Trained By Her Daddy by Shelly Douglas

Chapter 19

With our hands clasped together, John and I briskly walked into the main entrance of Ascension Seton Medical Center and headed toward the bank of elevators.

“Do you think Dr. Goldstein will allow you into the exam room with me?”

After entering the elevator, John pressed the third-floor button and our eyes darted upward as we watched the heavy door close. “Besides the fact I’m the father of your baby, Rick Goldstein is an old friend of mine. So, I think there’s a good possibility he’ll be okay with it.”

“This is unbelievable. Are you friends with everyone in this town?”

His eyes were glued to the floor numbers, as they progressively lit up over the doors. “No, not everyone. Just the important people,” he teased. “But right now, you need to have a thorough exam, so we’re sure the IUD didn’t do any harm. By the way, when was your last pelvic examination from a gynecologist?”

“I guess my first and only time was five years ago, when the doctor inserted the IUD.”

“You haven’t had it checked in the last five years?”

Thank God the elevator doors opened wide and our conversation was over for the time being, but unfortunately, I knew we’d be revisiting the subject. After we exited the elevator and made a left-hand turn, John examined the gold nameplate sign and then opened the heavy glass door for me to enter.

“Jesus, I really don’t want to do this,” I huffed, walking past him.

“I’m guessing that’s why you haven’t seen a gynecologist in the last five years, but today—you’ll behave yourself and cooperate, young lady,” he said in an undertone, closing the door behind us.

We were greeted by a young woman sitting on the other side of a glass sliding window, and then she pointed across the room to an electronic kiosk. “Please check in and make sure all the information in our computer is correct. Dr. Goldstein is running on schedule, so he should be seeing you in the next few minutes.”

Once I’d signed in, the receptionist motioned for me to come to the thick-paned window and John joined me there to speak with her. “If it’s okay with the doctor, I’d like sit in on Lori’s exam.

“Are you her father?” the attractive woman innocently asked as she handed me a clipboard and form to fill out with more information.

“No, I’m her fiancé.”

“When Dr. Goldstein steps out of his office, I’ll ask him. Oh, wait. He’s headed this way, so you can ask him yourself.”

“John, it’s been too long since we’ve seen each other,” Dr. Goldstein said emphatically as he approached the reception window.

“This is my fiancée, Lori—and she’s here for an exam.”

Dr. Goldstein’s eyes immediately met mine. “Ahh, yes. I remember the conversation we had on the phone.”

“Is it okay if I accompany her into the examination room? I’d like to hear about her health first-hand.”

“I think that would be perfectly fine—sometimes it’s good to have a second set of ears. When Lori has completed all the additional paperwork, the nurse will direct you where to go.”

After taking my pulse and blood pressure, Dr. Goldstein’s assistant handed me a professionally pressed section of light blue fabric. “The gown should remain open in the front, and here’s something to drape over your lap.” Casually, she placed the folded fabric along with what appeared to be a large paper napkin next to me on the examining table, then she nodded to John and exited the room, closing the door behind her.

“I can’t believe you haven’t had a gynecological exam in five years,” John muttered under his breath as he watched me slide my panties to the floor.

“It didn’t seem like I needed one,” I casually stated, placing my folded clothes on the vinyl covered office chair before donning the threadbare gown.

“Well, from now on, I’m going to make sure you don’t miss any of your annual appointments.”

It wasn’t easy to sit in the short, flimsy material, but I did my best before glaring at the metal stirrups that extended from the end of the examining table. “Wearing a thin hospital gown while my legs are in a spread-eagle position as I wait for my most intimate parts to be examined with a tool that looks like a medieval torture device—will be something I’ll certainly look forward to every year,” I retorted while unfolding the yards of paper to drape over my thighs.

“There’s a good reason that women have a pelvic exam every year.”

“I’m sure there is…” My sentence was cut short when someone tapped on the door, and then a man in a white lab coat entered the room.

