Loving the Nurse by Piper Sullivan


Augusta stretched beside me, her tits jiggled and her hard nipples called out to me. The moan that accompanied the stretch went straight to my cock and I pulled her close. “You trying to tempt me again, woman?” Not that it took much for her tempt me, but her reaction to the chocolates was better than I had hoped.

“Me?” Her innocent tone as she rolled her hips into me was more than a temptation. “I’m no temptation.”

My hands went to her hips and a slow grin spread across my face. “We talked about your ability to take a compliment, didn’t we?”

“Was that a compliment?”

I thrust my hips up and my cock slid between her damp lips. “Did it sound like one?”

Augusta threw her head back and arched her back with a moan. “What was the question?”

A low growl escaped and I leaned forward and wrapped my lips around one hard pink nipple. Another moan escaped her and I sucked harder. Her hips rolled again, the move covered me in moisture. “Augusta.”

She moved to her knees and gripped me in her hands to guide me inside of her. “Yes? Oh yes.” Her question turned into a moan and my hips thrust up, settling deep inside her pulsing heat.

My phone buzzed and vibrated on the nightstand. As tempted as I was to ignore it, I couldn’t. “I have to check it.”

“Go right ahead,” she moaned and swirled her hips. “Don’t mind me.”

As soon as I had the phone in my hand, the black screen lit up again and I answered immediately. “Ollie, what’s up?” My heart raced just thinking about all the reasons he would call right now.

Augusta’s hips paused and I assumed she could hear her father’s voice since she separated her body from mine and stared.

“Rosie is having an attack and it’s bad. None of the things you said are working and I’m right worried.”

I nodded and started to move off the bed, my eyes swept the room for my discarded clothes. “I’ll be right over.”

“No need. I’m on the way to the hospital so you may as well meet us there.”

“How is she?”

There was a long pause before Ollie answered. “She’s calm about the attack but that’s not all.”

“What is it?”

“We were at the park and a woman claiming to be her mama showed up. Rosie got upset and we left but the crazy damn woman followed us, even now her and the cameras with her are following behind us right now.”

Shit. “Thanks for letting me know. And thanks for keeping Rosie safe.”

“No problem. See you soon,” he grumbled and ended the call.

Augusta was on her feet, still naked and gaze full of concern. “What’s going on?”

“Rosie is having an attack and worse, Trishelle is in town and likely caused the stress that led to the attack.” That damn woman was the source of all my problems.

“No!” She picked up her phone with one hand and reached blindly in the closet with the other, a whirlwind of activity that briefly distracted me. “Suzie, it’s Gus. Rosie is having an attack and my dad is bringing her in.” Suzie said something and Augusta nodded as she stepped into a pair of blue panties. “I know that but there’s more. Antonio’s ex is following them with a camera crew. He has full custody so it doesn’t matter that she’s the mother, make sure security keeps her away.”

I blinked in shock at her words, at the vehemence contained within each syllable. Augusta was a woman who protected the innocent. “Thanks,” I told her. “I didn’t even think of that.”

She smiled and stepped into a pair of jeans that clung to her hips and ass. “Not the first dysfunctional family I’ve had to deal with, believe it or not.”

“Ouch, I think.”

She grinned and folded her arms across the matching blue bra. “You want me to apologize or you want to get to the hospital?” Augusta put a t-shirt on and walked from the room. “I’m driving,” she called out without waiting for an answer, or for me.

“My car is blocking yours,” I told her when I caught up to her at the front door where she slid into a pair of sneakers.

“I’ll drive your car, then. Come on. Rosie will be scared and wondering where her daddy is.” She was a force to be reckoned with, forging ahead with concern only for my sick and scared little girl.

I jumped into the passenger seat and sighed. “Thank you, for being levelheaded right now.”

She flashed a sweet smile and stepped on the gas a little harder than she needed to but it felt like just a couple of minutes passed before she tugged me from the car, through the hospital doors and up to the pediatric wing. My legs moved on autopilot until the sound of a girl’s scream stopped them completely. “Rosie? Rosie, is that you?”

“Daddy, I’m here! Can you hear me, Daddy?” The fear and tension in her voice started my legs moving to a fast walk and then a run.

My little girl was afraid and I needed to get to her. Now.

“To the left,” Augusta called behind me just as I was about to turn right.

“Daddy!” Rosie called out again and I found her room.

I stopped in the doorway as I took in the scene, and the reason for Rosie’s screams. Trishelle stood against the door, a cameraman beside her, Ollie between them and my little girl, protecting her. I grabbed his camera and tossed it on the floor. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing in here?”

Trishelle blinked her long lashes innocently, a small smile tipping her lips up. “I came to see my little girl.”

