The Dark of You by S.M. Shade


This book has been in my mind for a while, but I was a little hesitant to write it since it’s pretty different from my other books. So, I want to start by thanking my readers and especially my group, Shady Ladies, for all the enthusiasm and eagerness you showed when I tossed around the idea of a dark stalker romance. You gave me the confidence to get it out onto the paper. It’s the best feeling to know that even when I jump from New Adult to Comedy to MM to Dark Suspense, you amazing people will give it a chance. I’m so grateful I have the freedom to write the stories I’m feeling in the moment. Your support means everything. Thank you so much.

The first to read this and encourage me to finish it was my best frenemy, S.K. Rose. Yes, I’m saying thank you, Sam, don’t make a big deal out of it. I’ve tortured her with lots of phone calls and late night messages. I’d say I was sorry but no one would believe it so I’ll just say how much I appreciate you listening to me rant and change my mind a thousand times. I promise to be nicer to you for at least a week.

My alpha and beta readers gave fantastic feedback for this story, and were incredibly patient when long periods passed without another chapter. Your questions and messages kept me motivated, and you made the story much better. Chantal Baxendale, Serena McDonald, Aimee Degagne, Veronica Ashley, and Kelly Tucker, thank you for reading and all your hard work!

Serena McDonald, your messages cursing me out for days kept me laughing. Not even sorry. I am a little sorry that I spooked Veronica, who let me know she was reading it by herself in her house surrounded by woods. You’re a trooper, V.

I couldn’t do any of this without my PA, Melissa Teo, who not so gently told me to get my ass off Tiktok and social media to get this finished, then took over my group so I could do just that. Thank you for always being there.

The photo for the cover leaped out at me and I had to have it. Thanks to both the photographer, Wander Aguiar and the model, Lucas Loyola, for such a beautiful photo. The cover was created by Jena Brignola of Bibiliophile Productions, and I can’t recommend her enough. She did a fantastic job. Thanks, Jena.

The lovely formatting was done by Abigail Davies of Pink Elephant Designs. She does great work and is so kind and easy to work with. Thank you, Abi.

Finally, thank you to Danielle Sanchez of Wildfire Marketing Solutions and everyone else who helps me get my books out there. Whether you’re an author, blogger, influencer, page owner, or reader, thank you for sharing and supporting me.