Omega Hunted by Linsey Moon


The cabin wasn’t far.

Savannah was surprised she hadn’t seen it while she’d been running through the woods that night, but she guessed her mind had been preoccupied. Plus, she’d been warned to avoid the cabins so she was doing exactly what she shouldn’t, and doing it with two powerful alphas who could end their truce and claim her whenever they chose to. She would have to stay on her toes.

The cabin was very small in comparison to the mansion her and the rest of the omegas had been forced to just the day before. Still, it was nice. Savannah liked it more than the mansion. It was homier and reminded her of her home with her family. The home she would never see again.

She shoved those thoughts away. There was no time to drown in sadness. Not when she was walking into a one room cabin with two alphas who had made it clear how badly they want her.

From the outside the cabin looked like any standard log cabin someone might build in the forest for hunting. At least, it looked like what Savannah imagined reading descriptions of them in books. It’s not like she’d had a lot of travel experience or seen any homes other than her own in person before the day before.

Inside, the cabin was fully furnished with a large bed made with satin sheets and the finest blankets. A leather couch and chair on the other side of the room, and a fully stocked kitchen.

“This is really nice for a cabin in the woods,” Savannah said as her and Nick helped Kasim sit on the couch so he could prop up his injured foot.

“The Lady makes sure things are kept up to pretty high standards for the alphas she invites here for these things,” Nick said.

“So these cabins are stocked for the alphas?” Savannah said.

“Yes, my love,” Kasim said. Even through the pain she knew he must have been in, he still flashed her a handsome smile that made her body heat up in ways it had no right to. “She wouldn’t want us to have to start our journey to catch our omega from the main house each day.”

Just like that, the heat his smile made her feel was gone. “So the other omegas were right. These cabins are traps. They are a way for you to stay close during the day. To make it easier for you to catch us and force us into becoming your omega by forcefully claiming us.”

Warm, strong hands wrapped around her arms from behind. She hated that they made her body sing when they ran up her skin and brushed over her neck. The place where her neck and shoulder meet—where most alphas like to put their mark from what she’d learned about being claimed. It was the perfect place. Intimate yet public enough any other alpha would see the mark and know to stay away.

Nick was so close behind her she felt his heat enveloping her and he leaned down, his breath washing over her ear. “I seem to recall you inviting the prince and me to have some fun with you only hours ago. Nothing forced about what we did in that office.”

Savannah’s breath hitched and she looked at Kasim, whose eyes were growing darker and hooded. She could smell their scents like they were wrapping around her, both of them mingled together. It would be so easy to get caught up in them again.

She stepped out of Nick’s embrace and made her way towards the kitchen. “You should get your foot elevated,” she said to Kasim without looking back.

Opening the top of the fridge, she pulled the ice bin out. Then she rummaged through a couple cabinets until she found some ziplock bags and a dish towel. She filled the bag with ice before replacing the bin in the freezer, and wrapped the towel around the bag, then she took it over to Kasim.

“I’ll be fine,” he said.

“I’m sure you will be,” she said, placing the pack of ice on his swollen foot. “But only because I’m going to make sure of it. Being hard-headed isn’t the cure you seem to think it is. I know you’re a prince, but surely if you hurt yourself like this back home someone would tend to your injury.”

“We have medics, yes.”

“Well, tonight you have me and Nick.”

Nick deliberately stepped back from the couch where Kasim was planted with his foot propped on a pillow under the ice pack Savannah had just put on him. “I’m going to let you do whatever foot care is needed, thanks. I’m here to help move him around, but I’m not touching his feet.”

Savannah rolled her eyes.

“I do make a mean omelet though,” Nick offered. “Are you two hungry?”

As if her stomach remembered it had been far too long since she’d eaten a solid meal just hearing the mention of food, it growled like a grizzly and made both alphas laugh.

“I’ll take that as a yes for our omega,” Nick said.

“I would love whatever you make,” Kasim said, giving a quick nod to Nick.

Nick went to the kitchen and started pulling eggs and everything he needed to make omelets from the fridge. With a cast iron pan in hand, he turned back to Savannah and Kasim. “Neither of you are vegetarians are you?”

Kasim laughed. “No.”

“Me either,” Savanah said.

“Good.” Nick turned back towards the counter and got to work on breakfast.

Savannah walked past Kasim headed towards the empty chair, but he grabbed her hand and she stopped to look at him. He traced his thumb back and forth over her skin. It was soothing and it reminded her how little rest she’d had since the DOA showed up at her house to take her away; being drugged notwithstanding.

“You should lay down and rest,” Kasim said.

Savannah chewed on her lip and turned to look at the bed. It looked more comfortable than the bed she had slept on for the last several years of her life. Of course a bed of straw would have looked comfortable after the hours of running overnight to keep from getting caught by and claimed. The sleep she’d had before that had been drug-induced, and that hardly left her feeling like she’d gotten the rest she needed. If anything, it added to the lethargic feeling that was settling itself deep in her bones.

Kasim gave her hand a gentle squeeze and she turned her head to look at him again.

“We will not violate the truce we made with you,” he said. “And we’d never claim you while you’re helpless and asleep.”

She looked over her shoulder at Nick in the kitchen. “You speak for the both of you now?” She asked Kasim. “I thought you were fighting for the chance to claim me.”

Nick turned his head and his eyes locked on hers. At the dance, and repeatedly since he ran up on her trying to help Kasim earlier in the day Nick has looked at her with humor and lust in his steely gaze. In that moment all humor was gone.

“We may not be best friends, but alphas are good at sizing each other up. You can take Kasim’s word as gospel for both of us. We agreed to the truce, and we will honor that. And darling,” he paused and his eyes morphed into that intense lusty gaze she’d grown used to seeing from him, “when I claim you, you’ll be awake for every second of it.”

Savannah hated the way his declaration makes her body flush with heat—with need.

“Go,” Kasim said with another squeeze of her hand. “Rest. I assure you one mangled foot will not prevent me from stopping Nick if he forgets himself.”

Yeah, but if a mangled foot won’t stop Kasim from getting in Nick’s way, what’s to say it would be enough to stop him from being the one to try to claim her. She didn’t have much of a choice, though. It didn’t matter that she didn’t fully trust either one of them not to try to break their truce with her if she allowed herself to be vulnerable enough to sleep.

Her eyelids were like weighted blinds that were forcing themselves lower with every passing moment. Her body was so heavy and languid just standing up felt like running a marathon. If she didn’t rest now while the alphas were not supposed to pursue her per The Lady’s rules and the truce Nick and Kasim agreed to with her, she wouldn’t get another chance. Without sleep, she’d be easy prey for any and every alpha the moment the sun set again, and she wouldn’t risk that.

Reluctantly, she went to the bed and pulled back the soft down blankets and climbed in and pulled them up, tucking herself in. She sighed when the blankets enveloped her like a cloud. Her first assessment had been right; this bed made her old one seem like it had been made of rock. She might have to be pried from its luxurious comfort.

Despite the delicious smell of the food Nick was frying up in the kitchen and her growling stomach, none of that was a match for the heft of the weariness that settled over her once she was wrapped up in that bed. In no time at all, her eyelids force themselves closed and she drifted off into the first good sleep she’s had since she was taken from her home.