Mafia Kings: Dario by Olivia Thorn



At first I felt only relief that Alessandra was safe.

Soon after that, I became furious with her for disobeying me –

But I put it aside.

There were more important things to worry about.

Two days ago, we had intercepted a spy in our territory. Lars had gunned him down at Alessandra’s café, but we still didn’t know what he was doing there in the first place.

Now I’d just found out there were two spies less than a mile away from my home –

And one of them had been deep undercover as a priest.

Spies who had killed themselves rather than subject themselves to questioning…

…probably because they knew it would have involved torture, and that we would have eventually broken them.

But they could have just told us. I would have let them live – even paid them – if they’d ratted out their employers.

But instead, they chose suicide over betrayal.

Who the hell amongst our enemies could command that kind of loyalty?!

I wasn’t even certain the men in our organization would die for my family. Not like that.

The only ones I was sure about were my brothers and Lars.

Who wasthis phantom adversary who stalked our every move?

And what was his plan?