“It’s nice to meet you, Lori. I’m Dr. Goldstein.” The handsome older man with cropped silver hair shook my hand and then took a seat on a short, padded stool opposite the chair where my new Daddy sat. “I don’t mind if John stays as long as it’s okay with you. As I’m sure you’re aware, we have strict privacy rules these days,” he said, rolling his seat over to the computer.

“Of course, he can stay. In fact, I was hoping he could hold my hand during the exam.” Dr. Goldstein probably figured the hand holding term was a metaphor—but I wasn’t kidding. “So, when did you get to know one another?” I inquired casually, crossing one ankle over the other.

“John took an office in this building right after he became a licensed therapist, and we’ve been friends ever since.” His smile was wide as he searched for my information on the computer. “The good news is our PC is cooperating this morning, so let’s talk about why you’re here. From our phone conversation, it seemed you’d taken an over the counter pregnancy test and the result was positive—even though you had an IUD inserted about five years ago. You also stated you’d not had a follow-up exam since the insertion of the device, and it’s possible it became dislodged—but you hadn’t noticed if it fell out.”

“That’s correct.” My cheeks blushed at the same time I watched John’s lips tighten into a straight line.

“Okay, then. Let’s have a look and see what we find.” Dr. Goldstein pushed a buzzer on the wall and then washed his hands before coming to stand beside me. Seriously, you could’ve hung butchered meat in the air-conditioned space we were in, and my nipples had already poked against the fabric of the soft, worn out cotton. Soon after his middle-aged nurse entered the room, she helped me to recline onto the table and opened my gown a bit further to expose my full breasts, so the doctor could commence with a breast exam.

“Place your right hand behind your head, please,” Dr. Goldstein directed.

Jesus Christ. Both of my nipples were not only exposed, but they looked stiff and eager for attention. Mortified that everyone had a bird’s eye view of my embarrassing naked display, I was dying to cover myself up, but instead I focused on the texture of the white stucco ceiling. The doctor’s thick fingertips massaged and palpated the circumference of my breast, and then he finished the exam by gently pinching my nipple. “You should be performing a breast exam monthly,” he advised in a serious manner before turning to John. “And if she’s not doing so, then you should take charge and do it for her. I have a pamphlet to show how it’s done correctly, and there are videos online which display the procedure step by step.”

John spoke to me immediately. “Are you performing a self-breast examination every month, Lori?”

“No,” I admitted in a hoarse voice.

“Then I’m happy to take the responsibility from now on, to make sure it’s done.”

Doctor Goldstein seemed satisfied with John’s response and returned his attention back to my breasts. “You can switch arms now, please.”

Swallowing nervously, I looked up at the bright lights and tried to pretend I wasn’t lying half naked on a table with erect nipples in front of two men and a nurse.

Dr. Goldstein continued his exam on my other breast and then he recited the words that no young woman ever wants to hear from her doctor. “Okay, young lady. I’m going to need you to scooch your bottom down to the edge of the table.”

My sad eyes traveled to John before I nervously inched my bare ass down the crisp white strip of thin paper. The doctor switched on the floor lamp, pulled on a pair of purple examination gloves and lifted his head. “Now, now—I need your behind on the very edge of the table, please,” he said with quiet patience before assisting my feet into the stirrups. “Relax your knees and let them fall open wide.” Out of the corner of my eye I could see John lean forward with interest as Dr. Goldstein reached for a large metal instrument behind him before placing it under running water.

“I’m just warming the speculum, to make it more comfortable for you.”

At that moment, it was difficult to imagine myself in a more embarrassing position let alone a comfortable one, so I closed my eyes and willed the damn medical visit to be over.

But it was far from over. As the heat from the lamp warmed my exposed pussy, I watched the doctor’s brief but deliberate movements as he adjusted the bright light, pulling it closer to my sensitive and most private parts. “I’m going to look for your IUD, so I can remove it before I take a sample of your cervical cells for the lab. You’ll feel a little pressure when I insert the speculum, but it shouldn’t cause you any pain.” His tone was matter of fact as if he’d spewed those words a thousand times, and then I watched his head tilt forward as he rolled his seat closer to the table.

