Alien Holiday by Tracy Lauren


Thank you for reading Alien Holiday. This was my first attempt at writing a woman of color and I sincerely hope I didn’t fuck it up. I think it’s really important to represent all women in romance, but I’ve been hesitant to give it a shot because my greatest fear is representing someone inaccurately. I reached out to a lot of my Latina friends for this one and got as much information as I could about food, music, traditions, and speech. So, hopefully I captured at least a little bit of what life might be like for a woman like Lo on Elysia.

I’ll be publishing another short erotica in a couple days under my sexy pen name, Lana Taylor. It’s called Ganged by Goblins. Spoiler alert: this one isn’t very Christmasy. Then, back to work on Alien Prison and Hunting Justice.

I promise I’m working hard for you ladies, but 2020 has been a legit shit show over here, just trying to get back on top of things. I hope the year has treated you better, and if not, I hope there have at least been a few shining moments. Here’s to 2021.

Unconditional love to cover artist Maria Spada and Aquila Editing.