Grand Lies by JC Hawke



The Montwell buildingsits proudly among the skyscrapers in London’s financial district; its impressive structure flouting high up in the clouds. I watch in awe as people breeze through the revolving doors, going about their business almost robotically.

Why so serious?

“Here, you will need this,” Vinny interrupts my trance, handing me a plastic card. “Tell reception I sent you, you won’t be on any list. I can’t promise they won’t call up.”

I squeeze his shoulder, giving him a warm smile. “Thanks, Vinny. You don’t want to come up with me, some moral support?”

He shakes his head. “I did my bit. You’re on your own now, love.”

I roll my eyes. “Stay close by, I might need a lift in five.”

He turns in his seat, a smirk pulling at his lips. “You said you wouldn’t cause a scene.”

“You said you were taking us to The Pearl,” I throw back at him with a shrug.


My confidence takes a nosedive the moment I step into The Montwell. I look down at myself, pulling at my crop top to hide the slither of exposed skin at my ribs. Determined to follow through with my vaguely thought-out plan, I pull back my shoulders and carry on forward, my heels clicking on the sparkling floor seemingly much louder than the other women’s in the foyer.

Eight large pillars line the long walkway, leading to a bank of elevators, where security guards stand on each door with scanners in their hands. I take a deep breath and make my way to the large desk that sits in the centre of the room.

“Hello, can I help you?” a kind-looking woman asks.

“Yes, hi. I’m here to see Mas—Mr Lowell,” I correct. “I have this.” I hand over the lanyard. “Vinny sent me.”

She smiles, taking the card. “Of course. Can you just sign in here, and I will call up?”

“No,” I panic, and her hand freezes on the phone. “Uh, I was hoping to surprise him. I’m his girlfriend.”

“I can’t allow anyone up without calling through first.”

“But I wanted to surprise him.” I pout my lips, not enough to look bratty but enough to make her feel bad.

She chews on the side of her cheek, unsure. “Where is Vinny now?”

“In the car.” I turn and look back through the foyer, trying to see if he is outside.

“I saw him pull up before,” she tells me. “If you didn’t have Vinny’s card I wouldn’t let you up.” She nods to the elevators, smiling. “Go.”

“Thank you so much!”

“If you get me fired.” She laughs, shaking her head

“Then we’ll blame Vinny.” I wink, rounding the desk and walking over to the elevators.

I stop to show my card to the guard, and he gives me a nod. I step inside and wait for the doors to close, and as the doors begin to slide shut, my brain decides to backtrack. My palms feel damp, and my legs don’t feel like my own. What am I doing?

The lift continues to rise for what feels like forever. It has me panicking that it could be broken, but once we hit the seventy-eighth floor, it slows, and the doors slide open. I pull back my shoulders and draw in a deep breath as I step out, knowing that if I stop to think about how I look or if I should even be here, then I will end up leaving.

The reception area is clinical with stark white minimalistic furniture. It’s how I imagined it to be, but it also isn’t. Maybe I am naive and sheltered, but this isn’t the norm. Mason has a lot of money.

I move my eyes from the small seating area, and oh, what would you know, females. Two women sit behind a tall multi-levelled desk. I can only make out their heads from here, but they seem to be engrossed in something in front of them, laughing loudly with one another.

I use the opportunity to quickly scan the area, sussing out where Mason’s office would be. I’m presuming it’s behind the glass wall at my left, and going with my gut, I stalk towards the door.

“Excuse me!” they shout.

I turn towards the reception desk, the two women now glaring at me. They’re both beautiful and immaculately dressed—it does not surprise me one bit.

“You’re not going in there.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I don’t need an appointment, I will just be a minute.” I smile, trying to keep them on the side. I can see them both judging me with their catty stares.

“Mr Lowell is busy, and he doesn’t have any time in his schedule today. You will have to leave, or I will call security.” She raises a perfectly sculpted brow, looking down her nose at me.

I walk over and show her the card Vinny gave me, and as if they planned it, they turn to each other and laugh in unison.

