Omega Hunted by Linsey Moon


After more thana couple hours go by and the sky had started to darken Savannah was beginning to worry about Nick. He may not feel obligated to help Kasim more than he already has since he is injured, but Savannah thought he’d come back. He’d seemed interested in claiming her, and what better way to do so than by staying near her until the daylight ran out.

“I think something’s wrong,” she said, staring out the window into the forest.

“What?” Katherine drew her knees into her chest and looked panicked when Savannah turned back to face them.

“Not here,” she said, and watched while Katherine visibly loosened up. “With Nick.”

“You mean another alpha?” Dawn said. One of her eyebrows was drawn up high like she was judging Savannah. “For someone who says she doesn’t want to be claimed, you seem to have a lot of interest in keeping certain alphas safe. It’s almost like you’ve been claimed already, except I’ve never heard of an omega being claimed by more than one alpha.”

Savannah’s eyes bugged out but her heart was running wild. Claimed by more than one alpha? Was that even possible? Of course not.

She shook it off and stared hard at Dawn. “I haven’t been claimed and I don’t plan to be, but I’m still a good person. Nick made himself a target so I could get the two of you and Corrine out. He didn’t have to do that.”

“So it was alpha on alpha,” Dawn said. “That’s a fair fight. I’m sure he’s fine.”

“What if the others showed back up,” Savannah was surprised by the shakiness in her tone. “I know alphas are strong, but three alphas are stronger than one.”

Savannah looked back out the window until she felt a warm hand rest on her shoulder. She closed her eyes and allowed Kasim’s scent to wrap her in it’s comfort for just a moment. No matter how much she protested against being claimed she couldn’t deny the sweet sandalwood and cinnamon scent that was Kasim had an effect on her. In that moment she wished she was a little more open to allowing it to engulf her.

“Don’t worry love,” Kasim said. They way his accent caressed the word love combined with his touch and scent caused a shiver to move down her spine. If she had not been so worried about Nick she might have allowed herself to get lost in him.

“I can’t help it,” she said, mindlessly leaning towards him.

“Nick is a stickler for rules,” he said. “I’m sure he’s just gone back to the main house to report the alphas you caught cheating.”

Nick had seemed to take the rules pretty seriously. That didn’t mean he couldn’t be lying somewhere in the forest hurt or worse while they sat comfortably in a cabin, safe thanks to him. Either way, she wasn’t sure there was anything she can do about it. She wouldn’t be able to successfully fight off one alpha, let alone three. If those three did have Nick she wouldn’t be able to help him get away on her own, and Kasim was hardly in any shape to go out seeking a fight to help her stifle the guilt making her worry for Nick’s whereabouts.

“Trust me,” Kasim said, massaging her shoulder with his strong fingers and making her lean closer to him. “Nick will show up. He’s not going to give up on having the chance to claim you that easily. You’re too precious.”

She looked back at him. “What makes you think a desire to claim me could be enough to help him through something as difficult as a fight with three ruthless alphas?”

“Because nothing would stop me if I thought I had a chance with you.”

She looked down at his damaged foot.

“I’d rip it from my body and use it to knock my enemies out of the way to get to you if you’d allow me to claim you.”

The air in the room started to feel thick and humid. Savannah couldn’t stop looking at Kasim. She knew he was trying to cheer her up. It was obvious in the way he smiled, crooked and playfully. There was more to it though. His eyes were a deep reflection of his inner thoughts and she was sure he had meant every word.

A charge started to build between them. She felt her body heating and the desire to touch him…to kiss him began growing.

“I think we should get out of here before it gets dark,” Dawn said.

Just like that the spell Kasim had over her was broken. Savannah blinked and turned to look at the other two omegas again. “We should make a plan and stick together,” she said.

“I know you mean well,” Katherine said. “But I’m not going to join you. I do want one of the nicer alphas to claim me. I won’t get that if I’m with you, helping you avoid all of them and escape.”

Savannah looked at Dawn.

“Sorry,” Dawn said. “I’ve been shuffled around far too long. I’m never going to find a better alpha than those here. I’m going to take this gift and live a life of luxury away from the DOA for good.”

“I wish I could change your minds,” Savannah said, “but I can see you’re set on what you want to do. You can still wait here until dark.”

Both of them gave side glances to Kasim.

“No offense,” Katherine said, “but I’m not interested in him claiming me since he’s injured and all. I’d rather get a head start outside so a stronger alpha will find me.”

“Yeah,” Dawn said. “I’m not trying to get an alpha I have to nurse back to health right away.”

It was ridiculous for them to judge Kasim that way, not that she cared. Both of them got up and walked out the door without a glance back while Savannah watched them leave in shock.

“I guess I should get going too,” she said. “It would be better to get a head start before the sun sets.”

Kasim’s hand moved from her shoulder around her back and he turned her to face him. They were so close and with his body nearly against hers all she could smell was him and it was intoxicating. Kasim lifted a hand to her face and gently ran a thumb down the side of her cheek.

“Let me make you dinner before you go,” he said in a low voice.

In his current state with his foot still mangled she reasoned with herself that he wasn’t much of a threat. Before her mind had the chance to talk her out of it, her heart had her saying, “Okay.”