Finding You by Daphne Elliot



So I just forced myway into dinner with my hot neighbor. How did that happen?

My natural inclination to be blunt sometimes led me into weird social situations. It did not, however, result in lots of dinner invites. So this was a first.

I would be lying if I said I hadn’t been watching him for the past week. I had noticed him jogging and almost tripped over my own feet. Up close he was even hotter. The long hair, the full beard, the height. Being five feet ten, I was used to looking most men directly in the eye, but he was so tall and broad that I felt tiny. I was intrigued by his scruffy, Jason Momoa vibe.

When I saw him playing fetch with his dog in the yard this morning, I was even more intrigued. For a big, strong, serious looking guy, he was so adorable rolling on the ground and playing. It also helped that I had a perfect line of sight to enjoy his very round, very firm ass in a pair of gray sweatpants.

I had always wanted a dog growing up. My mother despised pets and forbid me from even considering it. My half siblings had an old golden retriever, and my dad sometimes showed me photos of him. I always swore the minute I was an adult with my own house I would get myself a dog. Unfortunately I was never home enough to take care of one. The minute I got out of law school and started practicing, it became clear that I would be a terrible dog mom. I was never home, and when I was I was either working or asleep. I couldn’t keep groceries in the house, never mind a living thing. So sadly, my dog dreams never materialized. But watching him cavort around with his dog was reigniting them.

I was doing nothing right now. Maybe I could get a dog? That would be fun. I could train it and take it on walks. I wondered if there were any shelters in Havenport.

But then reality set in. Even though I was bored at the moment, eventually I would be going back. Back to the city, the office, the pressure, the all-nighters, and the endless travel. This was just temporary while I worked out how to get back what I deserved. Because I couldn’t lose sight of my goal. After a little pit stop in Havenport, I was going to get my career back.

Suddenly, I was filled with panic. What had I done? Did I just invite myself over to a random man’s house? What if he was a serial killer who wanted to wear my skin as a suit?

Shit. Shit.Huh. One of the benefits of a small town is that everyone knows everyone else. I grabbed my phone and called Emily.

“Hey, lady, what’s up?” I heard screaming in the background. Emily was the mother of three kids under six, and every time I spoke to her there was some degree of chaos in the background.

“Sorry if it’s dinnertime. I didn’t mean to bother you.”

“No, no. I’m thrilled to speak to an adult today. Derek is traveling.” Emily married Derek, her college sweetheart, and moved back to Havenport. Derek was an architect and a proud Texan. He had embraced her hometown wholeheartedly, but still insisted on wearing his cowboy hat and boots everywhere. He occasionally traveled for work, and I know it was hard on Emily.

“Hey, why don’t I come over tomorrow and hang with the kids for a bit?”


“They are adorable. Maybe you could run some errands or something.”

I could hear Emily exhale on the other end of the phone. “You don’t know what you’re agreeing to but yes, please yes. I am going to take a shower and then go get a fancy coffee at High Tide. Thank you, Astrid.” The enthusiasm in her voice made it worth it. I loved kids, and Emily’s, while insane, were super cute. I could handle them for a few hours.

“So did you just call to rescue your crazy cousin, or is there something on your mind?” Emily knew me too well. I was never the kind of person who called just to chat.

“Do you know the guy who lives in the house across the street from my cottage?”

“Declan Quinn?”


“I’ve known him since childhood. What about him?”

“I met him today.”

“Hold on one second.” I heard her shouting in the background and then a large crashing noise.

“I’m back.”

I didn’t dare ask what the crashing noise was. “And he sort of invited me over for dinner. I accepted and then realized I didn’t know him, and it’s probably not smart to go to a stranger’s house for dinner when I’m new in town.” I was rambling.

“Time out. He invited you? Into his house?” Emily sounded shocked. Ugh, maybe he was a serial killer.


“I am not sure he has even invited his own mother over for dinner. Very few people have been invited inside the fortress of solitude. I have to text Cece. She will be so shocked.”

“Wait, can you back up a minute? I called because I want to make sure it is safe for me to go over there.”

“Yes. Totally safe.” She laughed loudly.

“I’m not following.”

“He may be a broody jerk sometimes, but he is harmless and kind. His family is lovely and everyone knows him.”


“But your vagina may not be safe.” It sounded like she was smiling on the other end of the phone.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” I feigned ignorance but I knew what she was getting at. Emily was very blunt and tended to have no qualms about discussing personal stuff. The last thing I needed was her talking about my vagina.

“I assume if you spoke to him you also saw him? His face? His body?”

I didn’t say anything, too afraid she could read my voice over the phone.

“Let’s just say very few women are immune to that broody lumberjack charm.” She was right, of course. He was impossible not to notice. I had been drooling over him since I saw him running the other day. I never should have walked over and introduced myself. Up close he was so much hotter.

“No, no. It’s not like that,” I protested. “I was walking and we got to chatting and I mentioned that what he was cooking smelled good so he invited me to dinner.”

“That doesn’t sound like Declan. Are you sure it wasn’t one of his brothers? They are both personable and polite.”

“No, it’s him. I’ve… noticed him a few times since I’ve been here.”

“Oh really!”

“Not like that.”

She snorted. “Of course it’s like that. Let’s not lie to each other, Astrid. So what are you wearing?”

“I don’t know? Is it formal?”

“I should think not. But then again, I have never been invited to his house. And you and I have very different definitions of formal.” That was an understatement. Emily, while beautiful and whimsical, had a very distinct “overwhelmed mom” style these days.

I laughed. “I don’t have much. Just some leggings and my suits.”

“Why did you pack your suits?”

“I didn’t pack all of my suits. Just a few in case.”

“In case there was a random legal emergency?”


“I’ll take you shopping this week. But for now, just wear something comfy. Don’t dress up. He would probably think that was weird.”

“I should go. Now I’m stressing about my outfit and I need to find something.”

“Fine. But you need to call me tonight! I need to hear about this. I can’t believe you’re going to have dinner at Declan Quinn’s house. My high school self is freaking out.”

“Shut up. You are happily married.”

“Yes, but my sweet husband is in California right now, and the time zone makes FaceTime sex a bummer. Call me tonight and give me the deets.”

Oh Jesus, that was way more than I needed to know about Emily and Derek.

“I want to know everything. You and Declan… I would have never guessed that one. But, I suppose it actually makes sense, since you probably hate people more than he does.”

I was desperate to get Emily off the phone. This was turning into a way bigger deal than I initially thought. “Then, it should be an interesting night.”