Grand Lies by JC Hawke


To my betas, D, Jo, Lindsay, Annie, Lauren & Jessica. Thank you all so much for your time and love for these characters. D, Jo, Lindsay & Annie, you have been with me since day one and I couldn’t have written this book without your constant cheerleading. Know that you are never allowed to leave me.

To The Fourway, my team! I probably ask more questions than any of us and I’m only ever met with love, eyerolls, and a wealth of knowledge. Katie you are next level wonderful *salute* Really, though, thank you. For being supportive, bad ass, and inspiring every day. I appreciate you all.

To my sisters, Gem, Rach, and Dani. My safety blanket. I couldn’t do this without you. Simple. The fear that you squash daily, and the confidence that you instil in me as you place me on a pedestal knows no bounds. What we have is different and special and I know we are incredibly lucky. There’s no one else I’d want to discuss book boyfriends, or dance on tabletops with. I love you all.

To Mum and Dad, thank you for raising me to be the anxious introvert I am today. Somehow it led me here. Seriously though, thank you. For everything. I’d be truly lost without you.

To Shelley, thank you for always pushing me to be better, for loving Nina and Mason as much as I do, and for rooting for me in not just my achievements but failures too. You’ve been there through it all and I couldn’t be without you.

To my Jessica Jones, I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. If I never sell a single copy of this book, it would be okay. Why? Because I met you. I never knew I needed your friendship, but you seemed to show up in my life at a time I needed you the most. You’re so much more than just my friend. You know it all—the good, the bad, and the ugly, and you still believe in me every day. Your friendship is invaluable, and I hope you know how grateful I am to have you as my soulsie! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. For chasing Rhiannon. For teaching me to be better. For your friendship. I could go on, but I’d be here all day and you’re currently pinging off in my DM’s being all needy. There’s no one else I’d want to author with.

To Chalk, well… I should probably start with an apology. I know I got a little lost along the way, with late nights, early mornings, and day sessions that seemed to steal our weekends. But I did it! I did it, babe. And it wouldn’t have happened without your constant support and love for my craziness.

Three years ago, you bought me a pad and pen for Christmas, and I frowned up at you wondering why. You told me it was to write my book.

Somehow, you knew. Long before I did.

Thank you. I love you.

To my girls. You won’t get to read this for a little while, but I want you to know that—today, tomorrow, and forever—I am proud of you. Your love for life and everything in it inspires me every day.

And of course, YOU, my reader. Thank you for reading Nina and Mase. It means the world to me that you’ve picked up my story out of millions of others. You make this possible for me and I am forever indebted to you.

Stay wonderful xo