Hope Awakened by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 30

A mistake.

Hearing him say it hurt her. Hope wasn’t sure why, since she didn’t have anything invested in them. They weren’t a couple. They weren’t together. They were only ever meant to be short-term. Yet, it still hurt.

“A mistake,” she repeated.

“The biggest of my life,” he growled.

Her chest felt like a vise was compressing it. What is wrong with me? She should feel nothing. Less than nothing. Her eyes stung and her throat felt clogged. Hope struggled to catch her breath.

“I’m sorry you feel that way.” She wanted to walk over to him and beat him with her bare hands. It didn’t matter that he was all bloodied up already. “You’re a real piece of work, you know that? You do realize that I’m a person…that I have feelings? That you just stomped all over those feelings.” Hope burst into tears. It was an accumulation of everything that had happened. “I’m crying because I’m here. Because Claire and her babies are in danger. I’m not crying because of you. I made a pact with myself not to cry over loser assholes ever again.”

“I’m sorry.” His eyes clouded and his shoulders dipped. He took a step towards her, then stopped himself.

“I don’t want your apologies. You can go to hell! In fact, don’t talk to me.”

“Don’t say that.” He shook his head. “We need to work together if we have any hope of getting out of this alive. We have to be partners—”

“You just finished telling me that I’m less than shit to you. Now you’re telling me that we have to be partners? Make up your mind!”

“I didn’t say that you were less than shit.”

“You treated me like I’m less than shit. You said that what we did was a mistake. You’re clearly angry with me for what happened. You blame me, don’t you? Just admit it. I can see it written all over your face.”

“I don’t blame you, Hope.” He took another step toward her.

“You’re a liar. You blame me. You hate me now. That’s what last night was all about. It’s why you acted so cold towards me. Like I was the plague or something.”

“I don’t think that you’re the plague or shit, or any of those things. I rate you highly. I happen to like you a lot and not as a friend. Not even close. I don’t blame you.” His eyes were blazing. “I blame myself. I’m the trained warrior. I was in charge of keeping the queen safe, of keeping you safe, and I failed. I was too busy trying to get between your legs to do my damned job. It’s me, not you. Never you!”

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. Hope closed the distance between them. “I’m so damned sorry. I came onto you. I was the one who initiated sex, even after you explained to me why it would be a bad idea. If it weren’t for me—”

“It doesn’t matter who propositioned whom. It happened. The attraction between us is…it’s strong. It’s like this constant hum between us.” He drew in a breath. “There I go, making excuses again. Fact of the matter is, I should have made better choices. I should have had more willpower. When it comes to you…I…I don’t. I want you. I want you more than I want my next breath. I shake with the need for you…even now.”

Hope dropped her gaze and gasped when she saw the tip of his very erect cock peeking out above his jeans. Reece was hard and thick and ready. Her mouth fell open. “You’re half dead, and you have an erection.” She had to stifle a laugh. Mostly born from the start of hysteria.

“I’m nowhere near half dead and yes, I have an erection.” He palmed his cock through his jeans. She loved it when he did that. It turned her on every time. She felt her nipples tighten…her channel, too, as heat swirled low in her belly.

Hope swallowed thickly when she saw a drop of pre-come appear on his tip.

“Ignore it.” His voice was a rough rasp. “Sex helps my body to heal. It’s a natural response to the trauma I suffered. It will go away…eventually.”

“Oh.” She felt disappointment rise. “I see.” She looked down at her feet.

“Don’t look so dejected. I just finished telling you how attracted I am to you and how I can’t keep away, even though I should. I broke every rule in my book for you, Hope. As much as I know it was a mistake, I would do it again.” He shrugged.

“You broke every rule in your book for sex with me,” she corrected him. Not for her – there was a difference.

“That bastard did a real number on you. You second-guess yourself constantly. You have no fucking idea how beautiful you are. How receptive. How intelligent. How amazing. What happened between us was a mistake, but I don’t regret it. I don’t regret you. This,” he touched his cock, “is all you. It’s what you do to me. It’s my undoing.”

It was probably one of the sweetest things anyone had ever said to her, in a bizarre kind of way. It was sincere and kind and sexy. “I know you said that we can’t have sex again, but I…I really want you right now,” Hope whispered.

“Where sex was a mistake before, it would be beneficial now. It would help me to heal. I would suggest you let me wash up first. I’m disgusting.” He looked down at himself.

