Sinner’s Redemption by Rebecca Joyce

Chapter Three


The club was hopping. Music boomed loudly. I felt the thump, thump, thump of the speakers under my feet as brothers jammed, drank and fucked their way through the pretty ladies. Tonight, was a celebration of sorts. Bored out of my mind, I needed to relax. After days of aggravation, I finally kicked that bitch Candice to the fucking curb. Drama now gone. I was scouting the room for my future ex-fuck toy.

I had the pick of the litter tonight. Tall, short, curvy, thin, blonde, brunette, it didn’t matter. As long as the pussy was tight and she sucked like a Hoover, I was a happy camper. Tits didn’t matter to me, small or more than a mouth full, all I wanted was an easy lay. A bitch who didn’t play around and knew her place.

Once I found that, then I was good until I got bored and moved on.

Rinse and repeat.

I wasn’t looking to settle down and I sure as hell didn’t want to be shackled to some fucking piece, I wasn’t serious about. That’s all these women were. A piece of pussy. Easy lays. Nice to look at, easy to fuck, but nothing to take home. Like most of the brothers, I kept my pussy here, where it was convenient and at the ready.

“Decent crop tonight,” Barney said, taking a seat next to me. As the owner of the city’s only exclusive Gentleman’s club, Barney catered to my club for one reason only. Protection. He allowed us to have the pick of the litter for assurance that his club would stay off everyone’s radar.

I shrugged, as if nothing really captured my attention. “No blondes tonight?”

“Naw. Had one a week ago, but she got accepted into Baylor’s master’s program. Shame too, she was sweet and drew a good crowd.”

Unlike most biker clubs, the Soulless Sinners didn’t sink our dicks into skanks, cut-sluts, biker bunnies or whores. Fuck that shit. We had enough self-respect for ourselves and the club not to dip our wicks into a community gene pool. Nope, we had a more refined appetite. One catered to brains and a woman who could string a complete sentence together. Also, we didn’t want or need any fucking drama. That was a big fucking hell no. Pussy was pussy, and they knew the score. That’s why I farmed our girls from Barney’s.

All of Barney’s girls were college students. None of those stupid, brainless bitches that walked the Boulevard near the ports. Nope. These girls were going somewhere. Just not with us. They knew the drill before they even volunteered to come to one of our parties. It was a simple arrangement. Befriend and become a brother’s plaything for however long he chose and in return, the brother would make a sizable donation to whatever college fund they desired. We got the pussy, and they got the education. It was a win-win scenario. No hard feelings and when the arrangement was over, we both went our separate ways.

Sometimes, there was the occasional dust-up when a bitch got clingy or a brother’s condom ripped. Nothing the morning-after pill couldn’t take care of. Those that got clingy, well those cunts got the boot and were told never to come back.

“Is it me, or do these girls keep getting younger and younger?”

Barney laughed. “Montana, it ain’t them. It’s us. Fuck man, I turned fifty last week. When I see these girls, all I see are babies. Only these babies are barely legal and in college. Some of these girls only dance for me because they know about your parties and want a brother to claim them for a few weeks to get the money for school. Fuck man, your college fund is why I have a waiting list for employment.”

“Are you telling me the only reason these girls are here is for the money?”

“Well, yeah!”

“Fuck me. I’m a sugar daddy.”

Barney threw his head back and roared with laughter. Shaking my head, I picked up my beer and took a swig as I watched the brothers have fun. Fuck, I felt old. At forty-four years old, age never bothered me. I knew I wasn’t as young as I once was, but I was still in the prime of my life. I could throw down with any of the brothers and I last I checked my dick still worked. Didn’t have the need for anything more. Got my brothers and the bitches were plentiful.

Life was good.

Now if I could just find a hot pussy to sink into tonight.

“While I have your attention, I need to tell you something you will not like,” Barney said seriously, which had me narrowing my eyes at him. “Word around town is that one of your former girls is returning. Got a fellowship at First Presbyterian Hospital in downtown Manhattan.”

“Don’t recycle pussy Barney. You know that.”

“It’s Tessa.”

The grip on my beer bottle tightened until it shattered all over the table. Barney flinched, and rightly so. Fucker knew not to mention her name in my presence. I didn’t want to talk about her. Anyone but her. The one woman I let in, and she fucking left me. Fuck that cunt. I have been with a lot of girls in my life, but none ever came close to Tessa. My beautiful, smart pain in the ass, Tessa. From the moment I laid eyes on her, I knew she was different.

My possibility.