Though I tried to glance skyward, my peripheral vision spotted him inserting a piece of equipment that appeared to be a cross between a hinged duck-shaped bill and a can opener. Just the thought of that hideous object inside my body made me nervous, so I decided to engage him in conversation. “It hurt like hell when I had the IUD inserted, so I’d been concerned...”

“No worries. It won’t hurt at all to have it taken out. And here it is!” Dr. Goldstein stated emphatically as he removed the intrauterine device. “Thank God this didn’t perforate your uterus. The hook on the implement just caught onto some tissue when it started to fall out.”

John’s heavy sigh could be heard across the room. “Thank God, indeed.”

“Now I’ll extract some cells from your cervix.” The bit of scaping he did only took a few seconds and after the nurse secured the sample, he slipped the speculum from my tight sheath. “We’ll send this to the lab, and if you don’t hear from us within the week—it’s probably good news. But feel free to call our office for a report. It usually takes about five to seven days to get the lab’s findings in writing.”

I’d only had one pelvic exam in my life, but I hadn’t forgotten what was coming next. My eyes widened as he spurted a glob of lubrication onto a folded piece of gauze, and then he dipped his gloved finger in it. “I’m going to check all the muscles between your vagina and your anus. This will help me locate anything unusual behind your uterus.”

I tried to remain calm as the doctor’s wet fingertips spread my sex open to examine my sensitive folds, but my breath hitched noisily when he slid two fingers deep into my snug opening. While examining the walls of tissue inside me with his deft digits, he pressed softly onto my belly with his other hand. “Your uterus is tipped backward which is not unusual and perfectly normal,” he said, slowly slipping his thick lubricated fingers from my tender cunny.

“Well, it looks like we’re done here, so I guess we can go home now,” I announced to John, scurrying in reverse along the crinkled white paper, but Dr. Goldstein stopped me in my tracks as he took off one glove and quickly snapped on a clean one.

“Ah, ah, ah. We’re not quite done yet, Lori.”

“For Chrissake—what now?” I knew that retort sounded disrespectful, but didn’t my pussy already have enough attention for the day?

“I usually perform a rectal exam while the patient still has her feet in the stirrups, but since you’ve scooted your bottom backward, you can roll over onto your left side.”

I’m sure I looked at him like he was insane. “I thought you’d checked the muscles between my vagina and anus. My doctor in Philadelphia didn’t…”

“Some doctors think they can feel everything internally, but I’m old fashioned when it comes to this type of examination. I believe a lubricated gloved finger needs to be inserted directly into the rectum for the most accurate results.”

He probably figured it would be difficult for me to reply with my mouth hanging open, so he just kept on talking. “Although this exam might be slightly uncomfortable, it shouldn’t be painful for you.” There was nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, so I watched with anxious eyes as he dipped his newly gloved pointer finger into a fresh dollop of lubricant. And then he took his time to make sure that the entire length and circumference of his dominant digit was meticulously covered with gel before he directed his attention to the nurse. “I’m going to need the lamp moved forward, and don’t forget to raise Lori’s gown up in the back.”

The nurse helped me roll over onto my side, and then she positioned my butt onto the edge of the table before lifting my gown to expose my bare ass. “Studies show that a rectal exam is much more comfortable for the patient if she is relaxed,” she cooed close to my ear.

“Oh, I’m sure I’ll want to smoke a cigarette after this,” I sneered under my breath and twisted my neck to face the doctor.

As Dr. Goldstein approached me with one glistening index finger raised in the air, he spoke in a quiet but deliberate tone. “Keep your left leg straight and bend your right knee toward your chest.” After adjusting the bright light, his dry gloved hand splayed my buttock wide open, and I instantly felt the intense heat from the lamp warm my exposed anus. “First, I’m going to examine the external area,” he calmly commented before gently touching the circumference of the tender hole between my cheeks. But immediately after the brief inspection had ended, some lubrication brushed over my crinkled opening, and his deep Texan drawl captured my undivided attention as a thick dominant fingertip invaded my tight rosette. “Finger in your bottom now, young lady.”

