Grand Lies by JC Hawke



My mothernever begged me to stay. Not once. Most weeks, I’d leave to stay with Maggie and John, and she wouldn’t ever put up a fight. She wouldn’t tell me to stay or that she would try to be better. She let me go. Every. Single. Time.

I should leave him. I should protect myself and run far away. But I can’t. For the first time in my life, I want to plant my feet and throw myself into somebody else’s world. I want a home—a forever one.

“I don’t want you to help me buy a studio.”


“I don’t want you buying me anything, period. It’s too much, and everything needs to be slower. We are moving a million miles an hour.”

“But you will live here?” He means it as a question, but he is telling me, his tone definite.

“I will live here because I chose to, yes. And I will contribute to the bills.”

He narrows his eyes at me. He doesn’t like that. “I only want to look after you.”

“It’s too much too soon; give me time. I need to do this my way.” I should have done this at the start, made it clear.

I told him I didn’t want to be bought, and I know I made that clear, but I should have told him that I needed to move slower. I’ve done more with Mase than I have with any man ever.

“I know I love you, that part I am certain of.”

“Why do I feel like there’s a but?” He glares.

“I don’t know if I trust you anymore. I feel like we lost it before we even had it.”

He closes his eyes, but it’s not in sadness. He is annoyed that I feel that way. “You know you can trust me.”

“No, I don’t. You haven’t given me any reason to. The studio, Cara, they’re not small things. It’s life-changing for me; this is my life!”

“I know that.”

“You don’t.” I pause, fighting against my head, which tells me to hotfoot it out of here, but my heart screams at me to stay, begging me to feed it with the love it craves. The type of love that makes it beat stronger. The type of love only he can give me. “But we can work on it,” I force out.

“Yeah?” He questions, taking my face in his hands again.

I have to move forward. I can’t run away every time I hit a bump in the road. I have to face it. Overcome it.

“Yeah,” I tell him.

“I thought I’d blown it. The studio. I know I fucked up, Nina.”

“We have a long way to go, Mason.”

We are far from perfect, and we do have a long way to go. But today I make a new promise because I want to stay.

* * *


“Didn’tshe tell you specifically last month not to buy her shit?” Elliot asks with a smug smile on his face.

“Oh, they never really mean it. This is perfect,” George tells me, coming to sit on the edge of my desk.

“If I make it about Lucy, get you to plan it.” I look to Elliot, willing him to get on board.

“Fuck off, Lowell, I have enough to deal with.”

“Like what?” I frown, calling him out on his bullshit.

“You think they can all just take time off and go on holiday?” Lance asks. “You’re fucking gaga over her, mate.”

“You pricks going to come or not? Let me deal with the girls.”

They all eye each other before looking back at me. “Yeah, I’m in,” Charlie says. “I need the break.”

I nod, agreeing with him. He seems to be doing alright, but I know this past month has stirred up a lot of shit he had buried. I can imagine getting out of the office is exactly what he needs.

“Count me in.” Elliot grins.

“Fuck it.” Lance relents, shrugging.

I look up and over my shoulder. “Sorry, George mate, you’ll have to man the office this time.”

“I’m in charge,” he exclaims, hand on his chest.

“Are you fuck!” Elliot laughs, and I smile.

“I will have someone come up from downstairs to check in, but I will call you to make sure things are going okay, and I will work when I can.”

“Oh, have a day off, will you,” he scolds me. “I’m excited for you! I thought you were all looking a little pale.”

“You’ve gotta get the girls on board first,” Lance reminds me.

“It won’t take a lot.” I smirk, drumming my fingers on the desk. “I have a plan.”

* * *



Heaving the suitcase onto the sofa, I take in the utter disarray that is their apartment. Lucy is a clean freak. She can’t stand mess. Yet the lounge floor is covered in outfits, some matching and some discarded to the side, clearly not making the cut.

“Girls?!” I shout, frowning. “Where are they?”

