Sinner’s Redemption by Rebecca Joyce

Chapter Twenty-Six


“It’s going to be okay,” Kali whispered as she smoothed and rearranged a flower arrangement on the table. “He will be here.”

I wasn’t so sure.

After everything that went down, I wasn’t sure he was ever going to show. Both of us said things we couldn’t take back. Mean, hurtful things that still made me cringe.

If my mom were alive today, she would tan my hide.

I volunteered to arrive early with Kali and Kansas to help her make sure everything was ready. Though she hired a party planner, Kali needed to see for herself.

It was the night of the Vanderveer Cancer Research Gala.

Everyone who was anyone had RSVP’d.

It was going to be a night of fun, dancing, good food and money.

Dear God, there was going to be a lot of money passing hands tonight.

The Vanderveer Cancer Research Center held the annual ball to raise funds for cancer research. Kali’s mother died of cancer and mine recently did too. It was a cause I stood behind and supported wholeheartedly. The money made from tonight’s ball would go to lung and bronchus cancer research, the deadliest cancer. Lung cancer was responsible for the most cancer deaths worldwide. Nearly three times higher than colorectal cancer. While every cancer was bad, none was more so than lung cancer.

“It’s been three days, Kali. He showed up once to kiss York goodnight, then he left again. He won’t even acknowledge me. York and I live in his home. It’s not right.”

“Kansas told me he’s been sleeping at the clubhouse.”

I nodded. “I drove over there yesterday, and the gate guard told me I wasn’t welcome. That he was with someone. Told me I needed to go home and take care of my son.”

“Damn, that was harsh,” Kali muttered. “You know Montana would never, right?”

I knew what she was talking about and though I admit I felt a pang of worry when the gate guard told me he was with someone, I didn’t believe him. I knew Montana. Never once since we’ve been together had he ever gave me pause to worry in that regard. The man was faithful to a fault.

“I don’t know how to fix this if he won’t talk to me.”

“Just give him time, Tessa. He’s dealing with a lot from what Kansas told me.”

“Hello ladies,” Kansas grinned, walking over, kissing Kali on the cheek.

Smiling, I took in the man who looked so much like Montana. Kansas was a carbon copy of his older brother. Though the two looked alike, they were night and day. While Montana was firm and harsh, Kansas was sweet and kind. How the two were brothers, I would never know.

“You look beautiful tonight, Tessa,” he said, leaning over to kiss my cheek.

“Thank you,” I muttered, uncomfortably.

I still didn’t know why Kali and Virginia insisted I come tonight. I planned a fun-filled night of junk food and Netflix while I scoured the internet for a surgical position. I still hadn’t found a job, and I was getting desperate. The money in my account was running out, and I knew I couldn’t rely on Montana forever. Though he was York’s father, he was not responsible for my care and upkeep.

Rubbing his hands together, Kansas looked around the large ballroom and smiled. “Well, babe, the place looks good. Guests are arriving. Shall we?” he said, holding his arm out for her. Kali smiled lovingly up at him, taking his arm.

Together, they walked off, leaving me alone.

Sighing, I headed over to the bar. “A whiskey sour, please.”

As the night wore on, I watched on bated breath for his arrival. Everyone who was anyone had shown. From socialites, actors, politicians, to world leaders, the crème de la crème of the world laughed, danced and donated millions to Kali’s cause. I felt out of place. The odd woman out. As the ball went into full swing, not a single soul talked to me. Not that they would. I was unknown. A stranger. I was just a simple country girl from West Virginia. I was a nobody. The only one who talked to me was the bartender named Ashe. He only talked to me because I kept him busy making my drinks.

“Maybe you should go easy on those,” Ashe said, placing another drink in front of me. “You know, get something into your stomach.”

Sighing, I knew he was right.

Instead, I picked up my glass and saluted him. “Just gonna finish this and head home. It was a mistake to come here.”

The handsome man shrugged. “Don’t know about that. You look like you belong here.”

“Looks can be deceiving.” I muttered, downing my glass.

“I only came to talk to someone, and he isn’t here.”

“Let me guess. Tall, dark hair, dangerous with a stare that can shrivel a man’s dick into his colon?”

I chuckled. “Yeah, that sounds like him.”

“I don’t know about you, but I’d sober up fast cause he’s heading your way, and he looks pissed.”

Turning, I watched as the crowd parted.