My moan was soft as his sturdy digit penetrated my anus and the pressure inside the recesses of my rectum quickly mounted with an embarrassing pleasure as I heard his next direction loud and clear. “I want you to squeeze and hold onto my finger, so I can determine the strength of your anal muscles.”

At that point, John had scrambled out of his chair and was standing next to the doctor. There’s no doubt he figured I’d need to feel his presence closer to the examining table in order to keep my sassy mouth shut. And he was correct.

“Good job. Now, I want you to push and bear down, as if you’re having a bowel movement.”

Because I was facing the wall, no one was able to see my eyes roll before they dramatically crossed.

“You’re doing great, but I need you to relax, Lori,” Dr. Goldstein advised, slipping his long, lubricated finger past my tight ring of muscle. “Inhale a deep breath through your nose and blow it out. I know this was probably a bit uncomfortable for you, but we’re almost done.”

The doctor had no idea what was going on in my head, and I had no intention of relaxing one single muscle until his wet gloved finger slipped from my ass. I’d never experienced that type of exam from a doctor, but John knew damn well the combination of the exhilaration and embarrassment of anal play pushed all my buttons. Was it possible to have an orgasm during a rectal exam? Christ. I didn’t want to find out.

“I’m not feeling any abnormalities or growths,” he stated, slowly rubbing his finger along the rim of my quivering rosette. “In fact, everything seems to be smooth and normal in here.” As his finger finally slid from my anus, I heaved a sigh of relief and attempted to roll back over. “But don’t get up just yet,” he warned, removing the glove on his hand. “My nurse will be taking your temperature before you go.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Why would I need to stay in this position to have my temperature taken? Shouldn’t I get dressed first?”

“We only take temperatures rectally in this office,” Dr. Goldstein firmly stated, watching his nurse remove a thermometer with a thick bulbous end from the closet. “And we prefer an internal temp because it’s a more accurate result. Did I mention that I’m in favor of old-fashioned procedures?”

John’s uneven grin was prominent as he returned to his seat, and I twisted my neck to face the white wall in silence. Fuck me.

“After the exam is finished, you may get dressed and meet me down the hall in my office. Besides dictating a few notes, I’ll need to order some blood work from the lab to confirm the pregnancy, so take your time.” And then without another word, he promptly turned on his heels and exited the room.

John had to be grinning from ear to ear. From our first day together, my new Daddy made it crystal clear that he loved anal activity. And the memory of how he teased my tight hole with a rectal thermometer to see if it would arouse me, will be forever imbedded in my brain. Oh, he knows exactly what will turn my sparks into a flame!

“Bend your knees and keep very still for me, now,” the nurse directed in a serious voice, inserting the lubricated bulbous tip of the thermometer into my shivering anus. “It won’t take long to register your temperature, and there shouldn’t be any discomfort.”

She acted like it was perfectly normal to insert a thermometer into the rectum of a healthy twenty-four-year-old woman. As her warm gloved hand steadied my buttocks to keep me still, I could see her reflection in the large glossy picture above the exam table while she watched my face flush with humiliation. And without a doubt, the woman’s smile was wicked.

“Have the dinosaurs in this office heard of an oral thermometer? I hear it’s all the rage in this century,” I snipped.

“Behave yourself and be still,” John admonished in a strict tone.

I swear she pushed the thermometer a bit deeper into my ass after hearing my cheeky comment, but soon a glorious beeping sound was heard, so the nurse slid the wet instrument out of my rear end and proclaimed my temperature to be normal.

“Now can I get dressed?” I asked while rolling my eyes to the ceiling.

“Yes, you may. And Dr. Goldstein’s office is at the end of the hall when you’re ready.”

I heaved a sigh of relief, until John’s deep voice echoed in the sterile room. “We want to thank you for all your help and patience.” His lips pressed tightly together as he watched me hop off the table. “Tell Dr. Goldstein we’ll be in shortly to meet with him, but first, I’d like to have a few words in private with my fiancée.”

