Sinner’s Redemption by Rebecca Joyce

Chapter Fourteen


The bikes pulled into the compound late in the evening. Happy to be home, all I wanted was to go see my woman and hold my son. Parking my bike in the underground garage, I got off my bike and stretched. It was a long couple of weeks, but everything ended as I planned. Satan’s Angels were gone, the Golden Skulls voted in a new President, I dealt with the brothers who went against the club, and I kept my promise to Reaper.

In time, Reaper’s son Jesse would become the President of the Golden Skulls and a Doherty would once again sit in the Golden seat. Until then, the club would continue on.

Heading inside the clubhouse, I noticed that only a few club brothers lounged around. It was a typical Tuesday evening. Not much was going on in the city, but that was to be expected. The board members scattered, each either heading off to their rooms or offices as I made my way to my room. I desperately needed a shower. There was no fucking way I was going to Tessa reeking of blood and booze.

Dropping my bag at the door, I took my time undressing before heading for the shower. Staying under the spray for a few extra minutes, I got out and got dressed, grabbed my keys. Always the first one to arrive and the last one to leave, I wasn’t surprised to see my brother’s bikes already gone. Getting on my personal Harley Davidson Dyna Glide, I headed for home.

Walking into Stone House, I grinned when I saw my mother pacing the living room with a fussy York in her arms as the Retirement Rejects argued.

“We’re dead. He’s going to fucking kill us.”

“Not me,” Snoopy said. “I didn’t do shit.”

“We were responsible!”

“Calm down. My son will be reasonable. So, we lost Tessa. She couldn’t have gone far.”

“It’s been three days, George!” my mother growled. “Something is wrong.”

“You don’t think we scared her off, do ya?” Popeye asked.

“Not Tessa,” Happy replied. “That girl doesn’t scare easily.”

“Well, something freaked her out,” my mom chided. “All I know is that if Montana comes home, and she isn’t here, your four better come up with something good.”

“Why us?!” Snoopy questioned.

“Because I put you morons in charge of her,” I growled, making my presence known as the five adults in the room paled when they saw me. Taking my cranky son from my mother. My unhappy boy curled into me, immediately calming down. “Where’s Tessa?”

“We don’t know.”


My mom took the lead.

“Well, we gave her space like you said. Then three days ago, I stopped by her apartment because I wanted to see York. We talked for a bit, then I talked her into some retail therapy. She was having fun. Even the Rejects tagged along. Well, later that day, your father and I offered to take York for the night. You know, for some Nana bonding and Tessa agreed. When we went to drop him off the next morning, she wasn’t there. Tia said she hadn’t seen her.”

“You try calling her?”

“We don’t have Alzheimer’s son. Of course, we tried calling her.”

“Tia picked up,” my mom butted in. “Tia said she found Tessa’s purse and phone on the floor behind the couch. No one’s seen her in three days. Your dad and the Rejects have been looking, but nothing. She isn’t anywhere.”

Sighing, I reached into my back pocket for my phone and dialed Storm. Knowing that motherfucker never left the club, I knew he was in his office training his current piece.

“Kinda of busy Prez. Call back later,” he grunted, as I heard the pounding of flesh and the soft whimpers of his current piece.

Rolling my eyes, I sighed. “Turn on Tessa’s tracker.”

A few weeks before she ran back home to West Virginia, Tessa accepted my brand. The club made a big deal out of it. The party lasted for three fucking days and my woman took the brand like a champ. Didn’t even cry out once. What she didn’t know was that while she was receiving medical treatment afterwards, I had Storm tag her ass with a GEO-locator chip. I had plans on claiming her afterwards and I wasn’t taking a chance of her disappearing. Only Storm never turned it on because a few weeks later, Tessa did her runner and that was it. I wanted nothing more to do with her.

“Why? Isn’t she under you about now?”


“Fine,” my brother groaned before I heard him say, “Don’t move an inch or you won’t cum for a week.”

Shaking my head, I waited.

“Going to be a few minutes, Prez. I need to update the software.”

“Fine. Just call me back when you have her location.”

“Will do.”

I don’t know why I was so damn calm. Maybe it was the fact that I knew Tessa would never leave our son. More than likely, it was some impromptu job interview or something. Maybe it had to do with her mother’s death. Fuck if I knew. But I knew my woman wouldn’t bolt on our son.

Taking a seat, I tried to soothe York. He wasn’t a happy little boy right now, and I knew he was more than likely missing his mom. I have to admit, I was too. While waiting for Storm to call me back, I asked, “So, what was the talk about?”

When no one said a damn word, I narrowed my eyes at my mother. “Please tell me you didn’t interfere.”

My mother blushed, then softly replied, “Not exactly.”

“Damn it,Mom,” I growled. “You know the rules. She has to make this decision herself.”

