The Bold and the Bullheaded by Willow Aster

Chapter Thirteen


I’ve been whistling all day since running into Emma last night. The girl normally has an unreadable game face, but she showed her hand, and I enjoyed every goddamned minute of it. This woman has been messing with my head for almost a year, whether she meant to or not, and I am finally meeting her head-on.

Her boyfriend could not have been less her type if he tried. I give that lack of relationship two minutes before it combusts. The dude doesn’t have a chance in hell of keeping up with her, and I do not mind that even a little.

My phone rings and my mother’s name lights up the screen.

“Hey, Mom. How are you?”

“I’m well. Just wanted to talk to you about Thanksgiving. You’re going to come home this year, right?”

Family holidays are big in the Taylor family, and my mother loves hosting. Last year she came here, and I don’t think I could handle another round of musical condos.

“Yes. We’re all coming home.”

“Oh, good, sweetheart. I can’t wait to see you.”

“Me either. That’ll make it easier for Pen, too.” My little sister attends Northwestern in Chicago. “And I heard Mya’s family is going to join us.”

“Yes. I’ve been talking to Estella and she and Frank are going to come. I’m so looking forward to it.”

“Me too, Mom. All right, I just got to Jesse’s. He and Mya have an issue with their guest bathroom toilet. I’ll call you later.”

“Oh wait—have you checked on Hazel lately?” she asks.

“We all met for drinks a few weeks ago. Why?” My cousin Hazel moved to the city from Chicago recently for a new job. She’s a few years younger than me, and I’ve always had a soft spot for her.

“She needs to know she has family close,” Mom says in her stern tone. She knows how to get to my heartstrings with the family card.

“I think Caden saw her for lunch last week. But yeah, I’ll reach out. She’s really busy, but I’ll check on her more often.”

“Love you,” Mom sings out, her mission accomplished.

“Love you, too.” I end the call and decide to call Hazel right now before I forget.

“Hey, Spence,” she sounds breathless.

“You running or what?” I ask.

“I just ran up the stairs and then fell down half of them.” She’s stopping me before I can even ask if she’s okay. “I’m fine, I’m fine. You know me. Haven’t found my feet just yet. Seems like I might never.”

I chuckle. She does have a way of falling over nothing and everything. “How’s your job going?”

“Working nonstop. I’m sorry I haven’t had a chance to see you guys more often. I did see Caden last week, but I’m missing all of you.”

“Miss you too. We’ll see you when you catch your breath. How about I come your way for lunch this week?”

“I’d love that.” She sounds so excited, I feel bad I haven’t done it more often. “That would be great. I know it’s not the most convenient for you to come over here during the week.”

“No worries. That’s supposed to be the benefit of owning your own company,” I say it with as snotty an accent as I can manage.

“So I’ve heard.” She laughs.

“I’ll text a few options and we can see what works.”

“Sounds good.”

“All right. Love you, cuz.”

“Love you too.”

I hang up just as the door flies open and Jesse nearly runs into me.

“Hey, Mya’s here. I’ve got to get downstairs to meet with Caden and the designer to go over some numbers.”

He hurries past me and I step inside to find Mya pouring me a cup of coffee.

“Thanks for coming up to look at it. It just never stops running,” she says, as she hands me the mug.

“Not a problem. How are you doing?”

“Good. Just heading to work in a few minutes. Not sure if Tabitha told you—they found her replacement, so she’s not with us anymore?”

“Yeah, she told me. She seems to like moving to new places, so I guess she’s fine with it.”

“So, what’s going on there? Is it a thing?” she asks, and her lips turn up in the corners.

I scratch the back of my neck. “No. It’s not a thing, but we’re friends. She’s still hung up on her ex and I just wasn’t feeling it. Can I ask you a favor though?”

“Of course,” she says as she follows me down the hall to the bathroom.

“Can you not mention it to Emma?”

I set the coffee mug on the sink and drop down on my knees to look behind the toilet.

“Not mention what to Emma?”

“That Tabitha and I aren’t a thing.” I push up to stand and lift the lid off of the tank.


I lean back down and shut off the water. “Easy fix, but it’ll need a new valve.”

She motions for me to get to the real point. Emma. I reach for my coffee and we head back down the hallway and out to the kitchen.

“Because it bothers her.”

She pauses and studies me. “It bothers her that you’re dating Tabitha?”

I nod. “It does.”

“And you like that?” She smirks, and I see her wheels turning as she tries to process what I’m really saying here.

“I do.”