The nurse bobbed her head and opened the door to exit. “Take all the time you need.”

With the agile movement of a cheetah, John approached me from across the room. It was obvious he didn’t appreciate any of my exam humor, but in that quick minute—I decided my best offense would be a good defense.

“Besides the fact it’s not common practice to take an adult’s temperature rectally, you knew exactly what it would do to me…”

Unfortunately, my defending words were cut short as he spun me around and sharply applied the flat of his hand to my barely covered backside. “The last time I checked, young lady, you were the patient, not the doctor. And I asked you to behave yourself while we were in this office.”

“Hey, you can’t do that in here,” I protested loudly, rubbing my smarting behind.

There was a gleam in his eyes as he spoke in a deliberate and serious tone. “I have a notion to sit down on the exam table, lift you over my lap and raise that flimsy gown you’re wearing. Can you guess what will happen next, or would you like to test me a bit more, so I can give you a demonstration?”

“N-No need to guess,” I winced, taking one step backward. Knowing my new Daddy as well as I did, there was no doubt he could and would spank my bare ass in a public place.

“Wonderful. Then be a good girl and get yourself dressed. Or you’ll be searching for a padded seat to sit on when we meet with the doctor for a chat.”

My face sizzled with heat as I thought about being spanked in a place where everyone could hear. God knows how thin those walls were. “How well do you know Dr. Goldstein? I mean besides the fact your offices were in the same building?”

John cleared his throat. “He was Jeannie’s doctor when she was pregnant with Jake. And he told me that a well-deserved swat across a bare bottom wouldn’t hurt the mother or the baby. Of course, it might sting the mother’s pride a bit.”

“Jesus. How many people in this town practice domestic discipline?”

His smile was crooked. “You’d be surprised.”

As we walked into the house, John’s direction was crisp and clear. “I want you facing the corner in the guest room, young lady.”

“Why? After I apologized to Dr. Goldstein and his nurse, they both agreed that my outbursts were probably hormone driven.”

He crossed his arms and gave my retort some consideration. “There’s no doubt your bloodstream is coursing with a whole load of hormones right now, but your insolence still needs to be addressed by your Daddy. Is that clear, Lori Hope?”

“Yes, sir,” I muttered, heading down the hall—but midway I stopped and turned to plead my case. “Okay, I went a bit overboard with my sarcasm in the doctor’s office, but don’t you think corner time is somewhat excessive for my transgression?”

“At this moment, I need to see more walking and hear less talking.”

Turning into the guestroom, I kicked off my suede clogs and approached the dreaded corner. It was not a surprise that he was right behind me, and I was sure he’d be taking a seat in the armless leather chair to watch my every move. Naturally, my Daddy didn’t disappoint.

“I’m waiting for your jeans and panties to be lowered,” he said in a strict but patient voice. “And I want them to rest just below your naughty bare bottom.”

Taking a deep breath, I unbuttoned my jeans, shucked them to the top of my thighs and stuck my butt out.

“Did I say panties, too?”

My sigh was long and audible. “Okay, okay.”

“We’ve been together for three months, Lori Hope, and you’re still testing me. Why is that?”

“I don’t know,” I quavered, tears blurring my vision. “You’re the therapist, what do you think?”

“I think if those panties don’t come down, you’re in big trouble.”

With quick agility, I placed my thumbs under the elastic and pulled them down to meet my jeans.

“As you stand in the corner like an errant child, I expect you to think about how you behaved in the doctor’s office. Hormones or not, you were in the presence of a nurse and a doctor who were only looking out for your best interests. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

It didn’t take long for his warm hand to cup my bottom. “I’m sure it must’ve been embarrassing for you to have your private areas examined this morning, but I think your sassy behavior was more for my benefit than the medical staff. Am I correct?”

