A Most Improper Duchess by Alanna Lucas

Chapter Five

The journey to Lord and Lady Turner’s estate in the countryside, just on the outskirts of Town, was most pleasant. The sky was clear with not a cloud present. Alexandra and her sisters were looking forward to the event. Not only was it a wonderful opportunity to introduce Miss Samuels to Mr. Fuller, but Evelina and Theodora were going to invite a carefully selected group of friends to their first special salon, and Alexandra would get to see Niall. Just the thought of seeing him sent a thrill through her. She knew she was just missing her dearest friend, but it felt like it had been weeks since she’d last met him, and couldn’t wait to talk with him. She was desperate to get answers, and she hoped Niall could aid her in her quest for knowledge on delicate topics.

As they ascended the veranda steps, Alexandra could not help but notice the vast number of people in attendance. It appeared as if every eligible gentleman of the ton had turned out for the garden party. And yet, as she glanced around, all she could think about was seeing Niall.

“Miss Grace,” Naomi began as she approached them, “isn’t it a wonderful party? I have never seen such a spectacular array of diversions all in one place.”

“Nor I, to be sure.”

Lord and Lady Turner had spared no expense. There was a large music pavilion with plenty of shade for guests to enjoy the activities—lawn bowling, ring toss, cricket, and even an area reserved for an archery competition. It promised to be a very entertaining afternoon.

“My sisters and I will be hosting another salon in two days and would be pleased if you could join us. Lady Dorothy will be in attendance as well.” Not that Alexandra had any intention of corrupting Niall’s youngest sister, but Naomi seemed as if she was in need of an afternoon of light conversation and good company. She would just have to ensure that Naomi did not stay for the other salon that was to take place directly after.

“That is very kind of you to offer, but . . . but I have to decline.” Naomi’s lips dipped into a deep frown. “Not that I want to decline, but Mother is most particular about how I spend my time. She would never approve.” The young woman ended with a shake of her head, and Alexandra’s suspicions were all but confirmed; the Dowager Duchess of Blackburn did not care for Alexandra or her sisters.

“If you change your mind, the offer still stands.” Her words were met with a wide smile.

“Thank you, that is most kind of you.” Naomi turned her head slightly, catching her mother’s figure storming toward them. “I must go.” She dashed off in the opposite direction, clearly hoping to avoid the formidable dowager for at least a short time. Alexandra felt for the girl. Her whole life was being dictated by a domineering woman who only seemed to care about social standing. Thank heaven the duchess was not her own mother!

“We should probably walk in the opposite direction as well,” she said to her sisters as she moved toward the rose garden. She did not want anyone to spoil the day for them. She was looking about for Niall when she spied Miss Samuels and Mr. Fuller conversing near the music pavilion. She stopped short and grabbed Evelina’s hand. “Look.” She nodded her head in the direction of the couple. “It would seem that Fate has stepped in.”

“They’re so sweet together,” Theodora said.

The sisters watched with interest. Alexandra’s first instinct had been correct. They made a lovely pair. It was quite obvious, even from this distance, that they’d formed an instant attachment.

“I think our skills were put to good use,” Alexandra said with pride. It felt good to aid friends.

“Who shall we choose next?” Theodora questioned with excitement as she scanned the guests.

“Matchmaking is not our priority,” Evelina reminded her. “We’re to discover how the male mind works, invite ladies to join our salon, and share the knowledge.”

“Precisely,” Alexandra agreed.

Satisfied with their efforts, they each set about their task for the day. Alexandra knew just where she needed to begin. Now all she had to do was find the man in question.


“I was hopingto see you today,” Alexandra said as she strolled to where Niall was standing under a large and impressive oak tree. She was the epitome of beauty and confidence. The flowing silk of her lavender pelisse accentuated her soft auburn hair and deep blue eyes. Niall found himself completely lost in the sight of her. But at her words, alarm bells rose. “I need some advice and don’t know where to turn.”

What sort of trouble had she landed herself in? He’d been watching the sisters from a distance and had not seen or heard anything that was out of place.