Literally parted as Montana and his board members walked towards me. Like something out of a movie, I’d never seen anything so fucking hot in my life. Dressed in designer tuxedos, the Soulless Sinners weren’t just bikers tonight. They were something more. More dangerous. More sinister and leading the charge was the devil himself.

The man who couldn’t bother to call me. Okay, I know I told him to leave his own home, but in my defense, he accused me of doing something I didn’t do. How was I supposed to know that Barney hacked my phone? He was my friend.

Well, he was until he showed up demanding that I go with him. Yeah, that conversation didn’t end well for him, especially when he slapped me. I only knew the truth because Happy spilled the beans yesterday morning when he caught me packing my belongings. I told him I was done with everything and that was when he told me about what Montana was dealing with. When I learned the truth, I tried to get into the compound to see him but was told to leave.

It had been three days since we talked. I thought coming here tonight might give us a chance to talk, but looking at him now, I should have stayed home.

Gulping, I stood up straight as he approached.

Ashe was right.

He was angry.

“Montana.” I hiccupped, covering my mouth quickly as I chuckled. Shit, maybe I had one-too-many drinks.

He growled at me before looking at the nice bartender behind me. “She’s cut off.”

“Hey!” I said a little too loudly, as party goers turned to look at me. Lowering my voice, I slurred, pointing my finger at his very firm chest. Damn, my girly bits perked up at that moment. Licking my lips, I added, “You leave him alone. He and I have been getting along quite nicely. He talks to me. Now go away.”

“You’re drunk.”

“Am not,” I hiccupped. “Just lightly buzzed.”

He growled just as a tall, handsome older man walked over with a beautiful woman with long black hair. “Montana.”

“King,” Montana groaned, shaking the man’s hand, then smiled as he leaned down and kissed the pretty woman’s cheek. “How’s my favorite tattoo artist?”


Montana chuckled. “Well, Venom, it’s still early. Give it time.”

“King, Venom, this is my Tessa.”

“Not yours,” I slurred, as the young woman laughed. “Oh, I like this one.”

“Cupcake,” King growled.

“Oh, shut it, old man,” the woman snarked. “Everyone here is fucking stuffy as hell. This one is lively.”

“You have no idea,” Montana muttered.

“Montana,” a sultry beautiful blonde said, as she glided over, placing her hand around Montana’s shoulders. Narrowing my eyes, I growled when she leaned forward and planted a kiss near his lips.

Venom laughed loudly. “Oh yeah. Now it’s getting interesting.”

“Montana, when you have time, I need a moment.” The blonde bimbo said. I may be drunk, but I wasn’t stupid. I knew what that bitch wanted and if she thought she could sink her talons into my man, she had another thing coming. Grabbing Montana’s arm, I yanked him towards me. “He’s taken, bitch.”

“I beg your pardon,” the blonde smiled.

“Baby, it’s not what you think” Montana quickly said. Ignoring him, I started firmly, albeit drunkenly, “He’s mine. Go find another fuck buddy.”

“Told ya,” Venom said, slapping King’s chest laughing loudly.

“Baby,” Montana tried to reach for me. Slapping his hand away, I got up in the bimbo’s face. “Go away.”

“Oh shit,” I heard Kansas chuckle. “Is she really taking on Illyria Valentinetti?”

“Shut up, Kansas,” Montana growled. “This isn’t funny. Tessa’s had too much to drink. She doesn’t know what she’s saying.”

“Oh, I think she knows exactly what she is saying,” Venom laughed.

“Montana, he’s here,” Mercy shouted, as he ran over, looking towards the entrance as Kansas winked at me, trying to hide his smile.

“Shit,” Montana cursed. “Alright everyone. Party’s over. Illyria, I’d get out of here now, if I were you. Kansas, there are waiting SUVs out back. Get Kali and get the fuck out of here now. Everyone else meet back at the clubhouse. It’s going to be a miracle if we get out of here unscathed.”

Kansas didn’t have to be told twice. He snapped his fingers as my friendly bartender removed his apron and walked around the bar. “Lovely meeting you, Mrs. Stone, but my bartending days are now over. Let’s go, Prez,” Ashe said, as two other men walked over, ushering Kansas and Kali towards the back exit.

Grabbing my arm firmly, Montana quickly said, “Time to go, baby.”

I yanked it back. “I’m not going anywhere with you until we talk, asshole.”