“You like her, don’t you?” She settles her hands on her hips and raises a brow. “Do not lie to me, Spence Taylor.”

I shrug. “I like her sometimes.”

She gives me a little shove as she laughs. “Well, that makes sense actually. She was all for me setting you up with Tabitha and then she grilled me like I’d committed a mortal sin the next day. She’s brought it up a few times. I see how this is now.”

“Don’t make it a thing.”

“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. I think I’m going to enjoy this,” she says. “But listen. Don’t play games with her too long. She’ll see through that and run if you’re not careful.”

I make a face. I know she’s right. “Thing is, she’ll run if I move too fast, and she’ll run if I move too slow … so I will have to do this very carefully.”

She presses her lips together and shakes her head before doing a slow clap. “Spence. I am so GD impressed with you right now.”

“I’m fairly impressed with myself too.” I laugh and she rolls her eyes. “But figuring out Emma is not for the weak.”

“Never forget that. And don’t forget about Rocco either.” She raises a brow and sips her coffee.

“Rocco is not a problem. You obviously haven’t met him yet.”

“You met him?” she asks with complete surprise.

“Yep. And trust me when I tell you—there is nothing to worry about there. Although Rocco probably has no idea he’s being used to aggravate me.”

She sets her mug down on the counter and shakes her head. “Why would she date him to aggravate you?”

“Because she enjoys it. I’m like a goddamn sport to her. Don’t try to figure it out. It’s easier to join her than to beat her.” I kiss the top of Mya’s head and make my way to the door.

“So what will you do next?”

“I don’t have a fucking clue, but I’ll figure it out.” I make my way out the door and down the stairs.

My phone vibrates and there’s a text from Tabitha.

Joey called me this morning. He wants to meet for lunch. What should I do?

What am I? Her therapist? The girl texts me incessantly for advice. We’ve become friends, so I don’t mind it most of the time.

Go to lunch. See what he says. Make that bastard grovel a little before you forgive him.

You’re the best, Spence. Thank you.

Hey, I may need a favor.

Name it.

Would you be willing to pretend there’s more going on between us than there is at Mean Mug if I need you? Don’t worry—I know we’re just friends. I can explain more later. Are you down for that?

Count me in. I’m guessing this has something to do with Emma...

Apparently Emma had grilled Tabitha after she’d seen us out together, and she’d picked up on some tension there. To which I confirmed that yes, there is most definitely tension, and that I seem to have a twisted obsession with this tension ... otherwise known as Emma.

Beyond that, I don’t have a clue. But I am sick of trying to get her out of my head and ready to figure out why she’s there in the first place.

I’ll keep you posted. Good luck with Joey.

Thanks. I’ll text you later.

I stop on the fourth floor to check on the condos that are just about completed. Caden and Gus are moving into the smaller one-bedrooms, and I’m considering purchasing the three-bedroom penthouse we’re currently living in. I want to stop moving around, and I’ve grown pretty fond of this building and that particular unit. Minus the two brothers that are endlessly on my shit list. I’m too old for roommates at this point in my life.

Gus walks out of the bedroom and holds his hands out to the side. “I think it’s ready. You sure you can survive without me?” he asks.

“I’m sure. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass,” I say, as I check out the kitchen flooring and head for the bathrooms to check the finished product. “It looks good.”

“Yeah. These are going to sell fast. I can’t believe how quickly we’re getting them done. And this is a huge project. We’re going to make bank.”

“I definitely think this will put us on the map. We’re making a name for ourselves. I got a few calls this week about potential projects in the future.”

“Sweet. So what’s going on with Tabitha? Do you like her?”

“Nah. We’re friends. I’ve got my eye on someone else,” I say, surprised as the words leave my mouth.

“Spence Taylor … say it isn’t so. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say you liked someone.”

“I didn’t say I liked someone. I said I had my eye on someone,” I say, unable to hide my irritation.

“Who is she?”

The last thing I need is Gus in my business. He suffers from foot in the mouth disease and if anyone is bound to fuck things up with Emma, it would be Gus.

“You don’t know her.”

“So, what’s the hang-up? Ask her the fuck out.”

I cross my arms over my chest. Why am I discussing this with the biggest player in our family?

“I’m taking my time. She’s a bit of a game player, so I need to think out my next move.”

“There’s only one way to win over a game player,” he says, and now he’s deep in thought as if I’ve completely intrigued him.

“What’s that?”

“Play smarter.”

“Thanks, genius, I hadn’t thought of that.” I roll my eyes and head back out to the kitchen.