Following the music, I go to their shared bathroom, pushing open the door.

And there they are, in all their naked glory. I should be surprised, but nothing surprises me with them anymore.

“Surprise, motherfucker!” Megan shouts, popping off a cork.

“Jesus, Meg, you’ll take my damn eye out.” I chuckle, shielding my face. “What are you idiots doing?”

Stepping into the room, I take in their glasses of fizz and skimpy bikinis, both of them covered in shave foam and razors in hand.

“I might have told a little white lie.”

“Luce,” I warn.

“Girl, we’re going to Spain.”

“What?!” I frown.

“For my birthday! Girls’ trip.”

My face drops, and I know I’m about to disappoint her. “I can’t go away right now. I have no money.”

“I’m paying.” She shrugs, turning away from me and cleaning off the razor in the sink.

“Did you win the lottery all of a sudden?” I ask, eyeing her shiny gold bikini. “Love that by the way.”

“No! Mum and dad gave me some vouchers, and I thought I would treat your poor ass, but you don’t have to come.” She grins wide at me.

My lip tips up on one side. God, I need a holiday. Time away with the girls sounds perfect right now.

“What about Jean? I thought you had a fashion thing?”

She looks at me as if I’m stupid. “You think I needed your wardrobe to go to Spain with Jean?” She juts her head out, emphasising her point.

“So, I basically just packed my suitcase to go on holiday.”


“Shit. I didn’t really think about what I was packing.” I share everything with the girls, but I’m not about to give up my best clothes. Lucy is a hoarder, and I won’t see it for a year.

“Well, thanks!” She laughs.

“We leave tonight. You need to get a move on.” Megan grins, handing me a flute.

“Tonight? I can’t go tonight.”

“Why not?” they both say in unison.

“I… I—”

“Go get ready, bitch!” Luce shouts, waggling her brows at me.

My stomach twists with excitement. It’s been so long since we’ve been away. “We’re going to Spain?”

“Yeahhhhh!” Megan bumps her hip with mine as we start to dance around the bathroom to“Post Malone” by Sam Feldt.

* * *

Two hours later,my skin is as smooth as the day I was born, my hair is washed and set in deep curls, and my nails are a pretty shade of coral.

I feel ready.

I have one more thing I need to do, though, and I know he will hate this. Well, he won’t hate the grovelling. I’m sure he will love that part, but the part when I tell him I’m going… Yeah, he will hate that.

The girls told me to call him, but I knew I couldn’t leave without seeing him. He would probably have a tantrum and come after me in his fancy plane if I did.

These past few weeks has been our best together. He seems so much more relaxed now and even spoke about his dad a little with me, which came completely out of the blue. And I’ve been searching relentlessly for a new studio. Nothing is fitting me or my budget. I’m trying my best not to get down about it.

It will happen.

I called Vinny from the taxi to ask if Mason was in the office, and he told me I wouldn’t need his ID card. He was right. The lady at the reception smiled when I told her my name, letting me straight up.

Checking myself in the elevator mirror, I fluff my hair and pout my lips, noticing they are a little dry. The door pings open, and I quickly lick my lips to make them look shiny.

“Well, hello,” a friendly voice coos.

I spin and find a guy standing behind me at the sofas. He is watering a plant–I’m sure I never noticed plants in here before. His three-piece suit–with bow tie–is immaculate. He is gorgeous and perfectly put together, not a hair out of place.

“Hi,” I say warmly.

“You are Nina!” He points at me with complete certainty.

“I am her.” I shrug.

His smile is infectious, and I can feel my dimples out in full force. “George?” I question.

“Yes. I am him.” He winks. “Oh, you are just as gorgeous in person as in the pictures.”

I can feel my cheeks flush red at the compliment, but then I frown, not understanding. “Pictures?”

He drops down the jug of water and comes to stand next to me. “The ones in Mason’s office. The ones from Paris.”

