Accidental Bride by Cristina Lollabrigida


Somehow,she managed to do as Drake said. It was all too much. Alessandra’s head and body buzzed. Every nerve ending was scraped raw.

Feeling lightheaded in her post-orgasmic haze, she felt faint. Luckily Drake was there to catch her so that she wouldn’t fall. She’d come to learn that he would always catch her if she fell. He commanded everyone to leave then and scooped her into his arms.

“Careful now, bella. They’re all gone, and it’s my turn to take care of you.”

Drake carried her bridal style into the en-suite and ran hot water into the tub. He gingerly removed the wrist cuffs and massaged her tender skin. He kissed each wrist with appreciation before reaching to remove her collar.

Alessandra held up her hand to still him. “Leave it,” she said.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

She smiled gently and nodded. “For a little while.”

Drake helped her into the tub, and she hissed as the water scalded her sensitive skin. He immediately adjusted the tap before joining her. The water soothed aches she didn’t realize she had from their rigorous lovemaking.

He grabbed a sponge, squirted some luxurious bath gel onto it, and soaped Alessandra’s body. She leaned against his chest and groaned when he reached her intimate areas.

“You were incredible tonight, dolcezza. I’m so proud of you. I hope you enjoyed it too.”

“Thank you, Master,” she said, still in a haze.

“We’re done playing, Alessandra. I’m Drake now. I only want to take care of my wife.”

She swallowed and nodded. Drake noticed the shift and wrapped his arms around her.

“Are you alright? Did I hurt you?” His face reflected the concern in his voice.

Alessandra reached up to touch his cheek to reassure him.

“Bella, you’re crying. Talk to me.”

“I’m sorry,” she sobbed.

He turned her around and pulled her against his chest. “Fuck, amore mio. Did I hurt you?” he asked.

She shook her head. She couldn’t articulate the swirl of emotions she felt. Alessandra’s heart flipped. Tonight didn’t just cement their bond as Dominant and submissive. It made her inexplicably his.

With Alessandra still in his lap, Drake applied a generous amount of shampoo to her auburn waves. She groaned as he massaged her scalp, running his fingers through her long hair. He peppered her face and neck with light kisses. He turned on the spray nozzle and pulled the shower head down to rinse her.

He helped her climb out of the tub, wrapped her in a plush robe, and carried her back to bed. While they were bathing, someone had been in the room to clean the toys and room. The sheets had been changed, and a comforter had been laid on top, along with several pillows.

Drake laid Alessandra against the pillows and poured her a glass of water. He watched as she drank the whole thing. Pride swelled in his chest as he cared for her.

“Are you hungry? I can get you some cheese or chocolates, or I can order something heavier if you’d like.”

She shook her head. “I’m good, Drake. Thank you. I just want you to hold me.”

Drake was happy to comply and climbed in beside her, pulling her close. “Tell me you’re mine, Alessandra.”

“I’m yours, Drake. All yours.”

He was quiet a moment before saying, “Happy monthiversary. I never imagined I’d feel this way before. I want you to know how much this means to me.”

Drake stroked her hair, and Alessandra didn’t even know when she fell asleep.

* * *

A few days later,Alessandra met with Noah for lunch.

“I’m still tingling from the other night. You were so hot!” he said.

“Shhh! Not in public,” Alessandra chastised him.

Her face flamed as she recounted Drake’s dirty words and ungentlemanly treatment. She couldn’t deny how sex between them grew hotter. Parts of her body were still deliciously sore.

Drake had not pressured her for anything since, but he had continued to look after her. He massaged her body and drew her baths, adding salts and oils. There was no penetration, but he’d brought her to climax several times with his tongue. When she’d attempted to return the favor, he had refused, saying it was for her benefit, and that taking care of her needs was enough.

“Honey, you have nothing to be shy about. Don’t forget, I saw and heard every bit of you. We can still be friends.”

She playfully pushed him. “You’re the worst!”

“And you fucking love me!” He waggled his brows.

She squealed as Noah returned her shove with a playful hip bump and pulled her into a shoulder hug. Their laughter garnered disapproving looks from those nearby.

“Well, well, well….”

Just when Alessandra was having a good day, a poshly-dressed woman whose voice dripped with venom glared at them. Alessandra almost didn’t recognize her. But she could never forget Drake’s ex-fiancée.

“Hello, Riley,” Noah greeted her coolly.

“Hello, Noah, dear.” She air-kissed him in greeting before turning to Alessandra. “Hello, tramp.”

Alessandra glowered. “You don’t get to talk to me like that. I don’t know who you think you are. This bitter-ex routine is just pathetic.” Alessandra gestured, indicating Riley’s face.

Anger flashed in Riley’s eyes before turning to mock concern. “Oh, dear. You don’t know, do you? I shouldn’t be surprised that Drake kept it to himself. He’s always been one to hide secrets when it suits him.”

Alessandra kept her mouth shut, refusing to rise again to Riley’s bait. Riley studied her nails, adopting an air of nonchalance before continuing. “Now, why do you think that is?”

“Just spit it out, Riley. What don’t I know?”

Riley’s eyes narrowed on the healing marks Drake left on her neck. “You’re just a plaything, sweetheart. Drake will tire of you soon. Girls are always more attractive in the bedroom. But a man like him needs a real woman who can carry herself in public.”

“That’s enough, Riley. Leave her alone,” Noah warned.

