Hope Awakened by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 5

The breeze ruffled his hair. The sun was warm on his back. On days such as this, he preferred to hold meetings outside. It kept a male’s mind clear.

“Is everyone clear on their duties?” Reece asked.

“Yes.” Andy was frowning heavily. “I can’t believe that Ekon would stoop this low.”

“I can’t either.” Locke ground his molars together. “You can count on us, Reece. We will work tirelessly to keep the queen and her young safe.”

“We’ll pulverize anyone who tries to touch those chicks.” Zaire’s eyes were blazing.

“I’m glad to hear it.” Reece looked at them each in turn. “It is of the utmost importance that any and all information surrounding this assignment stay between the four of us. There are spies everywhere…even high up in our ranks.”

“Who?” Andy asked. “I mean, I know that there are spies but who is high up?”

“I can’t say for sure.” Reece’s mind went straight to Shard. Anger and hate churned in him. “Suspect everyone and trust no one. I’m talking about the movements of the Royals. The timeframes for the laying. Whether the chicks have hatched or not. All of this information is strictly confidential. I chose the three of you because I trust you and only you.” Andy was still quite immature. Locke had potential but also had some growing up to do. All of these males were strong warriors and above all he trusted them with his life. More importantly, he trusted them with the life of the queen and the chicks.

“Understood.” Zaire nodded.

“Any questions?”

They all shook their heads.

“Good! That brings me to the last item on the agenda,” Reece said, eyes on the three males before him. “Dr. Bristol.”

“That’s the human healer who will be helping the queen lay her eggs?” Locke asked. His eyes suddenly glinted with mischief, which irritated Reece immensely.

“Yes,” Reece said, nodding once. “She arrived not too long ago and is settling in at the human accommodations.”

“She’s here already?” Andy asked, eyes wide. “I heard that she’s still quite young and unmated. Is that true? Is she beautiful? I’ll bet she is.”

Reece’s feathers rubbed, but he worked hard at pushing the emotions to the side. These were unmated males in their prime. Males with needs, who rarely got to mingle with females. It was unnatural. He needed to try to have some understanding of their urges. It was tough, since this was very serious.

“Yes! Is she gorgeous?” Zaire’s eyes were bright.

“No!” Reece growled. “I mean…I don’t know if she’s beautiful.” He shrugged.

“What do you mean you don’t know?” Locke said, grinning. “You met with her, didn’t you?”

“Yes, I met with her, but I didn’t take note of what she looked like,” Reece said, drawing in a deep breath.

“You take note of everything.” Zaire frowned. “I’m sure you would have—”

“Yes, okay…yes!” Reece blurted. “The human is beautiful. She has dark, shiny hair and big blue eyes. She’s very small, even by human standards, but that is her only flaw. It doesn’t matter, though; not at all, because she is off-limits to all of us.”

“No!” Zaire shook his head, looking horrified. “It was the one thing about this assignment that I was excited about.”

“Well, get unexcited fast,” Reece snapped. “What this assignment needs is focus and dedication. What have we just been talking about for the last half an hour?” Frustration welled.

“Oh, I can be focused and dedicated, alright.” Zaire grinned. “What could it hurt if—”

“The queen’s life is at stake. Her life and the lives of the chicks. The life of the heir to the throne…of our people. You have a job to do. A job that will be a lot more effective if your pricks stay dry. Do you hear me?” He looked hard at them. “There will be plenty of opportunity for human females in a couple of months, when this assignment is over.”

“Months?” Locke looked horrified.

“This particular female is off-limits. What you do in your spare time and when you are on leave is up to you.” Reece sounded exasperated. “Do not try anything with Dr. Bristol…that’s all I’m saying. There will be serious repercussions when you are caught, and I will find out. Also, you will address her as Dr. Bristol, not by her first name. Are we clear?”

All three males nodded.

“Good. We officially start tomorrow. You can all take the rest of the day off. I want you clear-headed and resolute. A more important assignment has never existed. Our careers hang in the balance. Moreover, lives hang in the balance. We need to protect the king, the queen, and the chicks with our lives.” He was repeating himself, but it was obvious that it was necessary. He had expected a reaction to the human, but this was too much. Reece was also worried about what they would do when they saw her in person. The human was greatly attractive. It was going to make his life that much more difficult.

“Understood,” Locke said. The other two nodded. There was no more stupid banter or silly grins.


“You are dismissed,” Reece said, folding his arms.

He watched Zaire and Andy shift and fly away. Locke was still at his side. He turned to the male, who was grinning like an idiot. “What?” He didn’t like the look the male was giving him.

Locke chuckled. “You’ve made the female off bounds because you want her for yourself. Admit it.”

“No!” Reece shook his head. “You are wrong. That female is not my type at all.” In truth, it had been so long since he had tried to win a female. His focus had been on his career for so long that Reece wasn’t sure he even had a ‘type’ anymore. He had zero clue when it came to females, especially humans.

“If you say so.” Locke looked at him like he didn’t buy it for a second.

“It doesn’t matter, though. She is part of my…our assignment. That makes her even more off-limits to me since I am in charge.”

“That’s a big pity, Reece. I think you could do with—”

“Don’t even say it.” Reece shook his head. “I was going to take the night shift, and have you watch over her during her rest cycle, but I’m beginning to think that it might be a mistake. Can I trust you with this female, Locke?”

“Of course you can trust me. The question is whether you can trust yourself.” The male laughed, irritating him no end, even though he knew that this banter was unfounded since Locke had never seen the female.

“I trust myself just fine.”

“I won’t touch her.” Locke put up both hands. “You gave an order, and I’ll obey. Also, I think you like her more than you’re letting on. You admitted to finding her attractive.”

“I said she was beautiful. I also said that she wasn’t my type.”

“Beautiful and attractive are the same thing. I think you are protesting so much because you want this human.” He winked at Reece, ruffling his feathers.

“I don’t want her. Stop being a prick! I’ll work nights. You can fledgling-sit the human.” His voice had a hard edge.

“Are you sure? You’ll miss out on—”

“I’m more than sure. It’s the last I want to hear about it. Another word from you and I’m going to give you overtime.”

Locke held up his hands. “Okay, boss. If you change your mind and need to swap, let me know.”

Reece scowled. “I won’t change my mind on any of it.” Why did he feel so angry if this was the right decision? The last thing he wanted was to live with the human or to have to fledgling-sit her. This was the better solution. He was sure that the attack on the queen would come during the dark of night. He needed to protect the Royals. He needed to ignore the human. Locke would do a great job. “That’s settled, then.”

“I’ll go and pack a bag,” Locke said. “Do you want to introduce me to the female, or should I just go over there and take care of it myself?”

“Dr. Bristol…that’s her name, you should use it.”

“Of course.” Locke smiled. “Would you like to be there when I meet Dr. Bristol, or should I pack and head over myself? I’m good with human women. I have plenty of experience.”

Hearing him say that grated him. “I’ll introduce you to the doctor.” He pushed out a breath. “Are you sure I can trust you with her…with something so important?”

Locke rolled his eyes. “For the last time, yes! Even if she throws herself at me naked – which she won’t do, I’m just making a point here – but even if she did throw herself at me naked, I swear I’ll turn her down.”

Reece snorted. “You wish she’d throw herself at you naked.”

Locke laughed. “I can’t help it that human women love me.”

Reece choked out a laugh and shook his head. “What I wouldn’t give to have your confidence.”

“I’ll meet you there shortly?” Locke raised his brows.

Reece nodded. He took a few steps away from Locke and shifted, making for the human accommodations.