“Oh, I’ve not seen them.” Mase has my photo in his office?

“Is he expecting you?” He grins, ushering me toward the main desk.

“No, I have an impromptu trip, and I have to break it to him that I’m going away.”

“I can imagine that will go down like a lead balloon.” He eyes my outfit, a smile tugging at his lips.

“Right.” I chuckle.

“You going in? He isn’t busy. Well, he pretends he is, but he isn’t.”

“Yeah, I’m going in. Thank you, George.” I lick at my lips again to moisten them.

“Oh, wait.” He disappears around the reception desk and dips down behind it. “I have some balm.”

I smile like a fool as I wait, imagining how Mason must be with George. I can’t even begin to imagine the dynamic.

“Here, it’s watermelon. My boyfriend bought it for me. I don’t know if that was a hint, but it’s not my flavour.”

“Thank you.” I apply some with my finger noticing it’s completely unused. I go to pass it back to him, but he pushes my hand away.

“Oh, no. I don’t share.” He cringes, making me smile more. “No offence.”

“None taken.”

“You look good.” He gives me a knowing nod—so George knows why I am here.

I throw him a wink over my shoulder as I walk the short distance and push through and into Mason’s office.

He sits behind the large desk, his thick, full shoulders momentarily stealing my focus. His jaw has a five o’clock shadow, and his hair is a mussed mess of perfection.

I get the image of him taking me on the kitchen counter only hours ago.

The man is a god.

He looks up when he hears the door, a carnal smile pulling at his lips. How am I supposed to leave him for a week? I already miss him, and I haven’t even left yet.

“Hey.” I smile, fiddling with my bag.

“Come here, angel,” he demands.

I go to him, stepping between his legs when he rolls his chair back to make room for me.

“This is a nice surprise.” His hands find the back of my thighs, gently moving up to smooth over my behind.

“I have something I need to tell you.”

“Mmmm, and what’s that?” He kisses the small slither of skin that’s exposed between my skirt and top.

“I’m going on holiday, with the girls—tonight.” I cringe, waiting for his tantrum.

“You want to go away?”

I frown down at him. Is he okay? “Well, yeah.” I shrug. “I could do with some time with the girls.” Maybe the distance between us will be good. It still scares me how much I rely on him and so soon.

“How long will you be gone?”

“A week. Lucy is paying for the majority, and I will pay her back when I can,” I explain, even though I know I don’t need to.

He nods his head, sitting back in his seat and looking up at me. “You expect me to go a week without you?” He questions, rubbing his pointer finger over his lips.

“You went thirty-two years.” I shrug, smiling down at him.

He rolls his lips, clearly pissed off.

Here we go.

“I don’t know if I can go that long, Nina.” He pouts.

“Well I’m going, whether you like it or not.”

His lip twitches before he smiles. “Then why did you come here?” He asks knowingly, rubbing his hands on the armrests.

My eyes drop to his crotch, and I see he is hard, his cock straining against his zipper.

He knows exactly why I’m here.

“Did you know about this?” I ask, my brows drawing in.

“No.” He smiles. “I didn’t.”

“And you don’t mind if I go?”

That was too easy.

“Depends.” He starts to unzip his trousers and then releases himself. “You’re going to have to work for it.”

I lick my lips, tasting watermelon, then drop to my knees as I shake my head. “Sex fiend.”

“Just you fucking wait, Pix.” He drops his head back to his seat as I wrap my lips around him, taking him to the back of my throat. “Fuck!” He hisses out.

I smile around him, loving how I can disarm him so easily. It makes me feel powerful.

Hollowing my cheeks, I draw him in and out of my mouth, flicking my tongue over his slit as I reach the head and driving him wild. His hands soon find my hair, and he starts to guide me, taking the control he can never fully give up.

“You’re the hottest fuck, baby.” Pushing back the hair that veils me, he uses his thumb to pull on my bottom lip and expose my teeth, grazing his cock in the process as it slides in and out of my mouth.

