Mafia Kings: Dario by Olivia Thorn



That evening, Filomena brought my dinner up to me on a tray. While setting out the food, she gently informed me that Niccolo said I was confined to my room until further notice.

That was probably for the best. I had no idea how I could ever face Dario again after what he had done to me – much less see him in front of all his brothers.

After I ate, I grew groggy and fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, all the physical tension in my body was gone. I felt so relaxed…

But I was sad as I lay there in the early morning light.

All I could think about was Dario…

His hands touching me…

Giving me so much pleasure…

And then him acting like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and forcing me out of the room.

I also felt horrible for another reason.

No one had ever done anything like that to me before.

I knew it was wrong…

To be touched like that before marriage…

To be with a man out of wedlock…

But I had loved it.

And I felt shame that I wanted more.

I tried to resist, but what Dario had made me feel was too powerful.

I worked up my courage as I lay there in bed…

Pulled up my negligee…

And hesitantly touched between my legs.

I’d never done it before, and it felt awkward and unsatisfying.

I tried to mimic Dario’s actions… but even when I found the spot that had felt so good yesterday, it still wasn’t nearly as good as what he had done.

What I wanted was for HIM to touch me.

I closed my eyes…

And imagined his smell – that expensive cologne he wore…

The mesmerizing depths of his dark eyes…

His muscles…

And as I touched myself and thought of him, my pleasure increased within seconds.

I imagined it was his finger down there caressing me.

Tiny waves of pleasure rippled through my belly…

But it still wasn’t as good as him…

And I gave up trying.

Not only that, I was ashamed I’d done something I wasn’t supposed to.

Although,I thought wryly, I don’t think I’ll be going to confession anytime soon.

* * *

After I showered and dressed, I went down to the kitchen.

As soon as Cat saw me, she turned away in silence.

Oh no…

I winced as I asked, “Did Niccolo talk to you?”

Cat looked at me with both anger and fear. “You could have gotten me killed – you know that, right?!”

“I didn’t tell him it was you!” I protested frantically. “I just said I found a phone and looked at it – ”

“And then you ran off and disobeyed Don Rosolini!” she hissed. “Niccolo threatened to fire me! I could have lost everything!”

“I just figured that Valentino would have stepped in and protected you,” I mumbled.

Cat looked wary. “And why would he have done that?”

“Well… because… you know.”

Cat looked a little afraid. “No, I don’t.”

I tilted my head to the side in exasperation. “I sawyou in the pantry yesterday.”

Cat’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head – and then she buried her face in her hands. “Oh my God… oh my God, oh my God, oh my God…”

“I didn’t tell Niccolo,” I whispered.

Cat pulled her head out of her hands and looked up at the ceiling.

“I told him we couldn’t do it in here… I told him we would get caught…” Then she looked at me angrily. “And YOU – you little pervert, spying on us!”

I flushed bright red. “I’m – I’m sorry…”

Cat scowled at me –

Then the corner of her mouth twitched the tiniest bit…

And she burst out laughing.

“Sainted Virgin, your face!… I’m just kidding with you. I mean, I’m not exactly happy you watched us – but let’s just say I’m glad it was you and not somebody else.” Cat smiled impishly. “To be honest, I totally would’ve watched, too.”

I still felt absolutely mortified and couldn’t speak.

She giggled and patted my hand.

“It’s fine, it’s fine,” she said, then looked at me like I was a naughty child. “I’m still pissed about the phone, though.”

“I’ll do whatever I can to make it up to you,” I promised.

“Hmph,” she said playfully, then broke out into an excited smile. “He’s amazing, isn’t he?”

All I could do was imagine myself in the pantry, pressed against the wall, with Dario inside me.

I was suddenly very hot and wet, and I pressed my legs together uncomfortably.

Cat didn’t notice. She was still imagining yesterday as she bit her lower lip and rolled her eyes.

“Oh my god… the way he makes me feel… it’s like no other man I’ve ever been with.” Then she looked at me, her eyes sparkling. “Who’s the best you’ve ever been with?”

“I… I haven’t,” I stammered.

She stared at me like I had three eyes. “You’ve never had sex before?!”


“Oh my god, you poor girl… we have to get you laid.” She playfully pointed at me. “Not Valentino, though – he’s mine.

I frantically shook my head no. “I would never – ”

“Have you ever even kissed anyone?” she interrupted.

“I… y-yes…”

Her face shone with excitement. “How far did you let him go?”

I swallowed and thought of Dario’s hand beneath my dress.

“I… he touched me…”

Cat waited expectantly.

“…down there,” I whispered, pointing below my waist.

I couldn’t believe I was sharing this private information with a woman who was basically a stranger –

But I figured I owed her for the trouble I’d gotten her into.

…plus it turned me on to actually talk about it.

“You let him finger you?!” Cat squealed.

“I… I guess…?”

She frowned. “What’s the matter with you? Don’t you know what he did?”

I shrugged like, Sort of…?

“Oh my god, you really are a good little Catholic girl, aren’t you?” Cat said, realizing how inexperienced I was. She immediately leaned over the counter to gossip. “All right, tell me exactly what he did to you.”

“He… he took his finger and… he touched this spot that felt really good…”

“Ohhhhh… he stroked your clit,” she said knowingly. “Not bad. Before Valentino, I was lucky if a guy even knew I had one, much less find it.”

“…my clit?” I asked. I had no idea what she was talking about.

“Your clitoris,” Cat said casually.

When I didn’t reply, she said, “Madonn… didn’t anybody explain the birds and bees to you?”

I frowned in annoyance. “I know about sex.”

And I did. My mother had explained how babies were made and how I would get my period.

But she died when I was 12. After that, my father never spoke of sex – and I had no aunts or grandmother to tell me more.