“Hey, nice bracelet. I did okay with that one, huh? The other things not quite to your fancy, princess? I don’t get paid to run around London after you but don’t sweat it; Mason makes it well worth my while.” She lifts the phone to her ear. “Security.”

Hurt rips through me as the realisation of her words sink in.

This woman bought this?

Was she with him on Saturday?

Bile rises in my throat, but I force it down on a deep swallow, not allowing her to see my reaction. It’s what she wants.

“That won’t be necessary, Amber.” Elliot’s voice rings out behind me, barely registering past the whirling in my ears.

He puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into his side.

“It’s Alice,” she corrects.

“It’s irrelevant,” he states, sounding every bit the boss he dresses to be. “Add Miss Anderson to the list. She can come up here anytime she likes.”

They look at me dumbfounded, both of their eyes pinching in the corners as Alice starts tapping on her keyboard.

“You going in, Pixie?” Elliot says, directing me away from the desk. “Lowell didn’t mention you were coming.”

“He doesn’t know. He came to my studio and started a fight with one of my staff. I thought I’d come and prove a point.” I nod towards the reception desk.

“Ah, calling him out on his bullshit again. You know I think he likes it. Those gifts you had sent back.” He laughs, but it just makes me even madder now that I know he didn’t buy them himself.

With the fire raging in my gut, I step out from under Elliot’s arm.

“I’m right behind ya,” he tells me, trailing behind.

The glass double doors vibrate off of the rubber stoppers, drawing every eye in the room to me. “Gentlemen,” I greet them all as I fling the bracelet from my fingers. It bounces across the carpeted floor and knocks into Mason’s perfectly polished shoe.

“Nina, what are you doing here? Montgomery?” He looks to Elliot then back to me.

“What, I can’t just drop in and see my boyfriend?” I say with as much contempt as I can muster.

I look to the other men in the room as I try to remain in control. They all sit with curious expressions on their faces—Lance and Charlie both among them.

What on earth am I doing?

This was a bad idea.

“We will give you a minute,” Charlie says, standing and leaving the room with the five other suits and Elliot.

“You’ve slept with your receptionist?” I ask once the room is cleared.

“No,” he answers far too quickly.

“Oh, it wasn’t a question,” I snap, walking closer to him. “I’ve never slept with Henry, or Logan, or anyone on the ‘regular’ for that matter. Yet you turn up to my studio and act like a jealous behemoth over someone I see like a brother—”


“You took someone you fuck to buy gifts for the woman you’re fucking?” I can see the tic in his jaw as he clenches his teeth, but he doesn’t answer me. “That was a fucking question, Mason!”

He bends, picking up the bangle from the floor. I don’t like to think how much it cost. “I picked this out for you, Nina, not her.”

“Oh, well good job, what do you want? A gold star? Or maybe your cock sucked? I can ask your receptionist if she is free.” I thumb towards the door.

“Stop!” he barks, cutting me off.

I know I’ve pushed him, and the stance he takes as he steps up in front of me has my shoulders dropping a fraction.

Why do I feel so stupid?

“I haven’t slept with anyone since the night I met you.” He puts his hands on his hips, not knowing what to do with them.

I roll my eyes, but the relief his words bring me puts out a portion of the fire in my gut. The office doors open, but neither of us turn to look at who has entered.

This entire plan of mine has backfired.

“Security is on the way. I’m so sorry.”

Mason’s eyes bore into mine, and the dangerous glint in them has my throat tightening. “You’re fired, effective immediately.”

“What?!” she shouts. “You can’t fire me!”

“Mason,” I warn.

“Leave. Take your stuff and go,” he tells her, his eyes still trained on me.

I look at the girl, who now has tears brimming in her eyes. “Just give us a minute, okay?”

She gives me a death stare, squeaks out a sound that a three-year-old might make over a hairy lollipop, then runs from the room.

“You can’t just fire people for no reason. She didn’t do anything wrong.”