A moment later, she blurted out her question. “Is there some book of etiquette that men read about how to treat a lady?”

“A book about how to treat a lady?” He was utterly confused. “Good manners are drilled into—”

“I’m not referring to manners. I’m talking about something else entirely.” Her cheeks pinkened as she worried her delectable bottom lip. Although there were guests nearby and none were within earshot, she lowered her voice. “It’s a difficult topic.” Once again, he wondered what sort of trouble she had discovered. Then he caught a whiff of her intoxicating fragrance that could only be described as pure Alexandra, and he knew without a doubt, he was the one in trouble. “That is to say, it seems that what a man wants in a wife is different to what he desires in a mistress.”

He was completely taken off guard and responded a little too loudly, “How do you know about such things?”

“Shh,” she hissed and glanced around before continuing, “Men are quite free with their tongues when—”

“Where have you been?” He wouldn’t put it past Alexandra to sneak off to forbidden places in her pursuit of knowledge.

“I haven’t done anything untoward.” He could practically hear the unspoken word—yet. “Really, Niall, are you going to help or not?” She wasn’t quite begging, but he knew that tone. If he didn’t assist her, she would attempt something on her own.

He sucked in a deep breath. Though they could only be friends, he could, at the very least, still protect her and ensure her a happy future. “What is your question?”

“Thank you,” she said with a smile and bow of her head. She didn’t give him a moment to recover before plunging in. “At Lady Kirkwood’s dinner party, Evelina overheard some of the men say that a gentleman would not dream of doing the things he does to his mistress with his wife. Men want an obedient wife, which clearly I will never be. So that begs the question, can a wife be a mistress?”

Confusion played in his mind. How did she . . . where did . . . ? Perhaps he misunderstood? “If a woman is a wife, then she could never be a mistress, unless she is unfaithful and—”

Although a fierce blush stained her cheeks, Alexandra clearly was not going to give up until she got the answers she sought. She put her hands to her hips and huffed in clear frustration. “For someone who is so intelligent, you’re not very astute. I want to know if a lady can learn to be the type of woman a man would want to marry and desire so that he doesn’t want to take a mistress. Or do men just boast and put on airs to secure the marriage and find pleasure elsewhere regardless? I want to understand what makes men the way they are.”

Niall realized he was in a situation that would be very hard to get out of. They should not be discussing such things at a garden party. They should not be discussing such things at all. What was he supposed to say?

“We should not be—”

“Then I will get my answers elsewhere,” she said as she started to turn.

“No.” He reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her closer. Vanilla and lavender infiltrated him, disrupting his senses. He swallowed hard, forcing down the desire he always felt for this woman. “You will not get your answers elsewhere,” he growled, feeling entirely too possessive. He looked into her deep blue eyes, feeling himself sink further and further into their bewitching depths.

“So, you will help me?” she whispered as her chest rose and fell, her breath teasing his desires.

He shouldn’t be holding her arm. He shouldn’t be standing so close. He shouldn’t be fantasizing about kissing those delectable lips or running his tongue down the column of her neck. He shouldn’t . . .

“I’ll make you a bargain,” she said when he didn’t answer, her words bringing him out of his improper thoughts.

He released her arm and took a step back, attempting to regain control. “What sort of bargain?”

“If I beat you at archery—one shot each—will you answer all my questions?”

Niall did not think he could answer all her questions and maintain his composure as a gentleman. She could only ever be a friend, he reminded himself.

If you win, then I will answer two questions.” She opened her mouth as if to reply, but he needed to ensure she would not do anything foolish, impulsive, or improper. “And you will not search for the remainder elsewhere.”

She eyed him for long moment then held out her hand to shake. “You have an agreement.”

She’d acquiesced far too easily. Alexandra was up to something.


A short timelater, their archery competition was underway. Alexandra picked up the bow and arrow from the table and went to her designated spot. Niall did the same. They glanced at one another and determination shot through her veins. He bowed his head, accepting the challenge. If she won, she would discover the answers to her questions—well, two questions at least. Why was Niall being so obstinate about her request? They’d always been able to discuss all sorts of topics and he’d never denied her inquisitiveness before. But those had not been subjects of a forbidden nature.

