Her Arranged Alpha Husband by Alicia Banks

Chapter 12


“Come to bed. You know that you’re freezing and it’s only going to get colder as the sun goes down. Get under the furs and I will keep you warm.”

Teri knew that it wasn’t said as a threat, but that was certainly the way she took it. She knew that Ben was magical and when she was in his arms, she did crazy things, like fall asleep and kiss him back. Teri needed to avoid that intimacy, no matter how badly she wanted it and his warmth.

“I’m not cold, thank you.” Teri was lying, she was freezing, but getting next to him in bed seemed even more dangerous than exposure or frost bite.

He sat up, his bare chest showing, and her eyes were dragged away from the hard curves. Teri didn’t know what this guy was trying to do to her, but she felt a certain way about him, and it was taking up all of her time to push him away. She was cold, and she wanted to be snuggled up against him, but she just couldn’t do it. His large expanse of bare chest and whatever else was going on with him, was more than she could handle.

“Teri, don’t be silly. At least get in the tent and get the wind off of you. It’s never going to warm up with the front part open.”

Teri looked around her and saw that several eyes were on her. Ben’s people didn’t say much to her, but they were always watching. Was it their job to keep her there? Teri didn’t like to think that way, but why else would so many eyes be on her?

She stepped into the tent and closed it, closing off all of the uncomfortable eyes that were on her as well. Teri didn’t know what to think of any of it, but she knew that if she got too close to Ben, something was going to happen. So instead of getting in bed, she asked questions to sidetrack her thoughts that were likely no longer her own.

“How much longer do we have until we are back to your home?”

He shrugged and said that it would be three or four more days.

“You don’t know?” she asked.

“No, not right off the bat. We have to constantly change directions if something comes up. No one needs to know that we are coming through; it makes it better if we can move with anonymity. If word was out that we were making the move, there would be a good chance of attack.”

Teri didn’t know what to think of all the danger she was in. Did her parents know about it when they had agreed to such a marriage? It was his reward, her to be married off to another family that was higher than their own, but it didn’t mean that she would survive it. When she was around Ben she felt secure, but then he started talking and that safety was shattered in the blink of an eye.

“Do you really think that we will be attacked?” Teri wanted to know.

“I hope not. I like to be safer than sorry, so I have to think of all of the things that might happen. It’s my job.”

Teri sighed. She was getting tired, and she knew that he was so warm, and the furs were inviting. While everyone else was sleeping outside without sheets like it was balmy, Teri was cold in the tent, eying the heating source with apprehension. Ben really was like his own heater, and she wanted to make as much heat as he did. Then, she wouldn’t be dreaming about wrapping herself around his hard body to stay warm.

“Come to bed. You don’t have to fight it, wife. I won’t touch you sexually, unless that’s what you want.”

“It’s not,” Teri said quickly. Ben grimaced and nodded his head. Teri hesitated again, not sure what to do. She was trying her best to deny that her body was literally humming in his presence. All day when she was around his beast, she was drawn to him. It was just as bad when he was in human form like he was now. It was likely because those eyes were still on her in a way that made her shake inside. Teri knew what would happen eventually, she just wasn’t ready to admit it yet.

He laughed loudly, shocking them both with the level of noise. “Yes, well, I can tell you aren’t ready. I can also tell that you are cold, so let me help you. I have already given you my word that I won’t mess with you in that sort of way. You’re safe with me and from me. When I take you, Teri, for the first time, you are going to beg for it.”

Teri laughed, telling him that there was no way that was going to happen.

“You don’t seem so sure, Teri. You look like you don’t necessarily believe all of that.”

She crept closer to the bed. She made him promise again that he wouldn’t try anything, and he agreed, though Teri could see that he was perturbed to be questioned more than once. Teri didn’t mean to, honestly. She just wanted assurances.

Ben moved the large fur off of him that covered his body and she gasped at his hard muscles. “Do you have to have so little on?”

He told her that he had to sleep and that was the only way. “I am always too hot, so I don’t like to wear much. Besides, this is going to help give you more of the warmth that you need. You didn’t seem to mind so much last night.”

Teri didn’t mention that she hadn’t had much choice the last time. He had yanked her up against him and that had been the last of it. She could still feel his warm skin against hers. She wanted that again, even if it was very intimate and would make her think about things she wasn’t supposed to.

His heat drew her in like before and she was in his arms seconds later, relaxing as her muscles let go of their tight position. Teri was trying her best to figure out what to do next, but it was easier to see that she had no choice. With him wrapped around her like he was, Teri only had to lie there and let the heat sink into her body. She was relaxed soon after and Teri was sure that she was going to lose her mind. Her own curves moved against him, and she heard him make a sound of struggle. It made her look back and ask him if he was okay.

“Yes, I just wasn’t ready for you to be so squirmy.”

Teri suppressed her smile. He was acting like it was pure torture and for some reason, Teri found that to be very funny to her. “Are you okay?”

He cleared his throat, pulled her tighter to him where she could feel other parts of him that were alive as well. She wasn’t laughing any longer and took it as a sign that she was supposed to give him some space. From the look of it, she needed to stop moving and let him settle down.

“If you would just stop moving around, I am sure that sleep would come easier.”

Teri didn’t know whose sleep he was talking about, but it didn’t matter. He was all worked up about something and Teri wasn’t going to push it. He seemed already on the cusp, his hard length pressing against her back. Teri didn’t want to push him.

Well, she didn’t subconsciously want to do it, but something happened with her when she thought about it some more and felt him against her. Her husband felt good, his body was nice and tight. Teri had many thoughts rushing into her brain, and they all included how good it would be to feel a guy like Ben. She shivered to think about it and Ben’s breathing changed.

“What? I am not squirming anymore,” Teri said with a hint of defense.

“No, but you are ready now. I can smell you.”

Teri didn’t ask for him to elaborate. If that was true and he could smell what was going on with her, how she wanted to explore her desires with him, Teri wished that she could hide it. He didn’t need to know that her curiosity had almost gotten the best of her. Almost being the key word.

They laid together in silence, Teri ready and Ben bothered, raging hard behind her. Teri didn’t think that sleep would ever come, but it did eventually. Ben was still so warm and being in his arms was right where she needed to be. Teri was out in moments, not worried at all about how long her husband stayed like that holding her, trying to sleep, but only getting more desperate by the hour. When she woke up, he was quick to let her go, but he avoided her eyes as they got ready to leave for another day. Teri wished she knew what he was thinking.