My eyes lock with his, dark and dilated and completely glazed. He is so hot for this right now.

“I want to remember how you taste,” I moan around him, my need just as strong as his. I rub my thighs together, trying to gain some friction—anything to stop this ache.

His hips jut up, and his hands force my head down, his cock hitting the back of my throat with every thrust. I snap my eyes closed as I focus on not retching. My gag reflexes are sharp, but this is deep even for me.

“I need to be deeper,” he grits out, and I can tell he is close.

I whimper, knowing I can’t take him any more than I am. Instead, I suck him almost violently. Up and down at my own pace, but still as close to the hilt as I can get him.

“Jesus Christ,” he pants.

Using my hand, I work him as I suck only on the head, running my tongue up the protruding vein on his underside and then back into my mouth again. Precum coats my tongue, and a growl rips through his chest.

“I’m gonna come,” he tells me.

“Hmmm,” I groan around him, his eyes locked on mine.

With one hand wrapped around him and my mouth locked on the tip of his cock, I use my other hand to lower my straps, pulling on the material until it slides over my breasts, releasing them.

“Fuck. Yes!” he elates.

Leaning back, his cock slides out of my mouth with a pop, breaking the connection as he reaches down and takes himself in his hand. He pumps himself four times before he is spurting out and onto my chest.

He smirks at me as I slowly rise to my feet and lean back against his desk. Standing, he reaches out his hand and begins smearing himself all over my breasts. Massaging his cum into my skin until my nipples are straining between his fingers and my core is throbbing with need.

“What do you want?” he rasps, looking down his nose at me, completely sated. His neck looks thick and strong.

I want to suck on it.

“I want you to touch me.”

He pinches my nipple hard, and I whimper. “I am. Tell me where.”

I lean in and rub my lips against his, my nipples scratching against his shirt and causing my flesh to heat.

“I want you to touch me here.” Taking his hand, I guide it between my legs, and his palm instantly moulds to me, his middle finger running through my folds and then dipping inside.

His eyes flick to mine. “You came here fucking bare?”

I’m so turned on and wet that I instantly ripple around him, dropping my head to his shoulder on a soft cry.

He dips in and out of me leisurely, taking his time to build me up before adding another finger. Heat flushes through me as his thumb finds my clit, rubbing in circles until my toes curl and I’m clutching his shirt in my hand.

“Fuck.” I bite into his pec, trying to keep quiet.

“On the desk. Now,” he demands, and I whimper at the loss of his touch.

He makes room for me, the contents of his desk spilling to the floor as he places open-mouthed kisses up the centre of my chest and throat. Once he reaches my mouth, he places a bruising kiss on my lips but then pulls away.

Stepping back, he tugs on his tie, his eyes boring into me as I lie spread out on his desk. He undoes three buttons then pulls his shirt over his shoulders. Revealing his solid chest and chiselled abs to me.

His hands grasp the backs of my knees and pull me to the edge of the desk, and then he is penetrating me.

As always, it’s rough and fast and all at once. His head drops to mine as he squeezes his eyes tight. “You’re so fucking wet.”

I latch onto his lips as he starts to rock into me, rolling his hips. One hand grips me behind the neck as his tongue ravishes my mouth, whilst his other hand wraps around my back, lifting and guiding me onto his rock-hard cock.

Our pelvises grind together on every roll of his hips, and I know he is close. I’m right there with him.

“I’m going to miss you. This,” I tell him, looking into his eyes.

He frowns at first in confusion, but then his face breaks out into the most beautiful smile. “I will miss you, too.”

Our eyes hold as he picks up the pace, driving into me faster and harder until we both fall over the edge.

“I love you, Mase,” I pant out between ragged breaths as my heart beats fearlessly between us.

“I love you too.”

* * *

I standin front of Mason’s bathroom mirror, thanking my lucky stars he even has a bathroom in here.

