Holly versus Mr. Ivy by Amanda P. Jones

Chapter 15


front door, watching me slide my feet into my tennis shoes. “It’s not you I’m worried about,” she admitted. “It’s my family and our jobs. In case you’ve forgotten about that. Coming over for my family’s get together has nothing to do with work or building a cohesive management plan.”

Valid points. She was concerned regarding what her cousin and brother would say about her. But us spending time together didn’t mean we were anything more than friends. If Uncle Anthony found out I had come over, I’d explain to him we weren’t romantically involved. We weren’t breaking any rules. “I may be an only child, but I have cousins. I get it. Please don’t worry about them. My opinion of you is based on our interactions, not what they say about you. And we’re friends, Holly. We can hang out without losing our jobs.”

Her sad, vulnerable tone made my head snap up. “You really don’t think we’ll get in trouble for spending time outside of work?”

“How would my uncle find out?”

What if one of us slipped up and said something at work?

“I don’t know.”

“Trust me. We’ll be fine.” I rubbed my elbow.

“Well…it’s just all happening really fast. I haven’t had a new friend in years, let alone a guy friend.” She blew out a breath. “I haven’t even had time to go have fun in a year. I’m boring. Which you will find out very soon, if you haven’t already guessed by now.”

I stood, moving my head to line up directly in front of hers. “You’re in a unique situation in life. That doesn’t make you boring. If anything, you need a break. Maybe a day without your schedule and to-do list on your mind.”

She frowned. “That’s not possible. Not with the appointments and medication timetable my mom is on.”

A surge of wanting to protect Holly and take her pain away washed over me. “I’m always happy to come here, like we did today.” I jerked my head in the direction of Deidre’s room. “I like your mom, and maybe my presence is what you both need,“ I teased.

A ghost of a smile lifted Holly’s lips. “I don’t know. There’s only so much Rhett any one person can handle in a day.”

There was the snark I enjoyed. I grinned. “Not true. People love being around me. Guess we’ll be testing the limits next week. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

Holly opened the door for me. “Yes. My chefs and I will be there early to go over the new menu items.”

“I know.” I shifted my weight to my back foot. “I’m planning on being there to offer my very unsolicited feedback.” And get a free meal by sampling all the options.

“Of course you are.” She pointed for me to exit.

I flashed her a smile. “Have a good rest of your day off, Holly.” I stepped onto the porch, turning my head over my shoulder when Holly spoke again.

“You too. I hope Aaron isn’t as annoying as you are!” She laughed. “Bye, Rhett!” She slammed the door.

I flinched at her unexpected goodbye before a full-on grin took over. She was someone I couldeasily picture myself with. While Holly tempted me to give love a try again, I couldn’t risk the pain of rejection. I couldn’t bear to hear Holly tell me I wasn’t lovable because of my mental health struggles. Also, my job was the most important thing in my life. Hanging out didn’t threaten that, but indulging in the temptation of dating Holly absolutely would. I’d just have to keep my thoughts about her in check, and everything would work out.


I did some digging around and found out the name of the food truck Holly’s cousin Noah owned. To my utter delight, they were parked not too far from my house. Driving over before the meeting with all the chefs at The Boardwalk, I parked my truck in the city center parking garage before making my way to The World: A Sweet Place.

Four people stood in line in front of me. I texted Jack, checking in with him. He’d been laying pretty low the last few weeks. With the restaurant taking a lot of my time, I hadn’t been there for him as much as I should have.

Rhett: Hey. I’m in need of a serious sweat session. You up for it? I’m free any morning this week except Thursday.

While waiting for Jack to respond, I tapped open my Instagram feed. Not that I posted much, but I liked to keep tabs on what other restaurants were doing. My next focus after the employee program launch was marketing. Our online presence sucked. Aaron had experience in his last job with social media, so I hoped he’d take the lead on what content we shared.

The line moved, and I stepped forward just as a text from Jack came through.

Jack: I’ll agree as long as you don’t try to cheer me up. I’m not in the mood.

Normally I’d push Jack anyway. He was never open to my jokes, but he needed them even if he never wanted to admit it. But after his calamitous October, I’d respect his request for once.

