Shift by Ginger Scott


Phew! Am I right?

This series has been such a rush to write. I cannot wait for my readers to experience every moment of it. I wanted you to have something special this summer. Of all summers, this one called for something big. I hope this book hits the spot for you.

I have a lot of people to thank for helping me get this baby over the finish line. (Get it?) As always, Autumn, you steer me in the right direction. I am forever grateful for your expertise, but even more for your friendship. Aly Stiles - you are more than a critique partner, you are literally a life coach. I’m not sure I know how to write without Rebecca Shea sitting across from me at a Panera. My betas for this baby, Jen and Shelley, you were patient and guided me so much. And Brenda Letendre, YOU were my Rusty Wallace. You kept me going when I was running on empty, and this book shines because of your editing. I’m so deeply proud of it, and I have you—all of you—to thank for that.

Mom, boys, and my gear-headed brother—you are the soft and chewy center of this book. But my sweet Lesley, you are the heart. It beats with your spirit. This series—it’s for you. Even if you’re too shy to read the saucy parts lol!

Thank you for taking this journey with me. If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a review, talking about it with a friend, forcing it in someone’s hands, shouting about it out the car window—pretty much anything. (Only kidding a little.) My readers are the only reason I get to do something with these stories in my head, and I am profoundly grateful. Now, back to the race. ;-)