Alien Holiday by Tracy Lauren

Chapter 16


Darkness is falling. The day passed too quickly. Soon Lo will be gone and it leaves a hollow feeling in my chest. If I am being honest with myself, I do not want her to go.

“The rain is pretty intense out there,” she notes.

“I will have to fly you down the mountain. It is not safe to walk.”

She joins me at the mouth of the cave and a second later a bolt of lightning flashes across the sky. “Or…I could just stay the night. I mean, if that doesn’t bother you.”

Outwardly I am stiff, but inside my chest my heart is reacting strongly to Lo’s offer. Unfortunately, I must decline. “Your people will come searching for you if you do not return.”

Lo toes the ground. “Well, I kind of told one of my friends that I wasn’t going to be back tonight.”

“You planned to stay here?”

“I mean, the rain was really coming down even in the morning. I figured it’d be good to give her the heads up, just in case.”

I look over at my bed of furs. It is made for one, but Lo is small, she will fit if she lies close to me. The feathers on my wings swell up at the thought. I shake them out. “That will be fine. We have plenty of food.”

Lo smiles. “That we do.”

But there is the mystery of the garland. Will she tear another ring off today? “What about this?” I ask, curious.

“Do you want to do the honors?”

Is this an honorable duty then? I step forward and reverently remove a single ring.

“Less than a week until Christmas!” Lo says brightly.

“What happens when all the rings are gone?” I hang on Lo’s words ,wondering if it will mean something for us.

“Then we celebrate.”


Christmas. Oh boy, I haven’t explained this nearly enough. Well, to be fair I tried to, but that was before the translator.” Lo kicks off her boots and crawls into my bed. She looks like she belongs there…she looks like she belongs with me.

“Okay, for mi familia, the holiday was always more about Christmas Eve. That’s this day.” She points to the last ring on the garland. “But that’s not the same for the girls down in the village. Christmas Day is a bigger deal to them.”

“Tell me more about what it is for you.”

Lo smiles. “Food. Family gathering together. Tradiciones. Special songs—”

“‘Donde Esta Santa Claus’?”

Lo’s smile grows brighter. “Yes. My grandmother, Abuelita Carmen, she’s the littlest woman you’d ever meet in your life. She swears she five feet tall, but that lady must have shrunk over the years. She’s the heart of my family’s holidays: orchestrates it all, the food—who’s bringing what. Stuff like that. She likes it just so. My abuelo used to put up lights every year, but he’s gotten too old. So for a while it was my tíos who would help, but now they make all my cousins do it. Only Abuelita Carmen is so particular, she’s out there pointing and yelling at everybody. And they tease her a bit, ya know? It’s part of the fun.

She smiles nostalgically. “She has this old plastic Santa on his sleigh. It lights up. I swear Carmen’s had it since the sixties or something. The last year I was there my little brother Antonio put it over the door instead of by the chimney. Carmen nearly fainted. I have to say, there’s something really wonderful about a white-haired old lady letting out a long string of curses in Spanish.

“Antonio’s like that. Always wanting to stir things up, make people laugh.” Lo’s smile grows melancholy, and in her eyes there are memories I cannot see. She shakes herself back into the moment.

“We are trying to keep the traditions alive here. I like that about our group. But it’s a blending of everyone’s favorite things, and we have to make some changes because”—she holds up her hands—“alien world and all. There are no pine trees here. So our Christmas trees are Christmas ferns. But we still hang lights and bake cookies. We sing carols—”

“I’ve heard.”

“And we are doing a Secret Santa gift exchange.”

“What is that?”

“We choose a person and bring them gifts, but we try to be sneaky about it so they don’t know who the gifts are coming from. Giving is a big part of the holiday. That’s why I was getting the flowers.”

“Are flowers gifts?”

“Absolutely. And these, these are special because they look like a flower we have at home. One that’s popular at Christmas time.”

“So flowers are a Christmas gift?”

“Well, flowers can always be given. Usually men get them for…” Lo trails off.

“For what?”

Her cheeks grow red, but she shrugs like she is not embarrassed. “For girls…that they like.”

Oh… “Is it a mating ritual?”

Lo laughs. “Yeah, I guess so.”

I think about how happy Lo was when she saw the flowers. She pressed her lips to mine. I wonder if there was something else I was supposed to do?

“Who do you give gifts to?” It dawns on me that Lo was bringing flowers to another. Is she courting someone?

“My friend Gabby. Truth be told, Gabby doesn’t have many friends besides me at the moment. She’s kind of a sour puss. So, I volunteered to be her Secret Santa.”