She shook off those thoughts and took her stance. She needed to focus on the task at hand. She relaxed her grip and peered down the arrow at the target. Birds chirping, hushed whispers, the rustling of leaves in the wind all faded as her concentration sharpened. She took in a slight breath and released. The arrow soared through the air with efficiency, landing just shy of the bullseye.

Cheers rippled through the audience, followed by her sisters’ praise. She turned to Niall. “It is your turn, Your Grace.” She knew she was being a little smug, but she didn’t care. It had been an excellent shot.

Niall pushed his spectacles further up his nose then got into position. His navy-blue coat stretched across his taut back as he adjusted his stance. His gaze was centered, determined. Alexandra watched his every move, his firm hand as it pulled the string and arrow back, the muscle in his jaw tightening as he concentrated. She’d never watched him so closely, so intently. Something stirred deep within, warming her. It must be the thrill of the competition.

She held her breath as he released the arrow and watched it travel toward the target then strike it. She blinked several times. From this distance, it looked as if their arrows were intertwined.

He glanced at her, just as she turned to look at him. With no words spoken, they both rushed to the target.

Murmurs rose all around, getting louder as they neared the haystack.

“Who won?” someone shouted from behind.

“It looks too close to call,” another answered.

Alexandra stared at it, hardly believing her eyes. Niall’s arrow had landed directly next to hers, not even a hair’s width apart, and infinitesimally farther from the target.

She turned to him, about to call for another pair of arrows, when he whispered, “Two questions.” Then he addressed those who had gathered waiting for the outcome, stating, “I acquiesce to Miss Grace.” And with that, he turned on his heel and left, leaving Alexandra more than a little confused for reasons she could not even begin to comprehend.

Was he angry? Embarrassed? She inwardly sighed. Men were certainly strange creatures.

It had been an interesting and bizarre day, she reflected later as they all prepared to leave. She had won the competition with Niall, her sisters had invited several acquaintances to the next salon—while others had invited themselves—and Niall had now completely disappeared. She didn’t know what to make of the latter.

“I’m exhausted,” Evelina stated as she intertwined her arm with Alexandra’s.

“It doesn’t appear Aunt Imogene has suffered the same effects,” Alexandra said as she nodded her head in the direction of their aunt, who was walking ahead of them at double their pace. It was as if she was energized by the day’s event. It was quite astonishing that, at her age, she seemed to have more energy than Alexandra and her sisters combined.

“Our next gathering will be quite the hodgepodge of guests,” Theodora said under her breath as the siblings walked together toward their waiting carriage. “We may have to—”

“Miss Grace!” Alexandra heard her name in a rush from behind.

“Is anything the matter, Lady Naomi?”

Naomi was flushed and clearly out of sorts, which was not unusual for her—especially since the Season had begun—but was still a cause for concern.

“No. I just wanted to tell you that I will be at the next salon.” And with that, the debutante dashed off.

“How do you suppose she changed her mother’s mind?” Theodora questioned.

“Something tells me that Lady Naomi is going to sneak out.” Alexandra was certain she would get an earful from Niall if his sister did, but she would deal with that when the time came.


The following day,the Grace sisters hosted their open salon, followed by their private, members-only gathering. Alexandra had hardly slept a wink, too excited by the prospect of finally being able to discuss important issues, and also of being able to offer a place for friends to voice their concerns without censure.

Tea and biscuits were served at the first salon, conversation about the weather and upcoming events flowed freely, and all but a few selected guests left at the appointed time. Even Lady Naomi, much to Alexandra’s relief, took her leave with the others. It would have been awkward to come up with some excuse to send her away while others remained. Now was when their true salon would begin.

“Thank you for staying, ladies. We wanted to invite you to join us for a more exclusive meeting.” With Alexandra’s words, the remaining ladies’ ears seemed to perk up. “But before I continue, my sisters and I want to ensure that all of you will be the souls of discretion.”

