Dark Promise by Annika West


“Close the cursed doors!” the Summer Lord screeched.

Elona nodded in grave agreement.

Adair folded his hands pleasantly while Marigold examined her broken, filthy fingernails. She was positively covered in dust, dried blood, and smeared mascara.

It was kind of scary.

The rest of our clan were stationed under the nearest shady tree, fixing up the last bits of injury and helping some fae soldiers who were in critical condition. We’d brought plenty of healing shit.

“No,” Adair stated with utmost kindness. His costume – because I refused to call what he was wearing clothing – was burned, smeared and torn.

A huge hole in his shirt showed off a flash of smooth, un-stabbed skin.

Even though I’d only just met Adair, I was pretty relieved he’d lived through the whole spear in his body. Yeah, I liked being able to trust that my #1 Faery contact wasn’t an evil emperor set on conquering the world.

He was also my DNA donor.

And that… meant something. There’s no denying it, and no use pretending like it wasn’t kinda cool knowing who my biological father was. Plus, he was the best possible person to help me with my powers.

Elona bared her teeth. “Are you willing to allow the fae to flow into Earth through these opened, unmanned portals? You will singlehandedly start a war and bring destruction to us all.”

I nudged Adair. “We might want to consider closing the portals. You know. For the time being.”

He patted my head like I’d just told a wonderful joke. “I’ve had guardians stationed there for the last hundred years. As the former Keeper of the Portals, I felt it was my duty to prepare Faery for this possibility.”

I rolled my eyes. Possibility?

More like plan. Adair made this shit happen.

Elona’s eyes bugged. “Treason!”

Common sense is the phrase you’re looking for, Elona.”

Adair pulled out a potion and shattered the bottle on the ground. A milky barrier rose in between us and the other fae leaders.

To me and Hux, he added, “While they can’t hear us, I should inform you that if you wish to close the portals for the time being, you are welcome to. The person to place the last crystal is the one to command all portals. The only one in the entire universe.”

I held up a hand, inspecting it. “Really?”

“Yes.” Adair nodded in emphasis.

“I feel like you should have mentioned this beforehand.”

“Details are so tiresome. Just know that the guardians you saw through the portal door will keep the entrances safe until laws are decided upon.”

Hux was furious. “She’s going to become an inter-species target thanks to you.”

Adair added, “Aster, you are welcome to transfer the power to me at your earliest convenience. I will guide you through the process.”

I crossed my arms, feeling petty and stubborn. He tricked me a few times, so he got what was coming for him. “I think I’ll keep it. For now.”

“A wise choice,” Hux huffed.

When I finished gasping for air, since the compliment was enough to nearly kill me again, it was time to face our fae enemies.

From beyond the milky veil, the masked Summer Lord and Elona exchanged bloody and pissed-off glares.

Adair didn’t appear surprised over my announcement. Or upset.

I narrowed my eyes at his small smile. Had the bastard guessed that I’d want to keep the power for the time being?

Adair shrugged as the milky barrier faded.

“I might not change fate, but I’ll make sure to kill the halfling bitch,” Elona promised with a grin, earning a threatening snarl from my mate.

Adair cleared his throat. “If you kill her, I will destroy you and every unfortunate soul connected to your line. I will erase you from history. Happily, in fact.”

After that horrifying threat, he smiled and tacked on, “If you wish to be a part of the portal negotiations with Earth, you must submit to the new laws of a new world. We will make fresh rules with Earth. If you want a seat at that table, you are required to give up your halflings. Free them. Earth Councils will discover the atrocities we’ve committed, and I’m quite positive they won’t take kindly to kidnapping and enslavement.”

“Never,” the Summer Lord hissed.

Elona just continued to stare in hatred.

Mom and Willow approached our group and stood beside me and Adair.

Then, the air rippled beside Adair, revealing Elias, the Winter Lord.

He was in blue robes and held a huge sword. Like, a way-too-big sword that was clearly compensating for something.

Not that I was willing to verify.

Looked like Elias hadn’t really jumped ship on the whole plan after all, considering Adair wasn’t at all surprised to see him. He was just playing things safe and smart from the sidelines.

What a dick.