Gabby is a female. My heart eases its rapid pounding. “What else do you give her?”

“I’m going to bring her some of these tamales. Maybe make some tea sachets for her—or “ceata” as we’re calling it. It’s basically just tea, but it’s popular even amongst the men. It’s hard to think of anything else though. She doesn’t take part in a lot of the things we do for fun—the yoga, pottery, basket weaving. All that stuff. If she did, I could always give her supplies or maybe make her a cool woven yoga mat. As of now, I can’t think of anything besides food.”

“Food is important to you.”

Lo grins. “It is. They say that’s the way to a man’s heart. But that’s sexist. I’m a girl and food is 100 percent the way to my heart.”

Two days now, Lo has cooked for me. “Why do you feed me?”

Lo’s expression is sly. “I’m trying to lure you to my village. Win you over with the things that would win me over. I’m not very creative, am I?”

“Your food is like a work of art. It is very creative.”

That sly expression drops away. “You like it?”

“I do. I have never had anything like it.”

“Well, there’s more where that came from down in Beacon. Holly makes the best Christmas cookies.”

I shake my head. “I do not want Holly’s food. I only want what you make, or what we make together.”

Lo’s cheeks flush again and a breeze blows into the cave, making the fire wane.

“Ooo, it can get chilly in here,” Lo says, rubbing her arms.

“You’re cold?” The realization doesn’t sit well with me. I feel something inside me, a drive…a desire to care for Lo, to make sure she has everything she could want or need.

“My clothes are still a little damp from this morning.”

My own waist cloth is dry, but Lo wears many more layers than I do. I do not like the idea of her being uncomfortable.

“Take them off,” I tell her, adding more wood to the fire.

Lo swallows hard. She hesitates but begins unbuttoning her top.

“Tell me more about your Christmas.”

“I want to show you. Come down to the temple. Stay with me, just for the holiday. Give Beacon a chance.”

I shake my head, my eyes locked on her busy hands and the skin she exposes as she pulls her shirt off. She isn’t nude beneath. There’s a small top that covers just her breasts. It’s as red as the flowers she likes so much.

Her words falter. “You’re staring, alien, that’s not polite, no?”

“No.” I drop down onto the bed of furs with Lo. “I do not wish to be polite. I wish to keep you warm.”

Her eyes are wide and her lips parted. My eyes rake over her, hungry for a taste. “Okay.”

Filled with desire, I pull her into my arms. Her body feels chilled against mine. I will change that. I run warm hands up and down her arms, along her sides and over her stomach. “You are so…”

“What?” she asks, breathlessly.

“So fucking soft.”

“And you’re…” She swallows and her eyes go to my groin. “Awfully hard.”

“Awfully?” Does she not like it?

“Deliciously hard?”

“Delicious? Like your food?”

She bites her lip, trying not to grin. “I mean, I wouldn’t mind tasting you.”

“Like this?” I lean in and give her a soft kiss, like the one she gave me.

“Oh, I’m hungrier than that, Resa.”

“Show me.”

We crash into one another. Her hands pull my cheeks, directing my lips to hers. But what she gives is far more than the soft tease of our first kisses. Lo is hungry; insatiable, she ravages my mouth and I do everything I can to ravage her right back. Hell, I want to ravage all of her. My hands rake up her sides with new purpose and it feels so fucking good to feel her. I didn’t even know how bad I wanted it and now I never want to stop.

Passion seems to have its grip on the both of us. Her tongue teases at my lips and I suck it in, loving her taste, loving the feel of her. By the Gods…her body. My hands go to her tiny little waist, I want to pull her closer to me, but she’s tearing at her pants. Oh, her pants. I help tug them off. But then I’m distracted by the feel of her legs. So soft and smooth, nothing like my scales at all. She wears a small loincloth the same color as her top. Luscious red, like berries that I want to eat.

She wraps her legs around me and tugs us back onto my bed. I’m over her. She’s kissing my neck, sucking at it, moaning, saying my name in a breathy whisper. My cock’s never been so hard. What is happening here? I wanted Lo and I took her. I wanted her and she’s giving herself to me. My mind is swimming. I’m intoxicated by her—half mad.

“I want to touch all of you,” I murmur against her neck, and she begs for more. I squeeze her ass cheeks as I suck hard on her neck—I just want to thrust my cock against her…

“My tits, Resa, suck on my tits. Play with them.”

