Omega Hunted by Linsey Moon


After hours inside a government facility,Savannah hoped she never heard the word debrief again.

“My father told me I shouldn’t wish for things I knew nothing about,” Savannah said to Nick while he lead her out of the facility. “I went from my entire world view being learned through books to being thrust into the middle of what is apparently one of the biggest scandals in our world.”

“You certainly got thrust into the world head first,” Nick said.

“Do you have any clue what they’re going to do with me? I know they said they would let me know later, but I thought maybe you might have some insight into what they’re planning and could give me a heads up.”

Nick smiled at her, but it wasn’t the kind or tempting smile she’d grown to love from him. It was tight-lipped and didn’t reach his eyes. That couldn’t be good.

“I don’t know what their longterm plan is,” he said. “For now, they have a car coming to take you to an omega holding facility until they decide your next course.”

She dropped her head. “I can’t believe that’s a thing that even exists. Like because we’re omegas we need to be sorted like cattle.” They step outside in time to see the sun rising on a new day. “Today would have been the final day of the hunt. Nobody claimed me.”

“You beat the hunt,” Nick said.

“Yeah,” she glanced back at the metal building she’d just walked out of, knowing she was about to be taken to another similar to that one. “Not sure I won anything though. It’s not like I can say no to the DOA wanting me to go to this holding facility. Do you think they’d at least agree to let me see my family?”

Nick pulled her into his arms. “I promise I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure you’re taken care of. Get you placed in a comfortable job, something I think you’ll like.”

She looked up at him. “And my parents.”

He brushed her hair back off her forehead. “I’ll pull every favor I’m owed to get your family released and protected.”

Another black SUV pulled up to the side of the building and stopped in front of Nick and her.

“This must be my ride,” she said.

He looked into her eyes and she nearly choked on a sob reading the emotion in his eyes. Was he regretting the life he was sending her off to under the DOA’s watch? That had to be it.

A door opened in the building behind them and someone called Nick’s name. Savannah’s heart sank. Was he not riding with her?

He took her hand in his and squeezed it, keeping his eyes on hers. “I still haven’t given up on there being an us one day,” he said. “But, I will only claim you with your permission. If you never decide to give me that honor, I hope you will at least let me see you once in a while.”

With a laugh, she said, “You’ll probably have to ask someone if I’m allowed to have friends visit.”

Nick’s brows fell and she immediately regretted her words. It was probably true, but he’d brought her with him to save her from what could have been a much worse situation if The Lady’s guards had captured her. Dropping his forehead to hers, he brought his hand up to her jawline and pushed his fingers back, threading them into her hair and tilted her head back so he was cradling it in his hand.

“I will see you again,” his voice was gruff, and then he kissed her. It was a slow, deliberate kiss. It was different from every kiss they had shared before. This kiss wasn’t about lust or claiming. It was a promise of more, and she greedily took it in.

When he pulled back she could feel heat flushing her cheeks, but she didn’t care. She was a ward of the DOA now. She might need that memory to last her for a long time while she’s in their holding facility awaiting her next form of control.

Nick opened the back door of the SUV for her and she saw him pause and stare into the front at the driver for a moment. She thought something seemed off about the way he stared at the driver, but after a moment he stepped back and took her hand to help her in the back of the SUV. When she slid in, he grabbed the seatbelt before she could , and leaned over her buckling her in. Then he shocked her, leaning in and kissing her again. Wouldn’t he get in trouble kissing her in front of other agents?

“I’ll see you soon, darling.”

“I hope so,” she said.

He backed out of the SUV and shut her door, and when she looked through the tinted window at him she was confused when she caught him smiling. Not the tight-lipped and strained smile from before, but his genuine smile. The one that made her want to throw the door open and beg him to take her with him. It didn’t make any sense. She knew he wasn’t happy about her being sent to the holding facility either, so why was he suddenly smiling like his day was just made?

The SUV pulled out of the parking lot and merged out onto the interstate. Savannah sat, staring at her hands, hoping it would be a long ride to the facility. She wasn’t in a hurry to be put in holding.

“How far is the drive to the holding facility?” she asked, looking towards the front.

The driver was wearing a hat with a wide bill and she hadn’t gotten a good look at him. Something about his profile was familiar though. She breathed in deep. His scent. Why did she know that scent?

“We’re not going to a holding facility.”

Her eyes widened and she stared at the driver. She knew that voice. She couldn’t stop the smile while she watched Yuu pull off the hat and toss it to the passenger seat. He looked at her in the rearview mirror.

“Hey baby.”

“Oh my god!” Tears filled her eyes, but they were the kind that spilled when you were so happy it overwhelmed all your senses.

“Like I said,” Yuu said, “no holding facility, but I’ll hold you in my lap on the plane if you want me to.”

“We’re getting on a plane?”

“Yep. We’re headed to the airport. Your Prince is waiting there with his private jet. We’re flying out of the country.”

“I’m going to be free?”

Yuu smiled bright. “Yes, baby. You’re free.”

Her smile faltered. “Will I ever see Nick again?”

“Don’t worry about Nick,” he said. “You say the word, and I’m sure Kasim will have him flown out before the sunsets. You’ll see him soon. The next time you have all three of us together, you’ll be just as free as we are.”

“Free.” She looked out the window at the passing trees and cars. She’d never been free before, not really. It was a great feeling, and she couldn’t wait to see what life was going to be like with her favorite alphas when she was free to choose them.

Want to find out what happens next? Get ready for Omega Stolen! The Omega Hunt Book 2.

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