A Most Improper Duchess by Alanna Lucas


Alexandra strolled through the rose garden, relishing the cool early autumn. She inhaled the earthy scents of nature. Soon, the leaves would start to change color and the landscape would take on a new identity. She was looking forward to experiencing Blackburn Hall in each season. Although she’d visited the estate numerous times, this was now her home. From the classical colonnade to the wide staircase that curved three stories tall, to the intimate private rooms she shared with her husband and the sweeping views that took her breath away, this was where she would build a life with her love.

She continued farther down the path toward the hedge maze. Remembrances of childhood jaunts through the one at her family’s home tickled her mind. Many happy memories had been made there and she hoped she could bring the same joy and wonder to this place.

“I thought I would find you here,” her husband’s deep voice called to her, sending those delicious tingles she reveled in so much down her body.

She turned around, expecting to see him smiling back, but even through his spectacles, she could see the worry lines creasing the corners of his eyes.

She was just about to ask if something was the matter when he waved a letter and said, “It would seem that the Three Graces’ Salon has struck again.”

Oh no!She swallowed hard. “Who—”

“My sister.” He closed the distance between them, brought her into his embrace and kissed her lips with such passion that she thought she might swoon. The kiss slowed and he rested his forehead against hers. “She followed her heart and eloped with Nathaniel Norley, and I have you to thank for that.”

“You’re not angry?”

“No.” He brushed a kiss across her cheek. “Relieved actually. My mother on the other hand . . .” He shook his head several times. “Upon hearing the news, she informed me that, despite Mr. Norley’s surname beginning with the letter N, she did not approve. She is disowning me and Naomi, will not be living in any house that I reside in, and instead will be spending her remaining days with my eldest sister, who, according to her, does what she’s told and never causes any trouble. She has already called for her carriage and insists on departing within the hour.”

Oh heavens, but her mother-in-law was certainly one for dramatics. Alexandra had met Niall’s sister Nelly on several occasions. She suspected mother and daughter had much in common. She did feel sorry for her brother-in-law though. He seemed a pleasant fellow. “A lot of changes are on the horizon. I wish her much happiness then.”

“I don’t believe my mother is capable of any happiness.” He brought her within his embrace once again. “I believe that’s enough change for now,” he playfully said as he teased her lips.

“Well, not quite.” Alexandra pulled away, nibbling her bottom lip for a moment. She had waited until she was absolutely certain . . . and she was. “At least we have some months to prepare for this next little change.”

The spot between Niall’s brows crinkled as he worked out the meaning of her words, then all of a sudden, his features relaxed and his lovely green eyes sparkled with sheer joy. He brushed his hand across her still flat stomach. “We’re going to have a baby?”

She nodded her head. “The first of many.”

Of course, one of her fondest dreams had always been to have a large, happy family of her own with the man she loved and desired by her side.

Dreams did come true.