“Without my permission? Without calling first?”

“Not in here,” Augusta said, her voice gentle but firm, her hand on my arm.

I shrugged off her touch and turned back to my ex. “Well? Answer me, dammit!”

Trishelle tried to turn on the charm and sauntered over to me, she put one hand to my chest possessively. “Are you upset with me, Antonio?”

I grabbed her wrist harder than I should have and pushed her away. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“My daughter is in the hospital,” she pouted.

“No thanks to you,” Oliver added gruffly and I nodded my appreciation to the old man for keeping Rosie safe. “She was fine and dandy until you showed up and upset her.”

“Antonio, please.”

“You have ten seconds to get the hell out of this room and out of my sight or I’ll have a judge on the phone within the hour. You are still on probation, aren’t you?”

Outrage flashed in her eyes before she turned her focus to an easier target. Augusta. “What do we have here, Antonio? You got a new girlfriend,” she asked with a laugh. “Banging chubby chicks, now? I told you moving back here was a bad idea.”

Augusta appeared unaffected by her words but the tension in her jaw told me otherwise. I got in Trishelle’s face, towered over her with a scowl. “Better than a strung out junkie who neglects her own flesh and blood. You don’t even care that seeing you is why she’s in the hospital now, do you?”

Her face paled at my words and I knew I hit my target. “How dare you!”

“How dare I what,” I barked out a bitter laugh, “tell the truth? I kept my word to you and I never told anyone why I divorced you, and this is how you repay me? Too bad for you.”

“Antonio,” she whispered in a pleading voice that didn’t affect me at all. “Please.”

“Stop it. Now. Both of you.” Augusta stood between us and nodded towards the door. “Out of this room or it’ll be out of the hospital next.” Her green eyes begged me not to keep this up in front of my daughter and I pointed to the hall for Trishelle and her cameraman.

“Out. Now.”

“Antonio don’t do this. Please.”

“Oh now you want to be reasonable? I guess that means your followers, your fans, the producers don’t know that you OD’d on the sofa while our daughter almost died beside you? They don’t know that the heartbroken mother thing is just an act?”

She turned to the cameraman who had his phone out, recording surreptitiously. “Seriously, Gabe?”

He shrugged. “This is gold and you know it.”

“Gabe,” she squealed.

“This could be great for a redemption arc,” he told her, still filming unapologetically.

She turned back to me with a glare. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because, Trishelle. Because you ambushed me on the street and tried to rope me into your bullshit. Because you did it again, you showed up when you shouldn’t have and upset Rosie. Look where we are and all you’re worried about is your stupid fucking career.”

“It wasn’t me,” she insisted. “That old man wouldn’t let me talk to her. I’m her mother.”

“Only biologically. You lost those rights, remember?”

“You won’t let me forget,” she scoffed, always the victim. It was never her fault, not when she overdosed, not when she screwed up. Never.

“Yet here you are, like you forgot. Again. Maybe you ought to slow down on the drugs.” Her eyes were wide and red and she couldn’t stay still, a clear sign she was still using.

“Maybe you’re here in this shitty little town with your fat girlfriend and you just want to erase me, like I never existed.” Her phony pout left me unmoved.

I leaned in close and got in her face. “Don’t ever come to my town and insult it or the people I care about. The people I love.” The words were out before I could stop them.

Trishelle flicked her hair over her shoulder and scoffed. “Oh please, spare me the fake outrage, you couldn’t wait to get out of this town.”

She wasn’t wrong. At nineteen, I was eager to leave my small town roots behind me. That was then. “This might surprise you, Trishelle, but some people actually grow up. They mature and instead of partying and getting high all the time, they turn into adults with responsibilities and real relationships. They take care of their kids instead of wasting money on designer brands and too much plastic surgery.”

At those last words, she looked to the camera again and sure enough, Gabe had captured it all. “I have not had plastic surgery!” She stomped her feet, a clear sign a tantrum was coming. “I wish I never met you.”

“I wish I could hate you, but I’m glad you left everything that was once good about you, in Rosie. Reality TV can have the rest of you.” I cast one last look at her and sighed. She wasn’t worth my anger or my pity. “Rosie needs me,” I told her and walked off to check on my kid.

She was curled in Augusta’s lap, her little arms wrapped around her as she sniffled. Augusta whispered something in her ear that made her smile through her tears. Rosie smacked a kiss to her cheek and let Augusta dry her tears. “Thank you, Gus.”

“That’s what friends are for, right?”

Rosie nodded and hugged her tighter.

That’s when I realized that my words to Trishelle weren’t just spoken in the moment, they were true. I loved Augusta.

Holy shit, I loved her.

Now I just had to tell Augusta how I felt about her, and make her believe it.