Rhett: Deal. My place or yours?

I really hoped he said his place. I needed a change in scenery from my unfinished




Rhett:Got it. What day and time? And do I need to come prepped with cleaning supplies?

Jack’s home was usually tidy. Another thing we had in common. But with the way my house slipped during my bouts of depression, Jack’s might have too. If he hadn’t managed the energy to clean his lately, I’d be more than willing to help pick up for him. He’d done it for me last year.

Jack:I’m perfectly capable of cleaning.

Typical Jack, brushing me aside. Sorry, man, not going to happen.

Rhett: That wasn’t my question. Are you at least wearing clean underwear? Showered?

Jack: Dude…gross. Stop asking what I’m wearing. What if I’m naked?

I blurted out a laugh. The blonde-haired woman standing in line in front of me peeked at me over her shoulder.

“Sorry.” I waved my phone at her so she’d know I wasn’t laughing at her. “A text.”

She flashed me an annoyed look before facing forward again.

Rhett:Will it help if I tell you I’m wearing boxer briefs?

Jack: TMI. And if you’re asking if I’m wearing the cupcake-themed boxers you bought me for Christmas last year, the answer is no. I threw them away.

Rhett:Dang, bro. That’s hurtful. I don’t toss out the gifts you give me.

Well, that’s a lie. One year, Jack bought me a fart filter. That had gone straight into the trash.

The line moved again. I stepped forward, catching my first glimpse of Noah and another guy working the register.

Jack:[pic of himself wearing cupcake-themed boxers and nothing else] Happy now? And you’d better trash this photo. I only did it to prove I wouldn’t really be so callous as to throw away something you gave me. I’m not a monster, despite what you think.

Another bout of laughter burst out of me. I couldn’t believe Jack, Mr. Grumpy-of-the-highest-sort sent me a selfie.In boxers.

Rhett: I don’t know…I bet if I posted this online, we’d raise enough money for you to open another bakery in a heartbeat. A calendar may not be a bad idea either.

The blonde in front of me left, and I pocketed my phone, stepping up to the window.

“Hey, man. What can I get you?” asked the guy with black hair.

“I need two dozen assorted donuts, please.”

He tapped on the iPad in front of him. “Any particular kinds you want included?”

“Nah, just whatever you feel are your best flavors.”

Noah turned, a confused smile lifting his lips. “Rhett. Hey. Holly didn’t mention you were stopping by.”

My phone pinged with another text. I swiped the notification away, tapping on the wallet app on my phone and holding it up to the iPad screen. “That’s because she doesn’t know I’m here.”

Noah’s brows rose, a proud smile on his lips. “Really?”

“Yeah. She’s working early today, and I thought I’d surprise the staff with a treat as a thank you for the overtime.”

Noah eyed me. “Huh. No wonder Holly likes you. I’ll pack a Berliner for her. They’re her favorite. You can thank me later.” He spun around, snatching a box as he went.

Holly liked me? Well, what do you know. My magic had worked. Or maybe it was just my persistent charm. A river of warmth swam around my chest. Just call me the grump-whisperer. I pulled up my text app, clicking on Jack’s last message.

Jack:NO. Don’t even think about it. When you come over Friday morning, I’m making sure that photo is nowhere on your phone or cloud. Understood?

Rhett: It’s like you don’t trust me or something.

Jack: RHETT!

A satisfied grin came over me. I easily pictured the way Jack said my name. It was the same frustrated tone he’d used often throughout our friendship.

Rhett:Relax. You know I’d never do you dirty like that. I’ll see you Friday morning, and maybe you’ll update me on your next steps?

Jack: Maybe.

“Your order’s ready.”

I slipped my phone in my suit jacket pocket and grabbed the two boxes of pastries. A small box, containing a single donut, was piled on top. That must be Holly’s. Noah was nice to keep hers separate from the rest.

“Thanks, guys.”

“See you at Deidre’s!” Noah hollered with a wave.

Yes. Yes, he would. I don’t know what it was about Holly or her family, but something pulled me to them, begging me to insert myself into their life. I wasn’t certain about the reasoning, except for that feeling in my gut that hadn’t let me down in my life so far. I planned to keep following it, no matter where it led.