“Explain it to me, then,” Cat demanded.

“When a husband and wife love each other very much – ”

“Man and woman,” she interrupted. “And they don’t exactly have to love each other – trust me. My God, the Church has brainwashed you… do you even know what your clit is?”

I feel absolutely mortified that I was so ignorant and shook my head no.

Cat sighed heavily. “Let me draw you a picture – no, wait, this is better.”

There was a bowl of freshly made dough nearby. Cat pulled out a huge handful, slapped it down on the countertop, and began shaping it.

“Alright, these are your legs… see? And this is your pussy.”

I blushed to hear her say the word, but I watched with intense interest.

“The pussy is the whole thing, but it has different parts. You have the vagina, which is the hole that the guy sticks his cock in. Once you’re nice and wet, that is. Around the vagina are the labia, the lips. You have outside lips and inside lips… and if you follow them all the way up to the top, that’s where you find your clit.”

She made a pea-sized ball of dough and put it at the top of the slit. Then she crimped a little bit more dough and made a sort of half-blanket over the tiny sphere.

“There’s also a hood over the clit, and that feels really good, too – but it’s the clit that’s the most sensitive. For some women, it’s too sensitive – and for most women, you have to warm her up first before touching her clit directly. But once you do, it’s fantastic.” Cat slowly moved her fingertip around the pea in a circle. “Is that what he did to you?”

I hadn’t seen it, obviously, but what she was doing seemed remarkably similar to what Dario had done.

I nodded vigorously, my cheeks blazing hot –

And my…

(Oh God, I can’t even say it)

…my pussy got even wetter.

Cat grinned. “How did it feel?”

“AMAZING,” I blurted out, then blushed even harder.

She laughed out loud. “What happened?!”

“He just keep touching it… circling it… stroking it…”

“Stop, you’re getting me turned on,” Cat laughed as she fanned herself with one hand. “Did he make you come?”

I stared at her. “What’s that?”

Cat’s head fell forward on her neck like she couldn’t believe I’d even said it. “You don’t know what an orgasm is?!”

“I’ve heard of it…”

“Oh my God, were you raised in a nunnery?” She didn’t wait for me to answer. “It’s this amazing feeling through your pussy and parts of your body. It’s, like, this intense pleasure – ”

“Like you’re sneezing down there, and it feels really good, and you do it over and over and over again?” I asked.

Cat laughed. “Oh shit, it sounds like you came!”

My cheeks burned bright red again.

Dario made me come…

“Daaaamn… you’re practically a nun, and the first guy who touched you gave you an orgasm? Lucky girl,” Cat purred. Then she asked excitedly, “Who was he?”

A mafioso.

The man who runs this entire estate and crime family.

“…just a guy…” I said quietly.

“Wow… well, if he could get you off the first time with his fingers, imagine what he could do with his cock.”

I felt like I was burning up.

Both my face –

And my pussy.

Cat groaned. “Now I’m all turned on! I am not fucking Valentino in the pantry again, so no more sex talk!”

That was fine by me.

All I could think of was Dario touching me…

Touching my clit…

And making me come, over and over –

“Alright,” Cat said, interrupting my daydream, “want to make it up to me for screwing me over with Niccolo?”

“Yes, of course,” I said, grateful for something else to think about.

“Good.” She pointed at a nearby counter where there was a beautiful wooden tray and a plate filled with fruit, fresh bread, and butter. “Once I make a cup of espresso, I need you to take that up to Don Rosolini.”

My entire body jerked as I stared at her. “…Dario?”

Cat looked over her shoulder with an amused expression.

“My, aren’t we forward! Yes, the boss. He wants some breakfast before he works.” She leaned forward and whispered, “He scares me a little.”

Tell me about it.

I blushed even harder. “I… I don’t think that’s a good idea…”

She frowned as she worked the levers on an expensive coffee machine, and it began to hum and churn. “Why not?”


He’s the one who made me come.

“…uh, he’s very angry with me.”

“I’ll bet, after you ran off like that,” she said as she filled a porcelain cup with dark, steaming coffee. “Well, here’s your chance to make it up to him and me.”

“Caterina…” I said in a pleading voice.

She frowned at me crossly as she set the cup down on the tray. “Oh, so you’ll look at my phone and watch me having sex – THEN you’ll get me in trouble and nearly get me fired! But when I ask you to help me with one little favor – nooooooo.”

I closed my eyes.

I felt awful.

And… to be truthful…

Part of me hoped that Dario would ‘punish’ me again.

“…alright,” I whispered.

“Good!” Cat said gleefully and clapped her hands like a child. “Thank you.”

I sighed heavily as I picked up the tray. “Where am I going?”

“His bedroom.”

I stared at her. “His bedroom?!”

“That’s where he wants it.”

I winced. “Caterina – ”

“Don’t you dare back out now, you little pervert!”

I gasped. “Why did you call me that?!”

I thought it was because she knew what might happen if I went to his bedroom…

“Because you like watching people fuck,” she said and snorted with laughter. “Use the internet from now on – it’s full of porn.”

I groaned inwardly. “Where’s his bedroom?”

“Second floor on the east wing, all the way at the end.”

Now I stared at her in terror. “Oh no…”

“What now?”

“The east wing is the one place Niccolo said I was to never go!”

She made a face. “I was supposed to go up there, so it’s fine.”

“No, Caterina, really, I can’t – ”

She put her hands on her hips and looked at me sternly. “Really? You steal my phone, run away from the house, watch me fuck in the pantry, nearly get me fired – but going down a hallway is too much for you?”

I groaned, closed my eyes… and turned around to walk out of the kitchen.

I was going to regret this. I just knew it.

“That’s the spirit!” Cat called after me. “Try not to get me in trouble again on your way up there!”