“You said we were starting fresh, and you’re right, she had to go,” he says, dropping his eyes down my body.

“It’s her job, her living, Mason. You can’t take that away from her because you can’t keep your dick in your pants.”

“I just did,” he says matter of fact. “Turn around.”


He grabs my waist and spins me. I hear the zip of my skirt, and then it pools to the floor. “If you think you can tame me with your mouth right now, you’re going to be in for a shock. You’re having a mare today, Bossman.”

When he turns me back around, he is on his knees, his sole focus on my leg. “It’s still red.” He leans in, softly running his lips across the pink flesh. “I shouldn’t have left before,” he mutters, and I can see he is at war with himself, his features tightening as his eyes roam.

“It doesn’t even hurt now. Henry got the first aid kit pretty fast.” Not being able to deny him the contact, I reach out, running my hand through his hair.

It’s been over a week. I’ve missed him.

“It doesn’t hurt?” He looks up at me.

I shake my head, smiling at his blatant worry. I didn’t expect coming here to end like this. If he’d shown this concern at the gym and not caused a scene, none of this would have happened.

He is right, though, after everything from last week and the fact I really do want a fresh start, maybe the receptionist did need to go. She wasn’t exactly welcoming, and how would I feel knowing she worked so closely with him every day?

“So. My boyfriend?” I question, looking down at him.

“That’s what I said.”

“Just like that, you’re not going to ask me?”

He stands, running his hands up the backs of my thighs as he moves. He lifts me, bringing my legs around his waist as he carries me to his desk, then sits me on the edge.

He drops into the chair in front of me. “I’ve dreamt about having you on this desk,” he mutters, running his hands up my thighs.

I look down at the desk as a thought crosses my mind, making me frown. Has he had her on this desk? I slip from the edge and stand in front of him, not liking the way that thought makes me feel.

“Have you had sex on your desk before?” I whisper, staring at his chest, too afraid to give him my eyes.

He doesn’t say anything, and I’m glad I didn’t see his reaction. I swallow hard as he stands, towering over me. “Nina.” He cups my face, and for no reason I can explain. Tears spring to my eyes. “Nina, I’ve never had sex in my office.”

My glassy eyes lift to his, and I hope he can’t see the emotion in them.

“I may have blurred lines with my staff at the end of a day, but never here, I promise.”

I lean into him, unsure as to why I feel so emotional. His woodsy smell makes me heady. “Sorry, for turning up here,” I say into his crisp white shirt, probably getting my foundation all over it. “Are you actually going to fire her?”

“Yes, she isn’t even that good.” I frown, pulling away from him. “What? No, I mean at her job, not… Jesus, Nina.” He pulls me back to him, and I let him.

“Can’t you just put her in a different role? One where she isn’t around you so much.”

He shakes his head. “No.”

I don’t want to be responsible for someone losing their job. I know how hard it is to find work in the city.

But I also know that he won’t back down and I have to let it go. For now.

“I’m glad you turned up.” He kisses my temple. “Although you did kick out my entire financial and legal team.” He chuckles into my hair.

I groan, “How embarrassing.”

“I was pissed until you declared yourself as mine.” He palms my ass. “My fiery, little Pixie.”

“Why do you call me Pixie? Is it because I’m so short?”

“No, baby, not because you’re short.” He laughs then changes the subject. “My dad, he has invited me to dinner tomorrow, asked if I’d like to bring anyone.”

He doesn’t say any more, and I lean my head back a little to see his face, his arms still locked tight around my shoulders, keeping me held to him.

“Would you like me to come with you, Bossman?” I ask.

“Will you?”

“Of course, I’d love to meet your family.”


“Yes, really.” I smile.

Did he think I wouldn’t?

“I have a few things to finish up here before I can leave. Will you wait for me, and then we can go home?”

Home. How can something sound so right after such a short space of time?

“I need one more day.” As soon as I say the words, I cringe.

“No,” he says resolutely.

“I’m meeting the girls. I will come to your family meal tomorrow, and we can go back to yours after.”