Tears raced from the corners of my eyes as I shrugged. “You said you’d still be my Daddy even though I’m pregnant, but I needed to be certain you were telling me the truth. I love being your little girl…”

“Nothing has changed, princess,” he assured, landing a playful swat to my lower left buttock before whispering in my ear. “Would my sentiment be more convincing if I expressed it after lowering you over my lap?”

“Oww. No, no, sir. I’m convinced. I am!”

“I guess it’s been some time since I’ve properly tanned your hide—but that’s only because I didn’t feel you needed to be disciplined. It doesn’t mean I’ve stopped being your Daddy. I’ll never stop being your Daddy.”


“I promise,” he said, landing a second swat to my bare cheek. “Now then. Does my little one feel better, or would she like her Daddy’s hand to continue reminding her of his love and affection?”

My splayed fingers reached to rub the sting out of my bottom. “I feel much better, thank you. But you know I hate standing in the corner. How much longer do I need to stand here?”

“Stop that. You know the rules.” He grasped my wrist and held it while applying another smack to my backside. “You’ll stand here for fifteen minutes while I watch from across the room.”

“And then will you make us some lunch?”

“Of course.”

After wiggling my butt, I turned my head to check out his countenance as he made himself comfortable in the chair.

“Face the wall and keep your hands away from your bottom,” he warned. “Unless you feel the need to test me a bit more, to see what other ways I can discipline the love of my life.”

“Nope. I’m good.”

“Okay, sweet girl. Corner time is over.”

There was no sense in asking if I could pull my jeans and panties back up yet, so I hobbled across the room with all the fabric wrapped around my legs and quickly made myself comfortable on his lap. Nestling my head under his chin, his fingers tenderly combed through my wavy hair as he sighed. “In the fifteen minutes I sat here waiting for your corner time to be over, an idea crossed my mind.”

“I’m listening.”

“Maybe we should make this type of discipline a weekly happening.”

“Something must’ve happened to my hearing, because I thought you just said…”

“In some DD circles, there’s a practice known as maintenance—which is regularly scheduled discipline dictated by the Dominant to be whatever type of reminder he feels his submissive might need. Since I won’t be giving your hide a good tannin’ during your pregnancy, I’m thinking that applying a few swats to my sweetie’s bare bottom while her nose is placed in a corner might be just as effective.”

It was never a good sign when he began speaking in third person, but instead of interrupting him, I politely pondered the concept he was offering and kept a few sarcastic phrases to myself. “Could you tell me why my Daddy would think of such a thing?”

“Well, it seems a certain little lady revels in my undivided attention as she’s standing in the corner,” he said, sliding his finger up and down the wet seam of my pussy.

“Dear God, is it necessary to embarrass me every time you drive a point home?”

His chuckle was deep and throaty. “Yes, I believe it is. Because I think you still crave all the loving care and consideration you’d missed as a child. And there’s nothing wrong with that, especially since you found someone who enjoys giving it to you. In fact, maybe it would be smart to schedule fifteen minutes of corner time every Sunday to kick-off the week.”

“Most people just watch football to kick-off their new week.”

“That’s true. But everyone doesn’t test their Daddy like you do,” he stated, rubbing my back in circles with his strong fingertips. “I need you to trust me a little more every day and test me a little less.”

“I’m trying, Daddy. I’m really trying.”

“I know you are, sweetie, and I’m going to try and be extra patient with your hormonal mood swings.

“Will my maintenance spanking sometimes have a happy ending?”

“Mmm, good question,” he said, nibbling my neck. “I guess it will all depend on our mood and your behavior that day. Our weekly session could be sensual, or purely for discipline. Whether it does or doesn’t end with a mind-bending orgasm, will mostly fall on your shoulders.”

“Okay, this new idea of yours is sounding better every minute.”

But then a short growl rumbled in his chest. “You should also be aware that I just purchased a new box of disposable exam gloves.”

“Why would I need to have that information?” I asked, though I could figure out the answer on my own.

“Just as we can have sex safely while you’re pregnant, I can also insert my finger deep into your tight little tush to show who’s still in charge.”

Jesus, Mary and Joseph.