Dark Promise by Annika West


Hux opened his mouth again, fire boiling in his throat. But I didn’t get to see the beautiful show as darkness pooled around me.

The mortal world of Earth disappeared. I squeezed my eyes shut because it was easier than staring into the terrifying darkness.

My legs felt like they were wrapped in weights, another crushing effect of the portal traveling. It was a damn miracle that the faery was able to hold onto me when it all felt so heavy.

In a rush of cool air, my knees hit the ground, and I faceplanted into soft grass.

Better than a marble courthouse floor.

Something was weighing me down, though, as if part of the portal was still clinging to my legs —

“Fucking hell, you vampy bitch! You weren’t invited!”

Willow was clinging to my thighs and breathing hard. She had a look on her face that made me wonder if she was about to eat me. The smeared black lipstick didn’t help make her look less deranged either.

You,” she growled at me. “Can’t just go to Faery —” She paused to pant. “Without backup. You dumb fuck.”

My eyes widened. The breath caught in my throat.

Still holding my thighs, she huffed and looked around, but then her eyes locked onto mine.

The vampire stilled. A look of horror dawned on her features. Her pupils were tiny, terrified pinpricks. “No. No, no, no. Cut, I’m warning you!”

I twisted, and before Willow could claw herself away, I was on her. My legs locked around her waist. I held her in what most people would call a choke-hold, but what I called a hug.

My lips smashed against her cheek in the most violent kiss I’d ever given.

“Get! Off! Of! Me! Gross!

I clutched tighter, screeching, “You really do care!”

Willow made an exasperated noise full of disgust. “Just let go already! Shit, you’re strong for a weak bitch!”

She punctuated her sentence by ripping my arms off her and shoving me to my back. Standing quickly and taking several steps back, she waiting for me in a defensive posture.

But I wasn’t in any mood to attack her with unyielding love again. Lightning never strikes twice in one Faery night after a portal jump, as they say.

That wasn’t an actual saying, but it was important to make it one. In fact, it was a good idea to create more Faery modifications. A Faery modification for every single slang word and idiom.

So many possibilities for bad jokes. So little time to create them.

“What… what is she doing?” Adair asked.

Willow grumbled, “Literally, don’t ask. You’ll never not regret it.”

I jumped to my feet and took in my first look at the new world. “Huh. For some reason, I imagined more… I don’t know. Glitter? Hm. No, that’s not right. Men with body paint?”

“If you’d like to experience the painting magic of our local artists, I’m sure we can commission one. Do you prefer to paint or be painted?”

I lifted a brow. “You really worry me, you know that?”

“Come, now. I’d love to give you the tour.”

Here, it was sunset. And yes, it was beautiful. Even my human-level eyes could see that.

We stood before a huge manor house that would totally crush Buckingham Palace and Dodger Stadium alike. Though I’ve never been to Dodger Stadium.

It was just fucking huge, alright?

The creams and whites and golds made a warm image that somehow made this royal building look inviting. Vines bloomed with purple and pink flowers climbing up the side. An entire section of the manor front had a three-story square cut out of the wall, and a waterfall fell from the edges and into a pond below.

We walked over a stream that ran beneath a wooden bridge.

The air was sweeter somehow. My sugar craving approved.

Up in the changing sky were the outlines of two moons.

I shivered, though nothing about this place was cold. We were in another world.

My mood lifted. I’d done it. I’d gotten away.

Revenge was sweet, but you know what?

I needed this. I didn’t make this decision for Hux and Hux alone.

He messed with my head, and I deserved space to figure out what I needed. Figure out what I deserved.

“For now, I’ll show you to your rooms and have dinner delivered. I hope you understand that I must clear that pathway for you two. Though my household is as open-minded as possible, by my rules, I must prepare all for two members from the mortal world.”

“Do you have other halflings here?” I asked.

“I have several in my employment.”

“Employment or enslavement?” My words were way snappier than I intended.

“I do pay them and house them with the rest of my staff. Instead of an animal pen outside, if you must know. I cannot vouch for the kindness of my fellow lords and ladies across Faery. Unfortunately, most are small-minded.”

My eyes grew weary. Leaden.

To my complete surprise, Willow stumbled and bumped into me. She gave a hard yawn.

My arms and legs felt so, so heavy. I slumped against the rail.

Adair’s face hovered before us. “I do apologize for this, ladies. However, I hope you trust me when I say it is for the best.”

* * *

When I woke up, I wondered if I was dreaming. Or back in Vulcan Corp. In Hux’s bed.

Because his face swam before me.

Is that… his face? Really?

Blinking my bleary eyes, memory failed to return to me. This didn’t feel like my bed or smell like my room. Or Hux’s.

But that was his face.

He doesn’t smile like that, though. Like, hardly ever.

“Good morning,” he said.


“I’m sorry for… everything.”

He sounded the same. Less weighed down by the world’s disappointments, but still. Mostly the same.

I should be mad at him… but for what?

Memories were hard right now.

“I’m sure you are.” Light poured through the window. Different light. Not Los Angeles light.

Finally, the night before crashed through me.

The portal. The beach. Hux and Mr. Creed. My biological father…

Holy fuck.

In front of me, Hux was dressed head-to-toe in black. His hair looked different. And his eyes were so in the shadows that it was hard to see his expression. His feelings.

“You came to Faery,” I stated.

“I couldn’t let you just leave like that.” Even in the morning shadows, his smirk was obvious.

The smell of smoke and jasmine filled the air. I probably started a fire in my sleep, and the disaster mixed with the scent of ‘Classic Spring Court’.

He brushed the hair out of my face. “Aster…”

That’s when I knew. Without a shadow of a doubt.

I reached out gently. Tenderly.

And shoved my pinkie into his ear.

The playful smile turned shocked, and he lurched back. “Hey! What was that for?”

“You’re not Huxley Cayne,” I stated.