Sinner’s Redemption by Rebecca Joyce

Chapter Thirty-Two


It had been three weeks.

Three weeks since they released me from the hospital.

Three weeks since Montana had been walking on eggshells around me. While I appreciated the space, he was seriously pissing me off.

When I agreed to return to Stone house, I thought we would talk, work through our issues and try to begin again. Instead, he wrapped me in bubble wrap and ordered me to stay home and heal.

That we would talk later.

I didn’t want to talk later.

I wanted to talk now, damn it!

And if he thought the separate bedroom shit was going to fly, he was sorely mistaken.

I wasn’t sleeping in that damn guest room one more night.

We were going to hash this shit out or I was leaving.

For good this time.

After moving all of my belongings back into the master bedroom, I headed downstairs in search of the bane of my existence. Growing up, my mother never told me that some men needed prodding, or in Montana’s case, a good swift kick in the ass. I wasn’t opposed to it, but I would have thought after everything that we’ve been through he would have been a little more receptive and eager to cement our relationship.

Guess I was wrong.

If he wanted to do this the old way, then I was ready.

I found him in his office, going over paperwork as he talked with Mercy and Fury. Upon seeing me, the men smiled.

I, however, did not.

“Get out.” I ordered firmly, as Montana smirked at me.

“What?” Fury asked, looking from me to his President.

“I said leave. Now. The both of you, unless you want to see me naked.”

Both men jumped to their feet and hurriedly left, closing the door behind them.

Montana narrowed his eyes. “I was in a meeting.”

“Too bad,” I said, walking over to his desk, and picking up the glass of whiskey he had sitting there.

“I wouldn’t drink that if I were you.”

I smirked as I lifted the glass tumbler to my lips. “And why is that?”

Montana leaned back in his chair and grinned. “Because it is mine, and I’ll spank your ass if you do.”

“That’s rich, considering you haven’t touched me since I left the hospital. You planning to spank me by autosuggestion?”

He gritted his teeth before returning to the paperwork on his desk.

Downing the drink, I placed the tumbler back on his desk before walking around to stand behind him. Running my fingers through his shoulder-length hair, I sighed. “What do you want, Tessa?”

I lightly scratched his scalp, like one would a cat. “Am I really bothering you?”

Releasing a sigh, he leaned into my touch. “No, not really. It’s rather soothing, if I’m being honest.”

“Can I soothe anything else?” I asked with a smile.

“Maybe if you’re good, I might let you.”

I flicked his ear. “Asshole.”

Montana chuckled. “Your asshole. Remember that.”

“I’m gonna bite your ass.”

Montana glanced over his shoulder with narrowed eyes. “Remember, Tessa. You bite me and I will bite you back.”

Grabbing the back of his shirt, I balled it into my fists as I whispered in his ear, “You don’t make promises you don’t intend to keep.”


His hard chest vibrated under my hands with that one, the sound making my pussy itch for more. He was driving me fucking crazy. What more did I need to do to get his attention? He wasn’t fucking blind. The man was forty-four years old and still had 20/20 vision. Did I need to write it across my chest for him?

I was horny.

I wanted sex!

“Who says I don’t intend to keep my word?”

“I don’t know, maybe living in separate rooms might have put that thought in my head.”

“You are healing Tessa.”

“I’m healed.”

“Not just physically, babe.”

“Oh, my mental faculties are working just fine. In fact, they are fueling my need for sex!”

He chuckled, getting to his feet. Walking around his desk, he headed for the door. Stopping, he looked over his shoulder and smiled. “You’re not ready yet.”


Huffing, I crossed my arms over my chest.

Rat bastard.

He was fucking toying with me.

I saw the bulge in his pants. He wanted me as much as I wanted him.

Following him into the kitchen, I watched as he took a seat at the small kitchen table, scrolling through his phone. His face was void of any expression, but I knew the fucker was laughing at me. Hell, I would be too. Since the moment I woke up this morning, I’ve had an itch that only he can scratch. Only he wasn’t playing along.

Before, all I needed to do was rub myself up on him and the man would fuck me into oblivion. Now, it seemed it didn’t matter what I did. Fucker wasn’t taking the hint!

Opening the fridge, I grabbed a bottle of water when I heard him say, “Grab me a beer from the fridge, will you?”

Slowly turning, I looked at the man, who couldn’t even bother to look up from his phone to ask me a simple question. Reaching for his damn beer, I slammed the fridge shut and walked over to him. I knew what I wanted to do with this beer, but I didn’t relish the idea of explaining to the emergency room how it got so far up his ass.

“Don’t forget we have that dinner tonight with my parents.”

I was aware about the dinner.

That’s all he talked about for the last week.

A fancy, smancy dinner with his folks.

There wasn’t going to be any dinner unless he gave me what I wanted.

“Your dress is being delivered in an hour. Do you need help getting…FUCK!” he cursed, jumping to his feet fast as he spun to face me as half of the beer I had in my hands trailed down his face and shoulders. 

Grinning widely, I held the half empty bottle of beer in front of him and bowed. “Your beer, my liege.”

“You realize this is war, don’t you?”

I shook my head. “War indicates engagement. Not much of a war when you won’t engage.”

“You sure about that?” He growled.

I nodded my head, stepping up to him. “Go ahead. Give it your best shot.”

Montana cocked his head to the side, grinned, then kissed my forehead before leaving me standing in the kitchen alone.

Plopping in the chair he had just vacated, I heard a light chuckle.

