A Wolf Scorned by Taylor Spratt


Ileft the cabin early the next morning. The sun shone brightly in the sky and I felt it'd be a great opportunity to explore the outside world alone. You know. Just get a little me time.

Okay. Who was I kidding? There was only one reason I left the cabin. I was avoiding Callum.

A myriad of emotions and thoughts competed in my mind all at once. The most dominant of which was a little naggy inner voice that said, ‘Amira, are you crazy! You let Callum eat you out. Callum of all people.’

When Miles and Syrus came back to the cabin last night I tried my best to act normal, like nothing had happened. While Syrus and Miles gave us the run down on their forest run through the storm, Callum just kept staring at me.

I knew he was imagining me naked. And the worst part of it all was that I liked that.

About a quarter of a mile away from the cabin, I followed the scent of fresh water until I found a pond shrouded by trees.

A thick white mist clung to the air, rolling over the crisp, clear wall like fluffy clouds. The faintest scent of sulfur came from the water. I knew it had to be the product of volcanic activity in the area.

Could that mean the water was warm?

I kicked off my boot and dipped a toe. Sure enough the water was the perfect temperature.

Well there was no need to rush back to the cabin so soon, was there?

I rolled my shorts down and chucked them, along with my blouse and undies, over the rocks that bordered the pond.

I slowly entered the water and waded through the shallows. The warm liquid felt like heaven against my skin. And all the fog and the scenery were so picturesque and calming.

The water moved around me as I gently ran my hands through it.

Images of last night's steamy encounter with Callum rushed through my mind. His touch felt like magic and that was my very first orgasm. I finally knew what all of the fuss was about. Riley had told me it was the most amazing feeling a woman could ever feel. I thought she was joking but, oh mama, was she right.

I hadn't been alone with Callum since then. I wondered if it would be weird or awkward the next time I was alone with him. Would we do it again? Or something more, maybe?

My cheeks grew hot as a flame as dirty thoughts ravaged my mind.

Trying to evade my own thoughts, I ventured deeper into the pond. After a few moments of paddling I saw a dark object sticking out from behind the mist.

The closer I got to it the more I saw the outline of a person.

Syrus peeked out from behind the mist. His wet hair laid flat over his forehead and by the look of him he was just as naked as I was but I didn't dare look lower than his chest.

“Well, lookie lookie, who came to see me. If you missed me you should have just told me.” He shot me a playful wink, then, without warning, his curious eyes began venturing lower.

I reacted on instinct, shuffling away, too embarrassed to have another man see me naked after last night.

“Come on now. I don’t bite. Well, at least not unless you want me too,” Syrus called out.

I reached the rim of the pond and hopped out. I hurriedly pulled on my shorts and top, grabbing my undies to traverse the rocks on the bank.

“Hey, where’s the fire, little wolf?” Syrus climbed out of the water and I turned to watch the droplets of water run down his firm, naked body. “You okay?”

Without a moment's thought, my eyes followed the channels of water down his powerful torso.

I gulped down what felt like a rock in my throat as my eyes met with his enormous shaft. I’d heard of trouser snakes, but damn. This was at least ten inches long, thick too. It was a little darker than the rest of his body and veins spread across it’s semi-hard surface.

Were these things supposed to be pretty? Because his sure was.

His cock jerked, yanking me back to reality.

“Like what you see, little wolf?” He folded his hands at his waist, proud of his nakedness.

I’d taken a second to think of a cool come back, but instead of snapping back at this over confident wolf, what did I do?

Shuffling forward, I tripped over one of the more jagged rocks, fell, and skinned my knee.

I groaned and he rushed towards me saying, “There there, I’ll help you.”

“Clothes first,” I demanded. It was his dick that made me fall in the first place.

“Never seen a woman react quite like that to Johnny before. But hey, if you insist." He shrugged before going over to a nearby tree trunk to grab his clothes.

“You actually named your dick?”

“Well nobody else was going to name him. My precious boy deserved a name just like everyone else.”

Men really were from another planet.

Now fully clothed, Syrus ripped his sleeve and dabbed it in the pond water.

“Come here.” He picked me up and rested me on his lap.

My knee looked red and raw. A few drops of blood ran down my leg.

He directed the damp sleeve toward the wound.

“Wait wait. It's not going to hurt is it?”

“Ha, you mean you can go toe-to-toe with Callum in a fighting match but you can’t handle this?” Syrus laughed.

“So I’m a baby when it comes to health care. Sue me.”

“Come on it won’t hurt. I promise. This water has medicinal properties. It’ll help you heal faster.” Syrus's eyes were kind and warm, making me feel safe and secure.

He gently wiped the wound clean, removing the pebbles.

“How did you get so good at this?” I asked, shifting in his lap to make myself more comfortable.

“Being Alpha isn't only about leading your pack. You need to be able to help the wounded and sick in case of emergencies, too. My dad taught me that when he was Alpha.”

“This is the first time you mentioned your dad. What was he like,” I asked, and immediately regretted the question.

His expression darkened and he continued cleaning the wound.

“He was a strong Alpha and a great Dad. Though I didn't always agree with his methods, he made me the man I am today. Every day I live to make him proud from the afterlife.”

“I know just what you mean.” Memories of my mom came to the surface. She was such a kind and beautiful woman. She taught me so much.

“When my father died,” Syrus continued, “ I took over the pack as its Alpha and it became my life’s duty to break the curse where my father had failed.”

The more he spoke about his pack in the good days before the curse, the more I learned about him.

“My childhood was filled with so much fun and wonder. Playing with my friends and cousins. All of that came to end with the curse. It destroyed my life and brought eternal darkness.” Syrus tore another strip of fabric from his shirt and used it as a bandage to tie around my leg. “It wasn’t until you arrived….”

His fingers traced my leg and he watched his fingers as they ventured higher.

“....It wasn’t until you that everything changed,” he spoke under his breath, hypnotized by his own finger as it drifted over my thigh.

Why did it feel like he was talking about more than just the curse?

“Syrus, the daily pack brief is about to start. Derrick’s already on the phone. You coming?” Miles yelled from somewhere nearby and his voice echoed off the trees.

“Well, Alpha duties call. I have to go back inside. You, coming?”

“I’ll catch up with you soon. I just want to get a little more fresh air,” I climbed off Syrus's lap. He got up and patted the dirt from his pants.

“If you need anything, just yell.” The edge of his lips curled into a smile and he turned his back.

I watched him leave before swinging to view the mist rolling over the water.

It was blissfully quiet with nothing to be heard but the sound of the leaves blowing in the tame wind.

My nostrils flared and I picked up the scent of something new mixed in with the sulfur and water.

It was another wolf. I took a second sniff at the air. I was sure of it and I knew this wolf.

My shoulders stiffened as my head jolted in the direction the scent was coming from. Wolfy went ballistic, growling, yipping, screeching and making just about every other noise she could as she too became aware of just who I smelled.


It had been weeks since I last saw her. I didn’t know how she escaped the hole nor how she managed to find me all the way out here. But I didn’t give a damn.

It was Riley and I’d move heaven and hell to see her. Throwing caution to the wind, I kicked up stones and dirt, hightailing it through the trees in search of my oldest and truest friend.