I rip her top to the side, exposing her pebbled nipples. Yes, I absolutely want to suck on her tits. When my mouth touches her, she arches her back and cries out in pleasure. She likes this, so I make sure to give attention to both, my tongue working one nipple as my fingers tease the other and Lo…she grinds her pussy against my hard shaft.

The thought of her pussy drives me wild. I want to look at it. I want to taste it. “Can I touch you between your legs?” I ask, finding myself breathless as well.

Lo answers by pulling her panties to the side. My mouth waters and I run my thumb over her pussy lips. Lo can’t hardly hold still and she grinds her wet mound against my hand. I steal another kiss from her mouth, and when we break away, I know exactly what I want to do next. “Give me another gift,” I ask.

Her next moan sounds like a question. “I’m hungry, Lo, let me eat your pussy.”

“Oh my God, that’s so hot,” she mutters, her eyes sleepy with lust.

“Do you like that?”

She nods vigorously.

“Are you going to feed me your pussy?”

Lo spreads her legs and shoves my head between them. My tongue melds to her folds. I’ve never tasted anything so delicious. Both of us are moaning and Lo grinds her cunt against my face. I lick and suck and taste it like a starving beast. Every wet fold is heaven. Her juices drip down my chin and her legs squeeze tight against my head as she rolls her gorgeous hips.

“Oh my God, Resa!” She screams my name. For some reason that spurs me on. I want her to enjoy this as much as I do. My lips slip over a little nub at the top of her slit and her pussy spasms.

“Do that again,” she begs. “More of that.”

I oblige. Lo is practically riding my face, bucking against it. Holding me with both her arms and legs. “Tell me what feels good. Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you.”

“Fingers, Resa. Pump your fingers in me like you’re fucking me.” Lo grabs my hand and guides it to her slit, pushing two of my fingers inside. She’s so tight and hot and wet and she’s bouncing against my hand. I follow her rhythm, crashing into her. Her body is fucking gorgeous, writhing in my furs. I’m in awe. But, as much as I like watching my digits disappear inside her cunt, I need to be against her. I need our bodies touching. So, I kiss her again and she clings to me until her moans overwhelm her. I use my thumb to find that little numb she likes teased and it drives her even further into her madness.

“Oh God, Resa, I’m going to cum. Don’t stop doing that!”

And now her pussy really spasms. It squeezes my fingers impossibly tight and it’s all I can do to imagine what it would feel like around my cock. Slowly, the rocking of Lo’s hips slows to a halt. Her eyes meet mine.

“Your turn.”

“My turn?”

“Are you going to feed me that cock or what, cabrón?”

I’m up on my knees in an instant, pushing Lo onto her back. “Oh shit, like this? You’re freaky.” I don’t know what she means, but she’s smiling and she opens her mouth for me. I guide my cock in and my eyes roll back in my head. Her mouth is amazing. I twine my fingers in her soft hair, it’s every bit as soft as I thought it would be. But I never imagined her mouth before, not like this at least.

Her hands go to my ass and she urges me to bounce against her mouth. My female’s head bobs and my cock hits the back of her throat. The sensations are too much. I feel like I could coil and pop as well as melt, all at the same time. Then Lo moans and I feel the vibrations of it straight down to my ball sack—I erupt into her mouth. I try to pull back, but Lo digs her nails in my ass cheeks, holding me in place as she continues bobbing on my cock. She sucks down my seed and I watch in amazement. My world is spinning when her eyes meet mine. I’m like a shell of a person, my mind is blank.

Lo smiles a sleepy smile and tugs me down beside her. Both of us are out of breath. “Keep me warm,” she tells me. Then I feel terrible. She told me she was cold and I did not warm her. I wrap her in my arms and pull my heaviest fur around us both, determined to make it up to her.

“Mmm,” she moans. “This feels amazing.” Her eyes are closed and all I can do is stare at her. Eventually she peeks at me.

“Was that okay?” She looks nervous.

“That was exceptional.”

Lo laughs. “I mean, yeah it felt great but…I didn’t rush you, did I?”

I shake my head. I could do that all day, every day. Can we do that all day, every day? I let my hands roam over her body, still enjoying her feel. Every curve turns me on. Her breasts, her ass, her pussy, and everything in between. I adore her belly button. And her hips? Those were made perfectly for my hands. Then there are her luscious thighs… I give them a squeeze and Lo giggles.

We spend hours like that—touching, laughing, until we drift off to sleep in each other’s arms. And even then there’s a peace inside me, a knowing that this is exactly where I belong. Here in my cave with my female.