Loving the Nurse by Piper Sullivan


Ishouldn’t have been eavesdropping. I knew that from the moment I heard Augusta’s honeyed voice, but I just couldn’t’ help myself.

The men in this town must be idiots to let this gorgeous woman with such a hot body spend her nights alone, and even worse, thinking that those curves weren’t appreciated. Six months? That was unreal. It was a goddamn travesty is what it was. Hearing that, or maybe it was the pragmatic way she said the words, forced the words from my mouth.

Megan laughed as I knew she would, because the pretty baker appreciated a good flirting session.

Augusta looked up at me with wide green eyes, darkened with a hint of lust. I watched her pulse flutter in her neck, took stock of her glazed over eyes and slightly open mouth. Yeah, she wanted me, even if she didn’t want to. “Seriously?”

I nodded. “Yeah. Six months is a long time, Augusta.”

“No kidding,” she agreed with a half amused grunt of laughter.

“No woman should have to go without an orgasm for so long.”

One reddish gold brow arched. “Who said I’ve been without an orgasm?”

Now that question instantly brought forth images of her splayed out naked on her back, legs spread wide as she pleasured herself. Did she watch porn? Did she use her attraction to me as inspiration?

“I’m much better than batteries,” I assured her and ignored the press of my cock to my zipper.

“Cockier, that’s for sure.”

I shrugged because Augusta wasn’t wrong, I was a cocky son of a bitch. “In more ways than one, sweetheart.” I winked and she gifted me with another of those eyerolls I couldn’t get enough of. Probably because I knew it was a defence mechanism.

“So you’re hung, you’ve got wicked staying power and you’re gorgeous? I wonder why the women in town aren’t banging down your door.” She tapped her chin like she was really giving it some thought as her gaze slid to my crotch and the growing bulge I was powerless to hide.

The fact that she was attracted me but didn’t seem to like me very much was a strange twist that I couldn’t resist. “Who said they aren’t?” They were, in droves truthfully. But I was already burned once by a woman who chose drugs over her family, and I wasn’t putting myself in that position again. No way. No how. No thanks.

“Right.” She drew the word out for several long seconds as her green eyes filled with heat once again. For a second I thought maybe she would take me up on my offer, but then the stubborn woman changed the subject. “I made your char Siu for my dad the other day. It was a big hit. Be cocky about that.”

Holy shit, those words were even hotter than the green dress that showed off miles of cleavage that had my mouth watering to taste her. “You subscribe to my channel?”

“Yeah. Turns out you’re a pretty good teacher, and I’m expanding my culinary horizons thanks to you.” She was sincere, and now I really wanted her, which meant I would have her. In time.

I grabbed a chair from the table beside where Augusta and Megan sat, turning it backwards to hide the effect sparring with the pretty nurse was having on me. “You have me right here in town and you learn from the internet? I’m hurt.”

Augusta laughed, and it was a pretty sound, husky and feminine. “I can unsubscribe if you want. I’m sure there are other tattooed chefs I can learn from when my schedule allows it.”

“No need to be hasty,” I assured her because subscribers helped me pay the bills. “But I could give you a few lessons if you’d like.”

She arched a brow and folded her arms, skepticism written all over her face. “Is that a euphemism, or is it a genuine offer?”

It was my turn to laugh. “Can’t it be both?”

“It could,” she conceded, “but I know guys like you, all talk with a disappointing show. Maybe there’s some assistant behind the camera doing all the hard work.”

“You can ask Ollie. Who do you think made that breakfast you were drooling over?”


I nodded, and I couldn’t help my satisfied smile. “Yeah. I melted the butter with the maple syrup and let it firm up again, that’s why it’s so smooth and spreadable.”

Augusta licked her lips and once again, those emerald eyes darkened to a deep forest green. She turned her gaze away from me and faced Megan, who offered up an encouraging, wide-eyed smile.

“Fine,” she turned back to me with a deliberately bored expression. “I accept the offer of cooking lessons, but I will resist your other offer.”

“You can try, Augusta, but we’ll see, won’t we?” I could already see her riding my cock, I could taste her sweet juices, those plump tits as her red hair spread across my pillow. Down her shoulders. Our bodies slick with sweat.

“Yeah, we will,” she insisted, her chin notched high in the air, defiant as hell.

“I can’t wait to get started.” That much was the truth. I had plenty of women ask for cooking lessons, but every single time was a euphemism for other things. “Come by tonight at six for the first lesson.”

She frowned. “Who said I’m free tonight?”

“Cal. Said you were pulled into a double shift with him in the ER. He’s off so you are too. Right?”

She grinned. “Stalker, much?”

“Nope, not much. Just a little.”

Megan giggled and stood as she fanned her face. “All right you two, I’m off before you set the whole place on fire. Talk to you later, Gus.”

“We didn’t finish our conversation,” she insisted to Megan’s retreating back.

I laughed at how worried she looked about being left alone with me, but really, it boosted my confidence. “Six o’clock. Don’t be late. And please, keep the dress on, I have aprons to protect your clothes.” The shocked expression on her face, the slight parting of her plump lips, was so damn satisfying that I walked out of Better Baked without my weekly éclair fix.

I would just have to make some myself when I got home and have Augusta test them out for me later. Oh yeah, I liked that plan better.

A hell of a lot better.