The Hated Billionaire by Erica Frost

Chapter 9: Christina

I followed Brett into his apartment. It was dark, and he switched on the light, drawing me against him and kissing me hard. I could feel his arousal and I wanted him so much. It was so hard not to start undressing him in the hallway, but I sensed that he wanted to wait.

I looked around over his shoulder, seeing a super-stylish sitting-room with a leather couch and a beautiful stone floor, but then Brett was kissing my neck and I gasped, leaning against him. I could feel his cock through the fabric of his trousers – thick and firm and hard. I felt my own loins heat up with fresh longing.

His hands moved to my buttocks, and I shut my eyes as he squeezed them gently, drawing me against his hardness. I wanted him so much it was almost painful, yet he seemed to want to move more slowly.

He stepped back, and I thought he was almost shy as he gestured at the sitting-room.

“This is my apartment,” he said.

I nodded. I looked around, taking in the elegant beige-and-stone interior. I looked up at him. It was a lovely apartment, but with him in it, a dingy hotel room would have been stunning. I wrapped my arms around him and his lips found mine and the arousal threatened to overwhelm me as he slowly moved his hands down my body, squeezing my waist, slowly stroking my back, moving down to my buttocks and then back to the soft skin at the back of my neck, touching it with a teasing finger.

“Brett,” I murmured, as he found my lips again, his own firm on mine as he tasted me. I had my eyes shut, enjoying the sensation of his hard, eager mouth on mine.

His hands moved again to my buttocks, drawing me against him, letting me feel his hardness and how much he wanted me as I pushed eagerly against him.

He gently tugged me sideways, drawing me towards the bedroom. I followed him. He shut the door behind us and then his hands were on my body, gripping my waist, drawing me against him as he kissed me, stroking my hair.

I kissed him, hands smoothing his back, feeling his hard muscle. He moved slightly, making me tip over and then, giggling, I collapsed onto the bed, him landing beside me with his arm under me.


He looked into my eyes and gently rolled onto me, my body under his as he kissed me, his weight pressing me down into the softness of the bed. I could feel his fingers slipping into my shirt, touching my breasts through the fabric of my bra. I was aching with longing, my body quivering as he moved his lips down my neck to my breasts, the nipples hard with longing.

He unbuttoned my shirt and he gently worked it down my arms, his lips kissing my skin as he did so. I shut my eyes, my body unable to resist the sensations he aroused in me as his lips moved over my skin, nuzzling my breasts through the soft fabric of my bra.

I groaned and tried to lie still, but then he was slowly taking my bra off and his lips were at my naked breasts, licking and kissing them. His tongue, so warm and soft, lapped at my hard breasts, making me ache with longing. I groaned as he gently stroked my nipples, then slowly moved down, kissing my body as he went.

I was unable to move as he moved lower, unbuttoning my trousers and drawing them down my legs with a soft, fluid movement. I was naked on the bed now, except for my underwear, which he gently removed, dragging my panties down until I helped to work them off, leaving me naked in front of him.

He kissed my neck, then his hand moved between my thighs, gently stroking the sensitive places. I lay back, feeling him touch me, and gasped aloud as his finger found my clit. I felt my body tighten as he gently stroked there; so gently that it made my nerves ache and made me long for more and more.

I pushed against him as he touched me, encouraging him. He stroked me again, a little harder this time, and I cried aloud as he moved his finger harder and faster. I wanted him to never stop touching me, feeling him stroking my thick, wet folds as he moved his finger harder and faster and harder…

I cried out, unable to hold back any longer as my nerves raced with the sensations that swamped me. I lay back, gasping, unable to believe what had just happened. He was undressing now, and it sent a fresh wave of longing through me as he entered me.

I shut my eyes again, unable to resist as he drove into me. It was big and thick, and filled me. He thrust in again, and I cried out, feeling his fullness rubbing inside me, rubbing on all the places that made me long for him, that made me want him more and more.

He was moving faster, and I could sense that he was close to climax. I embraced him, drawing him against me as he moved, wanting more of him, wanting him inside me as he moved and moved and thrust.

I cried out as he gasped aloud, his body moving almost without his conscious mind, as if our two bodies knew what they were doing and we were connected in a way that made no sense except for the desire that raced through us.

He collapsed on me and I wrapped my arms around him, holding him. It had been fast, but intense, and I could feel fulfilment soaking through me, making me sleep.

He rolled over, held me and we lay, cheeks touching, skin wet, arms wrapped tight around each other.