Finding You by Daphne Elliot


Dear Reader,

Thank you for reading my second book in the Havenport series! Before book one was even released, I was receiving multiple messages a day about Declan. It seems everyone, from my beta readers to my friends and my cousin, were all asking for more Declan (and Ginger).

I felt an enormous amount of pressure to get him right. And to give him a woman worthy of him. I love Astrid because we have a lot in common. We are both lawyers, both have resting bitch faces, and both left the glitz and glamour of international law firms to pursue other passions. Because Astrid and Declan have tough exteriors and mushy interiors, it was so much fun to pair them up and watch them grow together.

My favorite scene to write is when Declan gives Astrid a sledgehammer for Valentine’s Day. It was so much fun to write Astrid’s emotional response to the gift and the personal growth that resulted from it. Seeing her work through her challenges physically and realize her own emotional strength while utilizing her physical strength was a joy to write. I saw this scene playing like a movie in my head for weeks before I actually sat down to write it. If you have not had a chance to smash something with a sledgehammer, I strongly recommend it.

I write romance to make people happy. This is my hobby and my passion and it brings me a great deal of joy to share my stories with you. I had a lot of fun writing this book and I hope you had a lot of fun reading it.

With all my love,