Turning, I saw Mrs. Alice shaking her head. “Gonna have to do better than that,girl. Mr. Montana has had years of practice beating his brothers.”

“He won’t stay in a room long enough. He’s impossible.”

“He’s a Stone. The Stone men don’t give in until they are ready.”

“Short of throwing myself at his feet and begging him, I don’t know what to do.”

“You’re going to have to be daring. You and Montana have a colorful history. He knows you better than you know yourself. If you want to beat him at his own game, you better put your thinking cap on because right now, he has you right where he wants you.”

I spent the rest of the day in my room.

Well, his room, but he said nothing when he came in and saw me lounging on his bed, reading a book. Mrs. Alice had brought me the dress Montana had bought me an hour ago. Only I had no desire to put it on and get ready for the dinner party.

“You’re not dressed,” he said, stating the obvious.


“Guest will arrive in an hour.”

“I know.”

“Do you need help getting ready?”

“I can dress myself,” I said, flipping the page of my book.

Walking into his closet, he stopped. “I see you’ve moved back in.”

“Got a problem with that?”

“Nope,” he said, disappearing into the large closet, only to come out a few minutes later dressed in a crisp black tailored suit. Even his shirt and tie were black. The man was a walking fuck stick I wanted to mount and ride off into the sunset.

Instead of doing or saying anything, I tried to focus on my book.

It was a good one too. The male hero reminded me a lot of Montana. Dark, dangerous, famous for putting his foot in his mouth and toe curling good in bed. Holy fuck, these sex scenes are hot as hell!

At this rate, I wouldn’t need Montana.

I would get myself off.

“What are you reading?”

“A book by Elizabeth N. Harris.”

“What’s it about?”

Smiling, I looked up and grinned wickedly. “Bikers.”

Montana laughed as he walked out of the room.


Laying the book down, I sighed.

I didn’t want to entertain tonight. I wanted to strip those clothes off his delicious, rock-hard body and fuck his dick until I saw stars. Climbing from the bed, I stretched and looked down at the garment bag, narrowing my eyes.

Shaking my head at the thought of a fucking formal dinner.

I was a damn country girl. He knew that. The last formal anything I went to, I got shot at, was in a car accident and damn near drowned to death. Picking up the bag, I headed into the bathroom and hung it on the hook behind the door. Opening the bag, I removed the dress, then stood back, staring at the damn thing and muttered, “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me?”

The dress was white. Like lilies of the valley white. Like here comes the bride white! While not exactly a wedding dress, it was long, form fitting and looked expensive.

It was so not me.

Picking up the garment bag, I noticed there were items at the bottom. After digging them out, I placed a box with Manolo Blahnik on the bathroom counter and a box that said La Perla.

Opening the shoe box, I smiled as I pulled out a very sexy pair of high heels that had a pearl strap around the ankles. The heel had to be at least four inches high and the soft white leather felt like pure butter. Putting the shoes back in their box, I opened the other and grinned.

“Fucking pervy asshole.”

Inside the box was a white lace corset, with garters and silky thigh-high stockings with a seam up the back that stopped at silk bows.

Looking towards the bedroom, I wondered just what the fuck he was up to. This shit was for a bride. Not some fucking formal dinner with the family.

Heading back into the bedroom, I picked up my phone and called him. He answered right away.


“Is this a joke?”


“The dress, shoes and lingerie?”

“You don’t like them?”

“I didn’t say that. It’s just a bit fancy for a dinner with the family.”

“Everyone is dressing up. If you need help, I can send Mrs. Alice up to help you.”

Growling, I seethed, “I don’t need help!”

Montana laughed. “Are you sure?”

“What is going on?”



“Tess. Do you need help?”

“No!” I shouted. “I need to get laid!”

Hanging up on him, I roared, throwing my phone across the room as it shattered into pieces. Flinging myself on the bed, I refused to wear that damn dress.

I didn’t know how long I laid there, but when I felt the bed move, I looked down to see Montana crawling over me.

Smiling, I licked my lips. “Yes.”

“You’re not dressed.”

“And you have too many clothes on. Let me help you.”

He backed off, shaking his head. “Everyone is ready.”

Yep. That was it. I hit my limit.

“I’m not going.”

“You have to.”

“No, I don’t.”

“I’ll make it worth your while.”

“Then get naked and fuck me. You haven’t touched me since I moved back in. I don’t know what kind of twisted game you’re playing, but I am done. Either you want me or you don’t.”

“Do you trust me?”

“You know I do.”

“Then get dressed and come have dinner with me.”

“I’m not hungry for food.”

“Tessa. Please.”

“You want me downstairs?”


“And you will give me what I want?”


Smiling, I quickly kissed his lips and said, “I’ll be downstairs in five minutes.”

Montana shook his head, got off the bed and left.

Watching him leave, I grinned wickedly as I got up and got dressed.

Like I promised, I left the bedroom a few minutes later. The sound of my new heels clicking away on the marble floor as I took my time descending the staircase. Rounding the bottom, Mrs. Alice stopped dead in her tracks upon seeing me.

“Uh…” she blushed. “I’ll feed York in his bedroom tonight.”

“Good idea,” I quietly said, as she hurried past before stopping to look back at me. “And Tessa, that’s daring.”

I winked as the woman skedaddled off to get my son.

Hearing everyone in the main dining room, I took my time, mustering up the courage for what I was about to do. He wanted to play fucking games with me. Well, I wasn’t no damn slouch. I could give as good as I got, and Mr. Montana Stone was about to learn that I played for keeps.