Her Arranged Alpha Husband by Alicia Banks

Chapter 21


“I don’t want to go back. Why can’t we just stay here?”

Ben sighed and told Teri as they were packing to leave the cabin that he wouldn’t mind it either. It would never do because he was supposed to take his father’s place soon, but that wasn’t what he was thinking about. He was thinking about all of the negative vibes and comments he was going to get when he got back. They were going to want to know where he was. He wouldn’t want to tell his father that Teri had gotten lost and had to be saved. It would be seen as Ben had been given a bad mate, weak even. He knew how his father was thinking and it worried him because he’d talked about it like it could all change in seconds. Ben didn’t like that feeling at all.

“You don’t know how badly I want the same thing. It’s less complicated when it’s just me and you. I am happier. I hate that my father is being the way he is, but I feel like it’s going to get better. Once he steps down and I will be the leader then, it will be easier to deal with him. He won’t be able to make decisions, just suggestions. I hope that he takes the hint and leaves. That would be the best for everyone.”

Teri looked alarmed and said that she didn’t know that was how Ben felt about it. He had likely been too honest, but there was nothing that he could do about it. It was out and that was truly how he felt. He didn’t want to be Alpha, but if he was going to have to be, his dad needed to step aside and let him take over. Ben was sick of the back and forth. Marrying Teri and starting an heir were the last two things that he was supposed to do. He’d done it, and now it was time for his dad to step down. It wasn’t that Ben wanted the title really, but he knew that it had to be better than what was currently going on waiting for it.

“I am sorry, Ben. This must be really hard on you. I forget sometimes that I wasn’t the only one forced into all of this. Why are the rules so old school? You would think by now that people should be able to find their own mates.”

Ben didn’t want to hear about that, simply because if the Fates hadn’t picked Teri for him, how would he be able to know if he would have seen her or not? Ben didn’t know what to think of it all. He tried his best to slow down his internal madness, at least for a time. “The system does work; it has for many years, and I don’t think it should be changed.” Ben stopped, knowing that he sounded too commanding. “Sorry, Teri, it’s just that’s how we got together, which would have never happened if we weren’t forced. Do you remember how much you fought it?”

Teri looked away, remembering and not wanting to be reminded. Ben didn’t want to be reminded of how she had ignored him either, but that’s just the way it was. That was their story, whether it was love or Fate didn’t matter: they’d met and fallen in love eventually.

Teri was sure that she was getting used to the cold, because she didn’t even shiver once. She mentioned it to Ben, and he just nodded his head. He had a conspiracy look to his face, something she couldn’t place, but it wasn’t enough for her to wonder too much.

“I put an extra liner in your coat, so that you wouldn’t be so cold. I can’t have you going off and freezing to death again.”

Teri sighed. “Of course, you did. What would I do without you?”

Ben got serious for a minute and said that she would likely still be with her family in the Valley, and she wouldn’t have been in any of the dangers she had encountered so far. His life was dangerous and he admitted it to her, though it didn’t really make her feel any better.

Teri got serious too. “I hope you don’t really believe any of that.”

“What do you mean?”

“That I am better off never meeting you. You’re wrong. I am not better off.”

He didn’t know what to say and that was good enough for her. It was hard for the two of them to express themselves. Ben had never felt the feelings that were running through him, so talking about it seemed like the strangest thing she could do. It was likely what she needed to do, but that didn’t matter. Ben wasn’t going to push it. Teri should be happier, and he was going to do everything in his power to make sure that she was happier than she was before. He didn’t want her to walk off again. He would always wonder where exactly she was going and what she was thinking when she had taken off. She had said that she was just getting some air, but Ben would always wonder if there was more to it than that. He still wasn’t secure in where they were together as a couple or anything like that.

“I am glad that you think that.” Ben left it at that. He wasn’t going to pretend like he hadn’t put a vast amount of danger in her life. He knew that there were enemies always lurking and bad luck that seemed to find him no matter what he did. Ben wasn’t sure how any of it was going to work out. He had no clue.

As they slowly headed back and Ben started to cool down. They were going home and once he got close enough that the lights hit their home, he started to relax. It was all going to be okay; Ben was sure of it, and he was trusting the Elders now more than ever before.


It didn’t take long after they got back for Ben’s father to want a word with him. Every part of him wanted to say no, but he knew that it wasn’t an option. His father would not be delayed, no matter what. He had always been the leader and it was hard for him to take anyone else’s problems into account. He was only worried about himself and that was about it.

Teri didn’t want to be left alone, but he made her promise that she wouldn’t take off. It wasn’t the greatest way to feel that he had to say it at all, but that was how it was, no matter how much Ben wanted that to change. He kissed her and promised to be back as soon as he could. Teri promised not to leave the room and that was going to have to be the best that Ben could hope for.

His father wanted to know where he had been, naturally. He had duties to his Alpha and him just taking off was considered rude, among other things.

“I just needed a few days alone with my wife. This has all been quite an adjustment.”

His dad scoffed. “Why would you need more time than you already had? You had only been back one day. I don’t see why you would need to leave.”

Ben sighed. It wasn’t going to be as easy as he had hoped, it never was with his father. Ben didn’t want to play the game, going back and forth and watching all of his words so carefully. That was the last thing that Ben wanted, but he had no choice.

“She is overwhelmed with her new surroundings. It’s a lot colder and desolate here than what she is used to. She has no family and Teri was close to her people.”

James made a snickering sound. “I remember how poor her father’s clans were. She should be happy for where she is. She married up, that’s why it was a favor. It was the last thing I wanted to do if I am completely honest. I didn’t want to put you in bed with someone so beneath you. Are you telling me that she can’t handle her new role? You need to figure this out now, before you ascend and are stuck with a Queen that is not up to it.”

Ben asked him what he meant by that. James shrugged. “I thought it was obvious. You don’t have to keep her as a bride, if you find her to be subpar. You don’t want your heirs to come out weak after all, son, do you?”

Ben agreed that he didn’t, but it wasn’t like he felt that way at all. He loved Teri and was so glad that she was going to be the mother of his children. Ben couldn’t think of anyone else that would be as perfect for the job, or for him. Ben wanted to know why his father was so quick to go back on his word, but James just grinned. “If you find her not to be worthy, then it’s not my fault, and I have done what I said I was going to do. You are married, aren’t you?”

“Fate agreed with the union, Dad. Me breaking up with her is never going to happen. I just want you to know that.”

James wanted to talk about it, debate it like it was even an option. For Ben, it wasn’t. He was never giving Teri up.