Who has a shower in their damn office?

My hair is a wild mess, and my skirt is twisted. Mason leans against the doorframe watching as I use a flannel to wipe my chest.

He looks dark and dangerous, and if I weren’t in a hurry to get back to the girls, I’d be on him like a leech.

I already know the coming home sex is going to be wild.

He watches as I straighten my skirt, his eyes locked on my legs. “I can see your ass cheeks, Nina.” He readjusts himself in his trousers, and I smile, loving that even after two orgasms, I can still get him hard.

His brows draw in. “Is that…”

He steps up behind me as I feel warm liquid dripping from my centre, slowly running down my inner thigh. “Shit.” I go to wipe it away, but he is already there, his hand cupping me from behind and sliding over my already sensitive flesh.

“Booossman,” I hum, knowing I don’t have time.

His teeth sink into my neck, and he sucks, pushing three thick fingers into me, then spreading his cum through my folds and over my clit.

“Yes,” I groan, knowing I will come in a matter of seconds with how sensitive I am.

My head drops to his shoulder, and I look down my nose at us in the mirror. His lips lie open against my throat, his eyes trained on the mirror. Specifically between my legs where his hand works me.

I am one lucky, lucky girl.

* * *

My legs arelike jelly as I exit Mason’s office thirty minutes later, his hand sat low on my back as he guides me into the reception area. I planned to come here and get him off so I wouldn’t feel bad about going away, and I hoped he would be cool about it. I didn’t expect anything in return. Well, I knew I would get something out of it, but I feel like I’ve been well and truly fucked, not the other way around.

My cheeks flush as George looks up at me from behind the desk. I tried to tame my appearance, but I know I look like a hot mess, and I appreciate it when he doesn’t say a word, giving me a wink and then carrying on with his typing.

“Don’t miss your flight,” Mason tells me, tugging the strap of my bag higher on my shoulder for me.

“I won’t miss my flight.”

He nods his head and looks to the ground. My stomach twists with guilt. Should I be leaving him again so soon? It’s not been long since his father passed.

“I don’t have to go. If you wanted me to stay?”

His head snaps up. “You would stay? If I asked you to, you would stay?”

“Of course I would.”

He frowns before a cheeky smile pulls at his lips. “What have you done with my girlfriend?”

“Shut up!” I push on his shoulder, stepping away from him, but he grabs my hand and pulls me into him, planting his lips on mine as he wraps his arms around my neck.

“Go, Pix. I know you will always come back to me.” He cranes his neck back to look down at me. “I love you.”

* * *

We are late.So late that we are those people. The ones that run through the airport with their boarding passes in hand, shouting at people to move.

Classy, I know.

I am out of breath as I lug my suitcase behind me, praying we make it to our gate on time. We would have been here early if Lucy didn’t decide to try a new colour. She now has bright pink hair instead of pastel pink. She FaceTimed Scarlet and gave her an earful about how she followed her directions, and it hadn’t worked. She was mortified and now has a cap pulled over the bright roots. It will fade in the sun—we hope.

The girls veer off as we pass our gate.

“Girls!” I yell, looking between the gate and then back to the direction they are running. I stand panting and out of breath, a sharp pain shooting through my gut. I haven’t had a stitch in years.

Serves me right running on a stomach full of prosecco.

I take off after them, yelling for them to slow down.

“Come on, sugar tits. You don’t want to keep them waiting,” Megan quips.

“Them? Guys, we’ve missed the gate.”

They chuckle to each other as if that’s the funniest thing they have ever heard. It gives me a chance to catch up with them.

The corridor opens up, and we come to a lounge area. It’s over-the-top luxury and filled with five faces I was not expecting to see.

Mase approaches me, his hand going to my waist.

His lip twitches. “Happy holiday, Pix.”

The cocky bastard.

Lucy stops beside us. “Surprise!”

“Tell me I didn’t just give him world-class going away head when he is coming with me?”