“I didn’t even know you’d be here, Noah. It was a coincidence. I actually just came from seeing Drake at the office.”

A twisted smirk appeared on her face, making Alessandra’s stomach drop. She flexed her perfectly-manicured fingers, insinuating their use.

“Let’s just say we had a long reconciliation. He still says I’m the best he’s ever had.” She laughed, haughtily.

“You’re lying,” Alessandra snapped.

“Now that Drake knows the truth, we’re getting back together.” Riley smiled viciously.

“The truth about what?”

Rummaging in her purse, Riley hummed to herself. She pulled out something small and handed it to Alessandra. She looked at the blurry black-and-white photo in her hand. It was an unmistakable ultrasound photo.

“It’s not true!” Alessandra cried.

“Oh, dear. This is embarrassing. Did Drake not tell you? He’s known about it for a while now.” Riley tilted her head.

Tears pricked her eyes. Noah’s hands quickly wound around her waist as she swayed.

“It can’t be true. It just can’t be. Drake wouldn’t,” she whispered.

“Just know that Drake will demand a paternity test, Riley. If you are really pregnant, there’s no way that baby is his,” Noah said.

Riley snatched the photo from Alessandra’s grasp and shoved it back into her purse.

“Aren’t you even going to ask when?” She clicked her tongue in disapproval.

Alessandra squeezed her eyes tight, hoping the wave of nausea she felt would pass. Emotional overload threatened to crush her in public, and she refused to give Riley the satisfaction.

“It’s going to be all right, Alessandra.” Noah squeezed her arm to comfort her before turning to Riley. “You need to leave.”

“Ta-ta, for now.” Riley laughed.

Turning on her heels, Riley sauntered away. It was all Alessandra could do to keep it together.

“It will be alright, hun,” Noah consoled her. “Let’s take a breather.”

Noah took Alessandra’s hand, and they headed toward Grant Park. They walked around for a while before settling on a bench overlooking Buckingham Fountain. They sat waiting to view the water show. Alessandra sighed, and Noah wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

“Are you okay?” he asked, breaking the silence.

She quickly wiped the tears from her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder.

“Drake and I never talked about having kids. I don’t even know if he wants them. We’re just starting to get along, so I thought maybe someday. But now he’s having a baby with her!”

Noah sighed and rubbed his hand down Alessandra’s back to comfort her.

“Riley and Drake were never going to work out in the long run. For what it’s worth, I’m glad that he has you. I’m glad to have you too,” Noah reassured her.

“How long have you known Drake?” Alessandra asked.

“I’ve known him my whole life. Our families are close. I went to school with Beth. Drake’s the one who helped me get the job as Jerry’s clerk.” Noah lifted Alessandra’s chin with his knuckles. “That’s how I knew Riley wasn’t right for him. They dated in high school, and she played him for a fool. I warned him proposing was a mistake, but he thought he could handle it. Things changed immediately.”

“What do you mean things changed? Drake told me Riley was never submissive to him. Why did he propose if she wasn’t what he wanted?”

“Growing up, Riley was part of the same elite social circle. People tend to put their wants and needs aside when money and expectations are on the line.

“Drake had one serious girlfriend back in college. He really loved her and wanted to propose. She swore she would wait for him to finish law school, but there was pressure and disapproval from his family. It was hard on their relationship. One day she disappeared. Drake held up hope for a year before his heart hardened.

“He remained single for a long time. Even at the club, he would play for a night and not pursue anything long enough to even learn the name of his playmates.

“Last year, he went to a gala and reconnected with Riley. Less than two months later, they were engaged. He looked like he’d received a prison sentence, not found true love. Riley received a job offer at a European gallery. She couldn’t wait to start her new job and left immediately.

“Drake let her move her belongings into his apartment so they wouldn’t end up in storage. He financed her trip, paid the rent on her Paris flat, and she demanded more.”

Alessandra couldn’t believe what she was hearing. How did a dominant man like Drake allow a woman to run roughshod over him? It didn’t make sense.

“How did Drake handle all that? He doesn’t seem to be the kind of man who would allow a woman to push him around.”

“Drake closed himself off and became miserable. He gave Riley the benefit of the doubt and wanted to make it work. With his career on the line, everything came down to image.

“Marriage had the potential to work for them. Riley would have access to the Walker family fortune, and Drake would have a wife at home, showing how stable and reliable he was to the district attorney.”

“How could this happen? Why didn’t you tell me this sooner? I thought we were friends.” Alessandra’s voice was shriller than she meant it to be, and Noah winced.

“I’m trying to be your friend, Alessandra. I think I should leave.”

Alessandra shook her head. “No! Please, don’t go. I’m sorry, Noah. You’re right. It’s a lot to take in, and I shouldn’t take it out on you. It’s just so hard to wrap my head around everything.

“Things only became more complicated when he married me. He was so cold at first. Sometimes it still feels like he harbors resentment towards me.”

Noah pulled her in again. “I’m sorry you’re going through all of this. I think Drake projected his struggles onto you because you awakened something he’d buried so long ago. It doesn’t excuse his behavior, but Drake loves you.”

That evening when Alessandra returned home, Drake wasn’t there. She tried calling multiple times, and every call went straight to voicemail. Every message was left unread. Finally, she fell asleep on the couch at three in the morning.

Dreams of Drake and Riley swirled through her head, causing her to toss and turn. Asleep or dreaming, her husband’s actions continually hurt her.