. Karen and Phyllis, you guys are there for me time and again, and I am so thankful.

I want to thank my sweet brother as well. You made my day when you read Ruthless King. I hope you like this one too. Thank you for being such a terrific brother and friend.

Dad, I am sending a HUGE thank you your way as well. I love our morning talks and our hugs, and I am so grateful for your never-ending support. I hope you know what an inspiration you are to me every day.

Mom, this book is ours together. I could not have written it without you. Thank you for every suggestion, every drop of encouragement, every edit, and every moment spent being my mom and my friend. I am one lucky woman to have you in my life.

Husband, thank you for your incredible support throughout this whole process. Like Maxheim, you are a protector and a fixer, and I am lucky to have found in you my shelter, and my home, and more laughter and joy than I could ever have imagined. I love you madly.