Elias added, “Now Earth knows what the fae have been doing with their halflings. They will object to any further kidnappings and likely require you to return their citizens, anyway. Should we risk international dispute? Do you have the forces for that?”

Elona didn’t relent. “I will give you control over trade.”

Adair paused, considering.

Mom and I simultaneously smacked his arm.

He jolted and gave Mom a sheepish smile. “I have no interest in your trade or economy. Money is not everything. The halflings must be released. It is not negotiable.”

Mom and I shared a look that promised to stick Adair in the freezer with Gladys if he went back on his word.

Dad, Oz and August walked up to join our homicidal meeting as well, giving us the silent support we needed.

Oz bared his teeth at the Autumn Lady and Summer Lord. “I personally look forward to seeing you crumble under the new rules. Go for a swim in a hurricane, you pieces of shit.”

* * *

Soon after, the International Council arrived. Staging a war will do that.

We were all arrested, sans the faery leaders. However, the Council quickly grew upset when they realized there were still fae forces on Earth. So, Adair had to send all his people back home.

And then there was the issue of me, Hux, and Oz being half-fae. The Council didn’t really know how to deal with that new information either, so they arrested us anyway.

But then they were forced to reconsider after discovering who Hux was, who Oz was by relation, and the fact that I was the daughter of a fae lord.

And the only one able to control the fancy new portals that sprung up along ley line hotspots. Wherever a crystal was, there was a new, open doorway into faery.

It was kind of delightful to watch the Council get all angry and flustered, especially considering I was a Cut. On any other day, I’d be fish food for these sharks.

Now, I had my own leverage and claim to power.

And I planned on using it.

“Absolutely not,” the vampire spokesperson said. She shook her shaved head with resolve.

“Wrong answer,” I sighed.

No one had actually moved from the disaster zone in Giza. The Council had set up a temporary canvas canopy tent thingy and a set of wooden thrones beneath it.

It was ridiculous. At this point they were just masturbating to their own power.

They nearly handcuffed me with magically enhanced manacles, but when Hux threatened to shift into a dragon and murder them all, they very nicely changed their minds.

Oz had been staring at his brother like he’d never seen him before.

It was interesting. How much had Hux changed over the years, even for his brother to be surprised? Maybe Hux had been like a shy goody-two-shoes.

My eyes widened.

I still hadn’t gotten any of the puberty stories.

Oh. My. Lanta.

Nothing could stop me from needing those stories. Nothing in the entire universe.

The vampire cleared her throat. Loudly.

“Oh!” I jolted. “Sorry, did you say something?”

She bared her fangs at me and then quickly hid them when Hux started growling.

Like a damn attack dog, that man was.

Maybe it was time to get a collar…

I swallowed hard.

Don’t think about Hux in a collar. Don’t do it. This is not the time to get kinky.

It would have to be pink. No – magenta.

I shut my eyes closed. Fuck. There it is. The image is in my brain, and there’s no way I’m ever forgetting that. I’m going to have to go online shopping immediately.

The vampire stated, “… don’t possibly have enough room on each Council for what you’re asking. The structure of every society would be uplifted. Unions would be in chaos. There is no way that we could manage —”

The yawn took over, stretching my mouth open wider than a whale’s.

Oz snickered.

The vampire’s scarlet eyes flashed. “Your insolence doesn’t serve you.”

I waved my hands in the air, waiting as another yawn came over me. “Listen, Toothy, I’m tired. I just waged war, died, immortalized my own bitch ass off-schedule, and saved the fucking Faery world from wraiths. On top of that, no one’s had the courtesy to feed me some really disgusting sugary nonsense. What the hell am I supposed to do? Hm? Well, I’ll tell you. Yawn. As for your statement, I really don’t care. I don’t care how you do any of it. But you have to if you want any say in these portals and the laws that come with them. But of course, I’m not willing to talk anymore until I’m fed. So…” Looking around the canvas tent amphitheater thingy wasn’t likely to work, but I did it anyway.

She was ready to murder me. It was painfully clear.

I pointed down. “Your hands are shaking, by the way. Are you angry, or hungry?”

She gritted her teeth and stated, “Someone get her some godforsaken food.”