A Wolf Scorned by Taylor Spratt


Down in the dungeons, the guards drew open a cell door and roughly pushed me inside. I turned, full well planning to punch the guards and try to escape, but before I could, the heavy metal door slammed in my face.

My only window to the outside was a small metal hatch that sat on the face of the door. The guards took their post in the walkway, watching my cell so that I couldn’t even think of trying to leave.

Great. So that was it, huh? No trial? No appeal? So much for justice.

I took a deep breath and surveyed my surroundings.

This was unexpected. This was a prison cell? I’d thought I’d see grey, dirty walls and rodents littering the floor. But instead I stood in a comfy little apartment equipped with a bed with clean white sheets on top of it.

There was even a dresser, a table with a vase and a small kitchenette featuring a cute little coal stove and mini fridge. A gold plated toilet sat to one corner, making the room fully self-contained. Even the walls had clean beige tiles, a far sight from the dirt and rock my own room had.

This must have been a mistake, one that once rectified would see me in a much worse place than this. Any minute now, the guards would realize I was in the wrong cell and then I’d be in the roachy, rodent one.

Wolfy cried out, making a terribly high pitched noise I wished I could turn off.

“Mate, mate, mateeeee!”

“Don’t be sad. He was a jerk anyway. You don’t need Alpha Logan and neither do I. You and I will take care of each other, okay?”

Her wolfish wailing quieted to a slow whimper as I think my words brought her some comfort.

There had to be some sort of way out of here. I reached my hand through the slot of the door and felt for something along the wall beside the door, hoping I might stumble across a key rack or something.

My hand had barely rubbed the roughness of the stone wall before the guard took me by the hand and pushed my arm back inside.

Without a word he shut the hatch, locking it from the outside.

“Didn’t your mom teach you how to treat a lady? Geez,” I said and he didn’t even bother replying.

I threw myself on the bed and took a seat near the edge, folding my leg over the other and planned my next move.

Maybe I should shift, then I could break the door down and make a break for it. No, there was no way a baby wolf could have that kind of power. Especially after her very first shift.

I continued mulling over ideas in my head, shooting them all down for the ridiculous nonsense they were.

No more than fifteen minutes had passed when I heard footsteps beating the ground toward my door.

The doorknob shifted downward and the door slowly eked open.

A ridiculously tall, shirtless man entered the room with a large pitcher in his hand. My heart galloped at the sight of him. Apparently, my body couldn’t help but react to this man, no matter how much I hated him for what he’d put me through.

"Mate! Mate! Mate!" Wolfy cheered. She must have smelled him earlier, that’s why she was so excited.

“What do you want, Alpha Logan?” I said with a calmness I didn’t feel. I wanted to straight up maul this asshole for humiliating me in front of the pack and sending me here. “Come to embarrass me further?”

“Come now, don’t be like that, Amira.” He gave me a warm smile that both confused and freaked me out.

“Um, since when did you call me by my name?” I didn’t even know he knew my name, I thought as I rose from the bed. “Don’t you mean half-breed? Mongrel or Mutt?”

He rested the pitcher down on the table to his left and made a carefree stroll over to the bed. He kicked off his boots and fell back onto the bed with the comfort one would in their own bedroom.

“Come, we need to talk.” He moved back on the bed and patted his hand over the sheets.

I tilted my head to the side not understanding what was going on here. Why was he being so casual with me all of a sudden?

I took a seat on the bed, as far away from him as I could without falling off and that fact seemed to put him off by the slight wrinkle of his brow. But then his smile widened and he scooted closer to me and took my hand in his.

“There’s no need to keep your distance from me, mate. I want us to be so much closer than that.” His lust filled eyes fell to the valley between my breasts and was that a drip of drool I saw forming on his lip?

“Um, you do realize I’m the same girl you just publicly shunned and damned to prison, right?”

“Don’t be sore. That was just for show. If my wolf had his way I would strip you naked and take you right here and now. Isn’t that exciting for a she-wolf like you? The power you now hold over your Alpha?”

“A she-wolf like me?” I drew away from him, still remaining on the bed, but barely. “You mean low born? An outcast? And since when did it matter to you that I am your mate? You love Nelenia, don’t you? So why don’t you run off to her and leave me the hell alone.” I jerked my head in the opposite direction and he gripped my chin, pulling my face back toward him.

“Because you are mine and I'm not going anywhere until I wish it, you got that?” He leaned in closer till his scent raced through my nostrils. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and rubbed it on his nose as he took a deep blissful inhale.

“Mine, all mine,” he whispered while bathing his face in my hair.

“Now you smell me.” He pulled my face in to rest against the firmness of his muscles laden chest and Wolfy went berserk with joy. If I could see her right now she’d be dancing.

He smelled of cinnamon and sweet cherries. As much as I hated to admit it, my body burned to touch his. Everything about him was irresistible to me now. Was this the power of the mate bond?

No, he’d treated me too badly for me to just forget that. I was nobody’s beating stick.

“Maybe I didn’t make myself clear.” I tore myself away from him and looked him dead in the eye. “You can’t just humiliate me in front of the whole pack and then claim me as yours. It doesn't work that way.”

“Do you know how hard just being near to you makes me?” He glanced down at his own bulging member. “I’ve never been so excited and now you want me to leave you alone?” He laughed, gripping his sides, and closing his eyes from how hard he laughed.