Without even a moment’s hesitation, Lady Dorothy, Miss Ashton, and Miss Raine all said, “Of course.” It was nice to have friends one could trust.

“We want to discuss—”

Miss Raine blurted her question, “Are we going to discuss men?”

“I certainly hope so!” Lady Dorothy exclaimed with a chuckle.

“Me, too! After my narrow escape from Mr. Markham last Season, I don’t ever want to be taken advantage of again.”

“Discussing men is certainly one of the topics,” Evelina said, then posed the question, “Why are we kept in the dark about matters of marriage?”

Miss Raine responded with confidence, “Not entirely in the dark. We are taught how to host balls, be a good hostess—”

“That’s not what I mean.”

“You’re absolutely correct,” Lady Dorothy said. “Our mothers do not share the intimate details of what happens when a man and woman are alone. I asked my eldest sister about the marriage bed because my mother won’t answer any of my questions. But Joan would only tell me that she keeps her clothes on and eyes closed. As if that helps!”

“My mother uses odd, made-up words anytime I query,” Miss Ashton said.

“At least your mother talks to you,” Miss Raine complained. “Mine just tells me it’s my duty to listen to my future husband and please him. Even my brother, who is a rake, won’t discuss anything besides which gentlemen is suitable and the weather. What are we to do?”

“That is exactly what we’re going to try and decide upon,” Evelina stated with confidence.

Alexandra knew what she and her sisters were curious about, but did others think the same as they? She wanted to make certain she was prepared when the time came to talk to Niall. “What questions do we want answered?”

Long seconds passed before the ladies started blurting out their concerns and queries in rapid succession, each issue blending into the next.

“What is the marriage bed truly like?”

“How does one kiss?”

“Why does a husband seek a mistress?”

“How does one even please a husband?”

“Do women really keep all their clothes on? Even their corsets?”

“Do all men truly look like those Corinthian males you see in paintings?” Lady Dorothy then answered her own question. “My father certainly does not. He has to turn sideways to enter a room.”

Laughter rang through the room at that admission.

The sounds around Alexandra faded as the recollection of Niall’s coat stretching across his back while his firm hands gripped the bow entered her mind. She suspected he was more of a Corinthian standard.

Where did that thought come from?

Heat rose up and across her cheeks. She had never thought of Niall in such a way. He certainly was handsome, and when his full lips smiled at her, his eyes softened and caressed her soul. Oh no! She shouldn’t be thinking of him in such a way, despite how overwhelmingly attractive he was. He was everything she’d ever dreamt about in a husband and—

No!she commanded her mind.

Niall was promised to Nerissa, and their engagement would be announced any day now. And besides, he did not feel the same way about her. They were friends. That was all.

This conversation about kissing and physique and . . . it was clouding her thoughts. Perhaps this was why mothers were reluctant to share intimate details—for fear of corrupting their daughters’ minds.

Another round of laughter echoed through the room, bringing her back to the present. Thankfully, the ladies’ questions had become more amusing, and she was quickly able to regain her senses, hopefully without either of her sisters suspecting her direction of thought.

“Why aren’t women allowed to race horses?”

“Or duel for the sake of their own honor?”

“And why can’t women stay in the dining room, drinking brandy and smoking cigars?” Miss Raine demanded, then burst into laughter.

“Perhaps we need to try a few of these as part of an experiment,” Evelina suggested with a sly smile.

“I don’t know how to even pick up a sword, let alone duel,” Miss Ashton said. “And if word gets out about what we are doing, it could ruin our chances of making a suitable match.”

“Our actions will just have to remain clandestine,” Alexandra offered.

“How do you suggest we begin?” Miss Raine questioned with eagerness.

“My sisters and I have discussed this. Perhaps there are clues in what men are saying at the various events, how they are acting, what excuses they give for being late to or not attending an event. We should all take mental notes and report our findings at the next salon.”

By the time the gathering concluded, Alexandra was feeling rejuvenated. Now all she had to do was claim her prize from Niall.