Holly versus Mr. Ivy by Amanda P. Jones

Chapter 19


to my house after dropping Rhett off at his, I fretted like a mother hen. What had happened with Anthony that made Rhett completely shut down? Was Rhett going to be okay? Was it me? Had I said—or not said—something that unknowingly made things worse for Rhett?

Last month, I remembered him saying this time of year was hard for him because of his grandpa, compounded by his friend’s bakery. His eyes had been red and bloodshot, but he had still spoken to me. This was worse. And I had no idea what to do about it except stew over every scenario of what could be wrong.

When I got home, I checked on Mom, who was sound asleep. I took off my stinky clothes and showered quickly before settling into bed, the lavender comforter pulled up to my chin. Needing to tell someone about my crazy day, I texted my best friend.

Holly:Today has been awesome, weird, and awful. I may have almost kissed a coworker and gotten fired.

Almost as soon as I’d sent the message, my phone buzzed. I slid my finger across the screen and greeted my cousin. “Hey, Noah. Sorry to text so late.”

“You know I never sleep. Now spill it. What happened?”

I recounted everything that had taken place today but circled back around to the almost-kiss. “What do I do? We can’t date. Especially not after Anthony came charging into The Boardwalk tonight. But…” How did I confess my feelings for Rhett? I hadn’t dated in over a year. Had never thought I’d find someone who would want to spend time with me while I took care of Mom. Who wanted to get to know me outside of being a caretaker and taskmaster. But Rhett had. Well, he had at least expressed interest in being my friend. Looking back, he’d leaned in as much as I had. That interaction hadn’t been one-sided. So maybe Rhett did want something more for us. But then he’d told me to forget about it and pretend it never happened. What was a gal to do with such conflicting desires and information?

Nothing, actually. Because if we did anything, it would end in disaster.

“But?” he prompted.

“I like him. As in want to actually kiss him this time. But after we almost kissed, Rhett told me to forget it ever happened. So even though I want to see what we could be after he’s no longer my coworker, I really don’t think Rhett wants the same thing.”

“Um, Hols?”


“The man researched where I was going to be and brought you donuts. I’m pretty sure he likes you.”

“Sure. As a friend.” He’d brought all the chefs donuts, not just me. But he had brought me flowers. Was Noah right? Ugh. This was all too confusing.

Noah’s deep laugh vibrated in my ear. “I only met the guy briefly, so maybe I’m reading into it all wrong, but don’t give up hope completely.”

But hope was a dangerous road for me. It led me to believe in outcomes that no one could guarantee, which ended in heartbreak. “I’ll try. But tell me about your day. I need to get my mind off my emotional roller coaster.”

“I met a woman.”

My hand flew to my chest. Workaholic Noah met someone? “Who?!?”

“She owns a pie food-truck.”

Of course. Where else would he meet someone? “What’s she like? How long have you known her? Have you asked her out yet?”

Noah chuckled. “Slow down, Hols. We just met. She backed into my truck and made me lose a few hundred dollars in donuts. She’s pretty. But seems…” Noah paused for a long time.

“Stop trying to phrase it nicely and spit it out.”

“Chaotic. Frazzled. Outgoing.”

I sucked in a breath. Noah was the complete opposite and couldn’t stand disorganized people. “So she’s attractive, but you don’t necessarily see a future with her?”

“Whoa. It’s way too soon to be talking about any of that. I merely said I met a beautiful woman. That’s where this story ends.”

“Or is it?” I teased. It was easier for me to concentrate on his new lady than on Rhett.

“For now.”

I had a feeling Noah needed someone exactly like this woman. “What’s her name?”


Nice. “All right. I hope to meet Joy sometime.” And see if her personality matched her name.

“I make no promises since, as I said, I just met her. We night not even cross paths again.”

For his sake, I hoped they did. “Riiight. I need to get some sleep. Thanks for talking to me.”

“Anytime, Hols.”


“Sweet dreams, cousin.”

We hung up, and I pulled out my latest book, needing to get lost in someone else’s world and stop stressing over mine. Especially when it came to Rhett.