Always so serious. “I’ll help you get clean. I might need to dress one or two of those wounds.”

Reece took her hand. “No need. You can bounce on my dick until I come. I believe you promised me something along those lines just before we were interrupted.” He smiled at her. It was feral. His smile faltered. “It would need to be the last time for us, Hope.”

“I figured as much.” She nodded. Hope didn’t like the idea. The sex had been off the charts. She doubted she would find someone like him again. Someone who could make her body sing so easily. Someone so compatible in bed. Someone as handsome and cute…funny, too. She forced herself to stop. Her mind was drifting into dangerous territory.

Even now, while she followed him into the bathroom, she could feel her heart beat faster. She was breathing faster too, and Reece hadn’t even touched her yet. Her bra felt tight, her dress constricting. She already felt wet, definitely needy.

Reece turned on the faucets, and the shower spluttered to life. He removed his jeans and climbed under the spray. The water ran red as he washed all the dried blood from his body and his hair. There was still bruising on his ribs. They had turned light purple and green. A sure sign that he was healing. His arm looked normal. Aside from an already closing crack on his lip, his face was fine, too. His healing capabilities were remarkable.

Reece took some shower gel and began to wash. She watched as soap dripped down his body. His cock was thick and very erect. He was beautiful.

She pulled off her dress and quickly removed her bra and panties. Then she joined him under the spray. “Did you need someone to wash your back?”

“You can wash me here…” He took her hand and moved it to his straining erection. His eyes were bright. His jaw tense. The hunger in his eyes was almost her undoing.

Reece gently positioned her against the cold tiles. He put one of his legs between hers. His finger slipped between her folds, zoning in on her clit. His eyes stayed on hers. They flared with excitement when she moaned. When her mouth fell open and her breath came in gasping pants. His finger slid inside her, and his eyes flared with shock. “So wet.”

“I’m desperate for you.”

She felt his hands shake as he picked her up. “Put your legs around me.”

She did as he said.

Hope still had his shaft in her hand. She hadn’t even realized that she was doing it, but she had been stroking him softly. Reece anchored her back against the wall. She positioned his dick at her opening, and he slid in easily. Her mouth gaped, and a breath was pulled from her as he bottomed out inside her. So full! So gloriously full!

The rest of the world could go to hell in that moment. It was just the two of them right then. They were both breathing heavily while looking into each other’s eyes.

“Fuck, Hope,” he growled. “You…it…we…” He closed his mouth. Two lines formed on his forehead. He looked like he was in deep concentration. His jaw was clenched, his eyes focused on her.

“It’s not exactly what I had in mind, but it’ll work.” Her hands clutched his wide shoulders. She gave a tight smile and lifted and then dropped. They groaned in unison.

Reece held onto her hips, guiding her up and down. He also thrust into her from below. She let her head fall back. Slowly but surely, they picked up the pace until her breasts were bouncing hard with every thrust. She could feel her orgasm nearing. Could feel the end rushing to meet them…and already she wanted more. So much more.

Reece looked down at her chest like it was the most fascinating thing he had ever seen. Water cascaded down her skin, flowing between the two of them. He was frowning deeply. Despite the fact that she was halfway to a spectacular orgasm, she felt her cheeks heat and not from the exertion.

Then his gaze locked with hers. “So sexy,” he growled.

If she could’ve spoken, she’d tell him that she felt the same way about him. His cock slammed into her. He was grunting. His muscles bulging. She kept bouncing on him, feeling herself get closer and closer and closer. His eyes widened. He grunted and then moaned her name, jerking into her. Hope felt everything tighten for a few seconds before the freefall. She yelled. Her eyes rolled up and her back bowed. He fucked her harder, his hands digging into her hips. It felt so good that she didn’t care. Couldn’t care about anything other than what he was doing to her. They writhed against each other for what felt like a long time. Their moans and pants slowly ebbing away.

Reece put his head in the crook of her neck, his breath coming in ragged pants. “I want you on the bed,” he whispered. “Just once on a bed.”


Reece carried her, gently placing her on the furs. He looked down at her for a few moments. Almost like he was burning her image into his memory.

Hope took him in, standing there in the morning light. He was wet. He was magnificent. If they ever got out of this alive, she would cherish this moment. This memory. She’d never felt more desired or more alive than she did right then. She doubted she ever would.