“Oh fuck,” Malice cursed, which had all of us turning around to see what made him tense up.

The man was a devout Catholic.

He never cursed.

Before anyone could say anything, Malice took off, running into the crowd towards a beautiful woman dressed in all white. Her long black hair with silver tips flowed down her back in curls. She turned towards us, just as Malice reached her grabbing her around the waist, taking her to the floor, as pandemonium broke out when men dressed in all black opened fired.

Oh. My. God!

“Fuck!” Montana roared, grabbing me around the waist as he dragged me towards the exit. Men and women screamed as they scattered like cockroaches in all different directions. Bodies fell to the floor, while some took cover under the tables. But all I saw was the blood. So much blood. Party goers lay on the ground, not moving or begging for someone to help them as chaos reigned down.

My eyes spotted Malice, who was curled around the young woman protectively, firing at random, trying to get her to safety. I flinched when I saw him take a bullet to his shoulder. I screamed as the force of the bullet knocked him to the ground, taking the woman with him.

“Oh God. Malice! Montana, stop!” I shouted, trying to pull away from Montana. “He needs help!”

“He can take care of himself. We need to go!” Montana yelled, yanking me towards the exit.

“He’s hurt. They all are. I need to help them!”

Montana swung me around to face him. Grabbing my face, he quickly kissed me hard, stealing the very breath from my lungs. “You can’t save them, Tessa. Not this time. We need to leave. Now!”

Grabbing my hand, I didn’t have a choice as he pulled me towards the emergency exit. Once outside, I saw two SUVs waiting as Kansas was arguing with someone.

“What the fuck!” Montana roared. “Why are you still here?”

“Vehicle is dead,” Kansas shouted as he hurried Kali over to the other SUV.

“Fuck,” Montana cursed. “Hurry,baby. Get in.”

Climbing in, I scooted over as Montana got in after me. Sitting behind us were Kansas and Kali. As soon as the door was closed, the SUV sped away. Looking back, I saw the brothers scatter.

“What about the others? We can’t leave them.”

“They will find their own way home. Baby, put your seat belt on.”

My hands were shaking as I reached for the belt. I tried, but I couldn’t get the seat to click into place. Montana rested his hand over mine. “Breathe, baby. It’s going to be alright,” he said, clicking the belt into place for me.

“Where to, Prez?” Ashe asked, turning forcefully onto the main street as cars honked loudly.

“Stone House!” Kansas yelled from the back seat.

“No!” Montana retorted. “The clubhouse. We rendezvous at the clubhouse.”

“York,” I whispered. “Oh God, Montana. We have to get to York!”

“He’s safe, baby. Dad and the Rejects picked him and Mom up an hour ago. They are already at the clubhouse,” he informed me, as several bikes roared up behind us, surrounding us.

“My God, this is a clusterfuck,” Kansas cursed. “We’re going to have cops all over us.”

“Worry about that later. Right now, we need to get to safety.”

I tried listening to Montana and Kansas as they talked. I really did, but my mind kept going back to all those wounded people back at the Gala. The moment I knew what I wanted to do growing up, I made it my personal mission to help anyone in need. It damn near killed me to leave those injured to fend for themselves. Logically, I knew the police and paramedics would show quickly, but every minute counted when someone was dealing with a bullet wound.

Looking out the window, I watched as the city flew by, a brother dressed in all black beside us, keeping pace as we weaved in and out of traffic. One minute, the rider was beside me, the next he was flying over his bike as he slammed into an oncoming car.

“FUCK!” Ashe roared, spinning the car to the right. My shoulder hit the side of the car hard, causing me to cry out as a car coming up beside us exploded. One minute I was sitting next to Montana, the next he pulled me down into his lap.

Gunshots rang out all around as I covered my ears.

Tears fell freely as I closed my eyes and pictured my beautiful little boy. I wanted so much to be with him right now.

To hold him.

To kiss him.

To tell him I loved him.

“Get down, Kansas!” Montana roared, as he fired his weapon several times as the SUV once again took another sharp turn. I did not know where we were at, if we were even close to the clubhouse. All I knew was I wanted this madness to stop. I needed it too.

“BRACE!” someone shouted, right before I felt as if someone lifted into the air, hovering motionless, flightless as if I weighed nothing, then as quick as it began, I felt myself falling before a bone chilling coldness wrapped itself around me, taking me deep into a dark abyss.