“No. It’s been a week, Nina. I need you,” he declares, making my insides heat.

I step back from him and around the desk. I keep my eyes on him, bending at the waist, legs straight and pick up my skirt. “One more night. I’m sure you can manage.”

He’s on me before I can right myself, lifting me over his shoulder and dropping me down on one of the sofas. My skirt is ripped from my hands and thrown over his shoulder.

“You’re a tease.” He smirks, quickly pulling my thong down my legs.

“Not here!”

He dips his head, ignoring my pleas. Spreading me wide with his fingers, he leans in and licks up through my centre.

“Oh my god!” My back arches as I try to push my hips closer to him, but I’m met with nothing but air.

I open my eyes and lift my head. “Mase?”

He leans over me; one leg knelt on the sofa between my legs and the other on the floor.

“Up you get, angel, I have things to get on with.”

He gives me a devilish smirk, then stands and walks to his desk.

“You asshole.”

* * *

“To Nina.”Megan raises her glass to the centre of the table in a toast. “Who managed to get two hot men to strip her from the waist down today.”

We all clink our glasses, laughing.

I drop my head when we gain the attention of the nearby tables. “My leg was on fire, I had no other choice,” I try to justify.

“You don’t have to explain yourself, Nina. Henry has spent many summers at my aunt’s pool. I totally get it,” Lucy teases.

“Whatever.” I wave them off. “Erin texted me today. She’s flying in on Sunday. Will you girls be free? I thought we could get takeout. She will probably be jet-lagged, so better not to go out.”

“Sure,” Megan replies. “We could go out though?” She grins.

“Ugh, I don’t know. We will have work the next day and I need a weekend off, girls. I can’t afford or stomach it,” Lucy voices.

“Me too!” I say, knowing my attempt at saving any money this month is already impossible.

“You said we would take her out? She hasn’t been home in over a year,” Megan complains.

“I know, and I feel bad for her. Why don’t we just see what she wants to do when she gets here. Hopefully she will be happy staying in.”

The waiter brings our mains and we settle into a comfortable silence as we indulge in a carb overload.

“So…” I hesitate, knowing they are going to freak. “Mason kind of made us official today.”

“Fuck off!” Megan shouts, then immediately turns to the couple in the window seat to apologise.

“Nina, that’s fast,” Lucy says, shocked.

“But holy shit! Good job, girl,” Megan says, saluting me.

Lucy clutches my hand. “You’re happy?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I am.” I shrug, knowing I won’t be able to explain to them how it feels different with him. I probably look like a stupid dumb girl, falling for the rich guy after knowing him for five minutes.

“Well then go with it, babe. We are here if it goes south.” She winks at me.

“Always.” chirps Megan, mimicking Lucy’s wink.

“Thanks, girls.”

“When are you seeing him next?” Lucy asks.

“Tomorrow, we are going for dinner with his family.”

“You’re meeting the fucking family?”

“Megan!” I hiss. “You’ll have us thrown out in a minute.” I look at the waiter and smile sweetly. “And yes. It’s only food. Stop making it such a big deal, you’re giving me anxiety.”

The girls both sit quietly as they watch me like you would an animal at the zoo. Lifting my wine I take a sip, needing the quick buzz it gives me.

I know things are moving fast, it’s why I wanted the week away from him. But seeing him again today only confirmed that although it’s moving fast, it feels right.

I just hate the judgement on my friends’ faces.

“It’s too soon. I know.”

Megan shrugs, having nothing to say for once in her life, so I look over at Lucy.

She signals to the waiter. “More wine, please!”

* * *


Ice-cold hands wraparound my body, making my muscles tense under the soft touch. It takes a second before I smell her, her sweet vanilla scent engulfing me. I turn into her, bringing us nose to nose.

“Should I be concerned that you managed to get into my apartment without me?”

“It’s a penthouse,” she corrects me, eyes already closed.

I dip down, biting at her puckered nipple. She is completely naked. “Ouch!”

“Don’t be smart.”

She giggles. “I know a man.”