“Don’t you curse me, Montana Ethan Stone. I didn’t coerce her. I just talked to her. She chose all on her own. I was just helping.”

“And what about you four? What part did you morons play?”


“Just had some fun.”

“I spent time with my grandson.”

But when my eyes landed on Happy, the only Reject who was still an active member of the board, the fucker caved. “We may have also talked to her about what it means to be your ol’ lady.”

“I see,” I slowly said, trying desperately to rein in my temper.

I had my son in my arms, and didn’t want to upset him further, but these morons, while they had my best interest at heart, were pissing me off.

They knew the rules.

They were very clear.

No member of the club could interfere or persuade any potential ol’ lady. The decision had to be hers and hers alone. That’s why I stayed away from Tessa. I told her what I wanted and when she left, I planned on giving her all the time she needed.

“Son,” my mother whispered. “She decided. She chose you. She loves you. She wants to be with you. We just took her out to celebrate. I even took her to my tailor so we could get a head start on her new wardrobe.”

Shaking my head, I took a few deep breaths before I replied, “Tessa isn’t like you mom. She wasn’t raised around money. I don’t give a fuck what she wears. I never have. I won’t have you make her into something she’s not. And as for the meddling, you all broke a club cardinal rule, and you know it. I could have all of you stripped from the club.”

“Son,” my father gasped, sitting up straight.

Holding my hand out, I stopped him from saying anything more.

“No, dad, I’m the president of the Soulless Sinners. Not you. Me.”

“Son, Tessa loves you. I was just trying to help,” my mother replied.

“No, you meddled in my private life like you did with Kansas. Kansas may have allowed it, but I won’t. I’m sorry, mom, but you had no right.”

“I just want what’s best for you.”

“That’s for me to decide. Not you.”

My phone ringing halted the conversation. Connecting the call, Storm said, “You’re not going to like this, Prez. Her tracker pinpointed her in a warehouse near the north ports. Pier eighty-three. The warehouse is owned by Fedorov. It’s one of his whorehouses.”

Getting up, I handed my son back to my mother. “Call Malice and Payne. Tell them to meet me at the docks.”

“What are you going to do? This is Fedorov. That bastard doesn’t like us interfering in his businesses.”

“He should have thought about that before my woman landed in his lap. Call me with any updates.”

Hanging up the phone, I dialed another number.

“Son, what’s going on?” my father asked, getting to his feet, as did the Retirement Rejects.

“Montana Stone,” the gruff Russian bastard said nonchalantly, as if I was calling for the time. “What do I owe the pleasure?”

There was no love lost between me and Maxim Fedorov.

We tolerated each other.

He stayed on his side of the city, and I stayed on mine.

On the rare occasion we worked together, it was quick and neat. The only time we were forced to interact was if we both attended a societal party, dinner or a ball. Civility and all that shit.

Other than that, I didn’t think twice about the man.

“You have something of mine, Maxim.”

“And what might that be?”

“My wife.”


Dead Silence.

“You must be mistaken, Montana. I don’t mess with wives or children. Honor amongst gentlemen and all that.”

“Then explain to me why my wife is in one of your whorehouses on pier eighty-three?”

“I’m sorry, my friend, but I sold those warehouses months ago.”

“Who owns them now?”

Maxim chuckled. “Illyria Valentinetti.”

I had heard rumors of someone buying up off several of Maxim’s businesses but thought nothing of it. The Russian bloodletter was always making someone angry.

If Illyria Valentinetti was shopping, that meant only one thing.

The motherfucker pissed her off.

There was a story there and I, for one, was dying to know what happened this time, but now was not the time. I needed to get Tessa out of that place fast. Then I was going to have a nice, long conversation with Illyria about her properties.

“You’re the closest Bloodletter. Feel like helping me out and pissing off your woman even more?”

Maxim laughed devilishly. “Thought you’d never ask.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Montana. I’ve scheduled the warehouses for demolition in two weeks because I want those places torn down and used for scrap metal, so I can shove them up Maxim’s ass. The company I hired for security has assured me they are empty” Illyria said, frustrated.

“Well, I’m standing on pier eighty-three looking right at warehouse nine and there are people moving in and out of it.”

“Shit,” she sighed. “Do what you have to, Montana. You have the backing of my family. I’m catching a flight and will be in the city by nightfall. Burn the place to the ground if you must, preferably with the Russian bastard in it. If not, I’ll find another way to get even with the fucking son of a bitch Russian asshat.”

Hanging up the phone, I looked at Maxim, who was grinning from ear to ear.

“Just what in the hell did you do to her this time, Maxim?”

The big Russian shrugged. “Her Italian blood boils hot.”

“After I get my woman back, you and I are going to sit down and have a long conversation about pissing off Illyria Valentinetti. She is one woman you never want to cross.”

Maxim said nothing as we both checked our weapons before moving towards the warehouse.