“You know who we should bring in on this?”

“No one. I’m actually kicking myself for talking to you about it,” I say as we both head to the door.

“Emma Kingsley. I mean, do you know anyone better at the game than Mya’s best friend? Let’s ask her what you should do. She’s the savviest person I know.”

We step on the elevator and I groan. This is why you never involve Gus in your business. Without even knowing it, he’s going to blow this shit up. If you look up the definition for elephant in the room, there’d be an 8x10 glossy of my little brother.

“Do not talk to Emma or anyone about this. In fact, forget I mentioned it. I already have a plan. Erase it from your memory,” I demand as we step off the elevator.

“So touchy. This chick has you wound tight. You really like her, huh?”

“Shut the fuck up, dickweasel. And don’t make me tell Mom you just referred to a woman as a baby duck. It’s low, even for you.”

“Don’t bring Mom into this,” he hisses. “I think you are in desperate need of a Hallmark movie night, brother. Your moods are getting the best of you.”

“No, you are getting the best of me. Just keep your mouth closed for once in your goddamn life.”

“Once in his GD life?” Jesse comes around the corner. “What are we talking about?”

“Spence likes someone. He’s all worked up and edgy over her.”

Fuck me. Here we go.

“Really? Who is she?” Jesse asks as he runs his hand through his oversized hair.

“She’s no one. It’s nothing. You guys need to get a life.” I move to my office and they both follow me.

“See how worked up he is,” Gus says, just as Caden comes through the doorway.

“Who’s worked up?” Caden asks.

“Spence is into someone, but he won’t tell us who she is.” Now it’s Jesse and he’s fully jumped on the bandwagon, which pisses me off. My youngest brother is usually the most sensitive and the least nosy.

“Is it Tabitha? The one Mya set you up with?” Caden leans against the wall and studies me.

“Oh, I used to love Tabitha the Teenage Witch. Remember when Gram let us watch that? And I made the mile-high club with a girl named Tabitha. It’s a good name,” Gus says, and we all gape at him.

“It’s not Tabitha. It’s no one you know. Can we please get back to business?” I say, fumbling through a few files on my desk and desperate to end this conversation.

“Did you fix the shitter in our condo?” Jesse asks, and he chuckles at his own words.

“I’ll finish later. I’ll grab the part I need at the store today and be by to fix it tonight.”

“Let me guess. Did your tampon get stuck in the toilet again? You sure seem to be menstruating a lot lately, dickdonger,” Gus says to me, laughing as he punches my arm.

“Why must we always revert to twelve-year-olds when we’re together?” I say it, but I can’t help cracking a smile when I do. Pretty sure we’ll be in our eighties and still acting like twerps. “It was a broken valve. Easy fix. Get your head out of your ass, Baloney Pony. Let’s get to work. How was your meeting with the design team? Do you like them?” I ask Caden, and everyone finally seems ready to move on.

“Yeah. They were very professional. The mom barely let her daughter speak, but what little she was allowed to share was actually what sold me on them.”

“Okay, so third time’s a charm. Glad that’s over. Did you sign with them?”

“They’re sending over the contract. We’ll finish up this building on our own, but depending on which project we take next, we’ll have a good team in place.”

We are looking at taking on a huge hotel project next, and we will definitely need guidance on the design aspect. Caden will be leading the commercial projects for us moving forward, so he took the lead when it came to choosing a design firm to work with. It’s been exciting to think about what this will mean for our little family business.

The brothers finally leave my office and I text Tabitha to see if she could stop by Mean Mug later tonight. She says she’ll be there. I have a perfect plan and it starts with a text to the woman who’s invading all my brainwaves. She put her number in my phone back when we were trying to help Mya and Jesse get back together, but this is the first time I’m actually using it.

Hey, it’s Spence. We’re all going to Mean Mug tonight and I thought you and Rocco might want to stop by.

I watch as the three little dots move across my screen and my foot taps on the floor as I wait.

Rocco can’t make it, but I could stop by.

A full-on Joker grin takes over my face.

Oh, I hope he’s all right. You should definitely join us.

And just like that, my plan is falling into place. I step out into the office to find all three of my brothers huddled together, most likely conspiring against me.

“Hey. Be at Mean Mug tonight. Go along with whatever I say or do with Tabitha—got it? We’re just friends, but she’s going to help me out. Do not ask any more questions.” I look directly at Gus who has his mouth open and ready to speak.

Not tonight, brother.

This match is just getting started.