I shake my head, not shocked at all that Vinny let her up here. I still don’t understand his behaviour towards this woman. He tried to turn it around on me today and mentioned how I have changed since meeting her, but I have the motivation of getting my dick sucked. He doesn’t.

“I’ve missed you. I couldn’t wait till tomorrow,” she whispers, trying to get closer.

I wrap her tight in my arms and just hold her. Her ability to centre me is disarming. “I’ve missed you too.”

* * *

It’s just gonesix p.m. when Nina breezes out through the gym doors, looking incredible. She is wearing a pillar box red, all-in-one thing that, at first glance, looks fucking difficult for me to get her out of. But she looks good, too good. The curve of her hip juts out as she sexily walks to me, and has me shaking my head on a laugh.

She walks around to my window, bending down and tapping on the glass.

“Mr Lowell, what are you doing here? I’m waiting on my hot date,” she purrs, pushing her head through the window, bringing our lips only inches apart.

“He’s a lucky man,” I mutter, staring at her mouth as she darts her tongue out to lick her lips.

“He is indeed. You wanna know why?”

“Enlighten me.” I lean in a fraction, giving her my ear.

“I’m hungry for him, starved for his taste. I don’t think I’ll make it through dinner.”

Fuck, I want her.

“Get in the car.”

She laughs at herself all the way around the bonnet while I try to rearrange myself in my slacks to accommodate my growing erection.

“You need a hand with that?” she says, sliding into the seat next to me.

“You are going to cop it so bad when we get home tonight, Pix. You’ll be lucky if I don’t take you on the damn dining table.”

“I was trying to calm you down, not wind you up more.”

She wanted to calm me down?

“Come here.” I pull her into me, taking her mouth in a hot kiss. She reaches between us, squeezing me through my trousers. “Fuck.” I pull away from her, gripping her hand in mine. “Later.”

“I can’t wait to meet your family,” she says, leaning back in her seat and instantly killing my hard-on.

“Charlie and Elliot will be there, Elliot’s parents too.”

“Why Elliot’s parents?”

“They are practically family. Christmas, holidays, anything family oriented was always us and the Montgomerys growing up.”

“That’s nice. You must feel like you have a lot of support?”

All but her. “I suppose I do.”

“And your sister? Will she be there?”

I smile wide. “Yes, Scar. You’ll like her.”

“Do you see her often?” she asks, pushing her hair behind her ear as she turns in her seat to face me.

“Not as often as I’d like. She’s with Dad a lot, and I don’t tend to come out to the house much anymore.”

“Why?” She frowns.

“It’s not the same as it used to be, hasn’t been for a long time.”

“Since your mum?” she asks tentatively, sounding unsure if she should be asking.

But for some reason, I don’t feel as reluctant as I normally would to share the information with her. I want her to know. I want her to understand.

I nod once. “Everything changed after she left. The house is just that now, a house. It stopped being a home the day she died.”

“Sometimes things change, Mase, and it’s completely out of our control, but you shouldn’t cut yourself off from going out to the house, no matter how daunting it is. I was scared to lose my mother for my entire childhood, yet once I let go and allowed other people in, people like Maggie, who gave me the love, support and a home that my mother couldn’t, everything seemed to get a bit easier. I’ll never understand your loss, Mase. I’m not trying to compare our situation. I’m not even sure I’ve made a solid point there—”

I pull her hand into mine and bring it to my lips, kissing the back of it. “Thank you, Nina.”

“I’m glad you invited me.”

The dark sky looms over Lowerwick Estate, making it look every bit the nightmare I remember it. Thirteen years was all I could give my dad and Scarlet after she left. The minute I was able to move out for college, I left. Elliot was more than happy to have a place of our own, and our parents knew it was what I needed. It didn’t take much to convince them.

I swallow the bile that rises in my throat as Nina’s dainty hand slips into my palm. Her show of support.

For someone so small, she is so strong—physically and mentally. A shield she puts up against the world that she openly invites me to stand behind.