“Do I look like I’m joking? I’ve had it with being pushed around, bullied, and disrespected. Now either you let me go free or there's the door.” I rose to my feet and whipped my index finger toward the closed door.

He gave a nonchalant glimpse at the door before giving an unperturbed sigh.

“Come on, what are you being so mad for? I had to save face in front of the pack. I’m the Alpha, people expect things from me.

Things like not being with an outcast like me.

“Now, just be nice and you will be well rewarded. Come and sit with me.” He spread his legs wide and waved his hand over his long legs, gesturing for me to sit in his lap.

Wait a minute. A light bulb went off in my head. The Alpha was one of the few shifters allowed to roam the outside world. He vacationed up there a few times a year. If I was by his side, maybe I could go up there with him one day soon and make a break for it.

“So, just for curiosity's sake, if I was to be nice and be a good little mate how long would it be before you made me your Alpha female?”

“Oh that’s rich, you're already making plans to marry me, are you?” he chuckled before resting his chin in his palm and hunching over. “As I said before, Nelenia will be my Alpha female. But don’t worry. I’ll take good care of you down here. You’ll have everything you need and more.”

“Down here?” I formed the words without fully comprehending what they meant. He meant to keep me down here locked away... forever?

“Nah-uh, Nope, no way.” I made an ‘X’ by crossing my arms. “I am not staying down here in the dark dungeons. I do have a life you know. I’m not your- your sex puppet.”

“Oh, really now? You’ve got better things to do than spend time with me?” His voice took on a sharper tone than before and he rolled off the bed to tower over me.

“Now see here.” He gripped my chin roughly and ran the tip of his tongue over my lips. "You will be my sex puppet if I want you to be, and you know what the best part of it is? You’re going to fucking love it. When I spread those legs of yours wide and slide my cock deep inside you, you’ll see heaven and then you’ll never want to leave my grasp.”

“Go to hell.” I slapped him in the face and he growled. I turned to leap away from him but he caught me in his snare, and held me tight to his bare chest.

He leaned down his head and the sharpness of his teeth pierced my neck as he marked me as his.

“I- I will-never- be- yours,” I said with a pause between each word as the pain of his bite surged through my neck.

He lifted his mouth from my neck and ran his tongue triumphantly over the bloody bite. When satisfied, his eyes flickered over to mine. His steely grip enveloped my body so completely I couldn’t move an inch.

In a voice a few octaves deeper and more threatening he said, “You are already mine. My wolf will never let me leave you, as even he, too, knows you are mine. You got that? From today onward you are mine to fuck and to feast on, whenever and however I like.”

“Feast on?”

“Why your pussy of course.” He licked his lips greedily and I took a hard swallow.

“Feast on this.” I drew back my fist and clocked him right in the nose. He released me, retreating backwards until his back slammed into the wall.

He shook his head, gripping his nose, and continued laughing. “You really are a feisty thing aren’t you? Lucky for you, I like my women feisty.”

“I’m not your little play thing, okay? I’ve got my own plans.”

“Oh, you mean your little escape plans?” He released his nose and a few drops of blood fell from it.

I slowly broke his gaze to peer at the floor. “How did you know about that?”

“The guards told me. You should really count yourself lucky. The price for desertion is death, you know. If I weren’t such a benevolent Alpha, I would have punished you good for that.”

“You mean like the punishment of forcing me to stay down here?”

His wide shoulders fell and he turned away from me to walk over to the table with the pitcher. He grasped it and drank directly from it.

While continuing to drink, he paced toward me and took my waist. Before I could push him away his lips crushed over mine and red wine came flushing into my mouth and down my throat.

I reluctantly swallowed most of it and coughed.

“I hope you enjoyed it, girl, because you’ll not get another thing to eat or drink until you’ve come to your senses and realize just how good you’ve got it here. Tell a guard to call me when you're ready to invite me to your bed.”

We parted and he shot me a wink and a wicked grin before leaving the room and taking his wine with him.

* * *

It feltlike an eternity had passed since Alpha Logan had left, but one glance at my watch told me it had only been about twelve hours.

I searched through the fridge and just about every crack and crevice in here, but just as the Alpha had promised, there was no food or drink to be seen.

I laid flat on the bed, watching the overhead lightbulb buzz in and out as I tried to come up with another escape plan. But what was the use? I had no allies nor equipment to help me.

I could be trapped down here for years, never allowed to see Riley or anyone else for that matter. No one except for Logan.

Just as my situation seemed as hopeless as it could possibly be, I heard a pair of heavy footsteps approach the door from the outside.

In the deepest depths of my heart I knew it was him, that damn Logan. His wolf had probably been pestering him to see me just as fervently as Wolfy had been doing to me. Except, he-wolves were known to feel the pull of the mating bond even more than she-wolves did.

I was thirsty, starving, and pissed as hell. This time I would really give him a piece of my mind.

I picked myself off the bed and puffed out my chest ready and raring for a fight.

I then marched my way over to the door only to see the little hatch fly open. Through the small opening a whisp of honey auburn hair caught my sight. Next came the most masculine and well chiseled face I had ever seen.

A pair of ocean blue eyes looked in at me through the hatch, making my blood run cold as the artic.

In a honey sweet voice as lyrical as a harp he said, “You having fun in there or are you ready to hit the road?”