My one chance at redemption.

Like every other bitch I knew, she disappointed me the most.

“Don’t care.”

“You might want to care. I heard some interesting shit, Montana,” Barney said straightforwardly. If he thought I would drop everything and beg for crumbs, he had another thing coming. The moment that bitch walked away, that was it. I was done. She was fucking dead to me. Didn’t give two shits about her.

Ignoring him, I spotted a cute red head and smirked. “Think I just found my piece of the week. Talk later Barney.”

Leaving Barney at the table, I headed over to the young girl and snagged her by the arm before hauling her upstairs. Kicking my door open, I yanked her into the room and shut the door. The piece was decent. Not as pretty as some others, but she was fuckable.


The young girl smiled as she yanked off her tank, giving a clear view of her ample c-cup tits. Her waist narrowed to widening hips as I eyed her up and down. “My name is Heather.”

“Don’t give a fuck. Strip.”

My harsh tone didn’t seem to bother her as she unlatched her bra, freeing her tits before she moved down to her shorts. Leaning against the wall, I watched as she shimmied out of them, then removed her matching panties. I preferred a clean pussy, but this piece had a runway strip. Shame too because I was hoping it was the same color as her hair. Only it wasn’t. It was black, which meant she wasn’t a true redhead.

Fuck, I hated when bitches masked who they really were.

Tess never did.

In fact, she was a true natural blonde. Her fucking pussy was always clean and smooth. Fucking tasted like peaches. My Tess had the perfect tits with light pink areolas. Fit perfectly in my hand too. Tess rarely wore a bra and fuck me, did she have legs that went on for days. I loved it when she would wrap those legs around me tightly as I pounded into her perfect pussy.

“That for me?” the piece giggled, which had me blinking a few times, my hard-on waning.

“Don’t worry, I can get it back up,” the piece grinned, dropping to her knees before me. Pushing off the wall, I said nothing as she removed my belt and unzipped my pants. Arms crossed, I said nothing as she wrangled my jeans low enough to free my semi-flaccid cock.

If she thought I was going to be a participant in this, she was sorely mistaken. She was only here to wet my dick and if she got me to cum, I’d throw an extra grand into her college fund.

“Fuck you, asshole!” the fake red head shouted as she stormed out of the club. Shrugging my shoulders, I took a seat at the bar, motioning for a beer.

“Trouble in paradise?” Mercy asked, sitting to me.

“Piece can’t suck a dick for nothing.”

“You’ve been going through the girls fast brother. You okay?”

“I’m fine,” I said, taking a long pull of my beer. The fucking cunt couldn’t suck water through a straw. All she did was treat my dick like a fucking lollypop. If she thought she was being cute, she wasn’t. She was fucking annoying. She wouldn’t shut the hell up. Somehow, she thought giving me a blowjob was the perfect time to tell me her complete life story. When she started talking about all the fun we were going to have, I’d had enough. I pushed the piece away, zipped my shit back up and told her to get fucking gone.

The last time I had a decent blowjob was with…

Nope, I wasn’t going there again.

The fucking boner I had before evaporated the second I started thinking about her. The last time I went down that road, it took me damn near a month to forget about her, a few blue pills and several of Barney’s girls. Just thinking about her caused my dick to take a fucking vacation. Even after two and half fucking years, she was still cockblocking me.

Fucking cunt.

“Where’s everyone?”

“Fury went home with Vicious. Linsey is due soon and our brother doesn’t want to be far from home. Storm is up in his room. He nabbed himself two for the price of one tonight. Fucker has the gift, man. Twins again. Malice and Payne took off to fuck knows where and Happy was in his office the last I looked. The rest of them, well, you already know.”

Yeah, I did. These parties were only about one thing.

Getting laid.

At least the brothers will be happy come morning.

“Why are you still here? Thought you would have left by now.”

“Barney told me what he said.”

“It’s nothing,Mercy. I’m over it. Leave it alone.”

“Shame is due back next week. Want me to get him to find out what he can?”

Justin ‘Shame’ Peterson was the club’s intel officer. The best in the business. Shame owned and operated Peterson’s Inc. The foremost investigative service in the United States. Need to locate someone, get all the dirty intel, find out who was fucking who, then Shame was your man. The brother was notorious for finding anything or anyone. There wasn’t a single computer system on the planet Shame couldn’t get into. The man was a fucking ghost. No one knew who the fuck he was. He was also on loan to the London chapter after some jag-off tried to syphon a fuckton of cash from the club.

“No. Leave it alone.”